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Secure PHP Development- P129 pps

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  • Secure PHP Development

    • Front Matter

      • Preface

        • Is This Book for You?

        • How This Book Is Organized

        • Tell Us What You Think

      • Acknowledgments

      • Contents at a Glance

      • Contents

    • Part I

      • Chapter 1: Features of Practical PHP Applications

        • Features of a Practical PHP Application

        • Employing the Features in Applications

        • Summary

      • Chapter 2: Understanding and Avoiding Security Risks

        • Identifying the Sources of Risk

        • Minimizing User-Input Risks

        • Not Revealing Sensitive Information

        • Summary

      • Chapter 3: PHP Best Practices

        • Best Practices for Naming Variables and Functions

        • Best Practices for Function/Method

        • Best Practices for Database

        • Best Practices for User Interface

        • Best Practices for Documentation

        • Best Practices for Web Security

        • Best Practices for Source Configuration Management

        • Summary

    • Part II

      • Chapter 4: Architecture of an Intranet Application

        • Understanding Intranet Requirements

        • Building an Intranet Application Framework

        • Creating a Database Abstraction Class

        • Creating an Error Handler Class

        • Creating a Built-In Debugger Class

        • Creating an Abstract Application Class

        • Creating a Sample Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 5: Central Authentication System

        • How the System Works

        • Creating an Authentication Class

        • Creating the Central Login Application

        • Creating the Central Logout Application

        • Creating the Central Authentication Database

        • Testing Central Login and Logout

        • Making Persistent Logins in Web Server Farms

        • Summary

      • Chapter 6: Central User Management System

        • Identifying the Functionality Requirements

        • Creating a User Class

        • User Interface Templates

        • Creating a User Administration Application

        • Creating a User Password Application

        • Creating a Forgotten-Password Recovery Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 7: Intranet System

        • Identifying Functionality Requirements

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Intranet Classes

        • Setting Up Application Configuration Files

        • Setting Up the Application Templates

        • Intranet Home Application

        • Installing Intranet Applications from the CD- ROM

        • Testing the Intranet Home Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 8: Intranet Simple Document Publisher

        • Identifying the Functionality Requirements

        • The Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • The Intranet Document Application Classes

        • Setting up Application Configuration Files

        • Setting Up the Application Templates

        • The Document Publisher Application

        • Installing Intranet Document Application

        • Testing Intranet Document Application

        • Summary

      • Chapter 9: Intranet Contact Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • The Database

        • The Intranet Contact Manager Application Classes

        • The Application Configuration Files

        • The Application Templates

        • The Contact Category Manager Application

        • The Contact Manager Application

        • Installing Intranet Contract Manager

        • Testing Contract Manager

        • Summary

      • Chapter 10: Intranet Calendar Manager

        • Identifying Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • The Intranet Calendar Application Event Class

        • The Application Configuration Files

        • The Application Templates

        • The Calendar Manager Application

        • The Calendar Event Manager Application

        • Installing the Event Calendar on Your Intranet

        • Testing the Event Calendar

        • Summary

      • Chapter 11: Internet Resource Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding the Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Internet Resource Manager Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating a Category Manager Application

        • Creating a Resource Manager Application

        • Creating a Resource Tracking Application

        • Creating a Search Manager Application

        • Installing an IRM on Your Intranet

        • Testing IRM

        • Security Concerns

        • Summary

      • Chapter 12: Online Help System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding the Prerequisites

        • Designing and Implementing the Help Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Help Indexing Application

        • Creating the Help Application

        • Installing Help Applications

        • Testing the Help System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

    • Part III

      • Chapter 13: Tell-a-Friend System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Tell- a- Friend Application Classes

        • Creating Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Tell-a-Friend Main Menu Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Form Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Message Manager Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Form Processor Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Subscriber Application

        • Creating a Tell-a-Friend Reporter Application

        • Installing a Tell-a-Friend System

        • Testing the Tell-a-Friend System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 14: E-mail Survey System

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Architecture of the Survey System

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Survey Classes

        • Designing and Implementing the Survey Applications

        • Developing Survey Execution Manager

        • Setting Up the Central Survey Configuration File

        • Setting Up the Interface Template Files

        • Testing the Survey System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 15: E-campaign System

        • Features of an E-campaign System

        • Architecting an E-campaign System

        • Designing an E-campaign Database

        • Understanding Customer Database Requirements

        • Designing E-campaign Classes

        • Creating Common Configuration and Resource Files

        • Creating Interface Template Files

        • Creating an E-campaign User Interface Application

        • Creating a List Manager Application

        • Creating a URL Manager Application

        • Creating a Message Manager Application

        • Creating a Campaign Manager Application

        • Creating a Campaign Execution Application

        • Creating a URL Tracking and Redirection Application

        • Creating an Unsubscription Tracking Application

        • Creating a Campaign Reporting Application

        • Testing the E-Campaign System

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

    • Part IV

      • Chapter 16: Command-Line PHP Utilities

        • Working with the Command-Line Interpreter

        • Building a Simple Reminder Tool

        • Building a Geo Location Finder Tool for IP

        • Building a Hard Disk Usage Monitoring Utility

        • Building a CPU Load Monitoring Utility

        • Summary

      • Chapter 17: Apache Virtual Host Maker

        • Understanding an Apache Virtual Host

        • Defining Configuration Tasks

        • Creating a Configuration Script

        • Developing makesite

        • Installing makesite on Your System

        • Testing makesite

        • Summary

      • Chapter 18: BIND Domain Manager

        • Features of makezone

        • Creating the Configuration File

        • Understanding makezone

        • Installing makezone

        • Testing makezone

        • Summary

    • Part V

      • Chapter 19: Web Forms Manager

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Web Forms Manager Application Classes

        • Creating the Application Configuration Files

        • Creating Application Templates

        • Creating the Web Forms Submission Manager Application

        • Creating the Web Forms Reporter Application

        • Creating the CSV Data Exporter Application

        • Installing the Web Forms Manager

        • Testing the Web Forms Manager

        • Security Considerations

        • Summary

      • Chapter 20: Web Site Tools

        • Functionality Requirements

        • Understanding Prerequisites

        • Designing the Database

        • Designing and Implementing the Voting Tool Application Class

        • Creating the Application Configuration Files

        • Creating the Application Templates

        • Creating the Vote Application

        • Installing the Voting Tool

        • Testing the Voting Tool

        • Summary

    • Part VI

      • Chapter 21: Speeding Up PHP Applications

        • Benchmarking Your PHP Application

        • Buffering Your PHP Application Output

        • Compressing Your PHP Application Output

        • Caching Your PHP Applications

        • Summary

      • Chapter 22: Securing PHP Applications

        • Controlling Access to Your PHP Applications

        • Securely Uploading Files

        • Using Safe Database Access

        • Recommended php.ini Settings for a Production Environment

        • Limiting File System Access for PHP Scripts

        • Running PHP Applications in Safe Mode

        • Summary

    • Part VII

      • Appendix A: What's on the CD-ROM

        • System Requirements

        • What's on the CD

        • Troubleshooting

      • Appendix B: PHP Primer

        • Object-Oriented PHP

      • Appendix C: MySQL Primer

        • Using MySQL from the Command- Line

        • Using phpMyAdmin to Manage MySQL Database

      • Appendix D: Linux Primer

        • Installing and Configuring Apache 2.0

        • Installing and Configuring MySQL Server

        • Installing and Configuring PHP for Apache 2.0

        • Common File/Directory Commands

        • Index

        • Wiley Publishing, Inc. End-User License Agreement

Nội dung

3. Create all the necessary Web and user account configurations and copy appropriate contents based on account type “gold.” In other words, all the “gold” account features will be implemented. This may include enabling PHP, CGI, SSI, and other Web features, or the installation of custom soft- ware such as phpMyAdmin, and so on. 4. Automatically restart Apache server. 5. Automatically test the new Web site by making requests to see if the site is operational. 6. Automatically notify the account owner via e-mail that the site is opera- tional, and provide necessary instructions to access and manage the Web site. Clearly, this script reduces quite a bit of work for a Web administrator, and therefore it is well worth developing. However, before we can make such an inter- esting script, we need to define a set of standard account types for the system. Creating a Configuration Script The makesite script uses the -type=account_type command-line argument to determine numerous tasks that need to be performed in the virtual host setup process. For example, we can define the following accounts: $ACCOUNT_TYPE[‘standard’] = array( vhost_template => ‘std_vhost.conf’, master_contents =>’std_contents.conf’, mail_template => ‘std_vhost.mail’, shell => ‘/bin/true’ ); $ACCOUNT_TYPE[‘gold’] = array( vhost_template => ‘gold_vhost.conf’, master_contents =>’gold_contents.conf’, mail_template => ‘gold_vhost.mail’, shell => ‘/bin/tcsh’ ); $ACCOUNT_TYPE[‘platinum’] = array( vhost_template => ‘platinum_vhost.conf’, master_contents =>’platinum_contents.conf’, mail_template => ‘platinum_vhost.mail’, shell => ‘/bin/bash’, ); Chapter 17: Apache Virtual Host Maker 611 22 549669 ch17.qxd 4/4/03 9:27 AM Page 611 This script defines three types of Web site accounts: standard, gold, and plat- inum. These names are arbitrary, of course. You can choose whatever names you like. For example, a university administrator might choose: coursesite, deptsite, stu- dentsite, and so on, as account types. Now let’s examine one of the account config- urations. The standard account type defines that the virtual host configuration (vhost_template) template is std_vhost.conf. This is a PHP-based virtual host con- figuration generator script. The std_contents.conf script is another PHP-based con- tents configuration script. The mail template is simply a text file with special tags that are replaced before it is sent to the account owner. When creating a standard account, the makesite script does the following: 1. It uses the vhost_template (std_vhost.conf) to create the Apache configuration. 2. It uses the master_contents (std_contents.conf) to do content-specific configuration. 3. Optionally (if told to do so), it uses the mail_template (std_vhost.mail) to send an e-mail to the account owner. Note that there is no restriction governing how many types of accounts you can define as long as you also create the necessary configuration templates. Developing makesite As you have seen, the makesite script has several pieces that must be created and fit together for the script to operate. The following sections will cover the development of the various pieces. Creating the makesite.conf file The makesite script uses the makesite.conf file, as shown in Listing 17-1. The make- site configuration file is the central configuration file for the application. Listing 17-1: makesite.conf <?php // Set this to the PEAR directory $PEAR_DIR = ‘/example/intranet/htdocs/pear’ ; ini_set( ‘include_path’, ‘:’ . $PEAR_DIR . ‘:’ . ini_get(‘include_path’)); require_once “Console/Getopt.php”; define(DEBUG, FALSE); 612 Part IV: Using PHP for Sysadmin Tasks 22 549669 ch17.qxd 4/4/03 9:27 AM Page 612 $APACHE_INFO = array( ‘user’ => ‘httpd’, ‘group’ => ‘httpd’, ‘path’ => ‘/usr/local/apache’, ‘bin_dir’ => ‘bin’, ‘conf_dir’ => ‘conf’, ‘conf_flie’ => ‘httpd.conf’, ‘server_bin’ => ‘httpd’, ‘config_chk_opt’ => ‘-t -f’, ‘restart_opt’ => ‘-k restart’, ‘vhost_conf_dir’ => ‘conf/vhosts’ ); $SYSTEM_INFO = array( ‘passwd_file’ => ‘/etc/passwd’, ‘home_dir’ => ‘/home’, ‘min_passwd_length’ => 5, ‘group_file’ => ‘/etc/group’, ‘server_ip’ => ‘’, ‘useradd_bin’ => ‘/usr/sbin/useradd’, ‘www_partition’ => ‘/www’, ‘permission’ => ‘0755’, ‘symlink_bin’ => ‘/bin/ln’, ‘symlink_opt’ => ‘-s’, ‘cp_bin’ => ‘/bin/cp’, ‘cp_opt’ => ‘-r’, ‘mkdir_bin’ => ‘/bin/mkdir’, ‘chmod_bin’ => ‘/bin/chmod’, ‘chown_bin’ => ‘/bin/chown’ ); define(DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE , ‘standard’); define(DEFAULT_SYMLINK_USER_TO_WEBSITE , TRUE); //$TEMPLATE_DIR = ‘/www/vhosts’; $TEMPLATE_DIR = ‘vhosts’; $ACCOUNT_TYPE[‘standard’] = array( vhost_template => ‘std_vhost.conf’, master_contents =>’std_contents.conf’, mail_template => ‘std_vhost.mail’, shell => ‘/bin/true’ ); Continued Chapter 17: Apache Virtual Host Maker 613 22 549669 ch17.qxd 4/4/03 9:27 AM Page 613 Listing 17-1 (Continued) $ACCOUNT_TYPE[‘gold’] = array( vhost_template => ‘gold_vhost.conf’, master_contents =>’gold_contents.conf’, mail_template => ‘gold_vhost.mail’, shell => ‘/bin/tcsh’ ); $ACCOUNT_TYPE[‘platinum’] = array( vhost_template => ‘platinum_vhost.conf’, master_contents =>’platinum_contents.conf’, mail_template => ‘platinum_vhost.mail’, shell => ‘/bin/bash’, ); ?> This configuration file defines a set of the $ACCOUNT_TYPE associative array as discussed previously and also defines the following: ◆ $APACHE_INFO is an associative array that holds information about vari- ous Apache-specific configurations. For example, the sample configura- tion indicates that the Apache server is run as the ‘httpd’ user, as $APACHE_INFO[user] is set to ‘httpd’. Similarly, it indicates that Apache is installed in $APACHE_INFO[path], which is set to /usr/local/apache. Numerous other configuration parameters specify options to check, options for restarting the server, and locations of configuration files. ◆ $SYSTEM_INFO is an associative array that holds information specific to the system on which the Apache server is running. For example, $SYSTEM_INFO[passwd_file] points to the password file used by the system, which is /etc/passwd. Similarly, it defines $SYSTEM_INFO [server_ip] , the IP address Apache server listens on. Numerous other configuration parameters specify paths to system commands, the main path to the www directory, and the value of various options to be set by the script. ◆ The DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE constant defines the default account type. ◆ The DEFAULT_SYMLINK_USER_TO_WEBSITE constant is set to TRUE if a symbolic soft link is to be created from the user’s home directory to his or her Web server’s directory. ◆ The $TEMPLATE_DIR constant points to the subdirectory in the makesite script directory, which holds the account-specific templates. For example, the standard account templates (std_vhost.conf, std_contents.conf, and std_vhost.mail) are stored in the vhosts directory. 614 Part IV: Using PHP for Sysadmin Tasks 22 549669 ch17.qxd 4/4/03 9:27 AM Page 614 The makesite script uses the Console/Getopt.php class from PEAR;therefore, the makesite.conf script loads this script in the beginning of the configura- tion file. Make sure that the $PEAR_DIR variable in makesite.conf is set properly to point to your PEAR installation. Creating the virtual host configuration Listing 17-2 shows the standard account’s virtual host configuration, std_vhosts.conf. This is loaded by the makesite script and processed by calling the makeVirtualHost() function within the configuration file. Listing 17-2: vhosts/std_vhost.conf <?php function makeVirtualHost() { $www = $GLOBALS[SYSTEM_INFO][www_partition]; $ipAddr = $GLOBALS[SYSTEM_INFO][server_ip]; $server = $GLOBALS[SERVER_NAME]; $serverRoot = sprintf(“%s/%s”, $www, $server); $docRoot = sprintf(“%s/%s/htdocs”, $www, $server); $logDir = sprintf(“%s/%s/logs”, $www, $server); $vhostConfig = <<<STD_VHOST_CONF # # Automated virtual host configuration for $GLOBALS[SERVER_NAME] # # Account Type: standard # <VirtualHost $ipAddr> ServerName $server DocumentRoot “$docRoot” ErrorLog “$logDir/errors.log” CustomLog “$logDir/access.log” common Continued Chapter 17: Apache Virtual Host Maker 615 22 549669 ch17.qxd 4/4/03 9:27 AM Page 615 . features will be implemented. This may include enabling PHP, CGI, SSI, and other Web features, or the installation of custom soft- ware such as phpMyAdmin, and so on. 4. Automatically restart Apache. configuration (vhost_template) template is std_vhost.conf. This is a PHP- based virtual host con- figuration generator script. The std_contents.conf script is another PHP- based con- tents configuration script. The. makesite.conf < ?php // Set this to the PEAR directory $PEAR_DIR = ‘/example/intranet/htdocs/pear’ ; ini_set( ‘include_path’, ‘:’ . $PEAR_DIR . ‘:’ . ini_get(‘include_path’)); require_once “Console/Getopt .php ; define(DEBUG,

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 07:20