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TEST TOEIC 10 potx

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TOEIC 10 1. Crash was the shock winner at the 78th Academy Awards, ____ best film ahead of favorite Brokeback Mountain. a. wins b. won c. winning d. win 2. Producer Cathy Schulman paid tribute to fellow nominees for ____ "one of the most breathtaking and stunning maverick years in American cinema". a. creating b. create c. to create d. creation 3. Ang Lee won best director for Brokeback Mountain, ____ the film won only three of the eight awards it was nominated for. a. and b. also c. however d. but 4. Reese Witherspoon and Philip Seymour Hoffman shared lead acting honors for ____in Walk the Line and Capote. a. roles b. functions c. meanings d. factions 5. Ang Lee, ____ past films include Sense and Sensibility and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, saluted Brokeback's lead characters, Ennis and Jack. a. whom b. whose c. which d. that 6. King Kong and Memoirs of a Geisha both won three awards in technical categories, equaling Brokeback Mountain's ____, but this year's ceremony was not dominated by any one film. a. achievers b. achieves c. achievable d. achievements 7. Reese Witherspoon, ____ won best actress for her role as Johnny Cash's wife June in biopic Walk the Line, thanked co- star Joaquin Phoenix. a. that b. which c. who d. whose 8. Actress Rachel Weisz has ____ the best supporting actress award at the Academy Awards following her success in the Golden Globes. a. collected b. collection c. collecting d. to collecting 9. Born in London ____ March 1971, Weisz - pronounced "Vice" - became a child model at the age of 14. a. on b. in c. at d. for 10. She ____ a series of schools including the prestigious St Paul's Girls School in London, with classmate and fellow actress Emily Mortimer. a. attended b. dropped c. appointed d. stayed 11. As a teenager, Weisz decided that she wanted ____ and at the age of 18 she studied with Rada-trained Ken Campbell. a. acting b. act c. to act d. acts 12. While studying English Literature at Cambridge University, Weisz helped ____ Talking Tongues theatre company. a. formed b. to forming c. forming d. form 13. Her first ____ film role followed as she co- starred with Brendan Fraser and John Hannah in 1999's Hollywood blockbuster The Mummy. a. majority b. major c. majors d. majoring 14. The success of the action movie encouraged Weisz ____ for an inferior sequel two years later. a. return b. returning c. returned d. to return 1 15. HSBC has unveiled the biggest profits ____by a UK High Street bank, making a pre-tax profit of $20.97 billion in 2005. a. yet b. ever c. never d. almost 16. ____ the profit has been made abroad by the global bank, which operates in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Americas. a. Many b. Much c. Many of d. Much of 17. The head of the UN's nuclear watchdog has called on Iran and the West to return to negotiations in the row over Iran's ____ nuclear program. a. controversial b. controversy c. controversially d. controversialist 18. Mohamed ElBaradei said that he hoped a deal on Iran's uranium enrichment work could be ____ during the coming week. a. reaching b. reach c. reached d. to reach 19. He was speaking ____ the start of an International Atomic Energy Agency meeting that could pave the way for UN Security Council action against Iran. a. on b. at c. in d. over 20. Mr ElBaradei said that the issue had serious implications for world peace, and urged both sides to continue ____. a. negotiating b. negotiators c. negotiable d. negotiations 21. The BBC's Bethany Bell in Vienna says that the IAEA board is ____ to refer Iran to the UN Security Council which could impose economic and political sanctions on the Islamic republic. a. mentioned b. expected c. predicted d. anticipated 22. Iran said on Sunday that if it were reported to the council, it ____ full-scale uranium enrichment. a. would resume b. will resume c. would have resumed d. had resumed 23. The IAEA has demanded that Iran suspend nuclear enrichment ____. a. completion b. complete c. completely d. completed 24. Iran refuses, emphasizing ____ sovereign right to continue the process under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. a. she b. it c. their d. its 25. The IAEA meeting in Vienna - expected to last several days - may not discuss Mr. ElBaradei's report ____ Tuesday or Wednesday. a. between b. from c. until d. over 26. The report, leaked to the media, says the Iranians ____ feeding uranium gas into centrifuges. a. begun b. have begun c. has begun d. have began 27. Three years of negotiations between Iran and the EU, and the latest round of talks between Moscow and Tehran, have brought ____ significant result. a. no b. none c. not d. never 28. Russian and China - permanent members of the Security Council with the power of veto - have so far opposed ____ sanctions on Iran. a. facing b. recommending c. lifting d. imposing 2 29. Thousands of detainees held in Iraq are ____ being denied basic human rights with reports of torture rife. a. ever b. also c. still d. yet 30. The report says both the multinational forces and Iraqi authorities must take urgent ____ to stop abuses if there is to be any hope of halting Iraq's rise in violence and sectarianism. a. chances b. steps c. risks d. advantages 31. Amnesty says in its 48-page report that thousands of Iraqis are being ____ without charge or trial. a. held b. hold c. holding d. to hold 32. More than 200 detainees have been imprisoned for more than two years and nearly 4,000 ____ longer than a year. a. since b. at c. over d. for 33. Former detainees told Amnesty they had been beaten with plastic cables, given electric shocks and ____ to stand in a flooded room as an electrical current was passed through the water. a. make b. making c. to make d. made 34. Ms Allen compared the current situation to the Abu Ghraib scandal, which broke when photos were ____ showing US guards abusing detainees. a. featured b. reduced c. released d. appealed 35. According to the US military, ____ detainee is given a form explaining the reasons for their imprisonment and their files are reviewed every 90 to 120 days. a. every b. every of c. every the d. every of the 36. The British ministry of defense said allegations of wrongdoing were always taken ____ and international observers were invited into its detention centers. a. severely b. seriously c. strictly d. harshly 37. China has ____ the supply of live poultry and pet birds to Hong Kong, after a man died of bird flu in neighboring Guangdong province. a. suspended b. suspected c. accelerated d. succeeded 38. It is reported he was infected after coming into ____ with live chickens on sale in a market in Guangzhou city. a. conflict b. effect c. contact d. view 39. This death - the ninth in China during the current outbreak - is causing a great deal of ____ in Hong Kong. a. source b. pain c. commerce d. concern 40. Public health doctors from Hong Kong ____ to the city of Guangzhou to try to find out more about how the latest victim caught bird flu. a. have been sending b. have sent c. have been sent d. has been sent 41. The health professionals are looking ____ any evidence of human-to-human transmission. a. at b. for c. up d. over 42. The authorities hope the ban on the supply of live poultry will ____any outbreak spreading to the territory. a. prevent b. spur c. lead d. report 3 43. The authorities have ____ efforts against poultry smuggling as well. a. stepped up b. rewarded c. discouraged d. concentrated 44. The number of chickens on sale in Hong Kong each day ____already less than half what it normally would be. a. are b. have been c. were d. is 45. China may allow its currency to trade more freely, a move that probably would let the yuan____. a. to appreciate b. appreciating c. appreciate d. appreciated 46. At present, the yuan is allowed to move by a maximum of 0.3% ____ above or below a daily target rate. a. either b. both c. between d. neither 47. The US has long been calling ____China to change its currency policy, claiming that Beijing keeps it artificially low in order to boost demand for exports. a. in b. on c. off d. up 48. The US unemployment rate rose to 4.8% last month, ____ the number of new jobs added to the economy increased by 243,000. a. since b. however c. even though d. despite 49. Analysts were ____ as they had expected the rate to remain unchanged. a. surprised b. surprise c. surprising d. surprisingly 50. The new jobs came mainly in the retail, financial and construction sectors, ____ manufacturing jobs were lost, in particular in the automotive industry. a. since b. while c. in spite of d. nevertheless 51. The Labor Department figures also showed that average hourly earnings ____ by 0.3% last month. a. grow b. growth c. growing d. grew 52. In January, 170,000 new jobs were created in the US economy, pushing the unemployment ____ to its lowest level in four-and-a-half years. a. statistics b. insurance c. rate d. benefit 53. China is to create a court to focus on ____ intellectual property rights, as sales of pirated goods rocket. a. enforcing b. enforce c. to enforce d. enforced 54. China's burgeoning fake goods market is causing tension with the US, which has said it forfeits up to $3.8 billion in lost sales ____. a. annual b. per annual c. annually d. every years 55. China is considered the biggest producer of imitation goods, incorporating a wide range of goods, ____ luxury clothes to films and even books. a. between b. among c. either d. from 56. Supreme Court judge Jiang Zhipei, who deals with product piracy cases, urged foreign companies____ in getting cases to court. a. assisting b. to assist c. assist d. assisted 4 57. Mr. Sun said that ____ measures to help tackle piracy should include better training of local judges. a. another b. others c. each other d. other 58. According to Forbes, a worldwide economic boom has yielded a record ____ of dollar billionaires in the past year. a. number b. amount c. numbers d. amounts 59. Microsoft's Bill Gates ____ the list for the 12th year running, with a net worth of $50 billion. a. gives b. tops c. includes d. provides 60. The youngest billionaire is a Lebanese woman, 22-year-old Hind Hariri, who ____ $1.4 billion from her assassinated father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. a. yielded b. granted c. inherited d. invested 61. India's 23 billionaires have a combined net worth of $99 billion, surpassing former Asian leader Japan's 27 billionaires with ____ total worth of $67 billion. a. its b. her c. their d. they 62. Russia's 33 billionaires now have a combined wealth of $172 billion, based largely on oil and gas prices, ____ to a total of $68 billion for oil-rich Saudi Arabia's 11 billionaires. a. related b. compared c. devoted d. attributed 63. Khodorkovsky, the ____ Yukos chief executive convicted of fraud and tax evasion last year, is now in a Siberian prison. a. formerly b. formally c. formal d. former 64. While New York has the highest number of resident billionaires with 40, Moscow is second with 25, and London comes ____ with 23. a. third b. the third c. thirdly d. three 65. Steve Forbes, Forbes' chief executive and editor-in-chief, attributed the global rise in the number of billionaires to an____ boom. a. economy b. economist c. economic d. economical 66. Harry Potter author J. K Rowling has ____ the prestigious US-based Forbes magazine's list of world billionaires. a. join b. joining c. joint d. joined 67. Supermarkets are facing a full ____ by the Competition Commission into their dominance of Britain's grocery market. a. investigation b. investigator c. investigator d. investigations 68. Critics have accused the UK's leading supermarkets ____ driving local convenience stores out of business. a. for b. of c. in d. with 69. China ____ Friday urged the European Union to reconsider proposed sanctions on its exports of shoes. a. since b. for c. in d. on 70. Wang warned that the proposed sanctions would also hurt European ____ and retailers. a. imports b. imported c. importation d. importers 5 71. Under heavy ____ from European manufacturers, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said Wednesday that he was ready to act against imports of cheap shoes from China and Vietnam. a. burden b. penalty c. pressure d. reliance 72. Web search leader Google Inc has agreed to pay up to $90 million to ____ a class action lawsuit over advertising fraud by outside parties on its site, in a bid to put the controversy behind it. a. settle b. fight c. file d. face 73. Australia says it has won a contract to supply wheat to Iraq, ____ claims that its state wheat board paid bribes to Saddam Hussein's regime. a. even though b. despite c. however d. but 74. Last month Iraq ____ grain deals with Australia amid allegations that its wheat board, the AWB, paid up to $222m in kickbacks to Iraq. a. had suspended b. has suspended c. suspending d. suspended 75. Iraq has been Australia's ____ wheat export market. a. a second biggest b. the second biggest c. second biggest d. second bigger than 76. The AWB is alleged to have ____ kickbacks under the discredited UN-run oil- for-food program for Iraq. a. pay b. paid c. paying d. payment 77. Russia has begun the mass vaccination of poultry to try ____ the spread of the lethal H5N1 bird flu virus. a. to stop b. stop c. to stopping d. stopping 78. Millions of vaccines have ____ been delivered to provinces in southern Russia - a region believed to be most vulnerable to the virus. a. ever b. yet c. already d. still 79. The virus is blamed for nearly a million poultry ____ in Russia. a. dead b. dies c. dying d. deaths 80. The virus has so far only infected people who have come into direct contact with diseased fowl - but experts fear a mutant form of the virus may trigger a pandemic ____humans. a. between b. with c. from d. among 81. Singer Michael Jackson has been ordered to close down his Californian home, Neverland Ranch, after failing ____ staff or renew their insurance policies. a. paying b. to pay c. pays d. payment 82. The star ____ in Bahrain since being acquitted on child sex abuse charges in June 2005. a. has been living b. had lived c. lives d. lived 83. Throughout his four-month trial, the singer took refuge at Neverland, ____ fans gathered attaching banners of support to the gates of the estate, at 5225 Figueroa Mountain Road. a. which b. that c. where d. whose 84. Jackson ____ the ranch, in the rolling hills of the Santa Ynez Valley in Santa Barbara County, in 1987 for a reported £11.3m. a. buys b. has bought c. bought d. will buy 6 85. At the time, Jackson was at the ____ of his career. a. height b. high c. highly d. heighten 86. The former Jackson Five star had ____ his third solo album Bad to global acclaim and record-breaking sales across the world. a. declared b. released c. reduced d. succeeded 87. Named after the fictional home of Peter Pan, Neverland Ranch became a retreat for the child star turned millionaire singer ____ spent his youth in the public eye. a. which b. where c. whom d. who 88. Children were frequently ____ to Neverland, including child star Macaulay Culkin and others selected by charities with which Jackson was involved. a. exported b. invited c. devoted d. encountered 89. Adults, notably the press, ____ into this exclusive world, fuelling rumors about Jackson's unconventional lifestyle. a. rarely gained entry b. gained rarely entry c. rarely entry gained d. entry rarely gained 90. Unusually, ITV journalist Martin Bashir gained ____ to the ranch when he filmed the controversial documentary Living With Michael Jackson. a. weight b. acceptance c. access d. control 91. In September 2003, Jackson finally opened the gates of Neverland for a public party. Some 500 guests____ the invitation-only event. a. won b. attended c. staged d. arrived 92. Typically for Jackson, the media was banned, ____reporters had to stand outside the front gates. a. but b. or c. also d. and 93. But shortly afterwards, the world's spotlight was trained on Neverland, when police initiated a search of the singer's home in conjunction with sexual abuse allegations made by ____. a. a 12-year-old boy b. a 12-years-old boy c. a 12-years of old boy d. a 12-year-olds boy 94. The search revealed a museum filled ____costumed mannequins - one dressed as Marilyn Monroe. a. of b. in c. with d. for 95. Abuse was alleged to have taken ____ during sleepovers at the ranch, but Jackson was later acquitted on all charges. a. advantage b. care c. charge d. place 96. Jackson appears to have lost his taste for his fantasy home, after his life there was so ____ exposed to public view. a. brutally b. brutal c. brutality d. brutalized 97. The number of people dying of measles across the world ____ by almost half. a. have fallen b. has fallen c. are falling d. fall 98. Vaccination has been cited as the ____ for the fall in cases. a. excuse b. reason c. blame d. claim 7 99. A cheap and safe vaccine has been available ____ the 1960s. a. in b. until c. since d. for 100. Around 410,000 children aged under five died from it in 2004, most from complications related ____ severe diarrhoea and pneumonia. a. in b. for c. with d. to 101. A collaboration of organizations, under the umbrella organization the Measles Initiative, targeted efforts in the 47 countries that account ____ 98% of measles deaths. a. on b. at c. for d. with 102. The initiative ____ more than $150 million for its work since 2001. a. has raised b. raising c. had raised d. raised 103. African countries have been successful in reducing measles deaths, ____ progress in the South Asia region has been slower. a. however b. although c. so d. but 104. More than 250 medical experts have ____ a letter condemning the US for force- feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. a. signing b. signature c. signers d. signed 105. The South Dakota law - approved by the governor on Monday - makes it a crime for doctors ____ abortions. a. performing b. to perform c. perform d. performance 106. Exceptions ____ if a woman's life is at risk, but not in cases of rape or incest. a. will be made b. would be made c. were made d. would have been made 107. About 800 abortions are performed ____ in South Dakota. a. each years b. each of year c. each year d. each of the year 108. Under the law signed by South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds, doctors could get up to five years in prison and a $5,000 ____ for performing an illegal abortion. a. fine b. refund c. compensation d. pay 109. The abortion ban would take effect ___1 July but it is likely that a federal judge would suspend it during any legal challenge. a. in b. on c. for d. at 110. The law would therefore not take effect ____ South Dakota State gets the case to the US Supreme Court and wins. a. unless b. because c. while d. although 8 . since d. for 100 . Around 410, 000 children aged under five died from it in 2004, most from complications related ____ severe diarrhoea and pneumonia. a. in b. for c. with d. to 101 . A collaboration. TOEIC 10 1. Crash was the shock winner at the 78th Academy Awards, ____ best film ahead of favorite. deaths. a. on b. at c. for d. with 102 . The initiative ____ more than $150 million for its work since 2001. a. has raised b. raising c. had raised d. raised 103 . African countries have been successful

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2014, 15:20

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