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Pronunciation” Ved “ and “ Ns ,es “ A . V ed / id / : t, d / t / :c, ch , p , f , k s, x , sh , gh / d / : coøn laò B . N s ,es / s / : k , f , t, th , p / iz/ : s , x , z , sh , ch , ce ge , se / z/ : coøn laò C . Exceptions: /id/ : scared, naked , wicked /d/ : raised , ploughed, weighed, used , closed , pleased, amused , / s/ : aches / z/ : weighs , ploughs, clothes STRUCTURE 1. enough + N + TO- INF: Đủ … để …… Adj / Adv enough + + TO-INF: Đủ … để …… How + do / does + S + look like? Trông thế nào/ ( hình dáng) What + be + S + like? Trông thế nào/ ( tính cách) → S + be + Adj 2. Near future ( tương lai gần): S + be + going to V 3. Reflexive Pronouns: Đại từ phản thân a. I → myself b. she → herself c. he → himself d. it → itself e. we → ourselves f. they → themselves g. you → yourself / yourselves 4. ought to + Vinf = should + Vinf (nên) have to+ Vinf = must + Vinf( phải) Negative: ought not to + Vinf = shouldn't + Vinf don't / doesn't have to = mustn't + Vinf 5. Why ? Because a. used to + Vinf( đã từng) b. be (get) used to + V ing( quen với) 6. Adverb of manner: (Trạng từ chỉ thể cách) Adj + ly Exception: good → well hard, fast, early, late, far → giữ nguyên Adjectives Adverbs Meanings slow slowly Chậm happy happily hạnh phúc quick quickly nhanh good well tốt bad badly xấu clear clearly rõ rang dangerous dangerously nguy hiểm safe safely an toàn, tiết kiệm careful carefully cẩn thận quiet quietly yên tĩnh easy easily dễ dàng sudden suddenly đột ngột careless carelessly bất cẩn skillful skillfully khéo léo recent recently gần đây strict strictly nghiêm khắc free freely tự do beautiful beautifully đẹp fluent fluently lưu loát interesting interestingly thú vị heavy heavily nặng smooth smoothly êm ái fast fast nhanh marvelous marvelously tuyệt hảo hurried hurriedly vội vả hard hard khó, vất vả extreme extremely cực độ rude rudely thô lỗ polite politely lịch sự 7. Comparison: So sánh a. Equal degreeS 1 + be + as + A / Adv + as + S 2 S 1 + V + the same as + S 2 b. Comparative form i. S 1 + be + different from + S 2 ii. S 1 + (short Adj + er ) + than S2 (more long Adj) c. Superlative: S + be + the + short Adj + est most + long Adj 8. Present progressive. a. S + be + getting + Adj coming b. To talk the future: S + be + V ing Note: • Good / well → better → the best • Bad / badly → worse → the worst • Many / much → more → the most • Little → less → the least • Far → farther → the farthest → further → the furthest Tính từ có 2 âm tiết tận cùng là -y , - et , - er , - le , - ow thì vẫn xem là tính từ ngắn. E.g.: happy → happier → happiest No as Adj / Adv as S → S + be + the -est No –er / more than S most PREPOSITION  In : Vào: Chỉ buổi / ngày / tháng / tuần / năm  On Vào: Chỉ buổi của ngày nào / ngày lễ nào  At-Vào lúc: Thời điểm nào / mấy giờ  Giữa hai thời điểm  till Đến mộït thời điểm  after Sau thời điểm  up to Đến mộït thời điểm REPORTED SPEECH 1. Expressions of time and place in reported speech Direct speech Indirect speech today / tonight tomorrow the day after tomorrow next week now tomorrow morning here ago that day / that night the next day / the following day in two days’ time the following week then the next morning there tearlier/ before this these that those 2. Statements in inderect speech: tense changes necessary Direct speech Indirect speech Simple Present “I never eat meat,” he said Present Progressive “I’m waiting for Ann,” he said Present perfect “I have found a flat,” he said Future He said, “I will be in Paris on Monday” But note, Conditional I said, “I would like to see it?” Simple Past = He said that he never ate meat. Past Progressive = He said that he was waiting for Ann. Past perfect = He said that he had found a flat. Conditional = He said he would be in Paris on Monday. Conditional = I said I would like to see it. (no tense change) *** Note: must  had to , can  could, may  might GERUND The gerund is used as a subject, a complement, an object of a verb or an object of a preposition ( danh động từ được sử dụng như một chủ động, bổ túc từ, túc từ của một động từ, hay túc từ của một giới từ) Ex1: Seeing is believing ( S= gerund) Ex2: Her hobby is listening to music ( complement = gerund) Ex3: They have finished doing exercises ( object = gerund) Ex4: We are font of playing football (Object of an preposition = gerund) Note: Danh động từ theo sau các động từ: to enjoy, to mind, to avoid, to finish, to practise, to suggest, to postpone, to delay, to imagine, can’t help/stand Lưu ý cách sử dụng của các động từ : Forget + to-infinitive : quên (sẽ/ phải) làm gì Forget + ing : quên đã làm việc gì. Ex1: She forgets being taken to the zoo by her father when she was six Ex2: Don’t forget to shut the door before leaving. Remember + to-infinitive : nhớ ( sẽ/ phải) làm gì; Remember + V-ing : nhớ đã làm gì Ex1: They always remember going to cinema together. Ex2: They remember to have a test on Wendnesday. Stop + to-infinitive : dừng ( một việc) lại để làm gì; . ought to + Vinf = should + Vinf (nên) have to+ Vinf = must + Vinf( phải) Negative: ought not to + Vinf = shouldn't + Vinf don't / doesn't have to = mustn't + Vinf 5. Why ?. tự do beautiful beautifully đẹp fluent fluently lưu loát interesting interestingly thú vị heavy heavily nặng smooth smoothly êm ái fast fast nhanh marvelous marvelously tuyệt hảo hurried hurriedly. They have finished doing exercises ( object = gerund) Ex4: We are font of playing football (Object of an preposition = gerund) Note: Danh động từ theo sau các động từ: to enjoy, to mind, to avoid,

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2014, 22:01

Xem thêm: ontap av 8 hk2



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