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Unit 7- E10Cb - writing

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? vitelseion oardi niteretn ewsnperpa Warmer: Game: Jumbled words Rearrange the letters to make right/good words: Rearrange the letters to make right/good words: Kobos: Ginemaza television Radio The Internet newspapers Warmer: Game: Jumbled words Rearrange the letters to make right/good words: Rearrange the letters to make right/good words: ? THE MASS MEDIA television Magazine Consolidation: Group-work Information Channel 1. Science and Education 2. For the overseas Vietnamese 3. Sports and entertainment programming. 4. For the Ethnic minority groups 5. General and informative channel, combination of politics, economy, culture and society. Which channel? VTV1, VTV2,VTV3, VTV4 and VTV5? VTV2 VTV4 VTV3 VTV5 VTV1  Official broadcast: September 7 th , 1970.  Official broadcast: January 1 st , 1990  Official broadcast: March 31 st , 1996.  Official broadcast: April 27 th , 2000.  Official broadcast: February 10 th , 2002. Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA LESSON 4: WRITING Writing about advantages and disadvantages Task 1: Read about the advantages and disadvantages of television below: Advantages of television Disadvantages of television 1, Television help us to learn more about the world and to know and see many new things. 2, Television can make things memorable because it presents information in an effective way. 3. It entertains us. Watching it is an enjoyable way to relax. 4, It increases the popularity of sports and games. 5, It makes us aware of our global responsibilities. 1, Television can make us passive. We don’t have to think so our brain become lazy. 2, It encourages us to buy things that we don’t needs. 3, It takes time away from activities such as reading and games. 4, Some television programmes may make people violent. 5, Television interferes with family life and communication. memorable(a)['memərəbl] đáng ghi nhớ, không quên được effective(a) [i'fektiv] có hiệu quả increase(v) ['inkri:s] tăng lên popularity (n) [,p pju'lærəti]ɔ tính phổ biến responsibility [ri,sp nsə'biləti]ɔ trách nhiệm global (a) ['gloubəl] toàn cầu encourage (v) [in'k rid ] ʌ ʒ khuyến khích violent (a) ['vaiələnt] hung bạo,quá khích interfere (with st.) (v) [,intə'fiə] gây trở ngại; cản trở 1.It only provides information aurally. It can be boring because we can't watch films or sports programs. 2. It increases the popularity of sports and games. 3, It helps us to learn more about the world and to know many new things. 4. It costs much money. We have to pay when we do things on- line such as watching films, listening to music or playing games. 5. We can listen to it almost everywhere with little cost and great convenience. 6. They are easy and cheap to use. We can take them along and read them everywhere. 7. They/ It encourage(s) us to buy things that we don’t needs. 8. It is sometimes harmful for people. They spend too much times playing games on-line or watching bad programs. 9. It can help us do a lot of things such as paying bills, sending and receiving letters, learning foreign languages. 10.They interfere with people’s private life. Some articles on them doesn’t say the truth. Work in pairs. Read the ideas on the mass media and write (A) if it is advantage and (D) if it is disadvantage. D D A A A A D D D A Advantages of the mass media Disadvantages of the mass media 2. It increases the popularity of sports and games. 3, It helps us to learn more about the world and to know many new things. 5.We can listen to it almost everywhere with little cost and great convenience. 6. They are easy and cheap to use. We can take them along and read them everywhere. 9. It can help us do a lot of things such as paying bills, sending and receiving letters, learning foreign languages. 1.It only provides information aurally. It can be boring because we can't watch films or sports programs. 4. It costs much money. We have to pay when we do things on- line such as watching films, listening to music or playing games. 7. They/ It encourage(s) us to buy things that we don’t needs. 8. It is sometimes harmful for people. They spend too much times playing games on-line or watching bad programs. 10.They interfere with people’s private life. Some articles on them doesn’t say the truth. Task 2: Work in pairs, choose the advantages and disadvantages of each type of the mass media, and write them down in columns below The Internet Newspapers Radio 4, 7, 8, 102, 3, 9 7, 102, 3, 6 1, 72, 3, 5 DisadvantagesAdvantages Task 3: * Read the ideas in Task 1 again and complete the passages about the advantages and disadvantages of television: • Television brings us a lot of advantages. First, television helps us (1) more about the world and to know and see many new things. Second, it can make things (2) because it presents information in an effective way. Third, it entertains us. (3) it is an enjoyable way to relax. Fourth, it increases the popularity of sport and games. Fifth, television makes us aware of our global responsibilities. • There are, however, some disadvantages of television. First, television makes us (4) We don’t have to think so our brains become lazy. Second, it encourages us to (5) things that we don’t need. Third, it takes time away from activities such as reading and games. Fourth, Some television(6) may make people violent. Lastly, television interferes with family life and communication. * Find the topic sentences of the two paragraphs: - Television brings us a lot of advantages. - There are, however, some disadvantages of television. * Find the connectors used in the passage: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, lastly. to learn memorable Watching passive buy programmes Task 3: Now, write about the advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media dicussed in Task 2: Advantages of the mass media Disadvantages of the mass media 2. It increases the popularity of sports and games. 3, It helps us to learn more about the world and to know many new things. 5.We can listen to it almost everywhere with little cost and great convenience. 6. They are easy and cheap to use. We can take them along and read them everywhere. 9. It can help us do a lot of things such as paying bills, sending and receiving letters, learning foreign languages. 1.It only provides information aurally. It can be boring because we can't watch films or sports programs. 4. It costs much money. We have to pay when we do things on- line such as watching films, listening to music or playing games. 7. They/ It encourage(s) us to buy things that we don’t needs. 8. It is sometimes harmful for people. They spend too much times playing games on-line or watching bad programs. 10.They interfere with people’s private life. Some articles on them doesn’t say the truth. The Internet Newspapers Radio 4, 7, 8, 102, 3, 9 7, 102, 3, 6 1, 72, 3, 5 DisadvantagesAdvantages Homework - Read and write more about advantages and advantages of the mass media. - Do the exercises in the exercisebook. - Prepare the next lesson. . broadcast: April 27 th , 2000.  Official broadcast: February 10 th , 2002. Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA LESSON 4: WRITING Writing about advantages and disadvantages Task 1: Read about the advantages. 3, 5 DisadvantagesAdvantages Homework - Read and write more about advantages and advantages of the mass media. - Do the exercises in the exercisebook. - Prepare the next lesson. . life and communication. * Find the topic sentences of the two paragraphs: - Television brings us a lot of advantages. - There are, however, some disadvantages of television. * Find the connectors

Ngày đăng: 19/07/2014, 11:01

Xem thêm: Unit 7- E10Cb - writing


Mục lục

    Warmer: Game: Jumbled words


    Task 1: Read about the advantages and disadvantages of television below:

    Task 3: * Read the ideas in Task 1 again and complete the passages about the advantages and disadvantages of television:

    Task 3: Now, write about the advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media dicussed in Task 2:


