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Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P96 potx

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884 RFID Systems botanic gardens, workers in an access-controlled factory. RFID, being a low-power technology, is useful for automatically collecting information regarding an object’s place, time, and transaction (De, Basu, & Das, 2004). Hospitals could also deploy RFID wristbands IRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQRISDWLHQWVZKLFKZRXOGIDFLOL- tate the monitoring of patients, particularly those requiring intensive care. In Smith et al. (Smith, Fishkin, Jiang, Mamishev, Philipose, Rea, Roy, & Sundara-Rajan, 2005), RFID-based monitoring of human (clinical) activities was demonstrated through two apparatus, namely i-bracelet and ZLUHOHVVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGVHQVLQJSODWIRUP (WISP). The RFID-based solution is shown to be as accurate as conventional techniques, and with the added advantage of being battery free. Unfortunately, the technique lacks the ability to detect motion, which we believe is a feature to be added eventually. In large-scale theme parks, RFID-enabled ticketing has provided easy access and monitoring of theme park visitors. Imagine an automated gate authenticating based on the data hidden on your RFID-disguised visitor pass, the waiting time for \RXUIDYRULWHUROOHUFRDVWHUULGHZRXOGGH¿QLWHO\ reduce greatly. Besides, embedded biodata, such as height and age of the visitor, could be useful for authenticating visitors for restricted rides in the theme park. Customized service can also be provided based on information retrieved from the RFID tag. E-business (instant product information re- trieval): There are many potential applications for RFID systems besides those mentioned, including an application for e-business. Poor information availability has been one of the stumbling blocks IRU¿UPVWRLQWHUDFWZLWKWKHLUFOLHQWV:HEEDVHG commerce has managed to improve on that factor TXLWHVLJQL¿FDQWO\+RZHYHUZKHQVKRSSLQJLQ SHUVRQZHVWLOOVWUXJJOHWR¿QGDGHTXDWHLQIRU- mation on certain products. Sometimes, the mall simply lacks the appropriate technical competency to provide such information. Integrating RFIDs into current mobile tele- phony systems could enable product comparison DQGLQIRUPDWLRQUHWULHYDODW\RXU¿QJHUWLSV3HQW- tilä, Pere, Soini, Sydänheimo, & Kivikoski, 2005). Current mobile phones have greatly improved processing power, compared with their earlier counterparts. With the appropriate middleware, the mobile device could easily be turned into a reader as well as a gateway to product portals. Information regarding a product could be down- loaded for thorough consideration before making a decision to purchase. In summary, RFID technology offers a wide range of possible integration and service enhance- ments to current legacy systems. New applications are being appended onto the list every now and WKHQZLWKLPSURYHGSK\VLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQG enhanced features. One of the key future research directions, as we mentioned previously, is to enhance the security features on existing RFID technologies. Besides, low-complexity signal SURFHVVLQJPHWKRGVIRUH[DPSOH¿[HGSRLQWORZ resolution algorithms, could further improve the speed and capacity of RFID networks. Hence, this is also a key future area for RFID research. SECURITY AND PRIVACY ISSUES Threats faced by RFID systems — the system data owners and tag users–are generally grouped into two types, namely those by passive attackers and active attackers, respectively (Stallings, 1999). Passive attackers are those who eavesdrop on or monitor the communications channel, but do not affect or interfere with the communication in any way. Therefore, such attackers are very hard to detect, since you have no straightforward way of knowing when your communication is being monitored. Considering the case of RFIDs, passive attacks could involve simply tracking the location of a tag. This is possible because of the property of most RFID tags, namely that they are passively 885 RFID Systems powered, nonline-of-sight (non-LoS), and contact- less, so anyone nearby with a radio frequency antenna could obtain personal information from a tag, since it is the nature of tags to broadcast their IDs, and so forth. This, of course, intrudes on the privacy of tag users and allows their move- ments to be tracked. Active attackers, on the other hand, are those who directly interfere with the communication of messages, either by interrupting, modifying, or fabricating communicated messages. Inter- ruptions of messages are direct attacks on the availability of the service, for example, denial of service or detection of RFID tags. Meanwhile, PRGL¿FDWLRQVare attacks on the integrity of the messages, for example, tampering of tags such that they contain someone else’s identity, or swapping expensive tags with inexpensive ones. Finally, fabrications are attacks on the authenticity of the messages, for example, forgery of tags to al- low access to otherwise restricted systems. All these are serious attacks and should be guarded against. Compared to passive attacks, an active at- tacker would be able to mount more devastating attacks on RFIDs. For example, he could modify the messages in transit, causing from the most trivial denial-of-service (DoS) attacks to the more serious impersonations of authorized RFID components. RFID tags are generally not tamper resistant compared to smart cards, mostly because of their very low costs, typically less than US$0.05. There- fore, some protection mechanisms that ensure security and user privacy are important against attacks that include consumer tracking (intrusion of privacy), forgery of tags (impersonation), and unauthorized access to a tag’s memory, which may contain sensitive or private information. We observe that although RFIDs may be viewed as similar to smart cards, the difference is that the former are not tamper resistant like the latter; thus, they are vulnerable to intense physi- cal attacks. The key is to consider that all threats applicable to smart cards should be considered equally applicable to RFIDs, but furthermore, that even some attacks not applicable to smart cards may be applicable to RFIDs since they are less physically protected. Being contactless and passively-powered may also make it more vulnerable to fault induction (Boneh, DeMillo, & Lipton, 1997) or power attacks (Kocher, Jaffe, & Jun, 1999) than smart cards are. We emphasize that the main gist is that along with the many enabling technologies that the RFID brings, come new threats to security and privacy that did not exist in conventional systems. This is especially so because the RFID is contactless and nonline-of-sight, thus making it harder to prevent unauthorized communication with it. Privacy Tags should not compromise the privacy of their holders. Information within tags must not be leaked to unauthorized readers in order to pro- tect user privacy, nor the locations to be tracked, even in the long-term, in order to protect location privacy. One way is to allow holders to detect and disable (on demand) any tags; another is to ensure that only authorized readers can inter- rogate the tags. Among the most counter-intuitive causes of the privacy problem is the diversity of standards (Avoine & Oechslin, 2005) and manufacturers related to the RFID technology. This essentially partitions the RFID tag user space to distinct distinguishable classes that facilitate tracking. Diverse manufacturers also mean different (al- though slightly, but enough to cause a problem) UDGLR ¿QJHUSULQWV EDVLF WHFKQRORJ\ LQ PRELOH devices to detect clones) built into RFID tags; thus again allowing partitioning of classes and hence, tracking. In fact, even devices of the same brand and model may be distinguished from each other due to small differences in the transient behaviour at the beginning of a transmission (Toonstra & Kinsner, 1995). 886 RFID Systems Hash-Lock Mechanism One well-known method to safeguard privacy is called the hash-lock mechanism (Weis, Sarma, Rivest, & Engels, 2003), and uses a cryptographic one-way hash function, which is basically a function that is easy to compute in one way, but H[WUHPHO\GLI¿FXOWWRUHYHUVH7RORFNDWDJWKH owner computes a hash output of a random key and sends this to the tag as the lock value, lock = hash(key), which the tag stores. Once in locked state, the tag should not reveal private information, but only respond with a meta-ID (pseudonym). To unlock, the owner sends the key to the tag, upon which the tag hashes and compares with the stored lock value. One potential privacy problem (Weis et al., 2003) of this is that it still cannot protect against long-term tracking because if the tag always responds with the same meta-ID, then that tag could still be tracked. To overcome this, Weis et al. proposed to tweak the hash-lock scheme such that when locked, the tag answers with the couple <r, y = hash(r Å ID)> where r keeps changing with every session and Å denotes logi- cal exclusive-OR; thus, long-term tracking will no longer be possible. Yet, the problem (Ohkubo, Suzuki, & Kinoshita, 2003) for this improvement is that it does not provide forward secrecy, which means that if the ID is ever revealed at a later stage, the tag owner’s identity in past transactions would be revealed. To solve this, they proposed (Figure 2) to use a hash chain (Lamport, 1981). The tag stores a secret val ue s i . When interrogated by the reader, it would reply with a i = hash 1 (s i ). Further, it would also compute s i+1 = hash 2 (s i ) for the next transaction’s usage. Here, hash 1 and hash 2 are two different hash functions. Doing so ensures that even if a certain secret s i is revealed in future, it is not possible to learn secret values prior to that, that is, s j (for j < i); thus, forward secrecy is ensured. We remark that the use of a hash chain for this purpose is quite well known actually. Although this provides forward secrecy and privacy, it does not provide authentication (Dimi- triou, 2005), since an attacker can query the tag and then replay the tag’s response to successfully authenticate to a valid reader. Temporary ID Change I t h a s b e e n p r o p o s e d t h a t ( I n o u e & Ya s u u r a , 2 0 0 3) a tag be operable in two modes. In the public mode, the tag ID is easily readable, but the tag owner is able (given the control) to change to a protected mode where he supplies a temporary ID that the tag would use in place of the permanent one. We Figure 2. Providing forward secrecy in the hash lock mechanism hash 1 hash 1 s i s i +1 a i a i +1 hash 1 hash 1 887 RFID Systems remark that this idea of using a temporary pseudo (not the actual) ID, in place of the actual ID, is commonly used to ensure privacy and anonymity of users. In particular, the tag has two types of memory: a read-only memory (ROM) that stores the permanent actual ID, and a rewriteable, but nonvolatile memory (called RAM) that stores the temporary pseudo ID. The user has a capability to decide when either memory is to be in use, and hence, which ID is to be read from the tag. Blocker Tags Juels et al. (Juels, Rivest, & Szydlo, 2003) proposed an elegantly simple method to ensure tag privacy. The idea is for tag users to also carry with them blocker tags that could simultaneously simulate many ordinary (nonblocker) tags, thus confusing RFID readers, and preventing them from being able to scan the ordinary tag carried by the user. This is because of the inherent physical property of readers that are able to only read one tag at a time, that is, it cannot decode radio waves that DUHUHÀHFWHGE\PRUHWKDQRQHWDJVLPXOWDQHRXVO\ This simple concept means it would be quite cheap to implement this technique. Zero-Knowledge Engberg et al. (Engberg, Harnig, & Jensen, 2004) have also proposed zero-knowledge based (Menezes et al., 1996; Stallings, 1999) protocols, an established technique used in cryptography, for communication between reader and tag, so that they can authenticate each other without revealing any secrets that may allow them to be tracked, and so forth. In more detail, the tags can operate in either of two modes: EPC and privacy. They are in EPC mode when still in the supply chain, but when they pass on to the consumer, they go into privacy mode, and the consumer controls whether the tag should be totally silent or respond only in certain situation,; and all this without leaking any LGHQWL¿DEOHLQIRUPDWLRQWRRXWVLGHUV Universal Encryption Mixnet Golle et al. (Golle, Jacobson, Jeuls, & Syverson, 2004) proposed an idea based on reencryption mixnets, where to prevent from being tracked, the tag IDs are encrypted and, while in transit, can be further reencrypted by the intermediate FRPPXQLFDWLQJQHWZRUNVXQWLOWKH¿QDOGHVWLQD- tion, such that the recipient only needs to perform one decryption to obtain the tag ID, despite it having been encrypted and reencrypted numerous times in transit. While conventional reencryption mixnet schemes require the knowledge of the public keys of previous encryptions in order to do reencryptions, Golle et al.’s universal version eliminates this need and thus, is suitable for the RFID application. Authentication between Readers and Tags Besides providing privacy, authentication is also important. Both tags and readers should trust each other, and the protocols specifying how they in- teract must be analyzed like any security protocol used in computer or network situations. Mutual authentication can be done via public- key cryptography (Menezes et al., 1996; Stallings, 1999), such as techniques of key exchange, digital signatures, and encryption, but most RFIDs have very low resources, making this impractical. Juels (2004) describes an authentication scheme based on challenge-response that uses only simple bitwise exclusive-OR operations and no other complicated cryptographic primitives; thus, it would be well suited for the low-compu- tational resources of RFIDs. However, it involves the communication of four messages and frequent updates (Dimitriou, 2005); thus, it may not be desirable in the communications sense. 888 RFID Systems Hash Function-Based Henrici and Muller (2004) proposed (Figure 3) an RFID authentication scheme based on hash func- tions and the challenge-response mechanism. : K H Q W K H UH D GH U UH T XH VW V W K H W D JI R U LG H QW L ¿F D - tion, the latter replies with hash(ID), hash(i  ID) and 'i, where i is the session number, and 'i is the difference between the current and previous session numbers. Since both the reader and tag are in synchronization on the same i, the reader can verify the freshness of the current session (and hence know it is not a replay by an attacker), and also the tag’s ID. It then responds with hash(r  i  ID), where r is a random number. The tag YHUL¿HVWKDWWKLVLVFRUUHFWWKXVERWKRIWKHPDUH authenticated to each other. $YRLQHDQG2HFKVOLQLGHQWL¿HGVRPH SUREOHPVZLWKWKLVWKRXJK,QWKH¿UVWSODFHWKH transmitted 'i is not random enough. A tag that has had many sessions with the reader can be distinguished from a tag that has only had a few, thus tracking can still be done. Also, it is possible to tamper with the message hash(r  i  ID) by replacing it with hash(i  ID); thus, even without the reader’s involvement, the tag can be fooled into thinking it has successfully authenticated the reader. In view of these problems, an improved scheme (Figure 4) was proposed in Dimitriou (2005) that Figure 3. Henrici-Muller scheme Figure 4. Dimitriou scheme 889 RFID Systems additionally provides forward secrecy. The gist is to use nonces (random numbers that are never reused) by both the reader and tag in their chal- lenges to each other. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-Based Feldhofer et al. (Feldhofer, Dominikus, & Wolder- storfer, 2004) demonstrated that it is possible to achieve authentication without making use of computationally intensive public-key cryptog- raphy, but instead used the advanced encryp- tion standard (AES), which is a symmetric-key (Menezes et al., 1996; Stallings, 1999) technique for encryption. And to further give allowance to slower response time of tags, they proposed to ameliorate over all tags being authenticated by the reader. In particular (Figure 5), the reader sends out a series of challenges C 1 , C 2 , … to the tags T 1 , T 2 , …, respectively. Upon the reception of its challenge C i , each tag T i computes the response R i = E K (C i ), but does not immediately send R i back to the reader. After it has completed send- ing out the challenges, the reader then sends out requests for the responses R i . By interleaving the challenge-response messages between the reader with many tags, the reader no longer has to wait for a response from each tag before going on to process another; thus, average communication WLPHEHWZHHQHDFKWDJDQGWKHUHDGHULVVLJQL¿- cantly reduced. Pseudo-Random Function (PRF)-Based More generally, mutual authentication schemes using challenge-response can make use of any pseudo-random function in the computation of responses to challenges, such as that given in Molnar and Wagner (2004). See Figure 6. The reader sends a random challenge a to the tag, which in turn selects a random number b, and then computes the response V = ID  f s (0,a,b), where f s (×) is a pseudo-random function keyed by a secret s shared between the tag and reader. The UHDGHUYHUL¿HVWKLVUHVSRQVHDQGIXUWKHUFRPSXWHV W = ID  f s (1,a,bZKLFKWKHWDJYHUL¿HV Nevertheless, Avoine et al. (Avoine, Dysli, & Oechslin, 2005) showed that by tampering one or more tags, an attacker is able to trace other tags with nontrivial probability of success. Human Protocol-Based Juels and Weis (2005) highlighted the interesting analogy between the limitation computational and memory resources of humans and RFIDs, and thus considered the adaptation of human-based protocols to the RFID setting. They adapted the human protocol in Hopper and Blum (2001) and secured it against active attacks. This is shown in )LJXUH7KHWDJ¿UVWVHQGVDEOLQGLQJIDFWRUb to the reader, which in return sends a challenge a. The tag computes z = a×x  b×y, where (x,y) are the Figure 5. Interleaving the challenge and response messages among multiple tags R eader S end C 1 Send C 2 Send C 3 Rec R 1 Rec R 2 Rec R 3 Tag 1 R 1 = E K (C 1 ) Resp R 1 Tag 2 R 2 = E K (C 2 ) Resp R 2 Tag 3 R 3 = E K ( C 3 ) [ms] 890 RFID Systems shared secrets between them. The authentication of the tag to the reader is successful only if the z computed by the reader equals the received z. T his sch eme f al ls to a n a ct ive at t ack whe re t he a is manipulated by the attacker (Gilbert et al., 2005) k times, where k is the bit length of a. Implications It has become quite vital these days to ensure the security and privacy of users, who are demanding these as one of the basic features offered to them so that they can transact with a peace of mind. Businesses that fail to offer such would not attract many customers, as they would opt to transact with other competing businesses that do. The need to embed security and privacy-pro- tecting techniques into RFID systems may be viewed by businesses as an extra cost that unneces- sarily adds to the already money-constraining cost in developing a nonsecurity-protected version, and secondary to the low-memory, low-power, and low-cost requirements. However, businesses should realize that the need for providing security and privacy is no lon- ger a secondary requirement, but must be consid- ered one of the indispensable basic requirements, along with low memory, low power, and low cost. Without such satisfactory features, RFID systems will not be attractive to the public market. In contrast, if this security and privacy feature is embedded into an RFID system, public trust Figure 6. Molnar-Wagner scheme Figure 7. Juels-Weis scheme S ystem T ag Pick a random a a Pick a random b Compute V =ID f s (0, a, b) b, V Find (ID, s) in database s.t. ID = V  f s ( 0 , a, b) Compute W =ID f s (1, a, b) Check that ID = W V f s (1, a, b) W R eader T ag a  R {0, 1} k b  R {0, 1} k X {0, 1| Prob[X = 1] = K} b (blinding factor) a (challenge) z = a  x  b  y X z (response) Accept if (a  x  b  y = z) 891 RFID Systems would be gained so that they are no longer wary of using RFIDs, and eventually, RFIDs would become an indispensable part of everyone’s daily lives, just as mobile phones are to us in the present day. Once this public distrust is overcome, there will only be increasing demand for RFIDs because of its convenience and ubiquity. The trick is to try as much as possible to eliminate the disadvantages, the most major one being just the security privacy issues. With this gone, the many advantages of RFIDs will become evident, and users will be scrambling to get one of their own. FUTURE TRENDS With the explosion in the popularity of ubiquitous and pervasive devices that includes the widespread use of the RFID, this leads to more information being communicated from one point to another. 7KLVLQFOXGHVDWWLPHVFRQ¿GHQWLDOLQIRUPDWLRQ and also personal information that users would prefer not to disclose to outsiders. Thus, security and privacy issues are abounding. With each new technology trend comes new potential threats against the users; hence, this is an ever-changing ¿HOGWKDWLPSURYHVRYHUWLPHDQGZRXOGQHYHU remain stagnant. Current open problems and emerging trends are in the enhancing of the RFID technology to produce more computationally intensive tags and larger memory, while keeping the manufacturing cost to an affordable minimum, including those that would eventually be capable of perform- ing even public-key cryptographic techniques 0HQH]HVHWDO6WDOOLQJVHI¿FLHQWO\ The distinction between the physical security of RFIDs and that of the more secure smart cards should become smaller as RFIDs are designed to be more resistant to such physical attacks. And the study of secure RFID authentication protocols amidst adverse RFID conditions (low power, low computation, low memory) would continue to be RILQWHUHVWWRWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\ CONCLUSION 7KH DELOLW\ RI XQLTXH LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI REMHFWV without physical or optical contact is a very useful feature and has many commercial applications. This idea is maturing to be a reality with the aid of RFID. From our discussions in the preceding sections, it is evident that the main idea to pro- tect privacy of tag owners is by making tag IDs indistinguishable; hence, hard to track. However, HQVXULQJSULYDF\RQO\LVFOHDUO\QRWVXI¿FLHQW instead, security via mutual authentication of both reader and tag should be provided, so that only authorized RFID parties can access or even query one another. Only in recent years (21 st century) have we seen interesting results by hardcore security research- ers on RFID security. Thus, it will take a couple more years for this area to mature, and by then, the VFLHQWL¿FFRPPXQLW\ZRXOGEHFRPIRUWDEOHZLWK the level of security offered by such techniques. Past experience has shown the healthy exercise of making and breaking security mechanisms, for example, block ciphers (DES and AES develop- ment effort), hash functions (MD5, SHA-1), other security primitives (NESSIE), and authentication and key-exchange protocols (Boyd & Mathuria, 2003). 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Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 10:20