Index subjunctive mood, 73 subordinate clauses. See dependent (subordi- nate) clauses subordinate conjunctions, 40-41 subordination, 182-185 coordination, compared, 185 substandard usage, 8 suffixes, 237-241 superlative degree, adjectives and adverbs, 102-105 Tale of Two Cities, A, 259 templates, business letters, 328 tense, verbs, 60-71 future, 68 past, 67-68 time, 67 thank you letters, composing, 338-339 that, 97 thesauruses, 201-202 they, 95 Thompson, Dorothy, 252 Thousand and One Nights, A, 272 Thurber, James, 133, 252 time, verb tenses, 67 tone, 300-302 transitions, 255-256. See also conjunctive adverbs transitive verbs, 36 Trillin, Calvin, 85 Twain, Mark, 257 slang terms, 8 substandard, 8 usage dictionaries, 198 usage labels, dictionaries, 196 U unabridged dictionaries, 198 unclear antecedents, avoiding, 95-Ç usage, 7-9 elements, 9 formal, 8 informal, 8 nonstandard English, 8-9 verbal phrases, 140, 145-146 gerund,147-148 infinitive, 148-149 participle, 146-147 verbosity, avoiding, 290-294 verbs, 36-39, 59-60 action, 36, 283 classes, 61-64 conjugation, 65 gerunds, 147-148 helping, 37 infinitives, 148-149 information conveyed, 60 intransitive, 65 irregular, 62-65 linking, 37, 82 adjectives, 106-107 moods, 72 number, 72 person, 72 plural, 113-114, 120-122 principal parts, 61 regular, 62 simple form, 61 singular, 112-113 subjects, agreement, 19 tense, 60-71 future, 68 past, 67-68 time, 67 transitive, 36 verbals, 140, 145-146 voice, 73-75 vernacular, 302 voice, 73-75 Voltaire, 251 *tO*t The (omplete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style, Second Edition W-X-Y-Z subjects, focusing on, 279-280 types, 271 . , ,. ->., verbosity, avoiding, 290-294 watchdog audiences, 264 , . J1 b ' _„ Webster, Noah, 197 lÏ order Ts^ Webster s Dictionary of Synonyms, 202 ' Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 197 Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, 196 well and good, compared, 106 Weston, Arthur H., 85 which, 97 White, E. B., 10, 252 who and whom, compared, 85-87 word origin dictionaries, 198 words in apposition, 210 writers and grammarians, compared, 7 writing argumentation, 272-273 bias-free language, 316-318 business letters, 328 clarity, 276 description, 273 details, adding, 280-282 doublespeak, avoiding, 318 exposition, 271 inventories, 20-23 longhand, 193-194 narration, 272 padding, 282 pronouns, 283 punctuation, importance of, 284-286 redundant writing, avoiding, 287-290 sexist language, avoiding, 312-315 standards, 11 style, 251-253 audience, 263-269 clarity, 257-258 coherence, 255-257 consistency, 253-255 developing, 258-260 importance of, 284-286 myths, 261-262 . 140, 145-146 voice, 73-75 vernacular, 302 voice, 73-75 Voltaire, 251 *tO*t The (omplete Idiot& apos;s Guide to Grammar and Style, Second Edition W-X-Y-Z subjects, focusing on, 279-280. future, 68 past, 67-68 time, 67 thank you letters, composing, 338-339 that, 97 thesauruses, 201-202 they, 95 Thompson, Dorothy, 252 Thousand and One Nights, A, 272 Thurber, James, . adjectives, 106-107 moods, 72 number, 72 person, 72 plural, 113-114, 120-122 principal parts, 61 regular, 62 simple form, 61 singular, 112-113 subjects, agreement, 19 tense, 60-71