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Neurochemical Mechanisms in Disease P37 ppt

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Trinucleotide-Expansion Diseases 345 Table 3 A n -expansion diseases Disease Gene Affected Protein A n Expansion Synpolydactyly type II (SPD) HOXD13 Transcription factor (15 → 22–29) Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) RUNX2 (CBFA1) Transcription factor (17 → 27) Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) PABPN1 Polyadenylate-binding protein (10 → 11–17) Holoprosencephaly (HPE5) ZIC2 Transcription factor (15 → 25) Hand–foot–genital syndrome (HFGS) HOXA13 Transcription factor (Tract 1; 14 → 22) (Tract 2; 12 → 18) (Tract 3; 18 → 24–30) Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus (BPES) FOXL2 Transcription factor (14 → 22–24) X-linked mental retardation with hypopituitarism (XH) (MRX) SOX3 Transcription factor (15 → 26) X-linked infantile spasm syndrome (ISSX; West syndrome, WS) Partington syndrome (PRTS) X-linked lissencephaly with ambiguous genitalia (XLAG) X-linked mental retardation 36 and 54 (MRX) ARX Transcription factor (Tract 1; 16 → 23) (Tract 2; 12 → 20) Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) Ondine’s curse PMX2B (PHOX2B) Transcription factor (20 → 25–33) Modified from Brown and Brown (2004) and Messaed and Rouleau (2009). (CCD), oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), hand–foot–genital syn- drome (HFGS), and blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus (BPES) are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a severe developmental disease resulting in death in infancy and the causative mutation presumably arises de novo. Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS; Ondine curse) cases also appear to be due to spontaneous mutations. Two A n - expansion diseases are X-linked. A mutation in the SOX3 gene, giving rise to sex-linked mental retardation (MRX) with growth hormone deficiency, has been described in one large family (Brown and Brown, 2004). A n -Expansion mutations can occur in two different tracts in the expressed protein of the ARX gene, giv- ing rise to nonsyndromic MRX and two syndromic conditions (X-linked infantile spasm syndrome (ISSX) also known as West syndrome (WS) and Partington syn- drome (PRTS)). A n -Expansion mutations can occur in three different tracts in the HOXA13 gene. 5.2 Comparison of A n -Expansion Diseases with Q n -Expansion Diseases Although expansions in Q n and A n domains give rise to disease phenotypes, the characteristics of the diseases are remarkably dissimilar. (1) The number of alanine 346 A.J.L. Cooper and J.P. Blass repeats is fixed at a single value in the normal (nonmutated) A n -containing pro- teins. This number varies between 10 and 18, depending on the protein (Table 3). In contrast, although 10–20 glutamine repeats occur in normal (nonmutated) Q n - containing proteins, the number is not fixed and may vary considerably in the nonmutated protein among the general population. (2) The expansions giving rise to disease phenotypes in the A n -expansion diseases are small, with a maximum exten- sion of 14 alanine residues. In contrast, pathological extensions of Q n domains can be much larger (compare Tables 2 and 3). (3) The A n expansion appears to be meiot- ically and somatically stable, whereas this is not the case with the Q n expansions. (4) The disease phenotypes of the Q n -expansion diseases are almost entirely restricted to neural tissue. In contrast, although severe neurological defects can occur in the A n -expansion diseases, all give rise to extraneural disease phenotypes. (5) The A n - expansion disease phenotypes are present at birth whereas the onset of Q n -expansion diseases is typically in adulthood. (6) The diseases caused by Q n expansions are thought to arise predominantly (but not exclusively) via a toxic gain of function (Section 5). By contrast, the diseases caused by A n expansions are thought to arise by loss of function, gain of function, or by a dominant-negative effect, depending on the disease. (7) All but one of the A n -expansion diseases is associated directly with a transcription factor, whereas only one of the Q n -expansion diseases is associated directly with a known transcription factor. (8) The Q n -expansion disease proteins are usually coded in the genome by “perfect” runs of CAG repeats, and thus slippage mechanisms may account for the meiotic and somatic instabilities of the Q n domain. On the other hand, the A n -expansion disease proteins are usually coded by “imper- fect” runs containing any of the four triplets that code for alanine (CCG, GCA, GCT, and GCC). These differences suggest that Q n tracts are easier to expand than A n tracts (Messaed and Rouleau, 2009). Increases in the length of the A n domain are thought to arise through unequal recombination. However, slippage may occur in BPES and possibly ISSX (Brown and Brown, 2004). 6 Possible Mechanisms Contributing to A n -Expansion Diseases Disruption of transcription factor function will result in altered expression of down- stream target genes and in abnormal development (Brown and Brown, 2004). But how are the functions of the transcription factors altered by an A n expansion? It has been suggested that the A n domains may (1) have a role in repression, (2) act as spacers or hinges, or (3) play important roles in correct protein–protein interactions and protein–DNA interactions during transcription. Clearly much work needs to be done to elucidate the pathological mechanisms associated with A n -expansion dis- eases (reviewed by Brown and Brown, 2004). A n polypeptides form fibrils through β-sheet formation (Nguyen and Hall, 2004), and it has been shown that transfection of cells with an A n expansion in the aristaless-related homeobox (ARX) protein results in nuclear protein aggregation, filamentous nuclear inclusions, and increased Trinucleotide-Expansion Diseases 347 cell death (Nasrallah et al., 2004). It was suggested that nuclear protein aggregation likely underlies the pathogenesis of diseases caused by A n expansions in the ARX protein and possibly in other A n -containing transcription factors (Nasrallah et al., 2004). The aggregates themselves may be toxic or toxicity may result in loss of transcription function. A summary of possible mechanisms relating to the A n -expansion diseases has been provided by Messaed and Rouleau (2009). These authors point out that in mammalian cells chaperones bind to misfolded proteins produced during transla- tion or later during their aggregation (in the cytosol and/or nuclear compartment) in an attempt to correctly refold/solubilize them. Unsuccessful folding and prolonged association of the misfolded protein with chaperones can stimulate ubiquitination and targeting to the proteasome machinery. However, in the A n -expansion dis- eases this quality-control mechanism may be insufficient. Depending on the disease, aggregates may form i n the cytosol, nucleus, or both compartments. These aggre- gates may sequester essential cellular factors preventing them from reaching their targets. In the case of SPD, HFGS, and XH the essential cellular factor recruited into the deposits may be the wild-type A n -containing protein which may lead to a dominant-negative effect. In addition, expanded A n tracts may result in (a) decreased binding efficiency to DNA, (b) pathological competition with the wild- type protein for binding to DNA, or (c) interfere with cofactors important for DNA binding of the wild-type protein. As summarized by Messaed and Rouleau (2009), in order to delineate the cellular pathways involved in pathogenesis, future work requires an understanding of the mechanism relating to (a) the selective tissue vulnerability of expanded A n domains, (b) the nature of the targeted genes, and (c) the nature of the targeted interaction partners. 7 Other Nucleotide-Expansion Diseases Examples of diseases caused by tetra- and pentanucleotide expansions are known. For example, myotonic dystrophy type 2 (DM2) is caused by a tetranucleotide expansion in the affected gene on chromosome 19q13.3 (Meola and Moxley, 2004; Lee and Cooper, 2009). In this case, an expanded CCTG repeat occurs in intron 1 of the zinc finger 9 (ZFN9) gene (Meola and Moxley, 2004). The expanded repeat in transcribed RNA forms nuclear inclusions in both types of myotonic dystro- phy (Mankodi, 2008). The aberrrant RNA sequesters muscleblind-like protein 1 (MBNL1), a splice regulator protein, and depletes MBNL1 in the nucleus. Loss of MBNL1 results in altered splicing of ClC-1 (chloride channel 1) mRNA, inactive ClC-1 and loss of chloride conductance in muscle membranes (Mankodi, 2008). Spinocerebellar ataxia 10 (SCA 10) is caused by a pentanucleotide (ATTCT) expansion in intron 9 of the SCA10 (ATXN10) gene at chromosome 22q13 encoding an approximately 55-kd protein (ataxin 10) of unknown function (Matsuura et al., 2000; Wakamiya et al., 2006). In experiments with HEK293 cells in culture, it was shown that the SCA10 protein is essential for neuronal survival (März et al., 2004). 348 A.J.L. Cooper and J.P. Blass Spinocerebellar ataxia type 31 is associated with pentanucleotide repeat [(TGGAA) n ] expansion at chromosme 16g22.1 in introns of the TK2 (thymidine kinase) and BEAN (brain expressed, associated with Nedd4) genes (Sato et al., 2009). The length of the pentanucleotide repeat correlates inversely with the age of onset of symptoms. Purkinje cells in the cerebellum are affected. Aberrant RNA foci may result in disrupted splicing factors in these cells (Sato et al., 2009). A mutation in the junctophilin-3 (JPH3) gene at chromosome 16q24.3 in a vari- ably spliced exon gives rise to an autosomal dominantly inherited disease that is clinically indistinguishable from HD (Margolis et al., 2004). The disease appears to be restricted largely, if not exclusively, to families of African descent, and is referred to as Huntington disease-like 2 (HDL2) (Margolis et al., 2004; Rodrigues et al., 2008). The mutation results from an expansion in a CTG/CAG repeat. Although the expansion is in an exon (exon 2A), junctophilin-3 protein containing a domain with increased Q residues does not appear to be produced, suggesting that the pathological phenotype is due to loss of JPH3 protein and/or to aberrant RNA processing/metabolism (Margolis et al., 2004). 8 Conclusions Before the advent of modern genetic analyses, precise classification of many inher- ited neurodegenerative diseases, especially among those that exhibited closely related disease phenotypes, was difficult and often resulted in contentious debate. Beginning in the early 1990s, the genetic basis of a large number of inherited neurodegenerative diseases began to be elucidated. Many of the inherited neurode- generative diseases were found to be caused by trinucleotide expansions either in a noncoding region of the affected gene or in a coding region (Q n -expansion diseases; A n -expansion diseases). This genetic underpinning has essentially brought order out of anarchy and chaos (Margolis, 2002). Many inherited neurodegenerative diseases can now be classified on a rational nosology based on well-defined genetic muta- tions. A n -expansions in mutated proteins result in neurological damage, but these diseases are invariably accompanied by cranial and somatic morphological defects. There are still many inherited neurodegenerative diseases for which a mutation has not yet been described. For example, there are many inherited SCAs whose genetic basis has not yet been determined. Possibly, at least some of these neurodegenera- tive diseases will be shown to be due to nucleotide-expansions. It will be interesting to determine whether some forms of purely psychiatric disease also can be firmly assigned to trinucleotide-expansion diseases. Among the trinucleotide-expansion diseases, it is still not yet clear what accounts for the sensitivity of nervous tissue to the altered genotype and what accounts for the selective vulnerability of different brain regions among the various diseases. However, some progress is being made. A feature of the Q n -expansion diseases and A n -expansion diseases, is the presence of (or propensity to form) aberrant protein deposits in affected brain regions. In this respect, these diseases are similar to the Trinucleotide-Expansion Diseases 349 more common neurodegenerative diseases such as PD and AD, which also exhibit aberrant protein deposits. To what extent these deposits play a role in the pathogen- esis of AD and PD is still under debate. An understanding of the origin of aberrant protein deposits in the Q n - and A n -expansion diseases may suggest possible ther- apeutic strategies not only for these diseases, but also for the more common AD and PD. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. John T. Pinto for helpful suggestions. Part of the work cited from the authors’ laboratory was supported by NIH grant 2P01 AG14930. References Amato AA, Prior TW, Barohn RJ, Snyder P, Papp A, Mendell JR (1993) Kennedy’s disease: a clinicopathologic correlation with mutations in the androgen receptor gene. Neurology 43: 791–794 Andreassen OA, Dedeoglu A, Ferrante RJ, Jenkins BG, Ferrante KL, Thomas M, Friedlich A, Browne SE, Schilling G, Borchelt DR, Hersch SM, Ross CA, Beal MF (2001) Creatine increases survival and delays motor symptoms in a transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s disease. Neurobiol Dis 8:479–491 Bahl S, Virdi K, Mittal U, Sachdeva MP, Kalla AK, Holmes SE, O’Hearn E, Margolis RL, Jain S, Srivastava AK, Mukerji M (2005) Evidence of a common founder for SCA12 in the Indian population. Ann Hum Genet 69:528–534 Bailey CDC, Johnson GVW (2006) The protective effects of cystamine in the R6/2 Huntington’s disease mouse involve mechanisms other than the inhibition of transglutaminase. 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