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Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P130 docx

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1224 Fotogenika.com printing and delivery. The Mexican lab oper- ated during the day, and the commitment was to process customer orders within 24 hours from receiving the order. In the cultural dimension, traditional organi- zations share a common culture, whereas virtual organizations are multicultural (DeSanctis et al., 1999). Fotogenika was related to a multicul- tural environment. The company had links with American and Mexican organizations. Also, customers, mainly Mexicans, are immigrants who have developed a particular cultural identity (chicano culture) different from that of Mexicans living in Mexico. In the boundary dimension, traditional orga- nizations establish mainly internal relationships as opposed to virtual organizations that establish external relationships (DeSanctis et al., 1999). Most of Fotogenika’s business processes were outsourced. Thus, the company mainly had es- WDEOLVKHGH[WHUQDOUHODWLRQVKLSVLQRUGHUWRIXO¿OO its needs. One of the main advantages of a virtual organization is that it allows managers to focus on core activities (Matthews, 2004). But what constitutes a core activity has changed over the years (Matthews, 2004). For Fotogenika, customer service and logistics were its core activities. This allowed the company to deal with marketing and customer preferences. This strategy had been used successfully before by Dell and is called direct business model (Lawton & Michaels, 2001). With the direct model, Dell establishes a direct link with individual customers and gets a great deal of information on customer preference trends, which Dell shares with its providers (Lawton & Michaels, 2001). Dell observes customer prefer- ences on a daily basis (Lawton & Michaels, 2001). If, for instance, customer preferences were shifting to larger PC monitors on a certain customer seg- ment, Dell would share that information with its suppliers, allowing them to adjust their inventory (Lawton & Michaels, 2001). Similarly, Fotogenika would be able to assess market trends and know about customers’ demands. If customers were WRGHPDQGIUDPHVIRUWKHLUSLFWXUHVRUVSHFL¿F products, such as pictures printed on calendars, Fotogenika would assess the need to provide new services. By June 2004, Fotogenika had no employees. The founders rendered all services from Perezca- no’s house. In the future, Fotogenika might need WRUHQWDQRI¿FHDQGKLUHHPSOR\HHVWRSURYLGH services for its increasing customer body. Fotogenika’s business proposition was based on the following three strategies: 1. Print at the delivery point. Transmitting digital information is faster and cheaper than transporting physical information. This is not a new concept. For instance, USA To- day, the top-selling U.S. newspaper, sends the digital version of the newspaper to its national and international sites where it is printed (McMeekin, 2002). 2. Locate production facilities where costs are low. Again, this is not a new strategy. For instance, it is well-known that the software industry oustources systems development to India, where costs are lower than in the U.S. 3. (VWDEOLVKFXOWXUDODI¿QLW\ Companies that IRFXVRQVSHFL¿FPDUNHWVHJPHQWVSURYLGH services and products close to what their customers are used to. Fotogenika’s Web site was in Spanish and displayed pictures of Mexican people. A Spanish portal not only allowed Mexicans who do not speak English to use the service but also transmit- WHGFXOWXUDODI¿QLW\&XVWRPHUVHUYLFHDOVR was provided in Spanish, which developed a close relationship with its customers. Fotogenika’s strategies were not new, but when applied to the company’s service and target market, it gave it a competitive advantage. As op- 1225 Fotogenika.com SRVHGWRODUJH¿UPVVPDOORUJDQL]DWLRQV³PXVW start out in a niche market with some means of differentiating themselves from their competition (differentiation focus)” (Jeffcoate, Chappell, & Feindt, 2002, p 27). Fotogenika used both service and price as a competitive advantage. In terms of service, Fotogenika rendered its services in Spanish and XVHGLWVFXOWXUDODI¿QLW\WRGHYHORSDVHQVHRIWUXVW in its customers. In terms of price, Fotogenika’s services were cheaper than those provided by its competitors. The total price paid by customers had two components: the price for the printouts and a shipping charge. For the pictures, Fotogenika’s prices were slightly lower than those of its com- petitors in most print sizes. Having lower printing costs provided the company with an attractive marginal income. The shipping charge is what really made the difference for the customers. Fotogenika shipped from Mexico City at substantially lower prices. A customer shipping to Mexico City would pay approximately $20 for delivery if ordered within the U.S. Ordering through Fotogenika, the ship- ping price was $2. Fotogenika’s competitors can be divided into two groups: (1) American companies delivering pictures worldwide, such as ofoto.com 1 (owned E\.RGDNVQDS¿VKFRPDQGVKXWHUÀ\FRPDQG (2) Mexican companies such as upfoto.com and mifotodigital.com (owned by Kodak). American companies shipping to Mexico charged interna- tional delivery prices. Even Mexican companies charged more for shipping than Fotogenika did. The major threat might be Kodak, who had worldwide facilities. Kodak had proprietary sites in the U.S. as well as in Mexico. However, both sites were operated independently; that is, pic- tures ordered through ofoto.com to be delivered in Mexico were charged international shipping fees. See Appendix 2 for a summary of prices offered by Fotogenika’s competitors. Being a virtual organization had allowed Fotogenika to start as a small business, requiring a small investment. Brick-and-mortar companies move toward a virtual organization in order to WDNHDGYDQWDJHRIFRVWVDYLQJVÀH[LELOLW\DQG RWKHUEHQH¿WV'H6DQFWLVHWDO)RWRJHQLND was born as a virtual organization. No transition from brick-and-mortar was made. Figure 1 depicts Fotogenika’s organizational structure as a virtual organization. To sum up, Fotogenika had been established as a small e-business in terms of investment. However, the margins that had been obtained from printing and delivering at low costs had Figure 1. Fotogenika’s organizational structure Fotogenika •Logistics •Customer Service Printing Lab in Mexico •Printing Fed Ex or similar •Delivering ISP •Hosting Accounting firm •Tax reporting 1226 Fotogenika.com made Fotogenika an attractive investment. Proxy income statements are shown in Appendix 3. In- formation on type of customers and market growth D U H V K RZ Q L Q $ S S H Q G L [  3H U H ] F D Q R Z D V V D W L V ¿H G   because Fotogenika was achieving its goals. SETTING THE STAGE Perezcano’s partner was an expert in photographic technology. He had a thorough knowledge of the Mexican photography market and personally knew people who worked in the most important Mexican labs. The management of relationships in virtual organizations is a strategic variable (Lawton & Michaels, 2001). He had established an alliance with the lab in Mexico based exclusively on a pre- established fee per picture and delivery. There had EHHQQR¿[HGFRVWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHDOOLDQFH that is, Fotogenika only paid for the pictures it sent, and there was no commitment to send any minimum number of pictures. Due to the large volume of operations, UPS and FedEx charged the Mexican lab discount prices that Fotogenika by itself would not have been able to apply for. ,QWKLVVHQVHWKHVWUDWHJ\RIWKH¿UPKDGEHHQWR successfully manage a network of relationships (Lawton & Michaels, 2001). When business areas are outsourced, the out- sourcer transfers the provider not only the task itself but also the knowledge to complete the task. (Lawton & Michaels, 2001; Matthews, 2004). The outsourcer then relies on the provider to perform a task. The risk for the outsourcer, therefore, is that the provider underperforms (Matthews, 2004). When a provider is not performing at the expected level, the outsourcer either can switch providers or re-establish in-house control (if it is still feasible). Either option is costly and time-consuming. The dependence on the provider increases the risk for the outsourcer (Matthews, 2004). Fotogenika’s alliance involved a low risk. If the alliance with the Mexican lab failed or if it became unable to IXO¿OO)RWRJHQLND¶VRUGHUV 3HUH]FDQR¶VSDUWQHU would be able to reach an agreement with a dif- ferent lab. Just like Dell computers, Fotogenika was competing as a network of alliances. Being a small startup business, Fotogenika had faced the challenge of how to actually get people to order products from its Web site. People need to trust that an online business will deliver a satisfactory product. The perceived reputation DQGVL]HRIWKHVWRUHLQÀXHQFHVFRQVXPHUWUXVWLQ an Internet store (Jarvenpaa, Tractinsky & Vitale, 2000). People trust large organizations more than small business (Jarvenpaa et al., 2000). However, the effect of size perception might depend on the type of merchandise (Jarvenpaa et al., 2000). When there is not too much at stake, the size of the company might not be important. The amount of money spent in each order of digital printouts is generally low, usually less than $100. As such, customers’ perceived risk on the transaction might be low, and they might be willing to try out Fotogenika’s service just to see if it works. In terms of reputation, people favor companies with which they are already familiar (Quelch & Klein, 1996). Therefore, Fotogenika was at a dis- advantage compared to big names in the industry such as Kodak. Fotogenika needed to build up a reputation and to transmit to its customers that the FRPSDQ\ZDVDEOHWRIXO¿OOWKHLUH[SHFWDWLRQV Information Technology (IT) is the critical enabler for virtual organizations (DeSanctis et al., 1999; Strader, Lin & Shaw, 1998). Virtual orga- QL]DWLRQVDVDQHWZRUNRI¿UPVUHTXLUHDJUHDW deal of integration and coordination (Strader et al., 1998). IT is a cost-effective tool that provides the capabilities to store and share information among participants. According to Strader et al. (1998) the information infrastructure for vir- tual organizations should include the following FRPSRQHQWV ³ D JOREDO LQIRUPDWLRQ QHWZRUN for electronic brokerage, 2) electronic access to external environment data, 3) electronic connec- tions between organization partners, 4) electronic access to virtual organization operational data, and 5) intra organizational information system 1227 Fotogenika.com support” (p. 82). The Internet is a technology that can be used in all components. However, the Internet lacks the security to hold communications among virtual partners. For interorganizational communications, an intranet provides a solution to security concerns (Strader et al., 1998). Small organizations such as Fotogenika usu- ally lack the skills or the time to implement an e-business application (Wagner, Fillis & Johans- son, 2003). Therefore, Perezcano decided to com- pletely outsource the IT function. The web site was developed by a third party and was hosted E\DQ,QWHUQHW6HUYLFH3URYLGHU,63IRUD¿[HG monthly payment. The ISP took care of basic security measures, such as backing up informa- tion and securing server’s operations. The initial development of the site cost approximately $4,000. Updates to the site would have to be agreed upon on a one-by-one basis. In terms of interorganizational communica- tion, Fotogenika did not need to transfer custom- ers’ credit card information to the Mexican lab. For each order, the Mexican lab needed access only to the pictures to be printed and the customer’s d e l i v e r y a d d r e s s . To d e a l w i t h i n t e r o r g a n i z a t i o n a l communication, Fotogenika had an intranet de- veloped by the third party as part of the initial project. Within the intranet, the Mexican lab had secured access to Fotogenikas’ customer database and was able to download directly the orders to be processed. Fotogenika’s philosophy was to provide customers with a simple, short, and friendly buying experience. Therefore, Fotogenika’s Web site was small, well organized, and easy to use. Fotogenika’s functionality was simple. The Web site was able to do the following: •Display information • Register customers • Administer customer electronic albums • Execute transactions For security reasons Fotogenika did not store customers’ information online. This meant that every time customers wanted to place an order they were required to type in their information. Also, since all order information was kept off-line, customers who wanted to know about the status of their orders had to contact customer service directly. CASE DESCRIPTION One of the main challenges that Fotogenika faced was to compete in terms of functionality. Ameri- can residents were already used to high levels of service doing e-transactions. For instance, returning customers are not asked to provide their information every time they do a transaction. However, at Fotogenika, as a security measure, no credit card information was accessible after a customer placed an order. This practice protected the company and its customers against phishing attacks. In a phishing attack, customers get an e-mail, supposedly sent by a company with whom they are customers, asking them to update their personal information. The e-mail is really sent by a hacker who replicates the company’s Web site and obtains customer information. Phishing attacks are costly, not only in terms of the frauds resulting from stolen infor- mation but also in terms of customer service. For instance, EarthLink estimated that one phishing attack cost the company at least $40,000. These costs come from providing services to custom- ers calling call centers and resetting customer information (Dragoon, 2004). Storing customer information is, without any doubt, a feature highly convenient for returning customers. However, storing customer informa- tion exposed Fotogenika and its customers to costly risks that small businesses can hardly af- ford. So far, the company did not know whether 1228 Fotogenika.com customers valued this security measure or con- sidered it inconvenient. Functionality was also an issue in terms of customer service. The Web site did not offer auto- matic order tracking. Customers needed to contact customer service directly to inquire about the status of their orders. The lack of automatic tracking might be inconvenient for some customers. Also, it increased the workload of customer service. Perezcano had been assessing whether the limited functionality of the Web site would be an obstacle to acquiring and retaining customers. A better functionality would imply an increase in costs. The current Web site would need to be re- designed and implemented. However, estimating the costs would be easier than estimating the real impact of providing more functionality. Perezcano wondered whether such increased functionality would pay back. As a small startup e-business, Fotogenika had faced other challenges. Fotogenika had not developed a reputation yet. Therefore, the com- pany had to rely on different strategies in order to build trust with potential costumers. Consum- ers need to assess the seller’s competence (Tan & Sutherland, 2004); that is, customers need to believe that the seller has the abilities, skills, and expertise to provide the service (Papadopoulou, Kanellis, & Martakos, 2003; Tan & Sutherland, 2004). For this reason, Fotogenika displayed the Kodak logo on its Web site and indicated that Kodak paper was used to print the pictures. Another strategy to build consumers’ trust is to display privacy and consumer protection prin- ciples (Lee & Turban, 2001; Patton & Josang, 2004; Shneiderman, 2000; Tan & Sutherland, 2004). Therefore, Fotogenika displayed its customer satisfaction policies, including privacy protection and consumer refund policies. 7KLUGSDUW\WUXVWFHUWL¿FDWLRQVDUHNH\WREXLOG- ing consumer trust in Internet shopping (Hoffman, Novak, & Peralta, 1999). Fotogenika needed to ensure its customers that its store was a secure site and that its transactions were handled securely. For this reason, Fotogenika obtained a third-party WUXVWFHUWL¿FDWLRQZLWKWUXVWORJRFRP Shneiderman (2000) also suggests disclos- ing patterns of past performance and providing references from past performance. Fotegenika’s site did not offer this information. These features could be added to the site. It also has been suggested that culture might be an important factor in the disposition to trust (Jarvenpaa & Tractinsky, 1999; Tan & Sutherland, 2004). Customers develop trust when interacting with salespersons with similar background (Jarv- enpaa & Tractinsky, 1999). Culture is manifested, among other things, by the language used (Luna, Peracchio, & De Juan, 2002). Language not only WUDQVPLWVFXOWXUDO DI¿QLW\ EXWDOVRUHGXFHV WKH cognitive effort to process the site (Luna et al., 2002). Fotogenika’s site was in Spanish. It also stated that it was a company created and owned by a Mexican. The company, therefore, expected LWV:HEVLWHWRJHQHUDWHDVHQVHRIFXOWXUDODI¿QLW\ in potential customers. Along with the technical measures and the F X O W X U D O D I ¿ Q L W \)R W RJ H Q L N D E HO L H YH G W K D W E H L Q J D Q  American company would increase the customers’ levels of trust. If Americans happened to order digital printouts from a Mexican company and run into some problem, they would not be protected by American laws. Americans, therefore, would prefer to deal with an American company. Since Fotogenika operated across borders, the company needed to deal as well with the mana- gerial issues that arise when companies operate internationally. According to Sheldon and Strader (2002) there are at least four internationalization issues: (1) standardization of content and appear- DQFH¿QDQFLDOLVVXHVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQLVVXHV and (4) legal issues. Standardization of content and appearance im- plies that all information must be understandable 1229 Fotogenika.com by users worldwide (Sheldon & Strader, 2002). By June 2004, Fotogenika’s target market was focused o n M e x i c a n s l i v i n g i n t h e U. S . H oweve r , t e l e p h o n e numbers, times, dates, and forms were displayed on an international form that was understandable w o r l d w i d e . I n t e r m s o f m e a s u r e m e n t , M e x i c o u s e s the metric system. For this reason, The company’s site informed customers about picture sizes in both the metric and the English system. Financial issues refer to the method of payment (Sheldon & Strader, 2002). Fotogenika accepted credit card payments only. Money orders and personal checks were not allowed. Accepting payment methods other than credit cards would certainly give customers more option payments, especially for those who distrust providing their credit card information. On the other hand, it would also require modifying not only the site functionality but also the managerial procedures in order to handle payments. Transportation issues refer to shipping and complaining with the import regulation (Shel- don & Strader, 2002). Shipping is not a relevant issue on digitized products such as pictures. Fotogenika’s compliance with import regulation was not complex. Customers owned the pictures, and Fotogenika charged for the printing services. The international transaction was held between Fotogenika and the Mexican lab. Therefore, international issues for professional service payments abroad were managed by Fotogenika. Customers did not need to worry about customs and taxes. Reverse logistics was not an issue, HLWKHU,IFXVWRPHUV ZHUHQRWVDWLV¿HGZLWKWKH printing service, the company would reprint the picture or reimburse the money without requiring customers to return the pictures. Legal issues refer to compliance with local laws (Sheldon & Strader, 2002; Wijnholds & Little, 2001). Fotogenika complied with privacy, advertising, and content regulation in the U.S. However, if the company decided to expand its current target market to focus on Mexicans worldwide, it would have to review these issues. In terms of legal protection, as already stated, U.S. customers can sue sellers in their own states (Wijnholds & Little, 2001). In addition, being a small company with lim- ited money to invest in marketing, Fotogenika QHHGHGWRGH¿QHDFRVWHIIHFWLYHVWUDWHJ\WROHW SHRSOHNQRZDERXWWKHFRPSDQ\)RWRJHQLND¶V¿UVW idea was to send ads to e-mailing lists of Mexicans living in the U.S. The advantage of this method was that it would reach the target market. However, there was a risk that potential customers might consider Fotogenika a spammer. Perezcano was sure that she had to establish a marketing plan in order to assess different marketing channels. CURRENT CHALLENGES FACING THE ORGANIZATION ,Q VKRUW 3HUH]FDQR ZDV TXLWH VDWLV¿HG ZLWK Fotogenika’s performance so far. But as an en- trepreneur, she also had been thinking about the many challenges that Fotogenika might face. She had to share her ideas with her partner and to develop future strategies. Small businesses can- not afford big mistakes. Every decision in terms of technology, marketing, and service must be explored thoroughly. Fotogenika had a successful start, but it needed to expand its business. It could expand its market to provide printing services to Mexicans not only in the U.S. but also around the world. However, the company needed to assess the changes that would be required in Web site functionality and in managerial procedures. It also could expand its business to deliver pictures around the world. So far, Fotogenika delivered pictures in Mexico. If Fotogenika wanted to deliver pictures around the world, it must determine which business model it would use. The company could still print the pictures in Mexico and deliver them worldwide through international delivery. Or it could also 1230 Fotogenika.com replicate its business model to establish alliances with local printing labs or even other online print- ing services. Fotogenika was also aware of other sources of compet ition. Online printing ser vices were not the only way customers could print their photos. Home and kiosk printing were more popular than online printing (see Appendix 5). There was also the threat of a war price from retailers such as Wal-Mart and Costco 2 a n d , i n g e n e r a l , b y p r i n t i n g kiosks (see Appendix 6). $ORQJ ZLWK WKH FXOWXUDO DI¿QLW\ VWUDWHJ\ WR reach customers, the company needed to consider that women print the most digital pictures (Bieder- man, 2005). For instance, for kiosk printing, 60% of consumers were women (Biederman, 2005). The marketing strategy and Web site design could be affected if this fact was deemed important. Every change in strategy certainly would imply changes in the Web site functionality. Without in-house IT expertise, Fotogenika had to rely on a third-party provider. Fotogenika needed to reassess this alliance continuously in order to determine the effectiveness of the relationship and to evaluate different alternatives. So far, Fotogenika’s business model had SUR¿WHG IURP ,77KH FRPSDQ\XOWLPDWHO\KDG delivered a physical product — a printed picture. However, Fotogenika had displaced the prod- uct digitally up to where the picture would be printed and distributed at low cost. In addition, Fotogenika’s knowledge of the Mexican culture KDGDOORZHGLWWRIRFXVRQDSUR¿WDEOHQLFKHRIWKH digital photography market — Mexican migrants in the U.S. REFERENCES Ariss, S., Nykodym, N., & Cole-Laramore, A. A. (2002). Trust and technology in the virtual organization. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 67(4), 22-25. Barret, L., & Carr, D. F. (2004, September 1). Eastman Kodak: Picture imperfect. Retrieved October 1, 2004, from http://www.baselinemag. com/article2/0,1397,1655499,00.asp Biederman, M. (2005, March 17). Self-service SULQWLQJLVUHGH¿QLQJWKHFDPHUDVWRUHDQGHYHQ the maternity ward. The New York Times, p. G 1. Bulkeley, W. M. (2005, March 17). A price war hits digital photos. 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Percentage of Mexicans in the Latino population Total Population 35.305.818 246.116.088 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Not Hispanic or Latino Hispanic or Latino by Type 20.640.711 3.406.178 1.241.685 10.017.244 Mexic an Puerto Rican Cuban Other Hispanic or Latino 1233 Fotogenika.com Table 2. Proxy income statements APPENDIX 3 Proxy Income Statements Notes: Income statements consider only services offered by Fotogenika at that time of the teaching case setting (June 2004). APPENDIX 2 Prices (delivered in Mexico city including shipping through FedEx or similar) Table 1. Prices including shipping NA — not available Prices accessed on June 2004 ofoto.com VKXWHUÀ\FRP upfoto.com mifotodigital fotogenika.com Wallet 21,78 21,78 8,98 NA 3,68 4X 20,28 20,38 7,28 3,2 2,34 5X 20,98 20,98 7,74 3,4 3,18 6X NA NA 8,49 3,7 3,58 8X 23,98 23,98 9,98 5,7 5,68 Fotogenika Proxy Income Statement US dollars 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Net sales 23,208 73,853 138,115 181,170 202,388 Cost of goods 14,675 46,622 86,833 113,819 127,110 Gross margin 8,533 27,231 51,282 67,351 75,278 Operating expenses 8,475 10,794 19,348 18,063 18,511 Net income 58 16,437 31,934 49,288 56,767 . JOREDO LQIRUPDWLRQ QHWZRUN for electronic brokerage, 2) electronic access to external environment data, 3) electronic connec- tions between organization partners, 4) electronic access to virtual. to Sheldon and Strader (2002) there are at least four internationalization issues: (1) standardization of content and appear- DQFH¿QDQFLDOLVVXHVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQLVVXHV and (4) legal. service and logistics were its core activities. This allowed the company to deal with marketing and customer preferences. This strategy had been used successfully before by Dell and is called

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 10:20