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AV8. Unit 15: Language focus

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  • Period 96 Teaching date: 24/4/2010

  • Unit 15: Language focus

  • Activity 1: Complete the dialogue using Yet or Already

  • Activity 2: Ask and answer questions about the flights

  • Activity 3: Read the sentences. Check the correct column

  • Activity 4: Complete the dialogue using Present perfect or Past tense

  • Slide 7


Nội dung

Period 96 Period 96 Teaching date: 24/4/2010 Teaching date: 24/4/2010 Unit 15: Language focus Unit 15: Language focus I. Objectives : I. Objectives : - After the lesson Ss will be able to revise the present - After the lesson Ss will be able to revise the present perfect tense and compare with the simple past tense perfect tense and compare with the simple past tense -To drill Ss writing and speaking skills. -To drill Ss writing and speaking skills. II. Language contents: II. Language contents: 1. 1. Vocabulary: No Vocabulary: No 2. 2. Grammar: Present perfect with Yet and Already, Past Grammar: Present perfect with Yet and Already, Past simple tense simple tense Activity 1: Complete the dialogue using Activity 1: Complete the dialogue using Yet or Already Yet or Already Do homework Do homework Tidy the room Tidy the room Turn of the washing machine Turn of the washing machine Call and tell Aunt Le to have lunch Call and tell Aunt Le to have lunch √ x √ √ Ba’s mother: Have you finished your homework yet? Ba: Yes, ………………… Ba’s mother: Good. What about your room? Is it tidied now? Ba: I’m sorry, Mom. ……………………………………………… Ba’s mother: Bad boy, Ba. And the washing machine! Have you turned it off yet? Ba: Don’t worry, Mom. ………………………………………… Ba’s mother: Have you called and told Aunt Le to have lunch with us today? Ba: Yes, ……………………………………………………………………………………… … ………………… and she said she would come I have already finished it, Mom. I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet. I have already turned it off I have already called and told her to have lunch with us. Activity 2: Ask and answer Activity 2: Ask and answer questions about the flights questions about the flights EX: Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet? Yes. It has already departed EX: Has the flight form Los Angeles arrived yet? No. It hasn’t arrived yet. Activity 3: Read the sentences. Activity 3: Read the sentences. Check the correct column Check the correct column Finish Finish incomplete incomplete a. I’ve been to Sa Pa highland a. I’ve been to Sa Pa highland b. They have lived in Ca Mau for 10 b. They have lived in Ca Mau for 10 years years c. She has finished her homework c. She has finished her homework d. He has worked with the computer d. He has worked with the computer since early morning since early morning e. We have found the problems with the e. We have found the problems with the printer printer f. Someone has unplugged the printer f. Someone has unplugged the printer g. People have received information g. People have received information through the internet recently through the internet recently √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Activity 4: Complete the dialogue Activity 4: Complete the dialogue using Present perfect or Past tense using Present perfect or Past tense Ba: …………… you …………… The film Jurassic Park yet? (see) Nam: Yes, I have Ba: When …………… you …………. it? Nam: I ……………it three months ago Loan: We …………………. a vacation since last year (no have) Chi: Why not? Loan: My parents …………………. very busy since then (be) Have seen did see saw Hasn’t had Has been Nga: …………… you …………. the news about Nam? (hear) Mai: No. What …………………….? (happen) Nga: He …………………. an accident. He was jogging. He suddenly ……………… and ……………… his leg (fall, break) Sung: ………………… the plane ……………… yet? (arrive) Clerk: Yes, it …………… Sung: When ……………… it ……………….? Clerk: It …………………. at the airport two hours ago. Have heard happened had fell broke Has arrived has did arrive arrived HOMEWORK HOMEWORK - Learn the lesson again Learn the lesson again - Prepare Unit 16: Getting & Listen Prepare Unit 16: Getting & Listen and read and read . Period 96 Period 96 Teaching date: 24/4/2010 Teaching date: 24/4/2010 Unit 15: Language focus Unit 15: Language focus I. Objectives : I. Objectives : - After the lesson Ss will be able. drill Ss writing and speaking skills. -To drill Ss writing and speaking skills. II. Language contents: II. Language contents: 1. 1. Vocabulary: No Vocabulary: No 2. 2. Grammar: Present perfect. HOMEWORK HOMEWORK - Learn the lesson again Learn the lesson again - Prepare Unit 16: Getting & Listen Prepare Unit 16: Getting & Listen and read and read

Ngày đăng: 17/07/2014, 11:00



