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Giáo Trình How To Use AutoIt A Professional Manner part 143 pptx

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 Fixed: Native DLL: Return strings were sometimes incorrectly terminated.. UDFs:  Added: _GDIPlus_StringFormatSetAlign  Added: _StringExplode  Added: _GDIPlus_ImageGetFlags, _GD

Trang 1

 Changed: Size limits removed from RegRead() and RegWrite() (previously 64KB for some registry types)

 Changed: RegRead() and RegWrite() no longer use hex strings for

REG_BINARY types - native binary datatypes are enforced


 Changed: Native DLL: All string methods in the native API are now

Unicode The majority of functions no longer have ANSI versions

 Added: COM: WinList method

 Fixed: Native DLL: Return strings were sometimes incorrectly terminated

 Fixed: PixelChecksum() not returning correct values


 Fixed #436: Compression level was ignored when performing compilation from the GUI

 Added #460: More verbose UPX errors


 Added: _GDIPlus_StringFormatSetAlign

 Added: _StringExplode()

 Added: _GDIPlus_ImageGetFlags,


_GDIPlus_ImageGetPixelFormat, _GDIPlus_ImageGetRawFormat

_GDIPlus_ImageGetType, _GDIPlus_ImageGetVerticalResolution

 Added: _PathGetRelative

 Added: _ArrayCombinations, _ArrayPermute, _ArrayUnique

 Added: _WinAPI_CreatePen, _WinAPI_DrawLine, _WinAPI_LineTo, _WinAPI_MoveTo, _WinAPI_GetBkMode, _WinAPI_SetBkMode

 Added: _WinAPI_CombineRgn, _WinAPI_CreateRectRgn,

_WinAPI_CreateRoundRectRgn, _WinAPI_SetWindowRgn

 Added: _ExcelHorizontalAlignSet, _ExcelFontSetProperties,


 Added: _WinAPI_SetEndOfFile, _WinAPI_SetFilePointer

 Added: Missing FrameConstants.au3

 Added: Excel UDFs

 Added: _Timer_GetIdleTime, _WinAPI_GetWindowPlacement,


 Added #332: Remarks to _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create

Trang 2

 Added #275: _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPolygon

 Added: _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab

 Added: _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetUnicode,


 Removed: _StringSplit, no longer needed

 Fixed #693: _DateTimeFormat() time format

 Fixed #701: _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() Clicks in the wrong place when

$fMove = True

 Fixed #700: _GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem() Clicks in the wrong place when $fMove = True

 Fixed #703: _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem() Clicks in the wrong place when

$fMove = True

 Fixed #705: _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton() Clicks in the wrong place when $fMove = True

 Fixed #707: _GUICtrlMonthCal_Create() width and height

 Fixed #674: _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() Clicks in the wrong place when

$fMove = True

 Fixed #610: _WinAPI_CreateFile() wrong return value upon failure

 Fixed #619: _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected memory allocation

 Fixed #617: corrections to six GDI+ ImageGet help file examples

 Fixed #621: _StringAddThousandsSep don't work with negative number

 Fixed #635: _GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab() docs list unused $fPopupScan


 Fixed #650: Missing BorderConstants.au3

 Fixed #656: _FileCountLines returns 0 if file only contains 1 line

 Fixed #600: _ArraySearch fails with 2D array

 Fixed #603: _FileReadToArray() does not return an array if the file contains only a single line of text

 Fixed #495: _GUICtrlTreeView_GetTree returns only 1 parent

 Fixed #503: _Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime example

 Fixed #510: _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem: If columns inside listview

exceed visible area, clicks outside of the control

 Fixed #500: _ChooseColor run on 64bit

 Fixed #517: WinAPI UDF - bad error checking after DllCall()

 Fixed #533: Array functions dimension check

 Fixed: various Timer Functions

 Fixed #506: _FileCountLines deal with all common line-end-chars

 Fixed #485: WinAPI missing related links in helpfile

Trang 3

 Fixed #571: return value doc for _GUICtrlListBox_FindString,

_GUICtrlListBox_GetAnchorIndex and _GUICtrlListBox_GetText

 Fixed #586: _GuiCtrlListView_SetGroupInfo() destroyed group ID's

 Fixed #516: _ChooseFont run on 64bit

 Fixed #595: _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx help file description of


 Fixed #465: _DateTimeSplit if seconds omitted defaulted to -1, now defaults

to 0

 Fixed: Excel Examples

 Fixed #422: _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode $iSmooth accepts only

0 - 4, doc updated

 Fixed #388: _GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonSize Example

 Fixed #400: SQLite.dll.au3 @ProcessorArch replaced with @OSArch

 Fixed #390: _viPrintf replaced return type

 Fixed #371: _GDIPlus_Startup return value

 Fixed #368: _ArrayToClip return value

 Fixed #361, #362: _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem doc

 Fixed #285: _ChooseColor Example

 Fixed #299: _GUICtrlTab_SetItemText buffer length for Unicode

 Fixed #292: _EventLog Clear not clearing log when backup parameter is empty

 Fixed #258: _ClipBoard_GetData

 Fixed #294: _FileReadToArray where the file contains no @LF

 Fixed #303: Clock.au3 in Examples\GUI\Advanced

 Fixed: _GUICtrlListView_SetItemEx text buffer

 Fixed #320: _WinNet_EnumResource struct pointers

 Fixed #321: _GUICtrlStatusBar_GetText buffer length for Unicode

 Changed: StringAddThousandsSep params in regards to #442

 Changed #733: Doc for _GUICtrlButton_SetImageList

 Changed: _SQLite -> 3.6.7

 Changed #442: _StringAddThousandsSep() allows for regional settings

 Changed #290: _GDIPlus_DrawImagePoints

 Changed: _Soundxxxx functions

 Changed #599: _FileListToArray speed optimization

12th June, 2008 - v3.2.12.1


Trang 4

 Fixed: RunAs() and RunAsWait() now use @SystemDir as the working directory instead of @WorkingDir when a user-supplied working directory

is not specified

 Fixed: Contextmenuitem not firing events

 Fixed: Icon transparency refresh when on tab regression

 Fixed: RunAs() under Windows 2000

16th May, 2008 - v3.2.12.0


 Removed: Unnecessary optional parameter from ProcessClose()

 Removed: RunAsSet() (Replaced with RunAs() and RunAsWait())

 Removed: RunErrorsFatal option ( Opt() )

 Removed: ColorMode option ( Opt() )

 Changed: @Unicode renamed to @AutoItUnicode @Unicode is an alias for now It will be removed >

 Changed: The behavior of StdoutRead(), StderrRead(), StdinWrite() and ConsoleRead() has been changed

 Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 7.6

 Changed: AutoIt internet functions (e.g InetGet()) now use "AutoIt" as a user-agent Previously using blank

which was blocked by many websites

 Changed: ControlClick() now accepts the same mouse buttons as

MouseClick() - left/right/middle/primary/secondary/main/menu

 Changed: Maximum controls in a GUI window 4093 -> 65532

 Changed: @OSVersion can now return "WIN_2008" for Windows Server


 Added: RunAs(), RunAsWait()

 Added: GUISetAccelerators()

 Added: REGEXPCLASS in Advanced Window and control definitions

 Added: X, Y, W, H in advanced window/control definitions

 Added: DllCall() new types int_ptr, uint_ptr, long_ptr, ulong_ptr Special types that change size on x86/x64

 Added: "REG_QWORD" type for RegWrite()

 Added: HotKeySet() modified to work with the {} notation

 Added: FileReadLine( ,-1) read last line

 Added: Std I/O redirection works with RunAs ()

Trang 5

 Added: Std I/O merged flag for using the same stream for stdout/stderr

 Added: Std I/O supports binary data

 Added: ConsoleWrite()/ConsoleWriteError() now return the amount of data written

 Added: Remarks in Run() about how to close streams/release resources associated with STDIO

 Added: StdioClose() function to force STDIO data closed for a process

 Added: ProcessClose() now closes processes started by other users

 Added: ProcessWaitClose() returns exitcode in @extended

 Added: Pixel () can specify a window handle as last parameter

 Added: "start" and "count" parameters added to StringInStr()

 Added: GUICtrlSetDefColor(), GUICtrlSetDefBkColor()

 Added: Added parent window parameter to MsgBox(), FileSelectFolder(), FileOpenDialog(), FileSaveDialog()

 Fixed: DllCall() setting wrong @error values

 Fixed: BlockInput() returns errors

 Fixed: WinWaitActive() not matching (more frequent with Windows Vista)

 Fixed: GUICtrlSetState($GUI_SHOW) on hidden radio on an active tab

 Fixed: SciTe Lite not installed in the AutoIt chosen release directory

 Fixed: WinMove() with Speed = 0 crash the script

 Fixed: Mysterious UDF return value of 1 when no explicit value was set

 Fixed: ControlCommand(), "GetLineCount"

 Fixed: TraySetState(4) flashing tray icon for Windows Vista

 Fixed: ProcessExists() wrong return

 Fixed: StringRegExp() crashing under Win95

 Fixed: Handle leak when using Run() with I/O redirection

 Fixed: Disabled input control background on tab control

 Fixed: GUICtrlDelete() of a tab if two GUI windows are used

 Fixed: AutoIt crash in Random() when range exceeds 2^31

 Fixed: #include parsing error detection

 Fixed: Array entry passed Byref to a UDF

 Fixed: FileSetTime() erroneously rounds UP on non NTFS partition

 Fixed: STDIO redirection sometimes failed on Windows 9x

 Fixed: IniReadSectionNames() returning incorrect number of sections under Win9x

 Fixed: AutoIt tray icon removal on script exiting

 Fixed: AutoIt crash when removing ObjEvent() object

 Fixed: ObjEvent() handler can destroy return of AutoIt Function : as

winwait("title") can return 0

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2014, 21:20



