1 Index access control 120,2188 access control list (ACL) 2139 accounting and financial analysis subsystem 1353 action planning 2136 action research 403 action research, characteristics of 403 active objects 2374 actor-network theory (ANT) 1384 ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) 976 ad hoc wireless networks 973 adaptability 828 adopting e-business application levels 692 adoption intention 1461,1464 ADSL (asymmetric digital sub- scriber line) 85 ADSL enabled exchange 85 ADV static (ADVS) 978 advance mobile phone service (AMPS) 966,971 advanced encryption standard (AES) 889,2157 advanced planning systems (APSs) 158,684 advertising fees 676 affiliate program 319 affiliate referral fees 676 affiliation 321 agency theory 405, 592 agenda setting 184 agent 828, 852, 865 agent activation 859 agent butler, prototype of 826 agent freeze 856, 858 agent migration 542 agent migration process 543 agent pre-activation 857 agent receptionist 855 agent technologies 822, 865 agent transport 857, 858 agent transport protocol 861 agent-based infrastructures (ABI) 97 agent-based technology 833 agent-based technology, applica- tions of 829 aggregators 1694 agile environment 484 agile manufacturing 483 agile supply chains 162 agile supply chains model 353 agility (variability) 162, 163, 679 aglets 121 aglets system 875 AHD (American Hardware Depot) 1320, 1324 AHD and dealers 1321 AHD, digital transformation 1317 AHD, e-business initiatives 1322 AHDCONNECT 1324 AHD-Customers 1323 AHD-Dealers 1322 Aircrack 2160 Airsnort 2169 Ajanta 875 Akogrimo 99 Alaska 1576-1589 Alaska distance education, social implications 1576, 1579 Alaska education 1578 Alaska Native Lands Settlement Act(ANCSA) 1577 Alaska Staff Development Net- work (ASDN) 1583 Alaska, history and challenges of education in 1578 Alaska, social implications of dis- tance education in 1579 alternative e-business applica- tions 1 alternative trading system (ATS) 1289 ambient e-service embracing mod- el (ASEM) 2337,2340, 2350,2351,2352,2353, 2354, 2355, 2356, 2357 ambient e-services 2337, 2338, 2339,2340,2341,2345, 2346, 2347, 2348, 2349, 2350,2351,2352,2353, 2354, 2356, 2357 ambient intelligence technolo- gies 94 American Production and Inven- tory Control Society (APICS) 687, 1936 anomaly based intrusion 282 anonymity 828 Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) 2248 application integration 1178 application programming interface (API) 339 application pull 99 application server 751,761 application server layer 2201 application service provider (ASP) Volume!, pp- 1-619' Volume II, 620-1275 • Volume III, 1276-1928 • Volume IV, 1929-2583 A Index 169, 309 application to application integra- tion (A2A) 506 applied e-business ethics 2055 Argos 786 Ariadne 786 ARP (address resolution protocol) 2158 ARP poisoning 2176 artificial intelligence (AI) 19, 830,915,2416 AS400 949 Ashridge Business School 1603-1604 ASP (application service provider) 1690 ASP model 1691 ASP model for healthcare 1696 ASP resellers 1692 ASP taxonomies 1691,1692 asset identification 2136 asset/equipment maintenance management 1353 association core components (AS- CCs) 773 Association for Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business, International (AACSB International) 636 Association for Information Sys- tems (AIS) 54 attackers, active 885 attackers, passive 884 auctions 393, 399, 1945, 2088- 2098 auction mechanisms and auction theory 1945 auction method 1295 auctions and bids 2090 audience 1972 audioconference 1582 Australia 1310 Australian Customs Service (ACS) 83 Australian Government Informa- tion Management Office (AGIMO) 77 Australian National Office for the Information Economy (NOIE) 76 Australian Timber Industry 1329 Australian Wine and Brandy Cor- poration 82 Austria 1446 authentication 900,902,2155, 2193 authenticator 2164 authorization 2194 automated negotiation 394,2360, 2366 automatic notification 411 automatic order release 1359 automatic training 2417 automation 822 automotive industry 2284, 2285, 2286, 2290, 2293, 2297, 2301 automotive industry, standards in 2290 automotive sector, e-business standardization in 2284 availability management process 623 availability refusals 868 Azerity 394 B B2B (business-to-business) 85, 164,238,244,245,425, 505,681,727,728,784, 830,836,1377,1475, 1871, 1999,2000,2131, 2414,2457 B2B bubble 246 B2B e-busmess 238, 239, 240, 242, 244 B2B e-business implementation approaches 240 B2B e-commerce 245, 848, 897 B2B e-commerce integration 35 B2B e-commerce, experiences of 253 B2B efforts 1322 B2B e-services 1089, 1090 B2B integration (B2Bi) 169,1139 B2B marketplace classification 1072 B2B marketplaces 240,241,1071 B2B marketplaces, independent (e-marketplaces) 239, 240,241,244 B2B portal 1373 B2B private approach 240 B2B private exchanges 241,242, 244 B2B procurement 35 B2B trading community 241 B2B transactions 2027,2515 B2B, self-governance of business society B2C (business-to-consumer) 82, 425,681,727,783,830, 2027,2131,2414,2457, 2518 B2C e-commerce 896, 1335 B2C efforts 1323 B2C failures 469-481 B2C innovation discordance, evidence 477 B2C Internet auctions 1943 B2C market crash 470 B2C problem, scope 470 B2C transactions 2519 B2C wave as innovation 474 B2C, consumer protection 2521 B2E (business-to-employee) 682, 941, 1920, 1921 B2E domain 1921 B2G (business-to-government) 82, 1261 Baan 402 Baby and Pregnancy Magazine (BAP) and competition 1246 Baby and Pregnancy Magazine (BAP) Web site develop- ment 1253 back-end systems 244 bandwidth (BW) 911, 975, 1583 bank for international settlements (BIS) 2495 barcode printers 1363,1365, 1366 barcodes 1363 basic core components (BCCs) 773 basic service set 2156 Bayesian analysis 1038 Bayesian network 1049 Bayesian network theory 1044 behavioral learning 1605 benchmarking 484, 485, 486, 695, 1845 benefit analysis 696 Bering Sea 1581 best practice 679, 680, 682, 684, 685, 695, 696, 698 BI (business intelligence) 277 BI environment 277 BI security 277, 286 bilateral negotiations 2361 2 Index binary logistic 1965 biometrics 2180 bit flipping 2178 BIZEWEST (B2B portal) 1373, 1377, 1396, 1398 BIZEWEST, demise of 1389 BIZEWEST, legacy of 1391 BIZEWEST, local SMEs to use 1386 BIZEWEST, payment gateway 1382 BIZEWEST, services of 1382 BIZEWEST, usage of 1388 Blackboard 400,918 blended learning 911 blocker tags 887 Bluetooth 1746 BookIT 558 bootstrap agent transport 859 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 1713 bottleneck effect 1356 BP (business process) 101 BP execution language for Web services (BPEL4WS) 96 BP migration 299 BP modeling language (BPML) 96 BPO (BP outsourcing) 290, 291 BPO services 298 BPO, selective 294 BP query language (BPQL) 96 BPEL (business process execution language) 454 BPEL engine 524 brand 1430 broker module 2340,2342 BSC (balanced scorecard) 314, 319,323,362,366,367, 440,450, 1591, 1592 BSC approach 1591 BSC measures, intangible (virtual) 364 BSC measures, tangible (physi- cal) 364 BSC-based e-business 441 build to stock (BTS) 684 build-to-order (BTO) 679 business applications needs 1846 business applications, semanti- cally enriched service-ori- ented (SE-SOBA) 504 business benefits 669 business block 363 business competence 1912 business contexts 2395 business driver 949 business environment 117 business e-supply chain 362 business information system (BIS) 1138 business library 772 business management 440 business models 325, 363, 440, 676, 1237 business networking cluster 94 business partner systems integra- tion 1083 business partners 3 business process distribution 686 business process execution engine 523 business process fusion 504, 505 business process integration (BPI) 766, 774 business process management initiative (BPMI) 454 business process modeling 493, 774, 1870, 1880, 1884 business process modeling nota- tion (BPMN) 454 business process outsourcing (BPO) 1729, 1730 business process reengineering (BPR) 484, 486, 493, 500 business process specification schema (BPSS) 775 business processes 404, 772, 2285, 2290, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2298, 2299, 2300 business processes, change in 1365 business processes, organizational 497 business processes, standardiza- tion of 493 business risks 931 business scenarios 515 business services registry, seman- tic 517 business strategies 1351 business transaction protocol (BTP) 96 business transformation 1699, 1704 business value 357 businesses, growing 1389 businesses, large 155 businesses, medium 155 businesses, micro 155 businesses, small 1375 businesses, small 155 business-oriented approach 553 buyer attribute-prediction algo- rithm 398 buyer power 271 buyer's reservation price 399 buyers, A-type 397 buyers, B-type 397 buyer-seller relationships, impact on 258 buyer-supplier relationship 1929, 1930, 1931 buying firm 1932 C2C (consumer-to-consumer) 727, 2414 CAD software package 408 CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and manufacturing) systems 402 Cam and Abel 2177 capacity maturity model (CMM) 1731 career concern incentive 1712 CAS++ 2208 case based reasoning (CBR) 836, 1837 categorization engine 762 Caux Round Table 2065 CCITT 2287 CCMP 2155,2160,2162 CEN/CENELC 2287 change agent 421,428 change control 1678 change management 33, 41, 42 channel flexibility 444, 450 charging mechanisms 121 Chartered Institute of Manage- ment Accountants (CIMA) 2144 chat room 1612 chief knowledge officer 1970 chief risk officer (CRO) 1837 circuit switched data (CSD) 966, 971 CISCO 2158 class size 1579 classification of Internet business models 328 3 c classification standards 96 client 828 client/vendor alliances 1699, 1703 client-side technology 1196 climate control systems 407 closed-source software 1716 CM (competency management) 925,934,940,945 CM deployment strategies 927 CM management systems 928 CM process 925 CM process automation 925 CM software automation practices 925 CM software evolution 925 CM software information systems 925 CM strategy 926, 930, 944 CM, software industry 929 COBIT Framework 1845 code division multiple access (CDMA) 966,971 code of ethics 2059 code of ethics, compliance with 2061 code on demand 2183 code signing 2189 coding process 1639 cognitive apprenticeship 914 collaboration 681,686,759, 1332, 2285, 2286, 2290, 2293, 2294, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2302 collaboration protocol agreement (CPA) 101 collaboration protocol profile (CPP) 101,769,772 collaboration server 765 collaborative commerce 169, 1332 collaborative filtering (CF) 397, 399 collaborative learning 915,1611 collaborative networked organiza- tions (CNO) 105 collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) 1332 collaborative portals 759 collective action 1715 commerce portal 355 commercial off the shelf (COTS) 1179 commercialisation 553 commitment 1742 common gateway interface (CGI) 13 common knowledge 1985 common object request broker (CORBA) 336 communication apprehension (CA) 1623 communication media 1619 communication model 1968 communication technologies 1619 communication tools 1648 communication, horizontal 1619 communication, internal 1678 communicational requirements 2394 community model 677 community tools 1644 community types 1644,1648 community Web site 1402 community, sense of 1411 company promotion 200 compensatory WebDSS 1489 competence model for IT profes- sionals 1911 competence of IT profession- als in Internet ventures 1905-1919 competitive advantage 15 7, 3 61, 552, 1767, 1855,2288 competitive advantage through e- business (CATE-b) 1854, 1862 competitive advantage, achiev- able 119 competitive intensity 186 competitive strategies 1592 competitive tendering (CT) 1477 complaining behaviour 2078 component knowledge 2453 component market 842 comprehensive strategy 927 computational intelligence (CI) 781 computer information transaction 2514 computer-aided software engi- neering (CASE) 1143 computer-mediated based organi- zation 1620 computer-mediated channel expe- rience 1621 computer-mediated communica- tion (CMC) 1617 computer-mediated learning 1606 computer-mediated user 1621 Concordia system 875 confidence 1492 confidence-engendering measures 2074 confidentiality 828 confidentiality attacks 868 conglomerate environment 402 connectivity 1973 consortia 240,241,244,2288, 2289,2294,2296,2301 constant bit rate (CBR) 974, 985 constructivism 914 consumer 2073 consumer initial trust 1503 consumer knowledge 2072 consumer privacy 2074 consumers' pricing strategy 2562 container planning 1359 content and document manage- ment 759 content delivery subsystem 2471 content filtering process 410 content management 408 content management system 763 content personalization 2468 content providers 413 content server 765 content standards 408 content storage 2471 context 374 context and policy for Web ser- vices (CP4WS) 373 continuing education 1576,1584 continuous process improvement (CPI) 493, 500 cooperation, cross-functional 37 cooperative agents 846 cooperative problem solving 837 cooperative problem solving process 838 cooperative processing agents 846 co-opetition 1997 coordination, theory of 835 COPLINK Agent 1041 COPLINK Connect 1041 copylefting 1710 CORBA (common object request broker architecture) 766 core competencies 1700 4 Index core component types (CCTs) 773 core functions 162 core library 772 CoreGRID 99 corporate portal 765 cost 696 cost reduction 442 cost structure 683 counter-PITs 900 course-level learning goal (CLLG) 641 Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) 2254 Covisint 2285, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2298, 2299, 2303 cracking 2156 Crawler 762 creative contracting 301 creativity 1968 credit card fraud 1193 crime control 1038-1053 crime factor analysis 1043 crime investigation 1039 crime monitoring 1044 crime reporting 1045 crime risk factor analysis 1045 critical mass 1715 critical success factors 1845 CRM (customer relationship management) 159, 506, 589,681,684,688,836, 1701, 1871 CRM global strategy develop- ment, complexities of 595 CRM global strategy, develop- ment of 589 CRM processes 694 CRM strategy 590 CRM systems 159, 195 CRM, global strategy 591 cross-organizational collaboration 683 cryptography 828 CSM (customer-service manage- ment) 688 CSM-process 689 cultural readiness 40, 42 culture shock 1578-1579 curriculum planning 639 customers 422, 1592 customer behavior models 352 customer loyalty 1432,1544 customer loyalty, antecedents of 1542 customer loyalty, driving forces of 1540 customer profitability 444 customer readiness 1564 customer relationship perspective 1431 customer relationships 256 customer responses 483 customer retention 444 customer satisfaction 354, 443, 1543 customer trust 2074 customer value 357 customer, expectations of 1283 customers'perceived value 1430 customization 1700 customized pricing 1448 cyber cafes 1266 cybermediary 424 D data access format 409 data collection 593, 1493 data content standardization 401 data integrity 281 data manipulation 409 data mining grid 99 data source, selection of 1493 data, primary 35 data, secondary 35 data, tertiary 35 database 761,881 database content 408 database interface 412 database standards 408 database-management system (DBMS) 244 dating agency 314 dating services 316 decision categories 1845 decision making support system 709 decision quality 1492 decision strategies 1486 decision time 1492 decision-making process 1 decision-tree induction techniques 1949 decommitted agent 846 dedicated short-range communica- tion (DSRC) 987 degree of autonomy 2369 delivery and enablement 1702 demand chain 355 demand chain management 354, 355 demand chain model 358 demand chain selling 355 demand management 234 demand pull system 1367 demand streaming 1697 demand-side perspective 1695 demand-supply chain model 358 democracy 1605 department of trade and industry (DTI) 422 derivative-following (DF) algo- rithm 396 description logics (DLs) 48, 2434, 2443 designated-time net settlement (DTNS) system 2498 Desire 2 Learn (D2L) 270, 642 destination sequenced distance vector (DSDV) 976 developers 1694 development level 40 dialogue act diagram 2397 dialogue act model 2394 dialogue act modeling 2390 dialogue act modeling approach 2392 diffusion 421 diffusion of innovations (DOI) 78 digital age 2021 digital channels 1430 digital ecosystems 94 digital inequality 2014,2014- 2024,2015,2018,2020, 2021,2023 digital literacy 2389 digital map 1311 digital marketing communication 1431 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 2250 digital natives 913 digital photography 1235 digital rights management (DRM) 2250,2251 digital signature 873 digital strategy 2020 digital telephony 1040 digital videography 1043 Dimitriou scheme 888 direct sales 677 direct sequence spread spectrum 2156 5 Index disabilities 1040, 1584 discovery learning 1612 discovery mechanism 102 discretionary enhancements 934 discussion board 911 dispute resolution 2514 distance education 1576-1589 distance learning 900 distributed order management 355 diversity 1577 DoS (denial of service attacks) 885,2170,2174 DoS, distributed (DDOS) 2174, 2233 DriftNet 2170 dropout rate 1578 DSL broadband 85 dyadic relationship 1930 dynamic data 412 dynamic data content 412 dynamic host control protocol(DHCP) 2156 dynamic method 835 dynamic pricing 394, 395 dynamic source routing (DSR) 976 E20pen electronic hub 163 e-adoption 422 EAP 2156 EAPOL 2164 early adaptors 155 EAS (employee attendance sys- tem) 1138 EAS, development view of 1154 EAS, employee enrollment in 1145 ease-of-use (EOU) 1923 e-auction 1479 eavesdropping 868,2158,2176 eBay 1526 EBBSC (e-business management framework) 1801 EBBSC components 1813 EBES/EWOS building blocks architecture 330 e-business (electronic business) 6, 109, 157, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 183, 195,238, 244,325,353,421,440, 441,445,482,533,550, 603,670,679,681,689. 725,781,884,895,925, 1029, 1068, 1282, 1312, 1317, 1400, 1665,2025, 2026-2043,2131,2132, 2143,2147,2251,2304, 2455, 2457 e-business adoption, barriers to 1259 e-business adoption, factors af- fecting 1254 e-business and organisational change 1666 e-business application architecture 158 e-business application levels 693, 694 e-business applications 326,2131 e-business architecture 565,2132 e-business change (eBC) 33, 39, 42 e-business change management 39 e-business collaboration 110,405 e-business context 926 e-business enabling technologies 1331 e-business environment 620, 2131,2132 e-business ethics 2083 e-business generic frameworks 1799 e-business implementation 41, 238 e-business initiatives 1324 e-business innovation 174, 176 e-business leadership, evaluation of 1754-1763 e-business measures 1029 e-business metrics 1029 e-business models 669,670,1857 e-business network 159 e-business opportunity 10 e-business options 1,10 e-business options, identification of 2 e-business outcomes 42 e-business outsourcing 2048 e-business outsourcing ethics 2056 e-business performance gains 42 e-business planning and analysis framework (E-PAF) 314, 316,323 e-business policy group (EBPG) 183 e-business process 2435 e-business process management (e-BPM) 1843 e-business progression, approach- es to study 199 e-business project 33, 37, 41 e-business readiness (e-readiness) 34, 40, 43 e-business reference models 327 e-business sales cycle 1803 e-business security management 2150 e-business software 696 e-business solutions 162, 166 e-business standardization, auto- motive sector 2284 e-business strategies, environmen- tal drivers of 185 e-business strategy 450, 695, 709, 710,711,712,713,714, 716,720,721,722,723, 724, 1029 e-business strategy framework (EBBSC) 441,450 e-business strategy framework (EBBSC), implications of 447 e-business systems 2115 e-business systems, agent-based 2367 e-business technologies 679, 680, 684, 1400 e-business transactions 2456 e-business transformation 929 e-business value model 10 e-business vision, semantic 51 e-business, adoption of 1259 e-business, and competitive ad- vantage 1756 e-business, benefits of 832 e-business, collaborative 2456 e-business, coordination and cooperation 829 e-business, empirical approach to 197 e-business, established environ- ment 2138 e-business, external factors affect- ing 186 e-business, factors of 831 e-business, heterogeneous systems 2115 6 E Index e-business, human face of 1503 e-business, potential benefits of 1260 e-business, semantic 44-58 e-business, SMEs 186 e-business-to-consumer solutions 357 e-business-to-e-business solutions 357 e-capability 323 e-capability maturity 314 e-capability maturity level 323 e-capacity 450 e-cash 823 eCo initative for business docu- ments exchange 737 e-commerce (electronic com- merce) 2, 154, 195, 197, 393,399,421,483,551, 603, 670, 677, 725, 822, 823, 824, 826, 1002, 1003, 1400, 1706,2015,2246, 2254 e-commerce agents 822 e-commerce and dispute resolu- tion 2514 e-commerce escalator 161 e-commerce implementation 423 e-commerce platforms 119 e-commerce processes 394 e-commerce relationship 2074 e-commerce requirements 121 e-commerce supply chains 154 e-commerce techniques 393 e-commerce toolkit 1399 e-commerce transactions 405 e-commerce trends 1319 e-commerce Web sites 1486, 1503 e-commerce, agents-enabled 118 e-commerce, building blocks for 329 e-commerce, hierarchical frame- work of 330 e-commerce, software agents in 823 e-commerce/e-business software, free 603 e-commerce/e-business systems 614 economic liberalization 19 e-consumer 1029 ecoshock 1610 e-CRM (electronic customer rela- tionship management) 353, 441, 443, 1660, 1780 e-CRM perspective 1805,1806, 1809, 1815 e-democracy 2015, 2019 EDGE (enhanced data rates for GSM evolution) 971 EDGE systems 967 EDI (electronic data interchange) 704, 766, 2290, 2293, 2301,2302 education 2079 education, K-12 courses 1580 educational testing service (ETS) 642 e-economy (electronic economy) 156, 1855 e-enterprises 1655 e-entrepreneurship 1309, 1312, 1314, 1590, 1591 e-entrepreneurship, higher educa- tion in 1590 e-entrepreneurship, spin-off com- pany 1598 ego gratification incentive 1712 e-government (electronic govern- ment) 11,54, 179, 183, 2015 e-health (electronic healthcare) 179 e-health system symbiosis 2571 e-innovation 1309, 1314 e-Kanban (electronic Kanban) 1368 e-Kanban card 1369 e-knowledge network 450 e-knowledge perspective 445 e-leadership, challenges in 1748-1753 e-learning 1576, 1603-1616 e-learning (electronic education) 179,911,931,932 e-learning experience 1611 e-learning, barriers to 919 e-learning, challenges and nega- tive implications 1585 e-learning, different achievements 1603 e-learning, differing challenges 1603 electronic article surveillance (EAS) 881 electronic communication 1580 electronic communications net- work (ECN) 1289 electronic data interchange (EDI) 14,50,246, 1068, 1139, 1276, 1281, 1329, 1332, 1654 electronic fund transfers 2530 electronic health records (EHRs) 2323,2328 electronic hierarchies 1995,1997, 1998,2011,2013 electronic market (EM) 725, 1472-1485 electronic media 1931 electronic network (e-network) 483, 485 electronic policing 1038-1053 electronic process (e-process) mapping 485 electronic purchasing (e-purchas- ing) 353 electronic retailers (e-retailers) 357 electronic services (e-services) bal- anced scorecard 366 electronic services (e-services) industry 366 electronic services (e-services) operation 348 e-mail 911, 1039, 1580, 1612 e-mail payment services 2543 e-marketplaces (electronic mar- ketplaces) 1312,2285, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2303, 2435 e-marketplaces, external integra- tion with 1083 e-marketplaces portal 1375 e-MBA 1605 e-mentoring 1617-1629 e-mentoring relationship 1619 e-mentoring relationships, ante- cedents and outcomes of 1624 e-mentoring relationships, charac- teristics 1621 e-mentoring, social implications of 1617 e-money (electronic money) 2530, 2532, 2533 e-money, classification of 2534 e-money, core elements of 2533 e-money, existing regulations on 2535,2535-2542 e-money, regulation of 2541 7 employee life cycle domain 927 employee recruitment 941 employee tracking 35 employee-facing relations 927 employees' career development 944 enabling software 15 encryption 873,2156 end-to-end visibility 164 end-user license agreements (EU- LAs) 619 e-networks, independent learning in 1594 enquiries and sales 1409 Enron 2143 enterprise 1692 enterprise application integration (EAI) 241,244,504,505, 506,763, 1178,1701 enterprise content management 411 enterprise information 1375 enterprise information system (EIS) 751 enterprise integration (EI) 93 enterprise interoperability 94 enterprise portals 759 enterprise systems (ESs) 158,159 enterprise-wide e-business 565 enterprise-wide information sys- tems (EIS) 403 enterprise-wide numbering system 410 enterprise-wide systems 402 enterprise-wide systems, socio- technical factors 403 enterprise-wide usage 408 entrepreneurship 1312 environment stack 2337, 2338, 2339, 2340, 2342, 2357 environmental key generation 873 e-operations 1655 e-organisations 1653, 1654 e-organizational goals 166 e-payment scheme 824 e-platforms (electronic platforms) 142 e-privacy 2099-2114 e-privacy protection 2102 e-procurement (electronic pro- curement) 195,240,241, 244, 1064 e-procurement process 402 e-procurement system 401 e-procurement, barriers to 1072 e-procurement, benefits of 1069 e-proteges 1621 e-publishing 1479 e-readiness 2025, 2038, 2042 e-recruiting 931 ERP (enterprise resource plan- ning) 14,23, 158,159, 165,166,506,604,682, 925,936,1349,1364, 1365, 1366, 1369, 1701, 1871,2147 ERP and e-business 69 ERP evolution 59-74 ERP systems 65, 159, 402, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1355, 1357, 1358, 1361, 1363, 1364, 1366 ERP systems and business prac- tices 1355 ERP systems implementation, advantages of 67 ERP systems implementations, disadvantages of 68 ERP, open 614 e-sales cycle 450 e-SC (electronic supply chain) 353 e-SC networks 367, 368 e-SCM (electronic supply chain management) 157, 160, 164,167,168, 169,483, 485,486,492, 1356, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1370 e-SCM business processes im- provement (eSCM-I) 492, 493,501 e-SCM environment 483 e-SCM implementation, effective- ness of 1367 e-SCM improvement procedure 492 e-SCM processes, modeling and improving 482 e-SCM projects 165 e-SCM system 1351, 1357, 1360, 1361, 1363, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1369 e-SCM system at Valvex 1348, 1356, 1361 e-SCM system, benefits provided by 1359 e-service quality 443, 445, 450 e-service quality, improved 445 e-services components layer 2201 e-services privacy protection 2101 e-social environment 1610 e-sourcing 402 ESS (employee self-service) 932 ESS portal implementation 933 e-student 1607 e-terms 1656 EtherPEG 2170 ethical choice 2074 ethics 2052,2074 ethics and culture 2054 e-trade 822 e-tutoring 1611 e-tutors 1610 e-tutors, role of 1610 European Commission 2291, 2292,2301,2302 European Computer Manufactur- ers Association (ECMA) 2288 European Innovation Monetary System (EIMS) 178 European Observatory of E-Mar- kets 726 European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) 968 European Union (EU) 174,176, 184, 1477 European Union (EU) SMEs 174, 176 EV-DO (evolution data optimized) 971 EV-DV (evolution data voice) 971 event management software 159 event-driven inference (EDI) 752 evidence of identity (EOI) 87 evolution 205 evolving supply process 353 execution tracing 872 extended service set 2156 extendibility 333 external exploitation 1083 external factors 405 external processes 405 external stakeholders 2, 3, 10 extranets 353 F FtF (face-to-face) 911 FtF business 1265 FtF communication 1618,1621 FtF discussion 1609 8 Index FtF education 911 FtF interaction 1612,1749 FtF learning 1609 FtF meeting 1478 FtF program 920 FtF relationship 1625 factor approach 199 failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) 1835 fair trade 1297 feedback 1968 filtering 2156 filters 762 financial portfolio system (FPS) 1178, 1180 Finnair 558 firms' optimal decisions 2566 first world nation 1577 first-in-first-out (FIFO) 1356 first-mover advantages 478 first-tier suppliers 352 flexibility 683, 828, 912 flexible actions 833 flexible autonomous actions 833 flipping bits 2178 flooding 2156 flooding, forwarding, and filtering (3F)rule 2156 force majeure 2233 foreign direct investments (FDI) 2034, 2035 Fortune 500 companies, percep- tions of 1732 forward secrecy 886 forwarding 2156 Fotogenika.com 1222 Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) 544 fourth-party logistic providers (4PL) 368 fragmented market 929 framing 2257 free open source software devel- opment informalisms 613 free software 604, 605, 1709 free software development con- cepts 604 Free Software Foundation (FSF) 1710 free/open source software (FOSS) 604 FreeRADIUS 2167 frequency hopping spread spec- trum 2156 Fujitsu-Siemens 35 Fujitsu-Siemens Computers (FSC) 36,37 fundamental portals 759 FUSION (conceptual framework) 504,513 FUSION adoption 526 FUSION architecture 522 FUSION conceptual framework 517 FUSION integration layers 515 FUSION IT infrastructure 525 FUSION ontologies 518,521 FUSION technical implementa- tion 522 FUSION typical application sce- nario 528 G gadget 762 gamer 917 games-based e-learning 910, 910-924 games-based e-learning, barriers to 919 games-based e-learning, develop- ments toward 912 games-based e-learning, examples of 914 gateway 1374 Gaudeul 's model 1717 gender 2078 gender stereotyping 919 general agent transport 853 General Communications Inc. (GCI) 1585 general message format 854 general packet radio service (GPRS) 966,971 general portal 1374 general public license (GPL) 1710 generalized enterprise reference architecture and methodol- ogy (GERAM) 95 geographical reach 1410 GIS (geographic information system) 1039, 1042 GIS, wired 1050 GIS, wireless 1050 global and local (glocal) solution 367 global exchange services (GXS) 705 global healthcare industry 1696 global positioning system (GPS) 682, 1043 global Start-ups, Web sites and e-commerce 1007 global system mobile (GSM) 966, 971 global users 2391 globalization 19, 682, 1605 globalized workforce 1618 GNUe (GNUenterprise.org) 604 GNUecase 607 GNUe free software 610 goal-directed inference (GDI) 752 good business environment 1727 Google answers, analysis of 2556 governance archetypes 1845 governance maturity model 1845 government 12, 174 government gateway 2021 government services 2021 government-to-business (G2B) 727 government-to-citizen (G2C) 897 government-to-consumer (G2C) 727 GPS (global positioning system) 2169 green pages 772 GrippleLtd. 1858 gross domestic product (GDP) 156 group collaboration 1706 grow the business strategy 930, 932, 934 H hacker 2160 handheld devices 1365 handheld devices, model selection for 1366 hash-lock mechanism 886 HC (human capital paradigm) 926 HC market applications 932 healthcare 1584, 1690 health care survey 1696 Health Distance Education Part- nership (HDEP) 1585 healthcare 2323 Healthcare Level 7 2326 HealthTex 737 9 Index Helsinki City Transport Company 557 Henrici-Muller scheme 888 Heracles 786 heterogeneous application 1140 high agility 362 high sensitive data e-services 2198 high speed circuit switched data (HSCSD) 966,971 high speed downlink packet ac- cess (HSDPA) 971 higher education 1582,1592, 1603, 1605 higher education institutions (HEI) 1590 higher education start-ups 1002 highly predictable clusters for In- ternet Grids (HPC4U) 99 hijacking attack 2176 HiperLAN 971 home control systems 407 home improvement industry 1319 home improvement retail industry 1318 honey pots 2180 horizontal industry 1374 horizontal industry portals 1400 horizontal portal 1373 horizontal supply chains 683 hosting services 1694 hosts' security mechanism 870 HP (Hewlett-Packard) Labs se- mantic Web research 55 HP Web Services 121 HR automated function 934 HR practices 926 HRM (human resources manage- ment) 925,926 HRM framework 925 HRM processes 934 HRMS (human resource manage- ment system), worldwide 948 HTML (hypertext markup lan- guage) 13,20, 1141 human development 19 human mindset 25 human processes 1968 human resources subsystem 1353 human-computer interaction (HCI) 736 hybrid system 2500, 2501 hybrid system, examples of 2501 hybrid system, situation in Japan 2501 I IBM 1931 ICOM 488 ICTs (information and communi- cation technologies) 154, 157, 176, 184, 555, 660, 2014,2027,2144,2285, 2290,2291,2297,2298, 2299,2301,2302 ICT governance 2146 ICT outsourcing 2048 ICTs and SCM in general 159 ICTs and SCM in SMEs 160 ID (intrusion detection) 277, 282 ID techniques 282 IDEFO 488,494,496,501 IDEFO mapping procedure 489 IDEFO models 489 IDEFO process mapping modeling technique 483 IDEFO techniques 498 485 Iditarod sled dog race 1581 iECM (interoperable enterprise content management) 411 IEEE802.il 2155 IEEE 802.11 architecture 2156 IEEE802.il wireless LAN 2155 IEEE 802.11b, vulnerabilities and attacks 2172 illocutionary acts 2396 immediate services business 352 l-Mode 1746 i-Mode success 561 implementation phase 768 incompatibility 2289 independent basic service set 2156 industrial marketing and purchas- ing (IMP) 1996 industry standard 2294, 2296, 2299 information delay 682 information extraction (IE) 2417 information flow 412 information management 2077 information metamodels 772 information monitoring 1041 information overload 2468 information portal 1375 information privacy 2073 information searching and sharing 2331 information security governance (ISO) 2143,2147 information sharing 1041 information system (IS) 451 information systems provision (IS) 1872 information technology (IT) 1905, 1994, 2143, 2245 information technology profession- als, competency of 1905 infrastructure 1692,2290,2291, 2294, 2299 infrastructure mode 2156 initial data loading 1365 initial proj ect planning 1364 initial public offering (IPO) 1982 initialization vector 2159 innovation 174, 178, 184, 1312, 1374 innovation and diffusion (ID) 1923 innovation diffusion theory (IDT) 1923 innovation theory 1461, 1467 innovation theory-based diagnosis 473 innovation theory-based frame- work and evidence 473 innovation translation 1385 innovative adoption 142 innovators 155 Institute for Supply Chain Man- agement (ISM) 1936 institutional pressures 187,195 institutional theory 201 integrated cargo system (ICS) 83 integrated portal 759 integrated services schematic 349 integrated system 2502 integrated system, large value transfer system (LVTS) 2502 integrated system, Paris integrated system (PIS) in France 2502 integration 760, 1139, 1702 integrity 868 integrity attacks 868 integrity check sum value 2159 InteliGrid 99 Intelirel's benefits 1284 Intelirel's online apparel business 1277 10 . delivery and enablement 1702 demand chain 355 demand chain management 354, 355 demand chain model 358 demand chain selling 355 demand management 234 demand pull system 1367 demand streaming. 1332, 1654 electronic fund transfers 2530 electronic health records (EHRs) 2323,2328 electronic hierarchies 1995,1997, 1998,2011,2013 electronic market (EM) 725, 1472-1485 electronic media. electronic media 1931 electronic network (e-network) 483, 485 electronic policing 1038-1053 electronic process (e-process) mapping 485 electronic purchasing (e-purchas- ing) 353 electronic retailers