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1134 Adoption of Mobile Technology in the Supply Chain FoodCo FreightCo PowerCo Technology Attributes Relative advantage • Information integration and synchronization a source of competitive advantage  ³0DQDJHWKHEXVLQHVVZLWKLQ the supermarket rather than just take an order” • Providing real-time infor- mation to customers is a competitive advantage  ³7KHSLOHVRISDSHUZRUN … would have been enor- mous”  ³5HGXFLQJSDSHU>LPSURYLQJ@ data quality, and only capturing data once”  ³,W¶VPDGHDKXJHGLIIHUHQFHWR us in terms of resolving customer complaints” Compatibility  ³,W¶VDOODERXWSUHVHQFHLQWKH marketplace” • Freight tracking system is a JRRG¿WZLWKWKHFRPSDQ\¶V focus on customer service  ³7KHHQGUHVXOWLVWKDWFXVWRPHUV spend less time in the dark” Complexity  ³,WHQGHGXSELJJHUWKDQLWZDV ever planned to be” • Not mentioned • Aspects of the mobile data solu- WLRQKDGWREHPRGL¿HGIRU¿HOG conditions  ³7KHJX\VVWUXJJOHDOLWWOHELW with the GIS stuff” Organizational Characteristics Information intensity  ³:HWHQGWRSLFNXSWKHQHZ technologies quickly if we can see there’s a clear business input” • If a company’s IT capability stays ahead of the business, the business will always be prepared for new challenges  ³:H¶UHDQ,7IRFXVHG>FRPSDQ\@ and we believe in IT solutions” Leadership  ³7KHFXUUHQWPDQDJHPHQWLV very, very supportive” • Management were quick WRVHHWKHEHQH¿WVDQGVXS- ported the innovation • Adoption of mobile technology was initially a top-down decision Technical readiness • IT team actively scans the technological environment • IT team actively seeks ³LQQRYDWLYHVROXWLRQVDQG ideas”  ³:H¶UHUHDOO\LQWKHUHWRWU\DQG understand the business needs before we even talk systems” User readiness  ³3XWWLQJDFRPSXWHULQIURQW of [some of] them was terribly daunting”  ³7KHUHZDVDORWRIUHVLV- tance by the drivers … to change and technology”  ³,W¶VMXVWWHFKQRORJ\WKDWWKH\¶UH not used to”  ³<RXKDYHWREUHDNWKHKDELWRI what they would normally do” Environmental Conditions Competitive intensity  ³:HZHUHVHHQWREHDJDLQ\RX know market leading”  ³:HZDQWHGWREHDKHDGRI the competition” • Not mentioned Partner LQÀXHQFH • Major supermarket chains were beginning to move their suppli- ers to electronic ordering and invoicing • Not mentioned  ³7KHFRQWUDFWRUV«ZHUHTXLWH pleased that we made the choice to actually roll it out, that they didn’t have to do something themselves” Available support • Proactive support from wireless network provider • Not mentioned • Continually changing hardware technology requires vendor sup- port for software compatibility • Mobile device to wireless net- work communication standard problematic 7DEOH6XPPDU\RILQQRYDWLRQDGRSWLRQ¿QGLQJV commerce innovations would potentially increase the applicability of the model. The contextual factors used in our model were selected for their perceived relevance to supply chain applications of mobile technology. Other potentially relevant factors could be explored. Finally, our exploratory case study approach does not enable us to reliably DVVHVVWKHGHJUHHRILQÀXHQFHRQWKHRUJDQL]D- tional innovation adoption process of the various factors in our model. 1135 Adoption of Mobile Technology in the Supply Chain As Frambach and Schillewaert (2002) note, such models are also of use to practitioners, including both technology suppliers and organizational managers, in marketing innovations to organizations and in gaining acceptance of innovations within organizations. A prominent issue in the analysis of the three case studies was that adopting and implementing a mobile data solution involves more than automating existing SURFHVVHV7KLVLVQRWDQHZ¿QGLQJZLWKUHVSHFW to IT innovations, but the mobility, localization, and immediacy aspects of mobile commerce technologies provide opportunities for process redesign, which imply new ways of doing things for users. Addressing the latter involves extensive and carefully thought out training, but also recognition that changing existing user behaviors may be necessary. REFERENCES Benbasat, I., Goldstein, D. K., & Mead, M. (1987). The case research strategy in studies of information systems. MIS Quarterly, 11(3), 369-386. Bhatt, G. D., & Emdad, A. F. (2001). An analysis of the virtual value chain in electronic commerce. Lo- gistics Information Management, 14(1/2), 78-84. Chau, P. Y. K., & Hui, K. L. (2001). Determinants of small business EDI adoption: An empirical in- vestigation. 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Chapter 4.11 Case Study: Service-Oriented Retail Business Information System Sam Chung University of Washington, Tacoma, USA Zachary Bylin University of Washington, Tacoma, USA Sergio Davalos University of Washington, Tacoma, USA ABSTRACT The primary objective of this case study is to discuss a retail business information system illustrating an e-business integration example among a biometric attendance system, a surveil- lance system, and a point-of-sale system. Using a service-oriented architecture allows businesses to build on top of legacy applications or construct new applications in order to take advantage of the power of Web services. Over the past years, Web VHUYLFHVKDYH¿QDOO\GHYHORSHGHQRXJKWRDOORZ such basic architectures to be built. Each of the components in the system will be designed and developed using a service-oriented architecture that clearly illustrates how such cutting-edge systems can be put together. By designing these components in such a fashion, this example will focus on applying service-oriented development and integration techniques to the retail sector. The result of this project will be an integrated system t h a t c a n b e u s e d b y b u s i n e s s e s e v e r y w h e r e t o l e a r n KRZWKHLURUJDQL]DWLRQVFDQEHQH¿WIURPVHUYLFH oriented architecture. Also, the application of the service-oriented development and integration to systems that were previously stand-alone and heterogeneous is discussed. All previous experi- ences in object-oriented architectures and design methodology are naturally streamlined with the service-oriented architecture, supporting the loose coupling of software components. 1138 Case Study INTRODUCTION The purpose of this case study is to discuss a retail business information system (BIS) illustrating a service-oriented development and integration example among a biometric attendance system, a surveillance system, and a point-of-sale (POS) system. Various software systems typically used in businesses can be developed and integrated us- ing SOA (service-oriented architecture; Alonso, Casati, Kuno, & Machiraju, 2004; Erl, 2004). An SOA is a way of designing a software system to provide services to either end-user applications or other services through published and discover- able interfaces. The three heterogeneous applications used in this case study are a system for keeping track of how long an employee works called EAS (em- ployee attendance system), one using surveillance systems to monitor an establishment called 3S (Smart Surveillance System), and a POS system. They are typical applications that are found in a majority of retail BISs. Unfortunately, each of these applications is almost always used in isola- WLRQD QGLVG LI ¿FXOWIRUX VHUVWRL QWHUD FWZLWKVL QFH they have been developed by different software companies, and integration with other systems is not considered at the beginning of their designs. In many instances, these components are con- structed using different programming languages DQGDUHYHU\GLI¿FXOWWR XSJUDGHDQGLQWHJUDWH with newer systems. For example, many POS systems need to manage employees and need a VHFXUHDFFHVVPHFKDQLVPWKURXJKD¿QJHUSULQW recognition system. Although EAS supports this functionality, EAS cannot be easily integrated into the existing POS system. This case study demonstrates some of the advantages of SOA-based development and integration, which we call service-oriented de- velopment and integration (SODI), to construct a loosely coupled information system that can be effectively altered and upgraded as time passes. In order to demonstrate how the SODI can be applied to the development of software systems for a retail business and the integration of the software systems, this case study considers two SUREOHPV7KH¿UVWSUREOHPLVWRSURSRVHKRZWKH 62',FDQEHGH¿QHGZLWKRXWORVLQJWKHYDOXDEOH experiences of the developers in object-oriented analysis and design. The second problem is to propose how the SODI can be applied to the development and integration of a retail business information system. Web service technologies are still relatively immature in comparison to other networking protocols and technologies. At this time, the only relatively stable aspects of Web service technolo- gies are the simple object access protocol (SOA P; World Wide Web Consortium Extensible Markup Language [W3C XML] Protocol Working Group, 2006), the Web service description language (WSDL; W3C Web Services Description Work- ing Group, 2006), and universal description, discovery, and integration (UDDI; Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards [OASIS], n.d.). Other standards such as WS-Addressing (W3C Web Services Addressing Working Group, 2006), WS-Policy (IBM, 2006b), WS-Security (OASIS, 2006), and semantic Web services such as the Web ontology language for services (OWL-S; W3C Semantic Web Services Interest Group, 2006b), Web services modeling ontology (WSMO; W3C Semantic Web Services Interest Group, 2006c), semantic Web services framework (SWSF; W3C Semantic Web Ser- vices Interest Group, 2006a), and Web services semantic (W3C Semantic Web Services Interest Group, 2006d) are still being researched and are not mature enough to be applied to real BISs yet by using industry-supported platforms such as .NET or Java. SODI is a software development and integra- tion approach that is architecture centric, integra- tion ready, evolution based, and model driven. SODI is architecture centric and integration ready since three architectural patterns—three-layered architecture (Alonso et al., 2004), multitier archi- 1139 Case Study tecture (Alonso et al.), and SOA—are employed for design and deployment, and the loosely coupled software components using Web services allow future integration to be ready even before the integration demands. Also, since a software development methodology called UDWLRQDOXQL¿HG process (RUP; IBM, 2006a) is used, which has also been used in the development of object-oriented BISs, SODI is an evolutionary development and integration where all experiences in object-ori- ented software development can be employed. In addition, since the RUP has been used in tradi- tional object-oriented software development with WKHYLHZPRGHO.UXFKWHQDQGXQL¿HG modeling language (UML; Object Management Group [OMG], 2007), the SODI approach using the RUP is model driven. A retail BIS that consists of a biometric at- tendance system, a surveillance system, and a point-of-sale system is developed and integrated by employing the SODI approach. Based upon the case study, the SODI approach is analyzed and discussed in addition to the integrated sys- tem that can be used by businesses everywhere to learn how service-oriented architectures can EHQH¿WWKHLURUJDQL]DWLRQV7KHGLVFXVVLRQVRIWKH SODI approach on this case study shows to Web services practitioners that Web service technology brings a BIS in which software components can easily integrate with others since they are loosely coupled through Web services. Also, the BIS developers can adopt this emerging technology of Web services naturally since their experiences of the architectural patterns and the design meth- odology in object-oriented development can be seamlessly reused for service-oriented develop- ment and integration. Next we will discuss some of the previous approaches to integrating enterprise applica- tions. Then, the three system components to be developed and integrated are discussed in more detail. After that, the chapter provides the SODI approach, which consists of three architectural patterns and the SODI design methodology using the 4+1 view and visual modeling. In the next sec- tion, the application of the SODI approach to the retail BISs is illustrated with visual models. The application of the service-oriented development and integration to the case study is analyzed and discussed in the last section, which also provides some conclusions in regard to the case study. PREVIOUS INTEGRATION EFFORTS What were businesses using to integrate their internal applications before Web services came DERXW /LQWKLFXP D E" 7KH ¿UVW generation of application integration techniques mainly included writing adapters that would take data from one application, adapt them for use in another application, and then send these data off WREHXVHGE\DQRWKHUV\VWHP7KLV¿UVWDSSURDFK was very tedious to develop, and the complexity skyrocketed as new components were added. These troubles led to the second generation in application integration paradigms. This new generation utilized third-party components that already had adapters available for purchase. While this may have saved organizations some time, it still required quite a bit of money. Piecing third- party components together using adapters saved GHYHORSHUVDODUJHDPRXQWRIWLPHRYHU¿UVWJHQ- eration techniques; however, the resulting system was still very complex to use. Trying to integrate applications developed in house with third-party components could be quite troublesome at times. While some of these problems have been ironed out today, many still exist and remain a concern for developers working on non-service-oriented integration projects. Up to now, the efforts for enterprise applica- tion integration (EAI) and business-to-business (B2B) integration have been much more costly and time consuming than it would have been if a service-oriented integration strategy were used. An integration approach using the electronic data interchange (EDI) format does not share opera- 1140 Case Study tions but only data, so the bandwidth between heterogeneous software components is higher than for SODI. Integration approaches using distributed object-oriented computing paradigms (Coulouris, Dollimore, & Kindberg, 2002) such as remote method invocation (RMI) or Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) need more effort from system developers and integrators compared to the service concept since a tightly coupled lower level abstraction concept called distributed objects are used. HETEROGENEOUS APPLICATIONS TO BE INTEGRATED Three heterogeneous applications are developed, and some of their functions are integrated as Web services in other systems: EAS, 3S, and a POS system. EAS is a system that allows small businesses to monitor and record an employee’s attendance at work (Kerner, 2000). Businesses need some way to keep track of how long an employee has worked for a given day or week. There are many solutions to this problem, and some are much better than others. By better, it is implied that some systems are much less vulnerable to being manipulated by unscrupulous employees. Instead of relying on arbitrary digits or strings IRU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ SXUSRVHV ($6 LQ WKLV FDVH VWXG\XVHVDQHPSOR\HH¶VXQLTXH¿QJHUSULQWWR identify an employee for purposes of signing in RURXWIURPZRUN:KLOHIRUJLQJDQLGHQWL¿FD- WLRQQXPEHUPD\EHWULYLDOIRUJLQJD¿QJHUSULQW LVH[SRQHQWLDOO\PRUHGLI¿FXOW$QLQGLYLGXDO¶V ¿QJHUSULQWFRQVLVWVRIYDULRXVORRSVDQGZKRUOV intermingling with each other on the surface of RXU¿QJHUSDGV:LWKLQWKHVHHODERUDWHGHVLJQV one notices certain points that in combination can be used to uniquely identify a given person. 7RIRUJHD¿QJHUSULQWRQHZRXOGKDYHWRPDNH DUHSOLFDRIWKHVXUIDFHRIDSHUVRQ¶V¿QJHURU as a slightly more drastic measure, sever off a SHUVRQ¶V¿QJHU 2QFHHPSOR\HHVEHJLQXVLQJ($6IRU¿QJHU- print recognition, managers can begin using the more advanced features of the system. Employee schedules can be created and entered into EAS. Then, at any time, managers can generate reports that outline an employee’s actual work activity and compare it to the scheduled activity. These reports can also be used for tracking overtime work, people disobeying corporate policies, or payroll systems. The employee information is a good example of data that can be shared with other information systems. Many businesses use surveillance systems for some reason. Typical uses are for monitoring customers and employees to (hopefully) prevent theft. Another use is for monitoring property to record break-ins. The major problem with these conventional security systems is that they often run on relatively ancient hardware, storing footage on VCR cassettes. The digital storage capabilities of computer hard drives have increased greatly over the years. Today, it is even possible to see systems with storage capacities of up to 1 terabyte or 1,000 gigabytes in size. 3S will take advantage of these large storage capacities. In addition, the use of Web service technologies will enable busi ne sse s to k now a ny ti me, any where whe n a ny unwanted activity takes place. 7KH¿QDOFRPSRQHQWLVDQHZO\GHVLJQHGSRLQW of-sale system. Virtually every retail store now uses some kind of computer-aided POS system. These systems allow products to be scanned using some kind of barcode device, allows the product prices to be totaled, and provides mechanisms for cashiers to perform various operations such as selling or returning goods. There is a wide spectrum of different POS applications on the market today. There are off-the-shelf solutions that can be purchased and customized, and there DUHLQKRXVHVROXWLRQVIRUDVSHFL¿FEXVLQHVV7KH SUREOHPZLWKWKH¿UVWVHWRIV\VWHPVLVWKDWWKH\ 1141 Case Study are often too generic where the latter systems are too tightly coupled. SERVICE-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION SODI is the software development and integration approach that is architecture centric, integration ready, evolution based, and model driven. The architecture-centric property means that multiple architectural patterns—three layered, multitier, and service oriented—are used for design, de- ployment, and integration. In the three-layered architectural pattern, a software application is designed by a set of three separate horizontal logical layers in which presentation, business, and data logics are independently developed and maintained, which is shown in Figure 1a. The presentation logic layer contains user-interface- related constructs and features that end users of the application may wish to know about. The business logic layer contains the core business logic for the applications being built. Lastly, the data logic layer contains database-related logic that manages and permits access to the database system of the application. In the multitier architecture, n subcomponents of an application cooperate with one other us- ing some protocols. Each tier is deployed on a separate host in a distributed network for security and reliability. Figure 1b shows both the four-tier architecture for a typical Web application and the three-tier architecture for a typical Windows ap- plication using client-server computing. Although a tier does not mean a host, multiple hosts are used in developing such distributed applications. Since the functions requiring similar execution environments can be located at the same tier and the location of functions to be deployed is known in advance, the multitier architecture has been used along with the three-layered architecture. For Web applications, client-side presentation logic in HTML (hypertext markup language) can be downloaded from the second-tier Web server DQGW KHQH[HFXWHGRQWKH¿ UVWWLHUFOLHQWPDFKL QH At the second tier, the server-side presentation logic in JSP or ASP can be located and executed. The business logic in JavaBean or Code Behind is executed at the third tier, while accessing the database is executed on the fourth tier. In the service-oriented architectural pattern of Figure 1c, software can be considered as multiple interactions of the service consumer, producer, and broker if a software component can be declared as a Web service whose interface can be represented in a standard language, and can be discovered and invoked through a standard protocol. Currently, a service producer can generate the interface of a software component in WSDL by using a SOAP engine, and manually publish the Web service information onto a UDDI service registry that is managed by a service broker. If a service con- sumer needs the service, the service consumer can discover the service from the service registry manually or programmatically through a client program, although this autodiscovery function is very limited. The discovered service is invoked by the client and bound to the service through the interaction protocol SOAP that is located at the service producer’s host. The integration-ready property means that the integration of software applications using the multi-architectural patterns has built-in interoper- ability since components of each application are logically separated for better design, properly distributed over the network, interfaced in a standard interface language, and invoked through a standard interaction protocol. Some objects, which may be reused internally or externally in the future, are designed, implemented, and deployed as Web services that support interoperability for integration. Since interoperability is supported in those components through Web services before the actual integration demands occur, it is possible to plan for contingencies in the design phase of the applications. 1142 Case Study Presentation Logic Layer Business Logic Layer Data Logic Layer Presentation Logic Layer Business Logic Layer Data Logic Layer Presentation Logic Layer Business Logic Layer Data Logic Layer (a) Three-layered architectural pattern Tier 1 (Web App.) Tier 2 (Web Server) Tier 3 (Application Server) Tier 4 (Database Server) Tier 1 (Web App.) Tier 2 (Web Server) Tier 3 (Application Server) Tier 4 (Database Server) Tier 1 (Windows App.) Tier 2 (Application Server) Tier 3 (Database Server) Tier 1 (Windows App.) Tier 2 (Application Server) Tier 3 (Database Server) (b) Multitier architectural pattern Binding (SOAP) Publish (WSDL) Discovery (UDDI) Service Consumer Service Producer Service Broker Binding (SOAP) Publish (WSDL) Discovery (UDDI) Service Consumer Service Producer Service Broker (c) Service-oriented architectural pattern Figure 1. Multiple architectural patterns The evolution-based property means that the knowledge and skills that have been adopted in the traditional object-oriented software development can still be used with Web service technology. Since a Web service can be considered a class with standard interface descriptions in terms of object orientation, the methodology for object- oriented software development can be naturally used. RUP is a process framework that has been used in traditional object-oriented software development (Booch, Rumbaugh, & Jacobson, 1999; Jacobson, Booch, & Rumbaugh, 1999). The 1143 Case Study RUP is an iterative, incremental, concurrent, and visual model-driven design process based upon Kruchten’s (1995) 4+1 view. The 4+1 view model describes the architecture of software-intensive systems based upon multiple and concurrent views—the design view, implementation view, process view, deployment view, and use-case view—representing logical or physical, and static or dynamic properties of a software application that are interconnected by user requirements. Since Kruchten’s model was later incorporated into a famous computer-aided software engineer- ing (CASE) tool, IBM’s Rational Rose Modeler that supports RUP and UML, SODI using RUP is naturally model driven. Table 1. SODI using the RUP framework and 4+1 views Activities View and Phase Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Requirements :RUNÀRZ Use Case View 9Use case scenarios 9Three layered architecture 9SOA 9Use Case diagram 9Activity diagram for a use case within a layer Analysis/ Design :RUNÀRZ Design View Process View 9Three layered architecture 9SOA 9Class diagram for classes and services 9Activity diagram for methods 9Statechart diagram for classes 9Entity Relationship diagram for database 9Interaction diagrams fro object and atomic service collaboration 9Activity diagram for composite service collaboration* Implementation :RUNÀRZ Implementation View 9SOA 9Multi-tier architecture 9Component diagram Deployment :RUNÀRZ Deployment View 9SOA 9Multi-tier architecture 9 Deployment diagram * No service composition was employed at that time. A service consumer, which is either a Windows or Web ap- plication, only invokes Web services located at remote platforms. . producer, and broker if a software component can be declared as a Web service whose interface can be represented in a standard language, and can be discovered and invoked through a standard. service-oriented development and integration to systems that were previously stand-alone and heterogeneous is discussed. All previous experi- ences in object-oriented architectures and design methodology. Work- ing Group, 2006), and universal description, discovery, and integration (UDDI; Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards [OASIS], n.d.). Other standards such as WS-Addressing

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 10:20