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boost listening 2

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Listen to the lecture and take notes on a separate piece of paper.Then check [/] ttre two main ideas.1 2 Mony people will move from cities.. Write the answers, using your notes tothe dia

Trang 1

Unit Topic

Each unit has a cross-cunicular and

age-Students will

find the topic directly relates to their

lives and study

be engaged and motivated to learn

Listening Skill

A very simple introduction of the targeted unit

skill is followed by a skill discovery activity

Students will

be introduced to the listening skill ina

clear and understandable way

discover the listening skill for themselves

without need for long explanations


A pre-listening task prepares students for the mainlistening passage, which is accompanied by a guidednote-taking activity

Students will learn to predict listening content based on context develop key note-taking skills to aid comprehension

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I J t E r n I 9

passage show students natural English speech

native-Students will

a be able to improve their comprehension

of natural spoken English

develop their own pronunciationand intonation skills

Audio CD

The CD at the back

for all listening

the audio for the


Trang 2

be given allthe tools to decode and

comprehend a wide variety of listening


IntegrationThe listening skill is combined with speaking,reading and writing activities

Students will learn to use a listening passage to springboardinto productive activities

develop the language skills needed for the nextgeneration of integrated tests of English

After every two core units I

there is a Review quiz which I

consolidates the listening I

skills already studied

Students will

o be able to see therr

progress in usrng their

listening skills

6 build on previously taught

skills to understand natural

spoken English in various


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Trang 3

Evaluation p 8

Theme: Environment

Warmer and Warmer

The Great Outtloors

Scien(e andNature

Finding the main tecture on globalideas (l) warming p 9

sports andleisure

Listening tordetails:Whqwnen, wnere,why and how

Dialogue aboutcamping p 1 3

p 1 7Review I

Culture andPeople

Flndlng the mainideas (2)

Makinginferences (1):

Who and what

Radio programdiscussingbinhday traditions ts'-and history


5ports andlelsure



lecture on theGrand Canyon

Dialogue about astudentl varation Y -"

Review 3

Yaeation Fun

p 37

Trang 4



Culture andPeople


History andGeography

Trang 5

F i n d i n g t h e m a i n i d e a s ( 1 )

Unit 2

L i s t e n i n g f o r d e t a i l s : W h o , w h e n ,where, why and how

Unit 3

F i n d i n g t h e m a i n i d e a s ( 2 )Unit 4

U nderstanding pronouns


Trang 6

Warmer and Warmer

iltfhmt mnEgh*t fuapp*n lf cur

planet heeomes toa h*t?

ffiiseuss ycur afiswers"

F i n d i n g E h e m a i n id e a s {tJ

LEstcr"s tc t['re Neeture amd eheck f/3 tl're boxes eaeh tirne you hear th e word

Trang 7


r Complete the sentences using the words.

.xit! ::r )'i@e.- 'tift"+.=s -.1 llriiF=.iriniirpri

ore big sheets of ice on lond.

i ot ih il;;o",ll'nt

continent covered inPenguins ond seols hove odopted to cold

listen to the lecture and

take notes

Port BKey words:

Trang 8

you Then listen again to

s to guide

Whot key words does the speoker repeot in Pqrt A?

2 Whot key words does the speoker repeot in Port B?

Circle the two main ideas

a Scientists ore wotching glociers in Asio, Europe

ond North Americo

b Globol worming is melting the world's glociers

c Wormer temperotures moy be killing onimols

ond birds in Antorctico

d The South Pole hos o lot of snow ond ice

To show the moin ideos more cleorly, speokers sometimes soy the key words more loudlyond slowly

Listen However, os the temperature oround Antarctica

gets warmer, they ore hoving trouble surviving

Listen to the statements and write the key words

Trang 9

Listen to the lecture and take notes on a separate piece of paper.Then check [/] ttre two main ideas.



Mony people will move from cities

There will be much more roin throughout

the world

One negotive effect of globol worming

is o higher seo level

There will be more floods ond droughts

becouse of globol worming

t , j

t i

i l l

Write one effect of global warming and think of a problem it might cause.Then ask a classmate and write his/her ideas

Tell the class your classmate's ideas.

Trang 10

The Great Outdoors

How can you stay safe when

camping? Discuss your answ€rs.

Listening for details: Who, when, where, why and how

Listen to the dialogue and circle the correct detail{s}

1 : 0 0pocket


3 : 0 0string


5 : 0 0knife

Mory mountoin flowers

7 : O O zipper

1 3

Trang 11

Pretend you are camping with your friends Write three things you need to do

Trang 12

Write the answers, using your notes to

the dialogue to check your answers,

guide you Then listen again to

Why did the boys put the tent by the trce?

2 Who is the womon?

How cqn the boy light the fire?

4 When should the bovs Dut the fire out?

Where should the boys leove their trosh bogs?

Speqkers often join smqll words together into one word For exomple: how + is = how's

Listen. Ilow's the fire going?




Look at the quesfion words (who, when,where,why, how)

Trang 13

Listen to the voice message and take notes on a

separate piece of paper Then complete the table.

Write an email inviting a friend to ioin the hike Include important details from your notes.

Read your email to the class,

Trang 14

Listen to the lecture and take notes on a separate piece of paper.

Then write the answer

Whqt key words does the speqker repeot in the lecture?

@l Circle tne main idea of the lecture.

a Humons ore burning forests for fqrmlqnd

b Scientists ore mqking greenhouse gqses

c Humqns ore creqting q lot of greenhouse goses

d Cool is imporlqnt for mqking elect city

Listen to the statements and write the kev words

Trang 15

paper. notes on a separate

Where orc the girls going?

When is the trip?

How ore they getting there?

Why does Poulo not need to toke o tent?

Who else is 9oin9?

Listen to the statements and write the contracted words

Then write their full form

Trang 16

Birthday Parties


i! low did you celebrate your last birthday? Discuss your answers

F i n d i n g t h e m a i n id e a s [2]

Listen to the radio program and complete the question

Whot ore some of the

1 9

Trang 17

Whqt do people do on their birthdqy in your country?

Whot foods do people eot on their birthdoy in your country?

Listen to the radio program and take notes.

Question (s) :Question (s) :

Trang 18

Write the answers, using your notes to guide

radio program to check yout answers.

you Then listen again to the

Whqt is the moin ideo of Sqrqh Wison's report?

Whot is the mqin ideo of Peter Lee's report?

A speqker moy stress some words to show o controst between two ideos These words

r,nclude but, although, however, while, whereos

Listen. In the United Stqtes children get birthdoy cqke,

but in Russiq mqny children get birthdqy pie

Listen to the statements and number the ideas in the order that you

hear them Then write the word that shows the contaast.

light during porty

celebrqte on sqme dqy

ger money

eqt cqke l

light condles in morningcelebrote on dote of birthger presenrs

afe smaller bits oF information that suooort the main ideas



Trang 19

Read the passage.

My birthdqy's coming soon qnd I wqnt to

hove o porty It'd be greot if I could invite

my whole clqss ond mqke it q very big porty

At the porty, I d like to hqve chocolote coke

ond ploy cord gomes Then I wont to go to

the qmusement pqrkl

Listen to the passage and take notes on a separate piece of paper. Then write the answer.

Whot question does the speoker osk2

Reqding Possoge Listening Possoge

Trang 20

International Festival

-What foreign countries have

you visited? Discuss your


M a k i n g i n f e r e n c e s [ ' l ] : W h o a n d w h a t

When you listen, sor.etimes you will need to make inferences This rneans us ng informationyou hear to make smarb guesses about somethrng For exarnple, you m6y need to makenferences 6bout peop e [who] and actions lwhat]

Listen to the dialogue and match the people with the tasks

Trang 21

Pretend you are planning an International Festival at your school Think of a classmate that could do each task and give a reason.

Listen to the dialogue and take notes



Trang 22

re the best for each task Use your notes to

r the dialogue to check your answers.

TqskMoving furniture

JqneJonePointing country flogs Brion

column ofyour notes to infer thebest task for each pefson

Sometimes the only difference between two words is q consonont sound You need to be

qble to identify the differcnt consonqnt sounds to guess the correct word


/ We need people to{ d,o o lot of things

po,lrd 7 6ii)) 7 so,'r'd

3 rows / shows / toes

4 might / light / right


Listen to the statements and cilcle the word you hear


Trang 23

Read the email from your penpal Jane.

Write a short email to Jane answering her questions.



Subjectr Rer Your school

Read your email to the class,

Trang 24

Listen to the radio program and take notes on a separate piece ofpaper Then circle the cottect answer.

Which question word is used to

introduce the mqin ideq?

Trang 25

Listen to the dialogue and take notes on a separate piece of paper. Then circle the collect answer.

Whot cqn we infer would be

the best tqsk for Lindq?

from her mom's ort store

Who con we infer would be the

a Mory

b Tony

c Lindq

d Ron

best person to tqke core of lhe music'

3 Whqt con we infer would be the best tosk for Ron?

a boking o coke

b getting decorutions ftom his mom's ort store

c mqking decorotions

d bringing music

Listen to the statements and circle the word you hear

1 would / should / could

2 might / write / light

3 coke / boke / moke

4 fit / sit / bit

Trang 26

Naturallly Beautiful

What are some beautiful

natural places in your countty?

Discuss your answers


U n d e r s t a n d i n g d i f f i c u l t w o r d s

Somebimes a speaker may use difficult wo.ds To help you understand thern, he/she might

explaln their me6ning These explanations usually come aftea the word and are sometimes

tntroduced by oti you know whlch is or that is



Listen to the lecture and check [/] the words the speaker explains,




Trang 27

@ comptete tne sentences using the words.

ground visit locoted long

The Gmnd Cqnyon is

in Arizono in the United Stqtes

More thqn five million tou sts

it everY Yeor

The cqnyon is over 440 kilomete$

In some ploces, it goes more thon 1,800

meters into the

Listen to the lecture and take notes

Word: depthExplonotion:

Word: roseExplonqtion:

Trang 28

to the lecture to check your answers.

The Grond Cqnyon hos on overoge of 1,200 mete6

b depth

d erode

Speokers moy pouse when they wont to odd extro informotion in o sentence, such os onexDlonotion for q difficult word

Listen. Second, the ground oround the dvers olso rose, (pouse)

or moved up (pause), over time

Listen to the statements and draw a Ul to show where the extra information was added.

1 Niogorq Folls wos mode by glociers^housonds ofyeols qgo.

2 Angel Fqlls is the tollest wqterfoll in the world

3 Mormore Fqlls is the tollest mon-mode wotefoll in the world

4 victod; Fqlls is in zimbqbwe

Use the exp anations youwrote down n your notes toanswer the questions

Trang 29

Listen to the class report and take notes on a separate piece of paper.Then write the explanations.


() oecide what you would like to see in Antarctica and why Then ask a classmate


and write his/her ideas

penguins mountoins glociers

Trang 30

Where did yo


Understanding pronouns

Pronouns are words such as I yo4 he, het: it, they theirand t/tern Speakers often use pronouns

to refer to nouns [peoply'things] they have aheady mentioned You need to be able to figure outwhich nouns they refer to

Listen to the dialogue and look at the statements Then write what each underlined pronoun refers to.

It wqs fqntostic!

Yeah, were greqt!

got reolly bodly sunbumed





Trang 31

Write a sentence about €ach picture.

Listen to the dialogue and take notes.Aucklqnd, New Zeolond

Trang 32

Circle the correct answer, using your notes to guide you Then listen again

to the dialogue to check your answers.

who does "she" refer to?

She enioyed shopping olmost every doy

Whqt does "it" rcfer to?

It wqs so beoutiful The woter ond

mountqins there were incredible

a The Kqwqrqu River

b Milfod sound

c Aucklond

d The Lord of the Rings

Whqt does "it" rcfer to?

We thought it would be rcolly scory, but

it wos octuolly quite fun

When qsking questions, speokers sometimes ioin the sounds of two or three smqll words

together For exomplet What did you doZ sounds like Whodja do?

Listen. Whot did you do there?

Listen to the questions and write the missing words.





see the lqke? By boot?

been? The beqch?

think of your photos?


Trang 33

Listen to the dialogue and takeThen circle the correct answer.

notes on a separate piece of

Who does "she" refer to?

She soid she's going to show me mony different ploces

c Moy's sister d Moy's mom

Who does "they" refer to?

flgy think I should see different countries

a Moy qnd her ftiend

b Moy ond Pom

Trang 34

Listen to the class report and take notes on a separate piece ofpaper Then circle and write the correct answer.

: l

Whot ore "fjords"?

a deep vqlleys in Norwoy

b o kind of beoch

c high cliffs qbove o loke

d norrow oreos ofseq between

According to the report, whot formed the fjords?

Listen to the statements and draw a Ul where the extra information

w a s a d d e d

1 The Norwegion fjords ore o populor destinotion for many tourists

2 Fiordlond olso hos mody fiords

3 In the fjods, often the only kind of tronsportotion is the felly

4 In Scotlond, there ore mony norrow oreos ofseo which ore similor to fjords

Trang 35

Listen to the dialogue and takeThen circle the correct answer.

notes on a separate piece of paper.

Whot does "it" refer to?

It wos so goodl

a the hotel

b Mike's trip

c Mike's fomily

d the swimming pool

Who does "we" refer to?

Well, there were o lot of things wecould do there

a Mike ond his mom

b Mike ond his sister

c Mike ond his dod

d Mike ond his fqmily

who does "she" refer to?

Sometimes she cqme swimming

think of his tour of New Zeolond?

going to get to the islond?


Trang 36

Hollywood and Bollrrwood

What kind ot movies do you like?

Discuss your answers.

ldentifying similarities and differences

When you listen to a speaker talk about two or more things, yo! may need to identtfy how theyare similar and how they are different To compare the things being dlscussed, divide yournotes rnto columns

Listen to the class report and take notes

Q f dentifV the similarities and differences with a classmate.

Trang 37

{iI w.it" a sentence about each picture,

Hollywood (Americqn movie industry)

Locotion: Los Angeles, United Stotes

Bollywood {lndion movie industry)Locqtion: Mumboi, Indio

Listen to the lecture and take notes


Trang 38

Check [/l which movie industry the detail is about Then write Similar orDilfercnt,

Holl)'wood Bollywood


1 is in Indiq

2 is nomed qfter o ploce

3 produces mqny musicqls

4 mokes very expensive movies

5 uses stqls to help movies become populqr

6 mokes more thon o thousqnd movies




topic has started.

U n i t e d K i n g d o m

Ngày đăng: 17/07/2014, 18:50

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