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GRAMMAR & STRUCTURE 1. “Who’s Winnie?” “She’s the girl ____________ father won millions of dollars in the lottery.” A. who’s B.whose C. in which her D.on which her 2. The book, ______________ I only bought last week, is falling apart already. A. what B.who C. which D.that 3. I love the spring, __________ the flowers all begin to appear. A. where B.what C. that D.when 4. The kind of music ___________ my group plays is hard to describe. A. that B.who C. whose D.whom 5. John always left the milk out of the fridge, __________ really annoyed her. A. that B.what C. where D.which 6. She is a writer ____________ books I always like to read. A. who B.whom C. whose D.that 7. In the part of the city _________ I live, nothing interesting ever happens. A. where B.when C. that D.who 8. My car, __________ I only bought two months ago, has broken down. A. that B.whose C. what D.which 9. They lost the game, __________ disappointed their supporters. A. which B.that C. when D.why 10. My brother, _______ knows a lot about this sort of thing, told me about what I should do. A. that B.where C. who D.whose 11. The woman ______________ Tom has just got acquainted is a famous singer. A. with whom B.for whom C. at whom D.whom 12. The flat _____________ he lived was dirty. A. in which B.in what C. to which D.to whom 13. He is the boy _______________ I went to school. A. with which B.to whom C. with whom D.to which 14. The woman____________ I told you works in our school. A. about which B.to which C. to whom D.about whom 15. Pam is the friend ____________ she lives. A. to whom B.with whom C. who D.whom 16. The music ___________ we are listening is very wonderful. A. which B.to which C. with which D.who 17. The bus __________ I go to work is very fast. A. on which B.to which C. that D.to that 18. The man _____________ I work is very nice. A. whose B.who C. for whom D.which 19. The house _________ I live is very small. A. which B.what C. when D.in which 20.______________ to find out what had really happened, I asked a lot of questions. A. Trying B.Try C. Tried D.To try 21. The Tate Modern ______________ in 2000 is a huge art gallery in London. A. opening B.open C. be opened D.opened 22.The novel ___________ over 100 years ago is still relevant today. A. writing B.written C. write D.wrote 23. Francis Ford Coppola ____________ the Godfather film is a very well-known director. A. make B.made C. making D.be made 24. ____________ in 1927, this is one of the finest cinemas in London. A. Building B.Built C. To built D.Be building 25. There is a big tourist attraction in London, ____________ as the London Eye. A. known B.know C. knowing D.to know 26. People ____________ in London are called Londoners. A. live B.lived C. living D.be lived 27. The car __________ outside belongs to Susan. A. parking B.parked C. park D.to park 28. The shop ___________ really good meat is on Tran Hung Dao Street. A. sell B.sold C. be sold D.selling 29. The girl ____________ with Ann is very beautiful. A. worked B.working C. work D.be worked 30. The girl _______ photo was in the local paper lives near my house A. which B.whose C.whom D.whoever 31. It’s the best film________ has ever been made about madness A. that B.whom C.whose D.when 32.The year ______ we came to live here was 1975 A. when B.where C. that D.which 33. The fans ________ crowded the stadium roared their approval A. who B.which C. whose D.what 34. I can answer the question ________ you say is very difficult A. which B.whom C. where D.whose 35. He has just gone to his friend’s house, _________ there is a party today A. who B.whom C. where D.which 36. Most folk songs are ballads________ have simple words and tell simple stories A. What B.Whoever C.which D.Whichever 37.The radio program to whom I listened last night was so interesting. 38. Nancy’s mother, to who I talked in the party, has a big restaurant. 39. Visitors were not permitted entering the park because of the lack of security. 40. The manager about which Mary told was wealthy. 41. Do you know the girl ……… a long white dress? A. wears B.to wear C. wear D.wearing 42. The house ………… 40 years ago is still in good condition. A. which built B.to build C. built D.building 43. I like the food ……….by my mother. A. was cooked B.cooked C. which cooked D.cooking 44. The man ……… at the back board is our teacher. A. stood B.stands C. standing D.to stand 45. Armstrong was the first astronaut ………… onto the moon A. to step B.stepping C. stepped D.steps 46. The car ………… toward us looks modern. A. comes B.coming C. came D.to come 47. The bank manager was the second person ………… by the robbers A. to be killed B.who killed C. killing D.kills 48. The trees …………. Our village are bamboo ones A. to surround B.surrounding C. surrounded D.surround 49. I’m the last one ……… of the news A. Informing B.to inform C. to be informed D.inform 50. Tom was the last ………… the classroom yesterday. to leave B.leaving C. left D.leaves 51. The man ………… the bank is a millionaire A.is entering B.entering C. to be entered D.enters 52. Bill Gate, _______ is the president of Microsoft Company, is a billionaire A. who B.whom C. whose D.that 53. Experts ________ feel that they are related to the deep wishes and fears of the dreamer A. study dreams B.who dream study C. whose dream study D.who study dreams 54. The severe drought ________ occurred lat summer ruined the corn crop A. that is B.which is C. it D.that 55. Florida, ______ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year A. is B.known as C. is known as D.that is known as 56. Laura’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She’s marrying a man ______ A. that she hardly knows him B.who she hardly knows him C. she hardly knows D.she hardly knows him 57. .______ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979. A. It was Jane Byrne B.Jane Byrne C. That Jane Byrne D.When Jane Byrne 58. The first American novelist to have a major impact on world literature _____ A. who was James Fenimore Cooper B.James Fenimore Cooper was C. it was James Fenimore Cooper D.was James Fenimore Cooper 59. It was in 1875 ____ joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Havard University. A. that Anna Winlock B.Anna Winlock, who C. as Anna Winlock D.Anna Winlock then 60. _____ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to ColumbiA. A. In 1790 was B.There was in 1790 C. In 1790 D.It was in 1790 61……… my father and my brother are football fans. A. so B.either C. both D.neither 62. Either I or mother . ……… to prepare our meals. A. has B.have C. am D.having 63. He is neither a teacher ………… a doctor. A. and B.nor C. or D.not 64. Her father an English and her mother is French. So you can speak……… English ……. French to her. A. neither/nor B.either/nor C. neither/or D.either/or 65. Neither I nor Linda ……… the answer. A. know B.knows C. knew D.have known 66. The baby is only two months olD.It can … speak ……. Walk. A. neither/nor B.either/ or C. both/and D.not/nor 67. My parents want me ……… to study …… to have well. A. either/ or B.neither /or C. either both D.not only/ but also 68. All of the students have passed the exam. …… of them has failed. A. either B.neither C. both D.none 69. My mother together with my aunts …… going shopping at the moment. A. is B.are C. was D.were 70. Nobody in my class likes him. He is … mean …… selfish. A. either/nor B.either /or C. both/and D.either /and 71. It was the letter that ……… yesterday. A. was arrived B.arrived C. were arrived D.arriving 72. It is a new school that . in our village next week. A. is going to be built B.was built C. is built D.is going to build 73. It is the people that . ……… in the yesterday accident. A. injured B.was injured C. were injured D.injure 74. No one is better cook than his mother, ______? A. is she B.isn't she C. are they D.aren’t they 75. Do it right now, ______? A. will you B.shall you C. do you D.don't you 76. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ______? A. are they B.are there C. aren’t they D.aren’t there 77. He seldom goes to the library, ______? A. doesn’t he B.is he C. does he D.isn’t he 78. Let's go for a long walk, ______? A. will we B.shall we C. don't you D.do you 79. I'd lost my key, so I ______ the door when I got home. A. could lock B.wasn't able to lock C. couldn't unlock D.was able to unlock 80. When Mr. Lee was younger, he ______ work in the garden for hours. A. has got to B.should be able to C. can D.could 81. I think he will join us, ______? A. doesn't he B.won't he C. will he D.don't I 82. Since they came, we ______ able to work on the project. A. are B.have been C. have to be D.were 83. After I ______ at the bus terminus, I found a crowd of schoolboys. A. had arrived B.arrived C. have arrived d had been arriving 84. Seldom ______ such a beautiful sight. A. have I seen B.I have ever seen C. I saw D.did I ever see 85. No one is indifferent to praise, ______ ? A. is one B.isn’t one C. is he D.are they 86. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ______ ? A. have they B.haven't they C. has he D.hasn't he 87. Despite the bad weather, he ______ get to the airport in time. A. could B.was able to C. couldn't D.might 88. People say that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed. A. It is said that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed. B.Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to be destroyed. C. Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to have destroyed. D.Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world are said to have been destroyed. 89. It is believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomB. A. They believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomB. B.A buried treasure is believed that was hidden in the tomB. C. A buried treasure is believed to hide in the tomB. D.A buried treasure is believed to have been hidden in the tomB. 90. George …………another trip to Greece. A. is said to be planned B.said to be planned C. said to be planning D.is said to be planning 91. The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930. A. They said that skyscraper was built in 1930. B.It was said that skyscraper was built in 1930. C. They are said that skyscraper is built in 1930. D.It is said that skyscraper was built in 1930. 92. John ……………… The Great Egypt of GizA. A. said to have been visited B.is said to have been visited C. is said to have visited D.said to have visited 93. Mr. pike ………… the most famous archaeologist in our city. A. says to be B.is said to be C. is said that D.said to be 94. Many people believe that God created the world. A. It believes that God created the world. B.The world is believed God created. C. God is believed to create the world. D.God is believed to have create the world. 95. …………… to be the richest man in the USA. A. Bill Gates B.Bill Gates says C. Bill Gates is D.Bill Gates is said 96. John is said to have been stolen the money. A. It is said John steals the money. B.It is said John stole the money. C. People said John steals the money. D.People say John steals the money. 97. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods. A. Many people say to be homeless after the floods. B.Many people said are homeless after the floods. C. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods. D.Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods. VOCABULARY 1. The hotel staff are friendly and_______ A. unhelpful B.courteous c. discourteous D.impolite 2. A person who receives something is called________ A. receive B.receipt C. recipe D.recipient 3. The post office offers the_______ Mail Service which is particularly fast A. Secure B.Efficient C. Express D.Reliable 4. There was no mention of the incident in the national press A. television B.newspapers C. Internet D.radio 5. You can choose to send your letters by air or surface mail A. have B.like C. select D.get 6. Prices are going ________ in a worry way A. up B.over C. away D.off 7. The society was set up to _____ endangered species from extinction. A. prevent B.distinguish C. preserve D.survive 8. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean. A. powerful B.significant C. disastrous D.detectable 9. The Earth will be a planet where human beings, animals and plants live in peaceful _____. A. cooperation B.coordination C. corporation D.coexistence 10. Some people have a more ______ attitude towards animals than they do towards children. A. human B.humane C. humanized D.humanistic 11. We continue to ______rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming. A. cut off B.cut in C. cut out D.cut down 12. It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of birD.It has been listed as one of the _____ species. A. dangers B.danger C. dangerous D.endangered 13. The war brought death and ______ to the city. A. destruction B.destruct C. destroyed D.destroy 14. Are there any ______ rivers left in the world? A. pollutions B.unpolluted C. pollutant D.polluted 15. The mystery of her _____ was never solved. A. disappearance B.appearance C. appearing D.appearances 16. My friend is a keen amateur ______. A. natured B.natures C. natural D.naturalist 17. At present, most of our energy comes from fossil fuels. A. recently B.now C. that D.in fact 18. However, such reserves are strictly limited A. slightly B.slowly C. severely D.easily 19. Because power demand is increasing very rapidly, fossil fuels will be exhausted within a short time. A. enabled B.tired C. bushed D.emptied 20. Therefore, people must develop and use alternative sources of energy A. hold up B.build up C. grow up D.stand up 21. However, it is only possible in few places in the world. A. potential B.available C. skillful D.able 22. It’s known that a …… is a person or group competing in a final. A. final B.finally C. finalize D.finalist 23. The Vietnamese participants always take part ________ sport events with great enthusiasm A. in B.on C. at D.to 24. The Asian Games _________ every four years A. take place B.took place C. takes place D.taken place 25. Football fans gathered around the TV in the corner of the club to see the final A. assembled B.collected C. warned D.reached 26. The World Cup is a football_________ which is open to all countries A. participation B.involvement C. occasion D.competition 27. Scuba-diving and windsurfing arte both aquatic sports A. field B.water C. combat D.individual 28. The panda's habitat is the bamboo forest. A. nature B.natural C. naturalized D.naturally 29. Learners can feel very if an exercise is too difficult. A. courageous B.encouraging C. discouraged D.discouragingly 30. The friendly products are designed not to harm the natural environment. A. environment B.environmental C. environmentally D.environmentalism 31. The waste from the chemical factory is extremely A. harm B.harmful C. unharmed D.harmless 32. People are destroying the air by adding to it. A. pollutants B.polluters C. pollution D.polluted 33. 14 per cent of primate species are highly A. danger B.dangerous C. endanger D.endangered 34. The of old buildings should be taken into consideration. A. preserve B.preservation C. preservative D.preserves 35. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the of wildlife. A. extinct B.extinctive C. extinctions D.extinction 36. Animal supporters gathered to protest' against hunting. A. protect B.protection C. protective D.protectionist 37. The main threat to the of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat. A. survive B.survivor C. survival D.survivable 38. My father never indulges drinking. A. on B.in C. with D.to 39. He wasn't able to cope the stresses and strains of the joB. A. with B.to C. in D.on 40. These ideas have now been completely discarded. A. come up with B.got rid of C. put forward D.put into practice 41. The astronauts were able to send the information back to the earth. A. spaceships B.space stations C. spacemen D.space shots 42. The singer was on the piano by her sister. A. played B.performed C. accompanied D.helped 43. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. A. busy B.relaxed C. comfortable D.free 44. My parents lent me the money. , I couldn't have afforded the trip. A. Only if B.Otherwise C. However D.Therefore 45. I don't know the title but I recognize the of this song. A. sound B.rhyme C. tune D.theme 46. No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space. A. exactly B.clearly C. carefully D.vividly 47. Neil Armstrong, an American ______, was the first man to step on the moon's surface. A. scientist B.cosmonaut C. astronaut D.astronomer 48. The 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut became the first person to eat and drink in ______. A. weight B.weighting C. weightless D.weightlessness 49. About 100 Russian satellites are ___the earth. A. flying B.orbitting C. traveling D.circuiting 50. Many people are demonstrating to express their ______ with the new land law. A. satisfied B.satisfactory C. satisfaction D.dissatisfaction PHONETICS 1. A. exactly B.exist C. exhaust D.extinct 2. A. survive B.prohibit C. fertilizer D.environment 3. A. decreased B.influenced C. endangered D.established 4. A. wash B.solar C. sugar D.sure 5. A. geothermal B.power C. solar D.hydro 6. A. athlete B.appreciate C. wrestling D.freestyle 7. A. attracted B.added C. competed D.developed 8. A. practised B.stamped C. indulged D.accomplished 9. A. friends B.tunes C. clubs D.stamps 10. A. memento B. spectacular C. enormous D. generous 11. A. undertake B. recreation C. spectacular D. satisfaction 12. A. ignorant B. continual C. gigantic D. indulge 13. A. volunteer B. competition C. enthusiastic D. intercultural 14. A. facilities B. solidarity C. performance D. aquatic 15. A. electricity B. geothermal C. alternative D. radiation 16. A. available B. potential C. unlimited D. infinite 17. A. agriculture B. extinction C. environment D. establishment 18. A. transit B. transmit C. transact D. translate 19. A. capacity B. communal C. secure D. imagine 20. A. installation B. disadvantage C. dissatisfied D. disappointed Recent research reveals that the degradation of agricultural soils, forests, woodlands, coastal fisheries, and wild resources is more and more serious .The majority of the estimated costs of environmental degradation comes from forests and natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. More than 50% of the original forest has been converted to agricultural land by slash-and-burn. Despite land expansion, productivity has declined because of soil erosion. Fish, timber, and non-timber forest product stocks are decreasing. As a result, coastal towns have begun to experience severe water shortages. Hydropower is dropping. Wildlife populations and biodiversity are in serious decline and many species face extinction. Poor forest management and soil degradation result in huge economic losses. The degradation of water increase the costs and reduces the quality of both water and power. The prospects for economic development and poverty reduction are dependent on natural resources. Natural households rely on natural resources for their livelihoods, fisheries, and wildlife which provide protein in diets. Urban economic activities depend on reliable hydroelectric power. However, people do not have much awareness of protecting the environment on which their life depends. 1. The passage is about A. forests fires B. the degradation of the environment C. fishery and agriculture D. economic losses 2. Which does not suffer from degradation? A. industry B. agriculture C. fishery D. forestry 3. It is that makes agricultural productivity decline. A. land expansion B. slash-and-burn C. soil erosion D. agricultural land 4. Which sentence is NOT true? A. There are water shortages in coastal towns. B. Hydropower is declining. C. Water is not influenced by pollution. D. We depend on natural resources to solve the problems of poverty. 5. People A. do not know much of protecting the environment. B. have a great awareness of the environment. C. are doing a lot of things to prevent pollution. D. can increase economy without natural resources. Yuri Gagarin was born in Klushino near Gzhatsk, a region west of Moscow, Russia, on March 9, 1934. He was a Soviet cosmonaut who in 1961 became the first person in space and the first human to orbit the Earth. The adjacent town of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin in 1968 in his honor. Yuri Gagarin’s parents worked on a collective farm. His mother was reportedly a voracious reader, and his father a skilled carpenter. He was the third of four children in his family. Gagarin’s teacher described him as intelligent and hard-working. After starting an apprenticeship in a metalwork’s as a foundry man, Gagarin was selected for further training at a high technical school in Saratov. While there, he joined the “AeroClub”, and learned how to fly a light aircraft. In 1955, after completing his technical schooling, he entered military flight training at the Orenburg Pilot’s school. While there he met Valentina Goryacheva, whom married in 1957, after gaining his pilot’s wing in a Mig-15. 1960, an extensive search and selections process saw Yuri Gagarin, as one of 20 cosmonauts, selected for the Soviet space program. Out of the 20 selected, the eventual choices for the first launch were Gagarin and Gherman Titov, because of their excellent performance in training, as well as their physical characteristics. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin became the first human to travel into space in Vostok 3KA-2 (Vostok 1). He lost his life in a training accident on March 27, 1968. 1. Where was Yuri Gagarin born? A. In Gzhatsk. B. In Klushino. C. In Moscow. D. In Saratov. 2. What did his father do? A. A reader. B. A teacher. C. A carpenter. D. A pilot. 3. What did he do after completing his technical schooling? A. He learned how to fly a light aircraft. B. He entered military flight training at the Orenburg Pilot’s School. C. He joined the “AeroClub”. D. he married Valentina Goryacheva. 4. The word eventual in paragraph 4 could be best replaced by _______________. A. final B. daily C. second D. annual 5. Which of the following is NOT true about Yuri Gagarin? A. He was the third of four children in his family. B. He was the first human to travel into space. C. He was one of 20 cosmonauts selected for the Soviet space program. D. He died in 1968 because of lung cancer. . ____________ in 1927, this is one of the finest cinemas in London. A. Building B.Built C. To built D.Be building 25. There is a big tourist attraction in London, ____________ as the London Eye. A. known. Armstrong, an American ______, was the first man to step on the moon's surface. A. scientist B.cosmonaut C. astronaut D.astronomer 48. The 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut became the first person. have been stolen the money. A. It is said John steals the money. B.It is said John stole the money. C. People said John steals the money. D.People say John steals the money. 97. It is said that

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