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unit one/ English 12/ Home life

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EXERCISE FOR UNIT 1 – ENGLISH 12 : HOME LIFE EX 1 : choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 1. A. care B. share C. parent D. garbage 2. A. role B. most C. mother D. social 3. A. chance B. chores C. choose D. chemistry 4. A. agree B. privacy C. private D. address 5. A. envy B. equal C. centre D. guest Ex2 : choose the word wuth the different stress pattern . 1. A. return B. parents C. weekend D. household 2. A. project B. garbage C. message D. disturb 3. A. holiday B. different C. interesting D. important 4. afford B. nuclear C. problem D. lifestyle 5. A. solution B. obedient C. confidence D. supportive Ex3 : Vocabulary : Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence. 1.There’s no place like………… A. house B. home C. home base D. household 2.She was very ……during my father’s illness A. support B. supporter C. supporting D. supportive 3. Please come ……… and see us some time. You are always welcome A. to B. away C. round D. about 4. They have responsibility…….ensuring that the rules are enforced A. On B. for C. in D. with 5. He was always……… to his father’s wishes when his father was alive A. pleased B. interested C. obedient D. disappointed 6. My mther did all the housework ………….her own A. by B. on C. for D. with 7. Finally, thanks to their parents’ help , they found the ………to that problem A. way B. decision C.condition D. solution 8. We are now attending evening classes to …….our English and computer skills A. study B. learn C. know D. improve 9. Metro is a very cheap place to buy …….goods such as washing power and other cleaning product A. home B. house C. household D. home – made 10. Despite the fact that he is in his eighties , he still leads an…… life A. act B. acting C.active D. action 11. My father takes the ……… for teaching us to study in the evening so that our homework has been finished before bedtime A. job B. work C. responsibility D.role 12. The boy learns hard in his……to be the top in every exam, which will leave a good impression on his girlfriend A. try B. attempt C. way D. wish 13. What time do you often leave home ………… school everyday A. for B. to C. at D. from 14. Shall we ………hands to make the earth a better place to live in ? A. wash B. join C. join in D. shake 15. A(n) … child means a child who behaves badly and saddens his parents A. active B. hard – working C. obedient D. mischievous 16. Can you explain why some people can work better when they are ……….pressure? A. in B. on C. under D. at 17. Although my dad is busy with his work, he is willing to… a hand with the housework A. give B. help C. take D. pass 18. …… other boys of the same age who are crazy about computer games, my brother spends his free time experimenting in the lab A. Like B. Alike C. Dislike D. Unlike 19. Weekend in my family is the time when mother and daughter cook meals whereas father and son ……… broken things around the house A. make B. mend C. correct D. repair 20. Whatever you do , I am by your side to give……… A. effort B. strength C. hand D. support 21. With what my parents prepare for me in terms of education, I am … about my future A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidental 22.The new alarming device is to make sure that you always feel safe and…in thebuilding A. secure B. security C. secured D. securing 23. A….study living things and work with plants and animals A. biology B. biological C. biography D. biologist 24. It has been a habit for families here to wait for the ring at 6 p.m everyday to…………. the garbage A. take in B. take off C. take up D. take out 25. Whenever a problem ……, we try to discuss andd find solution as soon as possible A. comes by B. comes in C. comes off D. comes up 26. Children are told to be… for the whole week and promised to be rewarded at weekends A. obedience B. obedient C. obey D. disobedient 27. Who volunteers to be….for washing the dishes ? Mother needs time to finish her work before midnight A. responsible B. responsibility C. respondent D. respond 28. I am proud to have a family who is ……of every member A. supporting B. supported C. supportive D. support 29. Family is a good ….from which you can join the society with confidence A. base B. basic C. basis D. basing 30. Our family members have close ….with one another , which is worth valuing A. relation B. relationship C. relations D. relationships Ex4 :Grammar : Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence: 1……… he spoke slowly, I found it difficult at times to follow his argument A. Although B. Despite C. Because D. Inspite of 2.He refused to give up work , …….he’d won a million pounds A. despite B. however C. as though D. even though 3. By half past ten tomoorrow morning, I ……….along the motorway A. drive B. am driving C. will drive D. will be driving 4. I asked Gill what time it was but she said she …… a watch A. isn’t having B. doesn’t have C. didn’t have D. hasn’t had 5. I’ve known him …….I left high school A. when B. since C. untill D. during 6. I couldn’t arrive at the airport in time…. the trafic was heavy A. but B. despite C. because D. in spite of 7. I’d rather you… to her why we can’t go to her birthday party A. explained B. to explain C. will explain D. would explain 8. I’d have told you if I … seen the book A. have B. had C. would have D. should have 9. We wanted to thank them for what they…………… A. do B. did C. are doing D. had done 10. I sat near the window whenever I ….a bus A. take B. took C. has taken D. am taking 11. Dolphins……in BC waters for millions of years, and are still common today A. used to live B. lived C. have lived D. live 12. This wine….in the cellar for 15 years. When we take it out and open it, it will taste beautiful! A. was B. has been C. have been D. is 13.I…some new shorts, but I don’t think I like them . May be I’ll take them back to the store A. bought B. have bought C. am buying D. will buy 14. The children…all the orange juice yesterdayafter the heated match !We’ll need to get some more A.drunk B. have drunk C. drink D. had drunk 15. First nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle….hundreds of years A. in B. for C. during D. since 16. Listen, Huong. I don’t care if you…the bus this morning or whatever reason you may think of A. has missed B. miss C. missed D. have missed 17. You….late for school too many times. I will talk to your parents about this A. were B. was C. have been D. has been 18. In the last hundred years, travelling……much easier and more comfortable A. is becoming B. has come C. became D. becomes 19. Several students tried to solve the quiz , but no solution… A. has found B. was found C. found D. has been found 20. I have never visited Vietnam but I…… to Asia several times A. have traveled B. had traveled C. traveled D. was travelling Ex5 : choose the underlined word in each sentence that needs correcting: 1.It believed (A) that “ Men make (B) house and (C) women make home (D) 2.Our family is(A) a base from which (B) we can go into (C) the world with confident (D) 3.During (A) the school year, I’m not allowed to watch (B) TV when (C)I have finished my homework (D) 4.I have been looking (A) for (B) my keys. Did you see (C) them anywhere (D) ? 5. Could (A) you tell (B) us a few (C) about your family (D) ? 6. In spite of (A) he was very (B) tired , Mr. Brown tried his best (C) to finish (D) his report on time. 7.Nowadays, grandparents can live happy (A) with (B) their children (C) and grandchildren (D) 8. When Mary’s friends arrived (A) at (B) the station yesterday to see (C) her off, the train left (D) 9. I met (A) your old English (B) teacher while (C) I walked (D) down the street 10. My (A) daughter attempts passing (B) the entrance (C) examination this (D) year 11. Students (A) at university have to (B) spend most of their (C) time study (D) by themshelves 12.Some (A) students have (B) a part- time job as a babysiter (C) to cover (D) the expense 13.As a scientist (A), my father (B) doen’t come home untill (C) very late at the night (D) 14.Have you met (A) my (b) twin-sister at (C) the university ago (D)? 15. Nothing (A) can be compare (B) with (C) the love and care your parents give (D) you 16. No matter (A) how young are you (B), you should take (C) responnsibility to do some housework family to help your parents (D) 17.I was (A) very busy lately since (B) the project (C) of designing the new collection (D) started 18.I will not (A)do(B) any important decision without (C)asking my parents for (D)advice 19.We are fair in the family (A): If (B) I cook, my brother (C)will washes (D) the dishes 20.I use to (A)obey some rules (B) set(C) by my parents when (D) I was young 21.The neighbors (A) often complain (B)about the boys (C) play tricks on(D) them 22.There is (A) no better one (B) I can share my secrets(C) with then (D) my dear sister 23.When is (A) the last time (B) your family got (C) together( D) ? 24. I like (A) the feeling for (B) being surrounded (C) by my close- knit (D) family 25. Everybody (A) in my family (B) have to (C) do their share of (D) household chores 26.While (A) my childhood (B), I was not allowed (C) to go to bed later than (D)10 p.m 27.My parents (A) award me with (B) a holiday after my graduation (C) next June (D) 28.Things (A) often go wrong (B) untill (C) my father is away from home (D) 29. Do write (A) and let me to know (B) exactly when (C)you can come (D) and visit me this summer 30. It’s been (A) a long time (B) when (C) I last wrote (D) to my penpal Ex6 .Read the passage and choose the best answer: The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock and clay or small stones. They are not flat, either; they often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plant life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants. The deserts of the world are not uninhabited. People also live outside oases, but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plant and do not need much water. The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, put them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hair with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attact the oases people. But they are also hospitable. No man in the desert wouold ever refuse to give a stranger ffood and water. 1. According to the passage, desert are mostly made up of _________ A. clay B. sand C. rock D. small stones 2. Which of the following is true? A. There is no plant and animal life in deserts B. There are no people living in deserts C. There is some rain in the desert but far from enough D. People only live in places where there is water and plants and trees grow. 3. People of the desert have to move from place to place to ________. A. look for food for their animals B. trade their skins, their goats and their camel hairs C. raise their camels and donkeys D. communicate with the people of oasses. 4. The word “hospitable” has the meaning of being __________. A. brave B. cruel C. strange D. kind 5. It can be concluded from the passage that life ___________. A. is hard in deserts B. is happy in deserts C. is impossible in deserts D. in deserts is much better now. Ex 7 :Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word: Nonverbal communication, or "body language", is communication by facial expressions, head or eyes movements, hand signals, and body postures. It can be just as important to understand (46) words are. Misunderstandings- often amusing (47) sometimes serious- can arise between people from different cultures if they misinterpret nonverbal signals. For example, take the differences in meaning of a gesture (48) is very common in the United States: a circle made with the thumb and index finger. To an American, it means that everything (49) OK. To Japanese, it means that you are talking (50) money. In France, it means that something is worthless. Meanwhile in Greece, it is an obscene gesture. Therefore, an American could unknowingly offend a Greek by using that particular hand signal. 46.A. as B. than C. more D. less 47.A. although B. but C. unless D. in order to 48.A. who B. where C. why D. that 49. A. is B. are C. were D. was 50.A. around B. about C. among D. ahead Ex 8 :Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one. 1. I started working here in 1998. A. I have started working here in 1998. B. I started working here in 1998. C. I haven’t started working here since 1998. D. I have worked here since 1998. 2. John said,” I don’t have much time to enjoy myself.” A. John said that he doesn’t have much time to enjoy himself. B. John told that he didn’t have much time to enjoy himself. C. John said that he didn’t have much time to enjoy himself. D. John said that he didn’t have much time to enjoy myself. 3. Vietnam exports a lot of rice. It’s grown mainly in the south of the country. A. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which is growing mainly in the south of the country. B. Vietnam exports a lot of rice grown mainly in the south of the country. C. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which grows mainly in the south of the country. D. Vietnam exports a lot of rice growing mainly in the south of the country 4. “Don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day,” he said. A). He said don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day B). He told not to forget to feed the chicken twice a day C). He reminded me to feed the chicken twice a day D). He suggested me to feed the chicken twice a day 5. He is not old enough to do the volunteer work. A). He is very young that he can’t do the volunteer work B). He is too young to do the volunteer work C). He can’t do the volunteer work because of his old age D). His young prevents him from doing the volunteer work Ex 9Choose the correct option from the cues below to make sentences. 1. Our plan/ might/ cancel/ due/ lack of funds. A. Our plan might be canceled due to lack of funds. B. Our plan might canceled due to lack of funds. C. Our plan might cancel due to lack of funds. D. Our plan might be cancel due to lack of funds. 2. Ho Chi Minh City/ exciting/ much more/ I thought. A. Ho Chi Minh City is as much more exciting as I thought B. Ho Chi Minh City is much more exciting as I thought. C. Ho Chi Minh City is much more exciting than I thought. D. Ho Chi Minh City is as much more exciting than I thought. 3. He/ be/ accuse /cheated/ his final exam / last week. A). He was accused for having cheated in his final exam last week B). He was accused of having cheat in his final exam last week C). He was accused of having cheated in his final exam last week D). He was accused for having cheated in his final exam last week Unit 0ne : Home Life I. Pronunciation : 1. a. family b. parent c. happy d.frankly 2. a. mischief b. believe c. obedience d. niece 3. a. shifts b. works c. groups d. hands 4. a. safe b. secure c. sure d. support 5. a. baths b. clothes c. enjoys d. solutions II. Choose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentences. 1. Many of our students come _________ poor families. a. in b. for c. from d. over 2. I’m afraid I’m going to be late home- something’s come _________ at work. a. over b. out c. off d. up 3. Would you like to share your experience _________ the rest of the group ? a. with b. to c. among d. of 4. We are a very _________ family and support each other through any crises. a. old-established b. well-to-do c. hard-up d. close-knit 5. _________ most men , my father enjoys cooking. a. Not alike b. Unlike c. Unlikely d. Dislike 6. Her family and friends have given her lots of _________. a. support b. supports c. supporters d. supportive 7. My mother often cooks big meals , so we have _________ for days. a. remainders b. surplus c. leftovers d. dishes 8. His secrectary was formidably _________ : her minutes were works of art. a. good b. efficient c. active d. working 9. Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home. a. deal with b. manage c. help together d. work together 10. Mark enjoys having fun by causing trouble. He’s a very _________ boy. a. stubborn b. mischievous c. spoiled d. bright 11. Can you tell me who is responsible _________ checking passport ? a. to b. in c. about d. for 12. My father hasn’t seen his older brother _________ at least thirty years. a. since b. from c. for d. during 13. Family relationships later _________ a much greater significance in his life. a. built up b. took on c. kept up d. took up 14. She is leaving her husband because she can’t put _________ his bad temper any longer. a. up with b. away c. off d. up 15. She earned extra money last year _________ several young children. a. bringing into b. caring for c. taking on d. bearing up 16. Some sociologists believe that the _________ family is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. a. basic b. closed c. nuclear d. immediate 17. He played a(n) _________ part in politics until he was well over 80. a. active b. interesting c. distinct d. supportive 18. It was _________ of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it. a. care b. caring c. careful d. careless 19. My younger sister is very _________ and so she loves going out. a. enjoyable b. funny c. pleasing d. lively 20. The average _________ pays 27 penny a day in water rates. a. housing b. housework c. household d. housemate 21. He told me that he hadn’t made any _________ for his summer holiday. a. plan b. idea c. project d. scheme 22. Steve is a _________ man . He enjoys being at home with his wife and children. a. free b. marriage c. single d. family 23. He’s always _________ to his father’s wishes. a. confident b. supportive c. obedient d. expressive 24. I _________ the new Harry Potter book now , so you can borrow my copy if you like. a. finish b. finished c. am finishing d. have finished 25. As you _________ your car at the moment , can I borrow it ? a. don’t use b. aren’t using c. haven’t used d. won’t use 26. Look at the dirt on your clothes! _________ in the garden again ? a. Do you dig b. Are you digging c. Have you dug d. Have you been digging 27. In a break-in last week , the burglars _________ all my jewellery but left the picture. a. took b. have taken c. had taken d. were taking 28. Come and see me when you _________ your report. a. finish b. finished c. will finish d. had finished 29. I _________ in the hotel twice in the 1980s. a. was staying b. have stayed c. had stayed d. had been staying 30. Susan _________ as a secrectary for 2 years before her marriage. a. worked b. has been working c. had worked d. was working 31. When I got home I found that water _________ down the kitchen walls. a. ran b. was running c. has run d. had been running 32. After he _________ his English course, he went to England to continue his study. a. has finished b. had finished c. was finished d. would finish 33. I _________ with children before , so I know what to expect in my new job. a. worked b. have worked c. had worked d. have been working 34. How _________ since we _________ colledge ? a. are you – left b. were you – met c. have you been – have left d. have you been – left 35. I _________ much of you lately. We _________ three months ago. a. haven’t seen – last met b. didn’t see – met c. haven’t seen – have met d. didn’t see – have met 36. The Chinese _________ spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo _________ it back to Italy. a. made – brought b. have made – brought c. made – had brought d. had been making – brought 38. When I arrived at the meeeting the first speaker _________ speaking and the audience _________. a. just finished – were clapping b. had just finished – had clapped c. had just finished – were clapping d. just finished – had clapped 39. He _________ his job last month and since then he _________ out of work. a. lost – was b. was – has been c. has lost – was d. lost – has been 40. After the race _________ , the celebration began. a. had been won b. is won c. will be won d. have been won 41. He said he _________ a book when the robber broke into the house. a. read b. was reading c. had read d. has been reading 42. _________ to the language center when I saw you yesterday morning ? a. Have you gone b. Had you gone c. Did you go d. Were you going 43. By the time you receive this letter , I _________ for the USA. a. have left b. will leave c. will have left d. am leaving 44. Your car is too dirty ! When did you have it _________? a. wash b. be washed c. being washed d. washed 45. Explorers believed that the river _________ into the Atlantic. a. has run b. ran c. was runing d. would run 46. Our school officials have decided to set up a _________ to computerize the library system. A. plan B. project C. scheme D. plot 47. Mr. Long has to work an eight-hour _________ a day. A. shift B. time C. span D. period 48. _________ Dad works hard all day, he always goes to bed late and gets up early. A. However B. Despite C. Although D. No matter 49. Mum is always busy_________ her work in the laboratory. A. with B. at C. in D. of 50. It was once _________ the earth was flat. A. considered B. decided C. feared D. believed 51. Uncle Nam is always _________ to help me with my maths lessons. A. merry B. willing C. sorry D. next 52. Dr. Chi _________ the admiration of her colleagues in her battle against cancer. A. lost B. earned C. won D. gained 53. My brother had to _________ shoes for a living when he was studying in Ho Chi Minh City. A. treat B. mend C. cure D. patch 54. Dad’s colleagues were very _________ during his illness. A. supportive B. helping C. willing D. considerate 55. They _________ admitted their responsibility for the unfinished report. A. mostly B. likely C. frankly D. greatly 56. Do most school-leavers feel _________ about their future? A. curious B. secure C. happy D. sorry 57. I have no idea how to _________ this kind of business. A. turn B. make C. take D. run 58. The front gate gave way under the _________ of the crowd. A. pressure B. force C. task D. pull 59. Dad _________ to London. A. has ever gone B. has never gone C. has never been D. has never got 60. Good children are always _________ to their father's wishes. A. willing B. kind C. opposed D. obedient 61. Dinner is always ready _________ I get home from school. A. by the time B. at the time C. during the time D. till the time 62. I want photographed _________ not in twos or threes. A. accurately B. separately C. exactly D. factually III. Writing : Tenses trasformation :change tense when writing 1. Ms Quyen began teaching Chinese ten years ago.  Ms Quyen has …………………………………………………………….… 2. We haven’t visited the museum before.  This ……………………………………………………………………… ……………. 3. The police started investigating the case a week ago. The police have …………………………………………………………… 4. I have never heard such an exciting story like this before. This is ………………………………………………………………… 5. It is three years since I last wrote to her. I …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. The last time I saw David was in 1989.  I………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. It is nearly twenty years since my father saw his brother.  My father……………………………………………………………… 8. We haven’t seen to a concert for over a year. The last time ………………………………………………………………………. It’s……………………………………………………………………………………… We last…………………………………………………………… 9. I’ve never read a more romatic story.  It’s the…………………………………………………………………… …………… 10. I’ve not eaten this kind of food before. This is…………………………………………………………………… ………… 11. I have been to Britol for three years.  The last time ……………………………………………………………….………… 12. I have never met such a famous person before.  It is …………………………………………………………………………… 13. It’s a week since he last smoked a cigarette.  He………………………………………………………………………………. The last time …………………………………………………………………………… 14. I last heard this song 10 months ago .It was …………………………………………………………… ……………  I have……………………………………………………………………………………  The last time…………………………… 15. It is the first time she has watched this film.  She has………………………………………………………… ………………… Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 1. If I had known she was ill, I would go to visit her. A. had B. would go C. was D. visit her 32.When he receives the money from the insurance company two days ago, he had already rebuilt the house. A. from B. had already rebuilt C. insurance company D. receives 33.I told John that he had to study his lesson carefully even if he wants to pass the examination. A. wants B. study C. told D. even if 34.The Americans are much more concerned than the Indians and the Chinese with physical attractive when choosing a wife or a husband. A. choosing B. are C. with D. attractive 35.These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time. A. we B. these C. all too expensive D. at tis time 41. The room is such dirty that it needs cleaning immediately. A B C D 42. My father, that has a special craze for cars, has just bought another sports car. A B C D 43. A lot of articles about the environment have written by my classmates. A B C D 44. Unless you don’t give up eating so much meat, you will continue to put on weight. A B C D 44. You have to study hard so that keep pace with your classmates A B C D . EXERCISE FOR UNIT 1 – ENGLISH 12 : HOME LIFE EX 1 : choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 1 final exam last week D). He was accused for having cheated in his final exam last week Unit 0ne : Home Life I. Pronunciation : 1. a. family b. parent c. happy d.frankly 2. a. mischief b. believe. classes to …….our English and computer skills A. study B. learn C. know D. improve 9. Metro is a very cheap place to buy …….goods such as washing power and other cleaning product A. home B. house

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 02:01

