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Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P241 pps

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2334 Semantic Web Standards and Ontologies in the Medical Sciences and Healthcare Buttler, D., Coleman, M., Critchlow, T., Fileto, R., Han, W., Pu, C., et al. (2002, December). Querying multiple bioinformatics information sources: Can Semantic Web research help? SIGMOD Record, 31(4), 59-64. Carro, S., Scharcanski, J., & De Lima, J. (2003). MedISeek: A Web based diffusion system for medical visual information. Workshop on Web information and data management. Proceedings of the 5th ACM international workshop on Web information and data management, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Cassidy, T. (2005, September 26). Building a bridge to EHRs: ICD-10 and SNOMED-CT. Advance for Health Information Professionals. Decker, S., Melnik, S., et al. (2000, September/ October). The Semantic Web: The roles of XML and RDF. IEEE Internet Computing. Decker, S., Mitra, P., & Melnik, S. (2000, Novme- ber/December). Framework for the Semantic Web: An RDF tutorial. IEEE Internet Comput- ing, 68-73. Eysenbach, G. 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Semantics and the medical Web: A review of barriers and break- throughs in effective healthcare query. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 21, 109-116. McCormack, J. (2000, May). Standard Bearers cite progress. Health Data Management, 8( 5 ) . 98-102. Miller, E. (2004, January). Weaving meaning: An overview of the Semantic Web. Paper presented at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi- 2335 Semantic Web Standards and Ontologies in the Medical Sciences and Healthcare gan. Retrieved October 2005, from http://www. w3.org/2004/Talks/0120-semweb-umich/ Nardon, F., & Moura, L. (2004). Knowledge sharing and information integration in healthcare ontologies and deductive databases. MEDINFO, 62. Pisanelli, D., Gangemi, A., Battaglia, M., & Cat- enacci, C. (2004). Coping with medical polysemy in the Semantic Web: The role of ontologies. MEDINFO, 416-419. Salamone, S. (2005, June 8) Semantic Web interest grows. Bio-IT World. Retrieved November 2005, from http://www.bio-itworld/archive/microscope/ document.2005-06-16.8341855754 Sharman, R., Kishore, R., & Ramesh, R. (2004). Computational ontologies and information sys- WHPV,,)RUPDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQCommunications of the Association for Information Systems, 14,184-205. Singh, R., Iyer, L., & Salam, A. F. (2005, Janu- ary-March). Semantic eBusiness. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Sys- tems, 1(1), 19-35. Updegrove, A. (2005, June) The Semantic Web: An interview with Tim Berners-Lee. Retrieved November 2005, from http://www.TheConsotri- umInfo.org Vijayan, J. (2005, November 1). Federal com- mission looks to push e-health record adoption. Computerworld. Retrieved November 2005, from http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/ security/story/0,10801,105860,00.html This work was previously published in Semantic Web Technologies and E-Business: Toward the Integrated Virtual Organiza- tion and Business Process Automation, edited by A. Salam and J. Stevens, pp. 405-420, copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global). Section VIII Emerging Trends 7KLVVHFWLRQKLJKOLJKWVUHVHDUFKSRWHQWLDOZLWKLQWKH¿HOGRIHEXVLQHVVZKLOHH[SORULQJXQFKDUWHGDU- eas of study for the advancement of the discipline. Chapters within this section highlight evolutions in agent-based e-business systems, enhancing e-business on the semantic web, and new trends in electronic payment systems for e-business. These contributions, which conclude this exhaustive, multi-volume set, provide emerging trends and suggestions for future research within this rapidly expanding discipline. 2337 Copyright © 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Chapter 8.1 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service: Applications and Embracing Model Yuan-Chu Hwang National Chengchi University, Taiwan Soe-Tsyr Yuan National Chengchi University, Taiwan ABSTRACT M o s t of t h e e x i s t i n g m o b i l e s e r v i c e s we r e d e s i g n e d based on the client/server architecture. Those mo- bile services neither paid much attention to mobile users’ interactions with their environments nor considered the collective efforts between the mo- bile users in a dynamic peer group. In this article, WKHQRWLRQRIDPELHQWHVHUYLFHLVVRGH¿QHGDVWR identify a new scope of mobile e-service, which address dynamic collective efforts between mobile users (enabled by mobile peer-to-peer technology), dynamic interactions with ambient environments (envisioned by location-based service), the mo- ment of value (empowered by wireless technolo- gies), and low cost service provision. The notable features of ambient e-services are the exhilarated OLQNDJHEDVHGRQVRFLDOFRQWH[WDQGVLJQL¿FDQWO\ rapid growth of connections. We also present an ambient e-service framework that character- izes ambient e-services with three dimensions (value stack, environment stack, and technology stack), followed by several exemplars of ambient e-service applications. Moreover, we present the ambient e-service embracing model (ASEM) that addresses the integrated consideration of trust, reputation, and privacy required for fostering the growth of ambient e-services and steers the directions of future fruitful relevant research. INTRODUCTION TO AMBIENT E-SERVICE 7KH QRWLRQ RI DPELHQW HVHUYLFH LV GH¿QHG WR identify a new scope of mobile e-services. Until now, there have been two different design para- digms in mobile commerce. Most of the current mobile commerce applications are grounded in the client/server architecture, where the only interac- tions involved are between a service provider and 2338 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service a mobile user. Mobile users are standalone. Users under such service environments cannot interact with each other easily. Although the issues of human-computer interaction with mobile devices has been brought to public attention for the last several years (Paternò, 2003). In current mobile service scenarios, interactions, or cooperation between mobile users are not considered as im- portant issues. Therefore, collective efforts from mobile user groups cannot be produced. Fortunately, the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technol- ogy with mobile devices makes it possible for mobile users to communicate with each other easily. Mobile users can exchange information wirelessly under a sensors-enabled environment. Ambient e-service is designed based on the P2P architecture that highlights the collaborative interactions of mobile users. The notion of ambient e-services addresses dynamic collective efforts between mobile users (enabled by mobile-P2P), dynamic interactions with ambient environments (envisioned by loca- tion-based services), moment of value, and low cost service provision. The collective effort is based on the collaborative interactions of mo- bile users, which facilitate the low cost service provision. In a sensor-enabled environment, infor- mation presentations are embedded in everyday objects such as pens, walls, or doors. It makes the environment become an interface of the context information. Using the Mobile P2P Technol- ogy, users can exchange their information wire- lessly and proceed highly extensive interactions. Grounded on location-based service, location information of mobile users can be retrieved. Hence, ambient e-service can provide personal, timely, and relevant services to mobile users. Comparing with the client/server design, an ambient e-service has two major distinguished features. First, under the client/server architecture, it is not possible to effectively attain the collec- tive efforts that are tailored to the contexts of the user. Second, with the P2P design, the number RIFRQQHFWLRQVJURZVE\DVLJQL¿FDQWO\UDSLG pace especially in an open space. For a better understanding of ambient e-services, we will use an ambient e-service framework (as shown as Figure 1) to identify some possible deliverables (values) of ambient e-services and address the technologies required to support the applications of ambient e-services. This framework is composed of three dimen- sions, the value stack, the environment stack, and the technology stack. The descriptions of the stacks will be detailed as follows. Value Stack The ambient YDOXH VWDFN FRPSULVHV ¿YHOD\HUV indicating the supporting value layers for ambient Figure 1. Ambient e-service framework 2339 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service e-services (deliverables of higher levels requiring the provision of deliverables of lower levels). The EDVLFOD\HULVWKH³FRQWH[WLQIRUPDWLRQ´ZKLFKLV attained from the ambient sensor environments. A mobile user can interact with the environments (e.g., entering a room) and the context sensors, then retrieve context information with the device carried by the user (e.g., informing the user of his RU KHU ORFDWLRQ &RPSDULQJ WKH XVHU¶V SUR¿OH WKH VHFRQG OD\HU ³&RQWH[W $ZDUH ,QIRUPDWLRQ Items” sends information items to the user that matches his or her preferences. The information items received from the environments may be useful to the user, but sometimes some of the information items may be irrelevant. With the communication ability, a mobile peer can col- laborate with another mobile peer and exchange carried information items stored in their mobile devices. Through these collaboration interactions, it may be the case that there is someone whose information items are valuable to me and thus I can exchange or trade with them with a micro SD\PHQWRUDEDUWHUSURFHVV7KLVLVFDOOHG³&RO- laboration Value Added Process.” Not only communicating with only one peer, a p e e r c a n a l s o i n t e r a c t w i t h a p e e r g r o u p o f mu l t i pl e peer s. A im ing at the sa me goal or i nterests, a pe er group can collect their abilities to accomplish the goal that is impossible for a single peer to reach. 7KHUHIRUH ³&ROOHFWLYH (IIRUW´ UHSUHVHQWV WKH power of a peer group (or multiple peer groups). The ambient value subsequently refers to the col- lective efforts, which include the peers’ interac- tions and peer groups’ interactions. Environment Stack The environment stack consists of three layers indicating the supporting environment layers for ambient e-services (environments of higher levels comprising those of the lower levels). The sketched stack diagram is shown in Figure 2. 7KH³$PELHQW&RQWH[W6HQVRUV´LVWKHERWWRP layer, which include three categories of environ- ments. Schilit, Adams and Want (1994) claim that the important aspects of context are: where the user is, who the user is with, and what resources are nearby. The user environment includes the user con- text, the activity context, and the social context. 7KHXVHUHQYLURQPHQWUHSUHVHQWVWKHSUR¿OHRID XVHUVXFKDVSHHULGHQWL¿FDWLRQZKHUHWKHXVHULV who the user is, the user’s preference, their privacy concern, their social situation, and relations with others, etc. The physical environment includes the physical context and the device context. The physical environment refers to things like tem- perature, noise, lighting level, and device context. The computing environment includes the network context and the services context. The computing Figure 2. Ambient environment stack 2340 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service environment represents the network connectivity, available processors, cost of computing, band- width, and available nearby services, etc. 7KHOD\HU³3HHU'HYLFH,QWHUDFWLRQ´UHSUHVHQWV environments (featuring peer-to-peer interactions) in which mobile users may exchange their experi- ence and trade attained information items with QHDUE\SHHUV7KH³3HHU'HYLFH,QWHUDFWLRQ´OD\HU UHVWVRQWKH³$PELHQW&RQWH[W6HQVRUV´OD\HUWKDW is, all peers’ information items originally come from the interaction with the dynamic environ- ments of the bottom layer. The top layer of the environment stack rep- resents environments featuring peer groups’ interactions and collaboration. Peer groups can collect all peers’ power for certain objectives (e.g., collective buy, forming a task-oriented workforce group, etc.). Technology Stack The technology stack is shown in Figure 1. Network infrastructure is the fundamental of all ambient technology stacks. The wired and wire- less hybrid network infrastructure provides the basic communication infrastructure for context sensors and peer devices. Above the network infrastructure layer, context sensors and sensor communication can interact with the surround- ing peers. Peer devices function on top of the sensor communication network and the mobile device’s hardware, operation systems, and soft- ware platforms. The layer above the peer device technology layer has two folds: (1) For peers to interact with each other, a peer communication protocol is required (similar to that in Web services). (2) In ambient environments, peers may just know nearby peers for quite a short period of time. How can a peer trust the nearby peers? Is it possible to build a reputation system for the aforementioned situation so that it is feasible to trust unfamiliar peers? Similarly, privacy control should be ad- dressed in ambient e-services. Resting on trust, reputation, and privacy control as the dependable basics, mobile users can engage ambient interac- tions to handle some operations between peers. 7KHVHRSHUDWLRQVDUHWKHOLNHVRI³GLVFRYHU\´ ³UHTXHVW´³UHVSRQG´³EDUJDLQ´³WUDQVDFW´DQG ³GHOLYHU\´ Since a mobile user plays different roles in different interactions, the peer role module can be applied to the peer in response to the dynamic roles rendered. Mobile users, who have the infor- mation items required by other users, play the seller role by applying the seller module. The surrounding peers (who have attained various kinds of information) then can play as the broker role by applying the broker module. Mobile users, who need the information from others, apply the buyer module and play the buyer role (who can trade or barter with other mobile users). Beyond the peer-to-peer interactions, peer group collective effort is the communal power of peers. Collaborative technologies that support peer and peer groups to work together underlie the key character of ambient power. Based on the collective technology, ambient e-services can be unfolded in various applications, which we will discuss in the next section. The remaining sections of this chapter are RUJDQL]HGDV IROORZV1H[WVHFWLRQH[HPSOL¿HV several ambient e-service application scenarios, followed by the challenges and the state of the art for embracing ambient e-services. In the ASEM section, we present an embracing model of ambient e-services in terms of its framework design. In addition, we illustrate the roadmap and impact of the embracing model in the roadmap section. Finally, a conclusion and the directions of our IXWXUHZRUNDUHSURYLGHGLQ¿QDOVHFWLRQ AMBIENT E-SERVICE APPLICATIONS It will be useful, to begin with, making a distinc- tion between two kinds of ambient e-services. 2341 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service One is for the distributed trading; another is for the distributed collaboration. Please note that the social context and the rapid growth of connections are the major incentives of applying the ambient e-service design. The two characteristics are not mutually exclusive; of course, one scenario may apply both of the ambient characteristics. This section aims to identify several important ambient e-service application scenarios presum- ing ambient environments of mobile commerce are provided. Without loss of generosity, the physical context of location is referenced and considered in the ambient environments addressed in the following scenarios, naturally relating to the LBS (Location-Based Service) research. As mentioned in the introduction section, ambient e-services aim to identify a new scope of mobile e-services mainly addressing dynamic collected efforts between mobile users (enabled by M-P2P) and dynamic interactions with ambient environ- ments (envisioned by LBS). Since LBS was categorized into four major types (transaction services, information services, navigation and tracking services, and safety ser- vices), we accordingly exemplify some scenarios UHÀHFWLQJ WKH LBS types as well as exhibiting dynamic collected efforts based on M-P2P. We introduce an ambient shopping mall sce- nario to be a representative of ambient transaction services. The shopping mall scenario can easily EH PRGL¿HG WR DFW DV DPELHQW VDIHW\ VHUYLFHV The information items distribution cooperation scenario then is considered as an exemplar of ambient information services. The cooperative peer group scenario then can be instantiated into ambient navigation and tracking services. As to the ambient location information acquisition scenario, it can be considered as an instance of ambient transaction services, ambient information services or ambient navigation and tracking services. We’ll take the ambient shopping mall scenario for detail description in the next subsection. These applications differ from the past mobile e-services in addressing dynamic collected efforts between mobile users and dynamic interactions with ambient environments. The collective efforts of mobile users are not possible in the primal mo- bile services framework that deploys the services with the client/server architecture. Moreover, mobile devices in ambient e-services applications are very personal to the users, and thus the social contexts retained in the personal devices (e.g., the social relationships in the vicinity) can unfold the e-services of high complexity and security than that of no social contexts in sensor networks. E-services with the social context environment render ambient e-services capable of providing the most appropriate collaborative power for mobile users anywhere whenever needed. Ambient Shopping Mall Scenario In Figure 3, a picturesque view of the ambient shopping mall scenario is presented. In a shopping mall (fully equipped with wireless network infra- structures), information items (e.g., advertisement or sales promotion information) can be broadcast to passing-by peers with Info_BC_Station. This means the attained information items of a peer vary based on the peer’s interactions with the shopping mall ambient environments. The ambient e-service addressed in this scenario will be delineated for the case of new customers of high buyer perishability (entering the shopping mall and being in a rush to buy certain items without the knowledge of where to buy and how to buy cheap given relevant sales promotion). Those new customer peers carrying mobile devices can communicate with nearby peers when they just enter the shopping mall. In such scenarios, the goal of ambient shop- ping mall e-service is to provide a new channel for customers to get needed information. The assumption of this scenario is that the contents of information items kept in peers are different from one another based on their membership sta- tus (i.e., preference, location). Mobile users will receive the information items based on their user 2342 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service context such as their preferences or membership data. Those members with higher loyalty points will get a higher discount e-coupon. This would encourage customers to join the membership program. All mobile peers have their temporary peer ID number, preference, context data, transaction history, and the information attained informa- tion items. Peers can do basic operations such as bargain and payment. Mobile peers can apply GLIIHUHQWUROHPRGXOHVWRGRVSHFL¿FRSHUDWLRQV There are the buyer modules, the seller modules, and the broker modules for mobile peers. When a peer applies the seller module, it can respond a buyer’s product discovery operation. If a seller peer has the information items that the buyer required, the seller then responds the buyer’s request and starts a bargain operation with the buyer peer. After the payment process, the seller delivers the information items to the buyer. The operations performed by the buyer module are complementary to those performed by the seller module. But the buyer module has been designed not only to handle the transactions with seller module, but also to request the package service from the broker module. The broker module is applied to those peers who will stay in the mall for a long time and own more complete information items. The broker module is designed for peers serving as service providers. The EURNHUPRGXOHKDVWKH³JHQHUDWH´ package, which can generate services of produc- ing information items of the buyer’s interests and preference. (Similar to service bundles in Baida, Gordijn, Akkermans, Saele, & Morch, 2005). Package templates are used for the broker module to produce a service package in an easy way. Also, the broker module has the same ability as the seller module that can deliver the products. Although the effective reach is one of the shop- ping mall’s goals. If the contents of information items are the same for everyone, both client/server and P2P designs can pass the items to the public but in different ways. However, mass broadcasts like spam mails will annoy customers and they will be reluctant to join this shopping program, attaining the contrary results. When considering user differentiation, content differentiation will be LQUHODWLRQWRXVHUSUR¿OHVDQGWRDPELHQWFRQWH[W sensors in the environment stack (that subse- quently will involve social context and correlate to the privacy concerns of the customers). Those concerns make the P2P design more applicable than the client/server architecture. A UML class diagram is depicted (as shown in Figure 4) and represents the relationships between the different modules, as well as the peer module basic functions. Information Items Distribution Cooperation Scenario The information items distribution cooperation is an ambient e-service based on a mobile advertising infrastructure. Distributor companies can broad- cast shop’s advertisement items (e.g., e-coupons) through an ambient advertising infrastructure, which dispatches advertisement items relevance to their preferences to proximate users. Shops may be geographically distant from the broad- cast stations of the distributor companies. In this scenario, e-coupons are considered as valuable information items. When a mobile user passes through a shop and wants to buy certain products but is short of the relevant e-coupons, the mobile Figure 3. Ambient shopping mail scenario 2343 A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service peer can probe the surrounding environment to see if there are some nearby peers that own the desired e-coupons. The P2P design combined with social aware- ness will make the connections not only in a rapid growth, but also with persuasiveness, being more powerful than the client/server design. Moreover, e-coupons become a valuable information item if the contents of information items are different. In this business model, mobile users can get some ¿QDQFLDOEHQH¿WE\H[FKDQJLQJWKHLUHFRXSRQV and thus be attracted to join the program so as to create a large scale of the participants. That is a win-win situation for both customers and the shops. Figure 5 depicts a UML class diagram of the scenario, representing the relationships, attributes, and operations between all participators. When a mobile user (the barter initiator) passes through a shop and is lacking certain e-coupons, the peer can discover the e-coupons from the ambient peer groups. Whenever the requested e-coupons are found and owned by another peer (the barter responder), the barter initiator requests a barter- ing process with the barter responder. E-coupons can be distributed not only to the mobile users falling into the broadcast range of the distributor companies, but also to the primary target peers (who really need the certain e-coupons in the right time and right place). Ambient Location Information Acquisition Scenario There are mobile services providing location- based services for mobile users with devices of handheld positioning technologies. For instance, Pocket Map delivers nearby restaurants or theater information to mobile users who have the current location information. Those services require loca- tion information of the mobile user as a basis to provide various services. Some mobile services simply furnish a mobile user his or her current position with their positioning technologies. However, it is often the case that not every mobile device is empowered with the handset Figure 4. Class diagram of the ambient shopping mall scenario . Semantics and the medical Web: A review of barriers and break- throughs in effective healthcare query. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 21, 109-116. McCormack, J. (2000, May). Standard. published in Semantic Web Technologies and E -Business: Toward the Integrated Virtual Organiza- tion and Business Process Automation, edited by A. Salam and J. Stevens, pp. 405-420, copyright. 2334 Semantic Web Standards and Ontologies in the Medical Sciences and Healthcare Buttler, D., Coleman, M., Critchlow, T., Fileto, R., Han,

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