(English) của Rockable là một ebook thương mại hóa về thiết kế theme cho WordPress. Trong cuốn ebook này bạn sẽ hiểu được những khái niệm cơ bản về thiết kế theme cho WordPress, cách dùng các biến của WordPress và quan trọng hơn hết là phần cấu trúc theme được trình bày khá chi tiết giúp bạn có cái nhìn bao quát về một theme của WordPress mà không cần tốn quá nhiều thời gian.
[...]... converting it to a WordPress theme Along the way, I’ll talk about the various theme pages we’re working with, the WordPress theme hierarchy, and of course, the WordPress Loop • Creating a Custom Post Type – This, in my humble opinion, is one of the best additions to WordPress in recent releases With the ability to make your own content types — each with its own theme template — you can take WordPress from... template into a working WordPress theme 17 Codex link: http://codex .wordpress. org/Function_Reference/register_sidebar 26 Converting HTML to a WordPress Theme Theme Template Hierarchy When deciding how to display content to the user, WordPress relies on a very sophisticated template hierarchy based on the theme s template names The only pages that are actually required to make a theme work properly are... http://www.envato.com Description: A business directory theme Version: 1.0 Author: Joe Casabona Author URI: http://www.casabona.org */ This gives WordPress everything it needs to know to list our theme in the Themes � Appearance section of our WordPress installation 11 Later on we’ll be uploading this to wp-contents/themes/ 21 Converting HTML to a WordPress Theme There is one more thing we need to do to this... to a WordPress Theme I’ll explain any other markup or CSS along the way Right now, let’s get in to actually building the theme! We’ll start by creating our theme folder — let’s call it /director/ 11 and copying the /css/ folder into it style.css/CSS Whenever I convert an HTML template to a WordPress theme, I start first with style.css, since it’s the easiest file to convert (plus, it defines the theme. .. create a business directory • Theme Options and Widgets – With WordPress, you can make a theme your own by adding a theme options page and custom widgets In these sections, we’ll make it very easy for people who use our themes to add their own customizations without delving into the code or creating a child theme • Creating a Plugin – One of the most powerful facets of WordPress is the fact that it’s... reference So without further ado, let’s get started! 15 Converting HTML to a WordPress Theme Converting HTML to a WordPress Theme Building Our HTML Theme Included with this book are a few things: the Photoshop files (PSDs) from which the design came, the HTML templates I created from the PSDs, and the fully functional WordPress theme While we won’t be going over slicing and dicing the PSDs, I will take... installation of WordPress without changing the core WordPress files There are vast directories of free 4 and premium5 plugins that vastly expand the capabilities of 4 http:/ /wordpress. org/extend/plugins/ 5 http://codecanyon.net/category/plugins /wordpress 13 Introduction WordPress In the final section of this book, we will build our own plugin This book should serve as a very linear guide to WordPress development... help of our functions.php file later on to declare our custom post type, but for now, we’re just going to: • Define two constants that we’ll use in our theme 13 http://codex .wordpress. org /Theme_ Development#Functions_File 23 Converting HTML to a WordPress Theme • Add menu support • Add support for a sidebar So in the /director/ folder, create a functions.php file and add the following lines: . and converting it to a WordPress theme. Along the way, I’ll talk about the vari- ous theme pages we’re working with, the WordPress theme hierarchy, and of course, the WordPress Loop. • Creating. started!