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the power of intention

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THE POWER OF OTHER HAY HousE PRODUCTS BY DR. WAYNE W. DYER Excust?s FrornAlnbition to Getting in me Incredible You. ' (children's Inspiratian The Invisible .Force Ir:, No! H~~at }Gu've Got! rehildren's hook \\~th Kristina Tracv) Living tÚ ltl5dom oF the Tao A New \Miy ofThinking. a Ne\\,' H1Jy of Being (available August 200Y) A Promise 15 a Promise Staying On the Path 10 Secrets For Success and L~ner Peace Unstappab!e Me! (children's book with Traey) four Ultima te CaIling AUDIo/en PROGRAlVIS How tO Gel Reafly, Reafly, ReafIy, ReaIly \Mint Iflhu ¡he ,\;10y ¡hu Uve, the Life You ,4re Living Will Change (abrídged 4-CD Inspíration (abrídged 4-CD set) Inspiratíonal Thoughls lvlakin" Your Tno""hts Work for }óu (with Bvron Katie) ~ Meditations for lHandesting . 10] 11ilys lo Transform Your Life (audio book) The Power of Imentíon (abrídged 4-CD sel) 11 Promise 15 a Promise (audio book) The Secrets ofthe Po¡ver of In ten IÍO[J (6-CD set) 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace There 15 a Solutíon lo Every Problem The ColIection/CD ColIection Your JOllmey to Enlightenment (6-tape program) nVDs YO!lr Thoughts Change lÓllI Life lnspiration The Power of lntention JO Secret5 for Success and lnner Peace Theres a Solution to Every Problem MISCELLANEOUS ChangeYour hOI~iU:lts L,f18nJ?'e Your Lífe Perpetua! Flíp Calendar (available August 2008) ¡Vise/om Perpetual Flip Calendar Inner Peace Card, lm;plJ c a[J'On Cards Advallcíl1tl Jaur Spirít (with Maríanne Wílliamson) 10 Secrets for Success nOI11i[l[S L,nanlie Your UFe (unabridged audio bookl llJedilation ltlsdom book) Flip Calendar Cards FIip Calendar Peace Cards 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace gift products: No(eQJrds CandJe, and loumal All of the above are available at local bookstore, or may be ordered by visiling: Hay Hause USA www.hayhouse.com; HOllse Australia: www.hayhouse.com.au; Hay Hall.e UK: www.hayhouse.co.uk; Hay House South Africa: www.hayhouse.co.za; Hay Housc India: www.hayhouse.co.in THE POWER OF Dr. Wayne W. Dyer jf HAY HOUSE HAY HOUSE, INC. Carlsbad, California • New York London • Sydney e Johannesburg Vancouver e Hong Kong • New Delhi Copyright © 2004 by Wayne W Dyer published attd dist1"ibuted in the United States by: Hay House, lne.: vvww.hayhouse.com • Published and dist'I'Íbuted in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: www.hay house.com.au • Publislled and distributed in t1te United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: ww·w.hayhouse.co.uk. Publis1ted and disttibuted in tlle Republic of SoutlL4frica by: Hay House SA Ltd.: wv>'W.hayhouse.co.za • Distrihuted in Canada by: Raincoast: www.raincoast.com • Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: w'Ww.hayhouse.co.in "Vayne Dycl's editor: Joanna Pyle: www.editorjoanna.com Editorial superliisiol!: JíII Kramer. Design: Amy Gingery All rights reserved. 1'\0 part of this book may be reproduccd by any mechanical, pho- tographic, or electronic process. or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted. or otherwise be for public or private use··-other than for "fair use" as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews with- out prior written permission of the publisher. The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician. either or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer informa- tion of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and well-being, In the event you use of the informatíon ín thís book for yourself, whích ís your con- stítutional right, the and the publisher assume no responsibílity for your actions, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dyer, Wayne W. The poweT of intention : to co-create your world your way W. DyeT. p.cm. ISBN 1-4019-0215-4 ISB:\' 1-4019-0216-2 (tradepaper) l. Intentionalism. I. Title. BF619.5.D942004 158.I-dc2! 2003014622 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4019-0215-5 Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-4019-0216-2 II 10 09 08 29 28 27 26 1st printing, February 2004 26th printing, March 2008 Prínted in the United States of America "Evvu¡ 6&ZUty wlucP," ¿;; ;;evt ~ 6dow 6y 1'~;;0't5 o/ l'~tWIt ~;;oo&;; ~ ~ aiU.jtluJu¡ d;;~ fPu:¿t cJ¿;;tud ;;O~ fwm wlzLcA w~ a1t CO~ . " - Michelangelo ".5e1f-;¿uJ¿3afwlt ~;; fPu:¿t w~ ha.:V~ 6evt COIt;;cLoU;;~ coMUtid wdft oW¿, ;;o~ o/ 6~. O~ w~ fuL'V~ 1fl.Lid~ fft¿;; COMUtWIt, ffu.Jt ItOtIuJu¡ am ~O wlW~ . " - Swamí Paramananda Fo/& rru¡ daw¡~f& Sk1¡e- J1y&. foWl- ;¡,w¡;w¡; volee,. ¿;¡, a r+ fV ¿Í;lU2twna1 mafcA fo Y0Wl- a.IUJ~ ;¡,ou1. I tuve- you! CONTENTS Preface: ,. PART 1: THE ESSENTIALS OF I~TENTION Chapter 1: Intention from a New Perspective .3 21 35 61 Chapter 2: The Seven Faces of Intention Chapter 3: Connecting to lntention Chapter 4: Obstacles to Connecting to Intention Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Intentíon and Infinity 111 Your Impact on Others \Vhen Connected to Intention 89 PART 11: PUTfING INTENTION 'IO WORK (Eight chapters offering specific information and a step-by-step guide for applying these principIes to your daily life.) Chapter 7: It J5 My Jntention ro: Respect lVIyself at A1I Times 133 147 Chapter 8: Jt Is NIy 1ntention to: Uve lVIy Life on Purpose Chapter 9: Cltapter ID: Cltapter 11: CItapter 12: Chapter 13: CItapter 14: 1t Is MI' Jntention to: Be Authentic and PeacefuI with AÍI of lVIy Relatives 163 Jt 15 lvIy 1ntention to: Feel SuccessfuI and Attract Abundance into lVIy Life 173 Jt Js M)' Jntention to: Uve a Stress-Free, Tranquíl Ufe 187 1t 1s My Jntention to: Attract Ideal People and Divine Relationships 201 1t 15 NIy Intention to: Optimize lVIy Capacity to HeaI and Be Healed 215 It Js Intention to: Appreciate and Express the Genius That 1 Am 231 PART III: THE CONNECTION Chapter 15: A Portrait of a Person Conneeted to ihe Field of Intention ~. . . 245 Acknowledg1nents 257 About tite Author 259 ~-_ __ ._ [...]... away from the power of intention No matter whether you call it God, Spirit, Source, or intention, be aware that unkind thoughts weaken, and kind thoughts strengthen, your ~ 25 connection Creativity and kindness are two of the seven faces of intention 3 The face of love The third of the seven faces of intention is the face of love That there's a life-givíng nature inherent in the power of intention. .. could be outside of ourselves, floating aboye our body, like the spirit of the Japanese lady on the beach yesterday From this perspective, 1 imagine myself looking at the faces of intention through eyes that are capable of seeing hígher vibrations The Seven Faces of Intention l The face of creativity The first of the seven faces of íntention is the creatÍve expression of the power of intentÍon that... Instead, the power of íntention has a face of kindness It is kind energy íntendíng what it's creating to flourish and grow, and to be happy and fulfilled Our existence is proof to me of the kindness of intention Choosing to be kind is a choice to have the power of intention active in your life The posítive effect of kindness on the immune system and on the íncreased production of serotonin in the brain... you have a free vvill, and are you a part of the destiny of intention? Yeso Fuse the dichotomy Blend the opposites, and live vvith both of these beliefs Begin the process of allowing Spirit to work with you, and link up to the field of intention ~ 14 At Intention, Spirit Will Workfor You! With your free will conscíously decíding to reconnect to the power of intention, you're altering its direction You'll... concept of what l refer to as the seven faces of inten­ tion These points represent my imagined picture of what the power of intention looks like Intention is something that l believe we can feel, connect with, know, and trust les an inner awareness that we explicitly feel, and yet at the same time cannot truly describe with words l use this concept to help guide me toward the power of intention that's the. .. substance in the body that makes us feel more comfortable, peaceful, and even blissful In fact, the role of most antidepressants is to stímulate the production of serotonin chemically, helping to ease depression Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed toward another improves the functioning of the immune system and stim­ ulates the production of serotonin in both the redpíent of the kind­... to feel pleasant recognition and reverence for the unity of Spirit and yourself as an individual concentration of it 1 silently repeat the word intent or intention to help me get my ego and my self­ absorption out of the picture 1 think often of this quote from Cas­ taneda's Power of SUence: "Having lost hope of ever returning to the source of everything, the average man seeks solace in his self­ ishness."... contained intention, which brought you from no where to naw here 24 . hands, and all of the informatíon it contains, was once a forrnless idea resid- ing in the invisible domain of the field of intention. This book, The Power of Intention, was. either or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer informa- tion of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and well-being, In the event you use of. part of every speech 1 gave. 1 immersed myself in this idea to use it, not only for my own healing, but to help others use the power of intention to carry them where they're

Ngày đăng: 19/07/2014, 06:43