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PHÒNG GD & ĐT BÙ GIA MẬP TRƯỜNG THCS BÙ NHO ĐỀ THI SỐ 17 ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 29-9-2011 Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được phát kèm cùng với đề thi này Đề thi có 4 trang học sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời có phát kèm đề thi này. ===================================================== ========== I. Choose the word whose the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in line. 1 A. primary B. notice C. write D. climate 2 A. force B. for C. order D. doctor 3 A. lives B. likes C. stays D. learns 4 A. listened B. cleaned C. looked D. played 5 A. the B. think C. within D. that II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in line. 6. A. ancestor B. transistor C. equator D. compressor 7. A. destination B. presidential C. economic D. analysis 8. A. tolerant B. ignorant C. descendant D. immigrant 9. A. laborious B. independent C. geology D. experiment 10. A. advisable B. admirable C. reliable D. acceptable III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following conversations. 11. – “The building is nearly finished, isn’t it?” – “Yes, but it’ll be _______ we can move in.” A. too much time till B. a long time before C. hardly time when D. very soon that 12. – “How fast was the car traveling?” – “about 50_______” A. kilometers per hour B. kilometer per hours C. kilometer per hour D. kilometers per hours 13. – “Why did Janice type those letters?” – “_____ new to the job, she didn’t know it wasn’t necessary.” A. While being B. Being C. When being D. As being 14. – “Which dress do you like better?” – “the one _______” A. I tried it on first B. first I tries it on C. I tries on it first D. I tried on first 15. – “We need better traffic rules.” – “Yes, ______ wouldn’t be so many accidents” A. then it B. then they C. then D. then there 16. – “I suggest we go on a picnic on the other side of the river.” - “_______” A. It’s a nice day! B. Have a good trip. C. Great idea! D. Congratulations! 17. – “I wish I could visit your village again some day, Ba.” – “_______.” A. Too true! B. You’re always welcome! C. Yes, let’s! D. What a day! 18. “What would you like to drink? “ – “ ______” A. Yes, please B. Milk, please C. No, thanks D. OK 19. – “How is this game played?” – “Well, the team_______ the highest score wins.” A. gets B. is getting C. got D. that gets 20. – “John should have warned you about that.” – “Yes, but _______, he’s still my good friend” A. moreover B. despite that C. although D. on the contrary 21. – “ Do you want to go skiing with us?” – “Oh, no! just _____ skiing down a mountain terrifies me.” A. the thinking on B. a thought on C. the thought of D. about thinking of 22. – “What the answer to problen two.” – “I don’t know, and even ______ I wouldn’t tell you.” A. I did B. though I did C. if I did D. if I do 23. –“I really like your new shoes.” – “And they cost less than I _______.” A. expect B. was expected C. had expected D. am expecting 24. Do you like the novel “ Gone With the Wind”?- ________. A. I would B. Yes, a lot. C. No, I like it. D. Yes, we are. 25. - “How long is the Mekong river?” –“ _______” A. It’s over 4 kilometers in length. B. It’s long over 4 kilometers C. It’s over 4 kilometers in long D. It’s over 4 kilometers IV. Choose the word or phrase that best complete each of the following sentences. 1 26. Our class_______into four groups when we have English lessons. A. usually divides B. is usually divided C. is dividing usually D. be divided usually 27. Tornadoes can suck up anything_______ is in their path. A. what B. who C. that D. where 28. Tet is a festival which occurs_______ late January or early February. A. at B. from C. on D. in 29. Scientists can usually_______ when a volcano will erupt. A. guess B. estimate C. report D. predict 30. He can’t go to see his friends. He hasn’t got_______ time. A. a B. many C. much D. a lot 31. Plastic bags will cause pollution_______ they are very hard to dissolve. A. so B. but C. or D. because 32. Tony is going to _______ us to Hue on Sunday. Do you want to come? A. get B. take C. make D. turn 33. We are really_______ that people have spoiled this area. A. happy B. proud C. disappointed D. excited 34. The more ______ we walk, the longer it will take us to get home. A. slowest B. slower C. slowly D. slow 35. Sunday is the day _______ which we usually go fishing. A. during B. at C. in D. on 36. I received two job offers, _______ I accepted. A. neither of which B. neither of them C. neither of that D. none of which 37. Those kids are always _______ trouble. A. looking up to B. getting into C. finding about D. putting with 38. The farmers were pleased by the _______ of their crop. A. plurality B. redundancy C. ambiguity D. abundance 39. After much debate we reached a _______. A. manifestation B. consensus C. precision D. cohension 40. Without ________, natural resources will be used up within a hundred years. A. preservation B. maintenance C. conservation D. protection 41. The result is impossible to predict with any degree of ________. A. certainty B. assurance C. insurance D. probability 42. _______ different in character we are, we have been mutual friends since our childhood. A. However B. Despite being C. Although D. Whatever 43. _______ global solidarity, the world would not be better prepared for the influenza H1N1 pandemic. A. On account of B. Thanks to C. If not D. But for 44. I like listening to the music programme _____ the radio. A. above B. in C. through D. on 45. She's scared of living _____ her own in a big city. A. by B. on C. for D. in 46. It is said that _____ is better than cure. A. health B. remedy C. prevention D. surgery 47. You can use my telephone _____ you pay for the calls you make. A. as long as B. although C. however D. whereas 48. She _____ to go on a diet. A. advised B. advises C. advising D. was advised 49. Many species of rare animals have already become _____. A. disappeared B. dangerous C. extinct D. decayed 50. We've made great _____ in economy in the past few years. A. result B. effect C. business D. progress 51. I planned to have a swim this morning but the weather is so _____. A. disappointed B. bored C. uninterested D. disappointing 52 That man can tell us where _____. A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John living 2 53. English tends towards _____. A. simple B. simplicity C. simplier D. simply 54. The boys to stop _____ with their friends when the teacher came into class. A. speaking B. telling C. talking D. saying 55. We had a river _____ we could swim. A. in which B. on which C. to which D. at which 56. Tom never makes mistakes because he is always _______ in doing his work. A. meticulous B. superficial C. tactful D. essential 57. If traffic moves at low speeds, the number of accidents is ________. A. cut down B. pulled back C. turned off D. put away 58. We waited _____ at the bus stop for an hour but the bus didn't come. A. patient B. patiently C. impatient D. impatiently 59. The ghost film we saw on TV last night was not _____ at all. A. frighten B. frightened C. to frighten D. frightening 60. More money _____ in education. A. should be invested B. should invest C should to be invested D. should being invested V: Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in each of the spaces. Nearly all the discoveries that have been make through the ages can be found in books. The invention of the book is one of humankind’s greatest (61. achieve)_____________, the importance of which cannot be (62. estimate) _____________. Books are adaptable, (63. provide) _____________ us with both entertainment and information. The (64. produce) _____________of books began in Ancient Egypt, though not in a form that is (65. recognize) _____________ to us today. The books read by Romans, however, have some (66. similar) _____________ to the one we read now. Until the middle of the 15 th century, in Europe, all books were written by hand. They were often (67. beauty) _____________ illustrated and always rare and (68. expense) _____________. With printing came the possibility of cheap, large-scale publication and (69. distribute) _____________ of books, making knowledge more widespread and (60. access) ___________. VI. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer ( marked A, B, C or D). Today, I’d like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up of the earth. First, we’ll touch on the relationship between fluorocarbons and the ozone layer. You probably remember that the ozone layer is the protective shield around the earth. It is important to our life, because it filters out harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly made by the action of the sun in the upper atmosphere. It is also regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes. The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer is being destroyed. Scientists suspect that certain chemicals, such as fluorocarbons, are contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. And how do we use flourocarbons? The most common uses are in spray cans and cooling systems. The chemical pollution from these flourocarbons can account for some of the ozone losses that have been reported. There are, however, new studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer. We’ll go into that new study more next time. 71. Who is the most likely speaker? A. A doctor B. A mechanic C. A professor D. A chemist 72. What is the speaker’s main topic? A. Ultraviolet light B. The use of spray cans C. Air- conditioning systems D. Flourocarbons and the ozone layer 73. What is the most important purpose of the ozone layer? A. Providing flourocarbons B. Shielding the sun C. Protecting the earth D. Destroying chemicals 74. What is the ozone layer made of? A. Flourocarbons B. Oxygen C. Shields D. Ultraviolet light 75. What will probably be discussed next? A. Harmful effects of ultraviolet light B. How to make air conditioners with flourocarbons C. The make- up of the ozone layer D. The sun as a cause of ozone layer depletion VII. Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question. Dinosaurs were reptiiles that live during a period of earth’s history called the Mesozic Era, which is also known as the age of Reptiles. The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago. For many 3 millions of years, they dominated the land with their huge size and strength. Then about 65 million years ago, they died out reather suddenly, never reemerge. The word “Dinosaurs” comes from two Greek words meaning “terrible lizard”. Dinosaurs were not lizards, but their appearance could be truly terrifying. The biggest one weighed more than ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearly equaled the size of most modern-day whales. The famous kinds of dinosaurs, including the brontosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex, reached 80 to 90 feet in length. Not all dinosaurs were giants, however, some were actually not larger than a chicken. Scientists still do not know what caused dinosaurs to disapear. One theory involves a change in the earth’s climate. It is believed that temperatures dropped significantly towards the end of the Cretaceous protection, it is possible that the climate became too chilly for dinosaurs. In contrast, other species having protection, such as the mammals and birds, were able to survive/ 76. What is the best tittle for this passage? A. History of the earth B. Earth’s largest Reptiles C. The Metabolism of Dinosaurs D. The Domination of the land 77. It can be inferred from the passage that the Age of Reptiles lasted about ________. A. 135 million years B. 200 million years C. 80 million years D. 65 million years 78. The author uses the phrase “never reemerge” to indicate that the dinosaurs_________. A. went into hide B. became extinct C. lost their way D. never died out 79. According to the passage, what is true about the size of dinosaurs? A. it was rather uniform B. It guaranteed their survival C. It varied quiet greatly D. It made them the largest creatures ever on earth 80. The paragraph following the passage most likely disscuses __________. A. the ability of mammals to survive B. other changes in the climate C. protection of other species D. another theory about the disappearance dinosaurs VIII. Writer the second sentenci so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in brackets. Do not change the word given: 81. "You've broken my radio, Frank !"; said Jane (accused) => Jane her radio. 82. My car really needs to be repaired soon. (must) => I really repaired soon. 83. Susan regrets not buying that house. (wishes). => Susan that house. 84. I could have succeeded without your help (you) => I could have never succeeded me. 85. I thought it might run out of cash, so I took my cheque-book with me (case) => I took my cheque-book with me out of cash. 86. Linda's plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather. (fallen) => Linda's plans for a picnic because of the weather. 87. The bread was too stale to eat. (fresh). => The bread to eat. 88. Perhaps Brian went home early. (may). => Brian home early. 89. I can't possobly work in all this noise ! (impossible). => It work in all this noise ! 4 90. The thief suddenly realized that the police were watching him. (watched). => The thief suddenly realized that he by the police. PHÒNG GD & ĐT BÙ GIA MẬP TRƯỜNG THCS BÙ NHO ĐỀ THI SỐ 17 ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 29-9-2011 Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được phát kèm cùng với đề thi này Đề thi có 4 trang học sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời có phát kèm đề thi này. ======================================================= =========== I. Choose the word whose the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in line. 1 A. primary B. notice C. write D. climate 2 A. force B. for C. order D. doctor 3 A. lives B. likes C. stays D. learns 4 A. listened B. cleaned C. looked D. played 5 A. the B. think C. within D. that II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in line. 6. A. ancestor B. transistor C. equator D. compressor 7. A. destination B. presidential C. economic D. analysis 8. A. tolerant B. ignorant C. descendant D. immigrant 9. A. laborious B. independent C. geology D. experiment 10. A. advisable B. admirable C. reliable D. acceptable III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following conversations. 11. – “The building is nearly finished, isn’t it?” – “Yes, but it’ll be _______ we can move in.” A. too much time till B. a long time before C. hardly time when D. very soon that 12. – “How fast was the car traveling?” – “about 50_______” A. kilometers per hour B. kilometer per hours C. kilometer per hour D. kilometers per hours 13. – “Why did Janice type those letters?” – “_____ new to the job, she didn’t know it wasn’t necessary.” A. While being B. Being C. When being D. As being 14. – “Which dress do you like better?” – “the one _______” A. I tried it on first B. first I tries it on C. I tries on it first D. I tried on first 15. – “We need better traffic rules.” – “Yes, ______ wouldn’t be so many accidents” A. then it B. then they C. then D. then there 16. – “I suggest we go on a picnic on the other side of the river.” - “_______” A. It’s a nice day! B. Have a good trip. C. Great idea! D. Congratulations! 17. – “I wish I could visit your village again some day, Ba.” – “_______.” A. Too true! B. You’re always welcome! C. Yes, let’s! D. What a day! 18. “What would you like to drink? “ – “ ______” A. Yes, please B. Milk, please C. No, thanks D. OK 19. – “How is this game played?” – “Well, the team_______ the highest score wins.” A. gets B. is getting C. got D. that gets 20. – “John should have warned you about that.” – “Yes, but _______, he’s still my good friend” A. moreover B. despite that C. although D. on the contrary 21. – “ Do you want to go skiing with us?” – “Oh, no! just _____ skiing down a mountain terrifies me.” A. the thinking on B. a thought on C. the thought of D. about thinking of 22. – “What the answer to problen two.” – “I don’t know, and even ______ I wouldn’t tell you.” A. I did B. though I did C. if I did D. if I do 23. –“I really like your new shoes.” – “And they cost less than I_______.” A. expect B. was expected C. had expected D. am expecting 24. Do you like the novel “ Gone With the Wind”?- ________. A. I would B. Yes, a lot. C. No, I like it. D. Yes, we are. 25. - “How long is the Mekong river?” –“ _______” A. It’s over 4 kilometers in length. B. It’s long over 4 kilometers C. It’s over 4 kilometers in long D. It’s over 4 kilometers IV. Choose the word or phrase that best complete each of the following sentences. 26. Our class_______into four groups when we have English lessons. 5 A. usually divides B. is usually divided C. is dividing usually D. be divided usually 27. Tornadoes can suck up anything_______ is in their path. A. what B. who C. that D. where 28. Tet is a festival which occurs_______ late January or early February. A. at B. from C. on D. in 29. Scientists can usually_______ when a volcano will erupt. A. guess B. estimate C. report D. predict 30. He can’t go to see his friends. He hasn’t got_______ time. A. a B. many C. much D. a lot 31. Plastic bags will cause pollution_______ they are very hard to dissolve. A. so B. but C. or D. because 32. Tony is going to _______ us to Hue on Sunday. Do you want to come? A. get B. take C. make D. turn 33. We are really_______ that people have spoiled this area. A. happy B. proud C. disappointed D. excited 34. The more ______ we walk, the longer it will take us to get home. A. slowest B. slower C. slowly D. slow 35. Sunday is the day _______ which we usually go fishing. A. during B. at C. in D. on 36. I received two job offers, _______ I accepted. A. neither of which B. neither of them C. neither of that D. none of which 37. Those kids are always _______ trouble. A. looking up to B. getting into C. finding about D. putting with 38. The farmers were pleased by the _______ of their crop. A. plurality B. redundancy C. ambiguity D. abundance 39. After much debate we reached a _______. A. manifestation B. consensus C. precision D. cohension 40. Without ________, natural resources will be used up within a hundred years. A. preservation B. maintenance C. conservation D. protection 41. The result is impossible to predict with any degree of ________. A. certainty B. assurance C. insurance D. probability 42. _______ different in character we are, we have been mutual friends since our childhood. A. However B. Despite being C. Although D. Whatever 43. _______ global solidarity, the world would not be better prepared for the influenza H1N1 pandemic. A. On account of B. Thanks to C. If not D. But for 44. I like listening to the music programme _____ the radio. A. above B. in C. through D. on 45. She's scared of living _____ her own in a big city. A. by B. on C. for D. in 46. It is said that _____ is better than cure. A. health B. remedy C. prevention D. surgery 47. You can use my telephone _____ you pay for the calls you make. A. as long as B. although C. however D. whereas 48. She _____ to go on a diet. A. advised B. advises C. advising D. was advised 49. Many species of rare animals have already become _____. A. disappeared B. dangerous C. extinct D. decayed 50. We've made great _____ in economy in the past few years. A. result B. effect C. business D. progress 51. I planned to have a swim this morning but the weather is so _____. A. disappointed B. bored C. uninterested D. disappointing 52 That man can tell us where _____. A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John living 53. English tends towards _____. A. simple B. simplicity C. simplier D. simply 54. The boys to stop _____ with their friends when the teacher came into class. 6 A. speaking B. telling C. talking D. saying 55. We had a river _____ we could swim. A. in which B. on which C. to which D. at which 56. Tom never makes mistakes because he is always _______ in doing his work. A. meticulous B. superficial C. tactful D. essential - Meticulous (in sth / doing sth) - Meticulous (about sth / in doing sth) paying careful attention to every detail 57. If traffic moves at low speeds, the number of accidents is ________. A. cut down B. pulled back C. turned off D. put away Giảm bớt = withdraw rút lui Sa thải, tắt Để dành, giết 58. We waited _____ at the bus stop for an hour but the bus didn't come. A. patient B. patiently C. impatient D. impatiently 59. The ghost film we saw on TV last night was not _____ at all. A. frighten B. frightened C. to frighten D. frightening 60. More money _____ in education. A. should be invested B. should invest C should to be invested D. should being invested V: Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in each of the spaces. Nearly all the discoveries that have been make through the ages can be found in books. The invention of the book is one of humankind’s greatest (61. achieve)_____________, the importance of which cannot be (62. estimate) _____________. Books are adaptable, (63. provide) _____________ us with both entertainment and information. The (64. produce) _____________of books began in Ancient Egypt, though not in a form that is (65. recognize) _____________ to us today. The books read by Romans, however, have some (66. similar) _____________ to the one we read now. Until the middle of the 15 th century, in Europe, all books were written by hand. They were often (67. beauty) _____________ illustrated and always rare and (68. expense) _____________. With printing came the possibility of cheap, large-scale publication and (69. distribute) _____________ of books, making knowledge more widespread and (60. access) ___________. 61. achievements 62. overestimated 63. providing 64. production / producing 65. recognizable / recognisable 66. similarity / similarities 67. beautifully 68. expensive 69. distribution 70. accessible VI. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer ( marked A, B, C or D). Today, I’d like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up of the earth. First, we’ll touch on the relationship between fluorocarbons and the ozone layer. You probably remember that the ozone layer is the protective shield around the earth. It is important to our life, because it filters out harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly made by the action of the sun in the upper atmosphere. It is also regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes. The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer is being destroyed. Scientists suspect that certain chemicals, such as fluorocarbons, are contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. And how do we use flourocarbons? The most common uses are in spray cans and cooling systems. The chemical pollution from these flourocarbons can account for some of the ozone losses that have been reported. There are, however, new studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer. We’ll go into that new study more next time. 71. Who is the most likely speaker? A. A doctor B. A mechanic C. A professor D. A chemist 72. What is the speaker’s main topic? A. Ultraviolet light B. The use of spray cans C. Air- conditioning systems D. Flourocarbons and the ozone layer 73. What is the most important purpose of the ozone layer? A. Providing flourocarbons B. Shielding the sun C. Protecting the earth D. Destroying chemicals 74. What is the ozone layer made of? A. Flourocarbons B. Oxygen C. Shields D. Ultraviolet light 75. What will probably be discussed next? A. Harmful effects of ultraviolet light B. How to make air conditioners with flourocarbons C. The make- up of the ozone layer D. The sun as a cause of ozone layer depletion VII. Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question. 7 Dinosaurs were reptiiles that live during a period of earth’s history called the Mesozic Era, which is also known as the age of Reptiles. The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago. For many millions of years, they dominated the land with their huge size and strength. Then about 65 million years ago, they died out reather suddenly, never reemerge. The word “Dinosaurs” comes from two Greek words meaning “terrible lizard”. Dinosaurs were not lizards, but their appearance could be truly terrifying. The biggest one weighed more than ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearly equaled the size of most modern-day whales. The famous kinds of dinosaurs, including the brontosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex, reached 80 to 90 feet in length. Not all dinosaurs were giants, however, some were actually not larger than a chicken. Scientists still do not know what caused dinosaurs to disapear. One theory involves a change in the earth’s climate. It is believed that temperatures dropped significantly towards the end of the Cretaceous protection, it is possible that the climate became too chilly for dinosaurs. In contrast, other species having protection, such as the mammals and birds, were able to survive/ 76. What is the best tittle for this passage? A. History of the earth B. Earth’s largest Reptiles C. The Metabolism of Dinosaurs D. The Domination of the land 77. It can be inferred from the passage that the Age of Reptiles lasted about ________. A. 135 million years B. 200 million years C. 80 million years D. 65 million years 78. The author uses the phrase “never reemerge” to indicate that the dinosaurs_________. A. went into hide B. became extinct C. lost their way D. never died out 79. According to the passage, what is true about the size of dinosaurs? A. it was rather uniform B. It guaranteed their survival C. It varied quiet greatly D. It made them the largest creatures ever on earth 80. The paragraph following the passage most likely disscuses __________. A. the ability of mammals to survive B. other changes in the climate C. protection of other species D. another theory about the disappearance dinosaurs. VIII. Writer the second sentenci so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in brackets. Do not change the word given: 81. "You've broken my radio, Frank !"; said Jane (accused) => Jane accused frank of having broken her radio / breaking her radio 82. My car really needs to be repaired soon. (must) => I really must have my car repaired soon 83. Susan regrets not buying that house. (wishes). => Susan wishes she had bought that house 84. I could have succeeded without your help (you) => I could have never succeeded if you hadn’t helped me. 85. I thought it might run out of cash, so I took my cheque-book with me (case) => I took my cheque –book with me in case I ran out of cash 86. Linda's plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather. (fallen) => Lida’s plans for a picnic have fallen through beacause of the weather 87. The bread was too stale to eat. (fresh). => The bread was not fresh enough to eat 88. Perhaps Brian went home early. (may). => Brian may have gone home early 89. I can't possobly work in all this noise ! (impossible). => It’s impossible for me to work in all this noise 90. The thief suddenly realized that the police were watching him. (watched). => The thief suddenly realized that he was being watched by the police 8 ANSWER KEYS 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. A 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.D 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. D 51. D 52 C 53. B 54. C 55. A 56. A 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. A 61. achievements 62. overestimated 63. providing 64. production / producing 65. recognizable / recognisable 66. similarity / similarities 67. beautifully 68. expensive 69. distribution 70. accessible 71. C 72. D 73. C 74. B 75. D 76. B 77. A 78. B 79. C 80. D 81. Jane accused frank of having broken her radio breaking her radio 82. I really must have my car repaired soon 83. Susan wishes she had bought that house 84. I could have never succeeded if you hadn’t helped me. 85. I took my cheque –book with me in case I ran out of cash 86. Lida’s plans for a picnic have fallen through beacause of the weather 87. The bread was not fresh enough to eat 88. Brian may have gone home early 89. It’s impossible for me to work in all this noise 90. The thief suddenly realized that he was being watched by the police 9 . MẬP TRƯỜNG THCS BÙ NHO ĐỀ THI SỐ 17 ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 29- 9-2011 Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được phát. MẬP TRƯỜNG THCS BÙ NHO ĐỀ THI SỐ 17 ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 29- 9-2011 Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được phát. đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được phát kèm cùng với đề thi này Đề thi có 4 trang học sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời có phát kèm đề thi này. ===================================================== ========== I.

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2014, 10:21



