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Secure PHP Development- P179 ppt

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Report class, 522–523 Report Manager application, e-mail survey system, 476 reportDriver() method, 231, 236 reporter application tell-a-friend system, 459–461 Web forms manager, 681–682 reporter application method, 459–461, 681–682 reports access reporter application, 232 e-campaign system, 554 tell-a-friend system, 432, 470–471 require_once() function, 13, 115 reset_buffer() function, 89 resetPassword() method, 197–198 resetPasswordDriver() method, 197 resource manager application, Internet Resource Manager system, 379–385 RESOURCE table, IRM database, 360 resource tracking application, Internet Resource Manager system, 385–386 RESOURCE_KEYWORD table, IRM database, 361 RESOURCE_VISITOR table, IRM database, 361 Response() constructor method, 259 Response Manager application, e-mail survey system, 476 Response() method, 259 restartApache() function, 636 $result object, 51 $retArray array, 44 risks external programs running, 26–29 identification, 25 sensitive information, 38–39 user-input, 26–38 rm command, 827–828 root users, central user management system, 157 RPM binary, Apache 2.0 installation, 781 run() function, 116, 118 run() method accesss reporter application, 230 admin access reporter application, 233 calendar event manager application, 350 calendar manager application, 348–349 campaign execution application, 541 campaign manager application, 539 campaign reporting manager application, 548 category manager application, 375 contact category application, 313–314 contact manager application, 317 CSV data exporter application, 682 daily logbook manager application, 236 document details application, 280 document index display application, 278 document publisher application, 269 document response application, 281 document view list application, 282 e-campaign user interface application, 528 help application, 420 help indexing application, 419 intranet home application, 223 list manager application, 528 message manager application, 536 MOTD manager application, 225–226 resource manager application, 380 resource tracking application, 385 search manager application, 386 survey execution manager, 490 survey form manager, 488 survey list manager, 486–487 survey manager, 485 survey report manager, 492 survey response manager, 492 tell-a-friend form manager application, 452 tell-a-friend form process application, 457 866 Index 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 866 tell-a-friend main menu manager application, 451 tell-a-friend message manager application, 454–455 tell-a-friend reporter application, 460 tell-a-friend subscriber application, 458 unsubscription tracking application, 545–546 URL manager application, 532 URL tracking and redirection application, 544–545 user administration application, 168–169 user preference application, 237 user tip application, 237 vote, application, 704 Web forms reporter application, 681 Web forms submission manager application, 680 S safe mode, application security, 749–750 safe_mode directive, 820 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars directive, 820 safe_mode_protected_env_vars directive, 820 sampleApp object, 116 sample.conf script, 114–115 sample.errors script, 115 sample.messages script, 116 sample.php script, 113–114 saveSurvey() method, 486 score-card reports, tell-a-friend system, 432 screen.html script, 55 ScriptAlias directive, 803 scripts Apache virtual host configuration, 611–612 apachectl, 784–785 arg.php, 564 askform.conf, 688–690 ask.php, 562–563 auth.sql, 146–147 autovars_free.php, 33–35 bad_autovars.php, 30–31 bad_screen.html, 56 bad_uploader.php, 745 bad_upload.html, 744 bad_whois.php, 26–28 bench1.php, 714–716 bench2.php, 716–718 better_whois.php, 28–29 calc.php, 14–17 calc2.errors, 20–21 calc2.php, 18–20 class.Authentication.php, 124–126 class.DBI.php, 70–74 class.Debugger.php, 85–87 class.Errorhandler.php, 81–83 class.PHPApplication.php, 91–108 class.sampleApp.php, 116, 118–119 class.User.php, 161–167 cmd_options.php, 564–566 compress.php, 726 ecampaign.sql, 511–515 embedded user interface, 5–6 external configuration file, 13–14 external user interface, 6–9 file system security, 748–749 geolocator.php, 584–585 good_screen.html, 57 good_uploader.php, 746–747 hacked_bad_upload_form.html, 745–746 hdmonitor.conf, 588 hdmonitor_mail.txt, 592–594 hdmonitor.php, 588–592 helloworld.php, 561–562 HTML template, 9–11 httpd, 805–806 httpd.conf, 786–790 continued Index 867 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 867 scripts continued lib.session_handler.php, 151–153 loadmonitor.conf, 596 loadmonitor_mail.txt, 604 loadmonitor.php, 597–602 login.conf, 133–134 login.errors, 136 login.html, 136–137 login.php, 127–131 logout.conf, 143–145 logout.errors, 145 logout.messages, 145 logout.php, 139–143 logresolve.pl, 785 loops.php, 718–721 makeindex.php, 428 makesite, 619–635 makesite.conf, 612–614 makezone, 648–653 makezone.conf, 642–643 md5_login.html, 741–742 md5_login.php, 742 mycustomers.csv, 500 myform.php, 37 mysite.php, 38 named.master_zone.conf, 646 non_cached.php, 730–731 pear_content_cache.php, 731–732 pear_func_cache.php, 733 reminder.conf, 571 reminder.php, 573–580 reminders.txt, 571–573 sample.conf, 114–115 sample.errors, 115 sample.messages, 116 sample.php, 113–114 screen.html, 55 standard.template, 644–646 std_contents.conf, 617–618 std_vhost.conf, 615–616 std_vhost.mail, 618–619 survey.conf, 493–496 survey.errors, 499 survey.messages, 498 test_dbi.php, 74–76 test_debugger2.php, 89–90 test_debugger3.php, 90 test_query.php, 77–80 todo.txt, 573–574 user_mngr.conf, 184–185 user_mngr.errors, 186–187 usermngr_forgotten_pwd.php, 199–201 user_mngr.messages, 186 user_mngr.passwd.php, 191–193 user_mngr.php, 171–181 VOTE.mysql, 698 warning.html, 138 WEBFORMS.mysql, 663–664 search manager application, Internet Resource Manager system, 386–391 search() method, 408–409 searchContact() method, 303 searches Internet Resource Manager system, 386–391 intranet contact manager, 293, 325–326, 329–330 intranet contact manager subcategory, 330–332 searchResource() method, 366–367 security access controls, 737–744 database access, 747 directory access restrictions, 744 file uploads, 744–747 MD5 message digest login, 740–743 php.inf settings, 748 safe mode, 749–750 script access limitations, 748–749 Web server-based authentication, 739–740 SELECT SQL statement, 44, 47–48 selectResource() method, 384 semicolons, SQL queries, 765 sendAlert() function, 594, 604 868 Index 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 868 sendEmail() method, 197 sendMail() function, 636 sendMail() method, 672 sensitive information access restrictions, 61, 738–739 security risk prevention, 38–39 ServerAdmin directive, 796 Servername directive, 796 ServerRoot directive, 791–792 servers Apache 2.0 configuration directives, 795–804 MySQL access, 809–810 ServerSignature directive, 802 sess_close() function, 150, 153 sess_destroy() function, 150, 153 sess_gc() function, 150, 153 session_destroy() method, 143 session_open() function, 150, 153 session_set_save_handler() function, 150 session_unset() method, 143 SESSION_USERNAME variable, 133 sess_read() function, 150, 153 sess_write() function, 150 setAccessObjectID() method, 445 set_block() method, 10 set_buffer() function, 89 setCampaignID() method, 521 setCatID() method, 252, 298 setCurrentIP() method, 445 setDocID() method, 256 setEcampaignCampaignID() method, 522 setEcampaignListID() method, 516 setEcampaignMessageID() method, 520 setFormID() method, 436, 672–673 setMessageID() method, 208, 442 setPollID() method, 699, 704 setResponseID() method, 259 SETRETURNVALUE() method, 481, 483 SETSTATUS() method, 480 SETSURVEYEXECID() method, 484 SETSURVEYFORMID() method, 483 SETSURVEYID() method, 479 SETSURVEYLISTID() method, 481 setupForm() method, 670 setUserType() method, 278, 314 set_var() method, 11, 58–59 shared databases, intranet requirement, 67 shareware programs, description, 755 showAddMenu() method, 381–382 showContents() method, 316, 349, 352 showDetail() method, 318 showEcampaignReport() method, 548 showHelp() method, 421 showMail() method, 318 showMenu() method, 378–379, 387–388 showModifyMenu() method, 382–383 showMostVisitedResource() method, 390 showMsgPreview() method, 538 showPage() method, 680 showReport() method, 681–682 showResponse() method, 281 showScreen() method, 198 showStatusMessage() method, 277, 282 showSurveyReport() method, 492–493 showTopRankingResource() method, 390 showWithTheme() method, 379, 390–391 single quotes, strings, 79 slowFunction() 734 sort command, 828–829 sortAndDisplay() method, 389 sortByResourceAddedBy() method, 391 sortByResourceRating() method, 391 sortByResourceTitle() method, 391 sortByResourceVisitor() method, 391 SQL statements action handling, 49–53 INSERT, 51–52 SELECT, 44, 47–48 UPDATE, 52–53 standard account, Apache virtual host, 615–616 Index 869 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 869 standard template, makezone utility, 644–645 standard.template script, 644–646 StartServers directive, 794 stat command, 829 status/dialog messages, applications, 21 std_contents.conf script, 617–618 std_vhost.conf script, 615–616 std_vhost.mail script, 618–619 storeCategory() method, 272–273 storeDoc() method, 271 storeMail() method, 318 storeTrack() method, 522 storeUnsub() method, 522 strings, single quotes, 79 strings command, 829 submission manager application, Web forms manager, 679–681 submitData() method, 671 submitResponse() method, 282 subscriber application, tell-a-friend system, 432, 458–459 survey administrator, e-mail survey system tasks, 475–476 Survey class, 479–480 SURVEY() constructor method, 479 survey execution manager application, e-mail survey system, 489–491 survey form manager application, e-mail survey system, 488–489 survey forms, e-mail survey system, 499–500 survey list manager application, e-mail survey system, 486–488 Survey Manager menu, e-mail survey system, 501 survey response manager, e-mail survey system, 491–492 SURVEY table, e-mail survey database, 477 survey.conf script, 493–496 survey.errors script, 499 SURVEY_EXECUTION table, e-mail survey system, 478 SurveyForm class, 482–483 SURVEYFORM() constructor method, 482 SURVEY_FORM table, e-mail survey system, 478 SURVEY_FORM_FIELD_LBL table, e-mail survey system, 478 SurveyList class, 480–482 SURVEYLIST() constructor method, 481 SURVEY_LIST table, e-mail survey database, 477 SURVEY_LIST_DATA table, e-mail survey system, 477 survey.messages script, 498 SurveyReport class, 484 SURVEYREPORT() constructor method, 484 SurveyResponse class, 483–484 SURVEYRESPONSE() constructor method, 483 SURVEY_RESPONSE table, e-mail survey system, 478 SURVEY_RESPONSE_RECORD table, 478 symbolic links, reminder tool, 569 syntax() function, 647, 655 system requirements, CD, 753 $SYSTEM_INFO associative array, 614 T table of contents page, online help system element, 403 tables central contact database, 294–296 creating, phpMyAdmin, 773–775 document publisher database, 249–250 intranet database, 205–206 IRM (Internet Resource Manager) database, 359–361 MySQL, 765–767 survey database, 477–478 Tell-a-Friend database, 433–435 viewing descriptions, MySQL, 767 VOTE database, 698 WEBFORMS database, 663–664, 685–686 TAF_FORM table, Tell-a-Friend database, 433–434 870 Index 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 870 . 26–28 bench1 .php, 714–716 bench2 .php, 716–718 better_whois .php, 28–29 calc .php, 14–17 calc2.errors, 20–21 calc2 .php, 18–20 class.Authentication .php, 124–126 class.DBI .php, 70–74 class.Debugger .php, 85–87 class.Errorhandler .php, . 70–74 class.Debugger .php, 85–87 class.Errorhandler .php, 81–83 class.PHPApplication .php, 91–108 class.sampleApp .php, 116, 118–119 class.User .php, 161–167 cmd_options .php, 564–566 compress .php, 726 ecampaign.sql, 511–515 embedded. 784–785 arg .php, 564 askform.conf, 688–690 ask .php, 562–563 auth.sql, 146–147 autovars_free .php, 33–35 bad_autovars .php, 30–31 bad_screen.html, 56 bad_uploader .php, 745 bad_upload.html, 744 bad_whois .php,

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 07:20