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the verb TO BE

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  •  1. Where were you?

    • MIKE        Tom, where  you on your school trip?

    • 2. Complete. Then read about Peter´s trip.

  • Ex 5. Open Questions

  • What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

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I. Simple present: am/ is/ are (+) S I am C (adj, N, adv) she, he, it is you, we, they are (-) S I am not C (adj, N, adv) she, he, it is you, we, they are (?) (Wh) Am I C (adj, N, adv) ?Is she, he, it Are you, we, they EX 1. Complete the gaps with am - is - are. 1. The kids at a party. 2. Tim tired of waiting for his friend. 3. Jack a good worker. 4. John and Paul completely lost. 5. Tom`s backpack very heavy. 6. Tim at a fast food restaurant. 7. Pam sick. She has got a terrible headache. 8. Andrew and Snoopy real buddies. 9. The cat afraid of the mouse. 10. I tired of listening to you. EX 2. Make sentences 1 twenty-five old. I years am  ……………………………………… 2 are We from Venezuela.  ……………………………………… 3 I'm a and Anton is name student. My  ………………………………… 4 is book. my This  ……………………………………… 5 It's today. a day nice  ……………………………………… 6 name Paul. is Her brother's  ……………………………………… The verb TO BE 7 is John engineer. an  ……………………………………… 8 name is Johansson. husband's My  ……………………………………… 9 my are There twelve students in class.  ……………………………… 10 the is at address new top My the of letter.  ……………………… EX 3. Negative forms of the verb to be. Example: She isn't from France. 1. This book mine. 2. Jane and Peter married. 3. That right. 4. My brother here at the moment. 5. We in England. 6. It Monday today. 7. Jennie's surname Peters. 8. I a hairdresser. 9. My name Alexander. 10. There many people in this class. EX 4. Fill in the gaps : am, is, are. 1. Jane and Alice sisters? 2. this car yours? 3. I in your way? 4. Maria John's sister? 5. you twenty-five years old? 6. the Smiths divorced? 7. this your new bicycle? EX 4. Questions 1 hot? you Are  ……………………………………… 2 this Is book? your  ……………………………………… 3 the from States? Peters Is Unites Mr.  ………………………………… 4 married? they Are  ……………………………………… 5 Am wrong? or right I  ……………………………………… 6 name daughter's Sandra? your Is  ……………………………………… 7 Are Mr. Jenkins? and you Mrs.  ……………………………………… *Complete with is/are/am Peter Baker from Manchester, but Paul and John from London. Manchester and London cities in England. Hamburg a city in Germany. Sandra at school today. Jack and Peter her friends. They in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather in hospital. I at home with my grandmother." What time it? It 8 o'clock. you tired? No, I not. II. Simple past: was/ were (+) S I, she, he, it was C (adj, N, adv) You, we, they were (-) S I, she, he, it was C (adj, N, adv) You, we, they were (?) (Wh) Was S I, she, he, it was C (adj, N, adv) Were You, we, they were EX 1. Complete the sentences with WAS-WASN`T- WERE-WEREN`T. 1. Paul in the cinema yesterday. He at his granparents house. 2. they happy at the party? Yes, they 3. Paul at school yesterday? No, he . He sick. 4 Kate with her friends all afternoon. They very happy together. EX 2. Complete the conversation 1. Where were you? MIKE Tom, where you on your school trip? TOM We in the mountains. MIKE How many days you there? TOM Two days. MIKE What the weather like? TOM It sunny and hot. It a nice trip. 2. Complete. Then read about Peter´s trip. Last week we on a school trip. We in the castle. The castle wonderful. The weather fine. We at home in the evening. I tired and hungry, but very happy. EX 3. Complete the gaps with WAS-WASN`T-WERE- WEREN`T. 1. Tom very romantic yesterday. 2. Jane very sick. 3. Jack at a party he at work. 4. John and Pat very happy. 5. Susan tired of cooking. 6. Jack sad. He happy 7. Mr. Parker a great painter. 8. Andrew playing computer games. 9. The cat afraid of the small mouse. 10. Mr. Smith very hungry. 11. The kids at a birthday party. 12. Peter late for work. 13. Paul very happy, he angry. 14. Peter in a big hurry. 15. They singing very loud. 16. Tim a priest , he a musician. 17. They happy with the concert. 18. The mother really desperate. 19. Jim completely exhausted. 20. Tom with his friends. he alone. EX 4.Complete the sentences: • Today, I happy. • Yesterday, they at home. • Now, we playing football. • Last week, she on holidays. • Today, you the best student. h • Last year, you the tallest child in the school. • Now, he at the library. • Yesterday, I at the swimming-pool. • Today, it raining. • Last sunday, it sunny. • Now, they cleaning the windows. • Yesterday, we at the cinema. Ex 5. Open Questions What - When - Where - Why - Who - How I. Choose the correct alternative. 1) are my keys? 2) is the problem? 3) is your favourite singer? 4) is your birthday? 5) old are you? I'm ten years old. 6) is your telephone number? 7) are you from? 8) is your best friend? 9) is your e-mail? 10) are you? I'm fine, thanks. 11) is your graduation? Next week. 12) is she crying? Because she is sad. 13) is your last name? Gonzalez. 14) is your favourite actor? Anthony Hopkins. 15) old is your cat? Two years old. II. Choose the right option. 1) is the concert? What Who Why When 2) is Cristiano Ronaldo from? How When Where Why 3) are you so happy? I'm getting married! When How What Why 4) is your brother? He is still sick. Why How Where What 5) are you late? Because of the traffic. Where When Why How http://englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2778 . ……………………………………… 9 my are There twelve students in class.  ……………………………… 10 the is at address new top My the of letter.  ……………………… EX 3. Negative forms of the verb to be. Example: She isn't from. at school today. Jack and Peter her friends. They in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather in hospital 1. Where were you? MIKE Tom, where you on your school trip? TOM We in the mountains. MIKE How many days you there? TOM Two days. MIKE What the weather like? TOM It sunny and hot. It

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2014, 23:00

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