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Secure PHP Development- P36 pot

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  • Secure PHP Development

    • Front Matter

      • Preface

        • Is This Book for You?

        • How This Book Is Organized

        • Tell Us What You Think

      • Acknowledgments

      • Contents at a Glance

      • Contents

    • Part I

      • Chapter 1: Features of Practical PHP Applications

        • Features of a Practical PHP Application

        • Employing the Features in Applications

        • Summary

      • Chapter 2: Understanding and Avoiding Security Risks

        • Identifying the Sources of Risk

        • Minimizing User-Input Risks

        • Not Revealing Sensitive Information

        • Summary

      • Chapter 3: PHP Best Practices

        • Best Practices for Naming Variables and Functions

        • Best Practices for Function/Method

        • Best Practices for Database

        • Best Practices for User Interface

        • Best Practices for Documentation

        • Best Practices for Web Security

        • Best Practices for Source Configuration Management

        • Summary

    • Part II

      • Chapter 4: Architecture of an Intranet Application

        • Understanding Intranet Requirements

        • Building an Intranet Application Framework

        • Creating a Database Abstraction Class

        • Creating an Error Handler Class

        • Creating a Built-In Debugger Class

        • Creating an Abstract Application Class

        • Creating a Sample Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 5: Central Authentication System

        • How the System Works

        • Creating an Authentication Class

        • Creating the Central Login Application

        • Creating the Central Logout Application

        • Creating the Central Authentication Database

        • Testing Central Login and Logout

        • Making Persistent Logins in Web Server Farms

        • Summary

      • Chapter 6: Central User Management System

        • Identifying the Functionality Requirements

        • Creating a User Class

        • User Interface Templates

        • Creating a User Administration Application

        • Creating a User Password Application

        • Creating a Forgotten-Password Recovery Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 7: Intranet System

        • Identifying Functionality Requirements

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Intranet Classes

        • Setting Up Application Configuration Files

        • Setting Up the Application Templates

        • Intranet Home Application

        • Installing Intranet Applications from the CD- ROM

        • Testing the Intranet Home Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 8: Intranet Simple Document Publisher

        • Identifying the Functionality Requirements

        • The Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • The Intranet Document Application Classes

        • Setting up Application Configuration Files

        • Setting Up the Application Templates

        • The Document Publisher Application

        • Installing Intranet Document Application

        • Testing Intranet Document Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 9: Intranet Contact Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • The Database

        • The Intranet Contact Manager Application Classes

        • The Application Configuration Files

        • The Application Templates

        • The Contact Category Manager Application

        • The Contact Manager Application

        • Installing Intranet Contract Manager

        • Testing Contract Manager

        • Summary

      • Chapter 10: Intranet Calendar Manager

        • Identifying Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • The Intranet Calendar Application Event Class

        • The Application Configuration Files

        • The Application Templates

        • The Calendar Manager Application

        • The Calendar Event Manager Application

        • Installing the Event Calendar on Your Intranet

        • Testing the Event Calendar

        • Summary

      • Chapter 11: Internet Resource Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding the Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Internet Resource Manager Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating a Category Manager Application

        • Creating a Resource Manager Application

        • Creating a Resource Tracking Application

        • Creating a Search Manager Application

        • Installing an IRM on Your Intranet

        • Testing IRM

        • Security Concerns

        • Summary

      • Chapter 12: Online Help System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding the Prerequisites

        • Designing and Implementing the Help Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Help Indexing Application

        • Creating the Help Application

        • Installing Help Applications

        • Testing the Help System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

    • Part III

      • Chapter 13: Tell-a-Friend System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Tell- a- Friend Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Tell-a-Friend Main Menu Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Form Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Message Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Form Processor Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Subscriber Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Reporter Application

        • Installing a Tell-a-Friend System

        • Testing the Tell-a-Friend System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 14: E-mail Survey System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Architecture of the Survey System

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Survey Classes

        • Designing and Implementing the Survey Applications

        • Developing Survey Execution Manager

        • Setting Up the Central Survey Configuration File

        • Setting Up the Interface Template Files

        • Testing the Survey System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 15: E-campaign System

        • Features of an E-campaign System

        • Architecting an E-campaign System

        • Designing an E-campaign Database

        • Understanding Customer Database Requirements

        • Designing E-campaign Classes

        • Creating Common Configuration and Resource Files

        • Creating Interface Template Files

        • Creating an E-campaign User Interface Application

        • Creating a List Manager Application

        • Creating a URL Manager Application

        • Creating a Message Manager Application

        • Creating a Campaign Manager Application

        • Creating a Campaign Execution Application

        • Creating a URL Tracking and Redirection Application

        • Creating an Unsubscription Tracking Application

        • Creating a Campaign Reporting Application

        • Testing the E-Campaign System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

    • Part IV

      • Chapter 16: Command-Line PHP Utilities

        • Working with the Command-Line Interpreter

        • Building a Simple Reminder Tool

        • Building a Geo Location Finder Tool for IP

        • Building a Hard Disk Usage Monitoring Utility

        • Building a CPU Load Monitoring Utility

        • Summary

      • Chapter 17: Apache Virtual Host Maker

        • Understanding an Apache Virtual Host

        • Defining Configuration Tasks

        • Creating a Configuration Script

        • Developing makesite

        • Installing makesite on Your System

        • Testing makesite

        • Summary

      • Chapter 18: BIND Domain Manager

        • Features of makezone

        • Creating the Configuration File

        • Understanding makezone

        • Installing makezone

        • Testing makezone

        • Summary

    • Part V

      • Chapter 19: Web Forms Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Web Forms Manager Application Classes

        • Creating the Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Web Forms Submission Manager Application

        • Creating the Web Forms Reporter Application

        • Creating the CSV Data Exporter Application

        • Installing the Web Forms Manager

        • Testing the Web Forms Manager

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 20: Web Site Tools

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Voting Tool Application Class

        • Creating the Application Configuration Files

        • Creating the Application Templates

        • Creating the Vote Application

        • Installing the Voting Tool

        • Testing the Voting Tool

        • Summary

    • Part VI

      • Chapter 21: Speeding Up PHP Applications

        • Benchmarking Your PHP Application

        • Buffering Your PHP Application Output

        • Compressing Your PHP Application Output

        • Caching Your PHP Applications

        • Summary

      • Chapter 22: Securing PHP Applications

        • Controlling Access to Your PHP Applications

        • Securely Uploading Files

        • Using Safe Database Access

        • Recommended php.ini Settings for a Production Environment

        • Limiting File System Access for PHP Scripts

        • Running PHP Applications in Safe Mode

        • Summary

    • Part VII

      • Appendix A: What's on the CD-ROM

        • System Requirements

        • What's on the CD

        • Troubleshooting

      • Appendix B: PHP Primer

        • Object-Oriented PHP

      • Appendix C: MySQL Primer

        • Using MySQL from the Command- Line

        • Using phpMyAdmin to Manage MySQL Database

      • Appendix D: Linux Primer

        • Installing and Configuring Apache 2.0

        • Installing and Configuring MySQL Server

        • Installing and Configuring PHP for Apache 2.0

        • Common File/Directory Commands

        • Index

        • Wiley Publishing, Inc. End-User License Agreement

Nội dung

Creating the Central Authentication Database Before you can use the login and logout applications, you need to create the central authentication database and then add a user to it. The central authentication data- base information is stored in both login.conf and logout.conf files using the following configuration variables: $AUTH_DB_TYPE = ‘mysql’; $AUTH_DB_HOST = ‘localhost’; $AUTH_DB_NAME = ‘auth’; $AUTH_DB_TBL = ‘users’; $AUTH_DB_USERNAME = ‘root’; $AUTH_DB_PASSWD = ‘foobar’; In our example, the database type is mysql and the database host name is local- host , which means we’re implementing the database on the same server as a MySQL database. If you want to use a different database host or a different database server such as Postgres or Oracle, you have to change these variables. For our example, I assume that you’re using the given sample values for $AUTH_DB_TYPE, $AUTH_DB_HOST, $AUTH_DB_NAME, and $AUTH_DB_TBL. However, I strongly suggest that you use different $AUTH_DB_USERNAME and $AUTH_DB_PASSWD values for your database. Make sure that the user you specify in $AUTH_DB_USERNAME has the privi- lege to access (select, insert, update,and delete) $AUTH_DB_NAME on $AUTH_DB_HOST. You should test the user’s ability to access this data- base using your standard database-access tools. For example, if you’re using MySQL, you can run the command-line MySQL client as mysql -u root -p -D auth to access the authentication database. Assuming that you’re using the given settings, you can create a MySQL database called auth using the mysqladmin create auth command. You’ll require appro- priate permission to run mysqladmin or equivalent commands to create the auth database. Please consult your MySQL documentation for details. Now to create the $AUTH_DB_TBL (users) table you can run the users.sql script using mysql -u AUTH_DB_USERNAME -p -D AUTH_DB_NAME < auth.sql com- mand. The auth.ddl script is shown in Listing 5-11. Listing 5-11: auth.sql # phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump # version 2.2.5 # http://phpwizard.net/phpMyAdmin/ 146 Part II: Developing Intranet Solutions 08 549669 ch05.qxd 4/4/03 9:24 AM Page 146 # http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/ (download page) # # Host: localhost # Generation Time: May 14, 2002 at 01:55 PM # Server version: 3.23.35 # PHP Version: 4.1.0 # Database : `auth` # # # Table structure for table `users` # CREATE TABLE users ( UID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, EMAIL varchar(32) NOT NULL default ‘’, PASSWORD varchar(128) NOT NULL default ‘’, ACTIVE tinyint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’, TYPE tinyint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (UID), UNIQUE KEY EMAIL (EMAIL) ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT=’User Authentication Table’; The table created using this script is described in Table 5-3. TABLE 5-3 THE USER TABLE FIELDS Field Details UID This is the user ID field. This is automatically generated. EMAIL This is the username field. We use e-mail as the username in the login because e-mail is easy to remember and always unique for each person in an organization. PASSWORD This is the encrypted password. ACTIVE This is the active (1 or 0) field. If the value is 1, then the user is active and can log in. Otherwise, she cannot log in. TYPE The type of user is specified using this field. The type can be a number. Currently, we assume that the number 9 is the highest- ranking user, such as the administrator. After this table is created, you can add a user, as explained in the following sec- tion, to test your login/logout applications. Chapter 5: Central Authentication System 147 08 549669 ch05.qxd 4/4/03 9:24 AM Page 147 Testing Central Login and Logout To test the authentication system, you need to create users in the database. (User management applications are discussed Chapter 6.) To create a user using the MySQL command-line tool you can run commands such as the following: mysql -u root -p -D auth; Enter password: ***** mysql> insert into users (EMAIL, PASSWORD, ACTIVE, TYPE) values(‘admin@example.com’, ENCRYPT(‘mysecret’), 1, 9); Here the first line tells mysql to connect you to the auth database using user- name root and a password which you have to enter when asked. Of course if you are not using root account for this database, you should replace the username as appropriate. Next at the mysql prompt, you can enter an INSERT statement as shown. Here the insert statement creates a user account called admin@example.com with pass- word mysecret. You should change both the username and password to what you desire. The ACTIVE field is set to 1 to turn on the user and TYPE field is set to 9 to make this user an administrator. To create a regular user the TYPE field has to be set to 1. The insert statement inserts a user named “admin@example.com” with a pass- word called “mysecret” and sets the user’s status to active. The user type is set to 9, which is the highest-ranking user type. If you want to create new users using this script, then you have to change the username and password and run the script to produce the insert statement. After the user is added in the database you can run the login application from a Web browser. For example, Figure 5-7 shows the login application being called using the http://intranet.evoknow.com/php/login/login.php URL. Figure 5-7: The login application menu. 148 Part II: Developing Intranet Solutions 08 549669 ch05.qxd 4/4/03 9:24 AM Page 148 Enter the newly created username and password and log in. If you cannot login, check to see if the user exists in the authentication database. Also, if the user is not active, the user cannot log in. You can check whether the active flag is working by toggling it using update statements such as follows from your MySQL database command line. The following code shows a MySQL command-line session, which sets the active flag to 0 (ACTIVE = 0) and again activates the admin user (ACTIVE = 1 ). $ mysql -u AUTH_DB_USERNAME -p -D AUTH_DB_NAME mysql> update users set ACTIVE = 0 where USERNAME = ‘admin@example.com’; mysql> exit; $ mysql -u AUTH_DB_USERNAME -p -D AUTH_DB_NAME mysql> update users set ACTIVE = 1 where USERNAME = ‘admin@example.com’; mysql> exit; You can test the logout application by simply calling it directly using the appro- priate URL. For example, http://intranet.evoknow.com/php/logout/logout.php will log out a user session. Making Persistent Logins in Web Server Farms Organizations with Web server farms will have to use site-wide persistent logins to ensure that users are not required to log in from one system to another. Figure 5-8 shows a typical Web server farm. Figure 5-8: A typical Web server farm balances an organization’s server workload. Web Server 1 Web Server 2 Load Balancer Web Server 3 Web Server n Chapter 5: Central Authentication System 149 08 549669 ch05.qxd 4/4/03 9:24 AM Page 149 Web server farms are often used to increase scalability and redundancy for the application services the organization provides. Such a farm usually implements all the applications in each server node so that any one of the servers can go down or become busy at any time but the user is directed to a server that is able to service the application request. In such an environment, the session data cannot be stored in local files in each server node. Figure 5-9 shows what happens when file-based user sessions are used in a Web server farm. Figure 5-9: Why file-based sessions are not persistent in Web server farms. When a user logs into a system using a file-based session, the file is stored in a single server and, in the next request, the user might be sent to a different server due to load or server failure. In such a case the next system will not have access to the session and will simply redirect the user to the login application to create a new login session. This can annoy and inconvenience the user, so a central database- based session solution is needed, which is shown in Figure 5-10. To implement this solution, we need to define seven session management func- tions that PHP will use to implement sessions. The functions are session_open(), sess_close(), sess_read(), sess_write(), sess_destroy(), sess_gc(), and session_set_save_handler(). The sess_open() function is called to start the session, the sess_close() function called when ses- sion is closed, the sess_read() function is called to read the session information, the sess_destroy() function is called when session is to be destroyed, the sess_gc() function is called when garbage collection needs to be done, and finally session_set_save_hander() is used to tell PHP the names of the other six session functions. Web Server 1 Web Server 2 Load Balancer Any Request for Application X User request for application X Web Server 3 Web Server n 1st Request 2nd Request nth Request Session File Session File Session File 150 Part II: Developing Intranet Solutions 08 549669 ch05.qxd 4/4/03 9:24 AM Page 150 . auth.sql # phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump # version 2.2.5 # http://phpwizard.net/phpMyAdmin/ 146 Part II: Developing Intranet Solutions 08 549669 ch05.qxd 4/4/03 9:24 AM Page 146 # http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/. Figure 5-7 shows the login application being called using the http://intranet.evoknow.com /php/ login/login .php URL. Figure 5-7: The login application menu. 148 Part II: Developing Intranet Solutions 08. calling it directly using the appro- priate URL. For example, http://intranet.evoknow.com /php/ logout/logout .php will log out a user session. Making Persistent Logins in Web Server Farms Organizations

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 07:20


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