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Oracle Built−in Packages- P41 pot

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Nội dung Exceptions This program does not raise any package exceptions. The program will raise an ORA−20000 exception for specific error conditions, with message text indicating the error as follows: ORU−10019 Error: n on lock request ORU−10023 Lock request error; status: n ORU−10037 Attempting to wait on uncommitted signal from same session Restrictions Note the following restrictions on WAITONE: • The message parameter is limited to 1800 bytes in length. • The WAITONE procedure cannot be called in SQL. Example This example waits specifically on the EMP_INSERT alert and updates the status when it is signaled: DECLARE alert_msg VARCHAR2(1800); alert_status INTEGER; BEGIN DBMS_ALERT.WAITONE('EMP_INSERT', alert_msg, alert_status, 300); IF alert_status = 1 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('timed out'); ELSE UPDATE emp SET status = 'REGISTERED' WHERE empid := alert_msg; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('employee registered'); END IF; END; / 3.2.3 DBMS_ALERT Examples The DBMS_ALERT package is a good example of how you can build higher−level functionality out of lower−level built−ins. Both the DBMS_LOCK and DBMS_PIPE packages are used extensively in the implementation of DBMS_ALERT. NOTE: If you have an old Version 7.1 installation of Oracle, you can check out dbmsalrt.sql to see exactly how this is done, since the code is not wrapped. [Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk? 3.2.2 The DBMS_ALERT Interface 191 An important feature of the alerting mechanism in DBMS_ALERT is that it is transaction−based. This means that alerts will be sent to registered sessions only if and when the signaling session issues a COMMIT. If the signaler issues a ROLLBACK instead, the alerts will not be sent. Applications that are interested only in real changes to data in the database will benefit from using transaction−based alerts. Applications that need to signal other sessions regardless of transaction boundaries or data modifications (like debuggers or auditing monitors) will probably need to use DBMS_PIPE instead of DBMS_ALERT. What kind of application might actually need to be alerted to changes in data? The classic example given in the Oracle documentation is a continuous graphical display of data extracted from some table. Pulling data from the table at set intervals using a polling mechanism can be very inefficient. For one thing, the data may not have changed since the last pull, so a refresh is not really necessary. Also, if the application is separated from the database by a network (as it most likely would be), then the overhead of redundant data extraction is multiplied. In this example, the application could use DBMS_ALERT to suspend itself and wait for a signal to awaken and pull new data for the display. The signal will be received only when data in the table has actually been modified (i.e., a new pull is truly necessary). The online auction Well, I wanted to do something new and original. I spent some time thinking about other examples for using DBMS_ALERT. Finally, I realized that I had participated in a perfect application for this technology many times already: an online auction. During an auction (especially a virtual one over a computer network), it is important to know when an item you have a bidding interest in has been bid upon. In a traditional auction, this happens because items are auctioned off serially, so bids can only be placed on the current item. In an online auction, the participants are not in a room together, and the auction itself typically takes longer than a traditional auction. Also, it is desirable to auction multiple items simultaneously, taking advantage of the virtual nature of the auction. An auction application that notifies participants of bidding activity relevant (to them) would relieve them of having to constantly monitor their screens to stay abreast of the auction. Bidding could take place simultaneously on multiple items since users interested in those items would automatically be notified of new bids. The auction schema The online auction was perfect for DBMS_ALERT, so I set about to prove the concept. First, I needed a basic schema. Professional data modelers may wince, but I came up with the following: Object Type Description AUCTION_ITEMS TABLE Items up for auction BIDS TABLE Bids on auction items HIGH_BIDS VIEW High bids by item These objects are created by the auction.ddl script, reproduced as follows: /* Filename on companion disk: auction.ddl */* rem ********************************************************* rem AUCTION.DDL rem rem Creates objects used in the "online auction" example rem for the DBMS_ALERT package. rem rem Auction_items −− table of items being auctioned rem Bids −− table of bids placed on items rem High_bids −− view showing the current high bids on rem items and who placed them rem rem Author: John Beresniewicz, Savant Corp rem [Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk? 3.2.3 DBMS_ALERT Examples 192 rem rem 12/07/97: created rem ********************************************************* DROP VIEW high_bids; DROP TABLE bids; DROP TABLE auction_items; CREATE TABLE auction_items (id VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,description VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL ,min_bid NUMBER NOT NULL ,curr_bid NUMBER ,status VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT valid_status CHECK (status IN ('OPEN','CLOSED') ) ); CREATE TABLE bids (bidder VARCHAR2(30) ,item_id VARCHAR2(20) REFERENCES auction_items(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ,bid NUMBER NOT NULL ); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW high_bids (item_id ,item_desc ,bidder ,high_bid) AS SELECT BID.item_id ,AI.description ,BID.bidder ,BID.bid FROM bids BID ,auction_items AI WHERE BID.item_id = AI.id AND BID.bid = (SELECT MAX(bid) FROM bids B2 WHERE BID.item_id = B2.item_id) / The AUCTION_ITEMS table contains an identifier and a description of each auction item. There are also columns for the minimum bid, status, and current high bid. This latter is really redundant with information derived in the HIGH_BIDS view, but this denormalization makes for a more interesting example. The BIDS table holds the bidding activity. Each bid is a bid on an auction_item by a user for a specified amount. Originally, I had a BIDDERS table to track the auction participants, and this would likely be necessary for a real−world application. However, to simplify the example I decided to use the Oracle session username to identify bidders. Thus, there is an assumption that the online auction users will all be connected using unique usernames. The BIDS table also has a complex integrity constraint, which states that all bids must exceed the previous high bid for the same item (this is, after all, how an auction works). An additional constraint is that no bids may be updated or deleted from the table. These constraints are enforced by database triggers discussed later. The HIGH_BIDS view selects the highest bid for each item along with the item's description and the bidder who made the bid. The auction application's GUI component can make use of this view to display current bidding levels for all items. [Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk? 3.2.3 DBMS_ALERT Examples 193 Auction system requirements Some basic requirements of the online auction application are as follows: • Enforce the complex integrity constraint on the BIDS table. • Enforce the no−update, no−delete rule on the BIDS table. • Update the CURR_BID column of AUCTION_ITEMS for new bids. • Inform bidders when they have been outbid on an item. • Inform bidders when an item is closed from further bidding. There is certainly more than one way to satisfy these requirements, especially the data integrity constraints on the two tables. I decided to implement a combination of database triggers and a package called auction. The database triggers enforce some data integrity constraints and signal changes to interested bidders using DBMS_ALERT.SIGNAL. A procedure called place_bid is responsible for placing bids on items, making sure that the complex integrity constraint is satisfied, and that the bidder is registered to receive notice of any bidding or status changes on the item. Another packaged procedure, called watch_bidding, demonstrates how an application might use DBMS_ALERT.WAITANY to be alerted for any bidding activity of interest to the user. One immediate issue to address is what the alert names should be. The auction_items.id column seems a natural option since all alerts will concern a specific item. Integrity constraint triggers Here are the triggers for the auction_items and bids tables: /* Filename on companion disk: auction2.sql */* CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auction_items_ARU AFTER UPDATE ON auction_items FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* || trigger enforces no update of item_id and also || signals an alert when status changes */ IF UPDATING ('ITEM_ID') THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(−20000, 'Cannot update item id'); ELSIF UPDATING ('STATUS') AND (:NEW.status != :OLD.status) THEN /* send new status on as the alert message */ DBMS_ALERT.SIGNAL(:NEW.id, :NEW.status); END IF; END auction_items_ARU; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER bids_ARIUD AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON bids FOR EACH ROW [Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk? 3.2.3 DBMS_ALERT Examples 194 BEGIN /* || enforce all bids are final rule */ IF UPDATING OR DELETING THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (−20001, 'Cannot update or delete, all bids final!'); ELSE /* || signal alert on item, send bidder name as message */ DBMS_ALERT.SIGNAL(:NEW.item_id, :NEW.bidder); END IF; END bids_ARIUD; / The triggers enforce the basic integrity rules that auction_items.id is a non−updatable column and that rows in the BIDS table cannot be updated or deleted. More importantly, they signal database alerts to registered sessions that auction data has changed using DBMS_ALERT.SIGNAL. The trigger on auction items signals status changes for items. Note the additional check requiring that :NEW.status be different from :OLD.status in order for the alert to be signaled. Also note that the item id is used as the alert name and that the new item status is passed as the alert's message. The trigger on BIDS signals the alert named by the item id and passes the bidder's name as the message. The use of the message parameter with the alerts allows the alert receiver to implement a context−sensitive response to the alert. By the way, my naming convention for triggers has the table name suffixed by a string like [ A|B ][ R|S ][ I|U|D ] where: • A or B indicates an AFTER or BEFORE trigger • R or S indicates ROW or STATEMENT level trigger • I and/or U and/or D indicates an INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE The auction package The rest of the online auction requirements are implemented in the auction package. Here is the package specification: /* Filename on companion disk: auction1.sql */* CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE auction /* || Implements a simple interactive bidding system || using DBMS_ALERT to keep bidders informed || of activity in items they are interested in. || || The item_id is used as the ALERT name for the || item. || || Author: John Beresniewicz, Savant Corp || || 12/07/97: created || || Compilation Requirements: || || EXECUTE on DBMS_ALERT [Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk? 3.2.3 DBMS_ALERT Examples 195 . of lower−level built−ins. Both the DBMS_LOCK and DBMS_PIPE packages are used extensively in the implementation of DBMS_ALERT. NOTE: If you have an old Version 7.1 installation of Oracle, you can. application might actually need to be alerted to changes in data? The classic example given in the Oracle documentation is a continuous graphical display of data extracted from some table. Pulling. be necessary for a real−world application. However, to simplify the example I decided to use the Oracle session username to identify bidders. Thus, there is an assumption that the online auction

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 00:20