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Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Index ppsx

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In d e x P age numbers i n bo l d f aced t ype indicate illustrations. A bamectin , 74 8 Abdo m en s tructure , 83–84 appendages, 59, 84–8 9 e mbryonic development, 6 0 8 A bdominal e p idermis, differentiation at m etamorphosis, 63 5 Abd om i na lg an gli a, 41 1 A bdominal gills, 48 0 A bsor p tion, 5 02– 5 03 of insecticides ,5 0 2 Aca l ymma vittata , 324 A cal y ptratae, 247, 2 5 6, 2 5 7–26 0 Acantho s celi d e s A . ob tectus , 3 2 3 , 324 as control a g ent, 32 4 A ccessory hearts, 518 A ccessor y pulsatile or g ans, 5 16, 5 18, 5 19, 5 20 , 5 2 1 A ccessory repro d uct i ve g l an ds embr y onic ori g in, 6 1 2 fe m a l e f unctions ,5 6 5, 5 90– 5 9 1 in G lossin a , 616 , 61 7 s tructure, 565 m ale ,5 07 ,5 41 ,5 6 5, 5 79 f unctions, 568, 574, 580, 584, 585, 58 6 hormonal control ,5 8 0 s tructure, 56 8 Acentropus , l arva lg as exc h an g e, 479 A cerentomidae , 11 9 A cerentomo id ea, 11 9 Acere ll a b ar b eri , 118 A cetophenone, 426 A cet yl c h o li ne, 413 A cet y l g lucosamine, 358, 362, 505, 5 2 4 A c h eta A . assimi l is , c i rcu l atory system, 576 A . d ome s ticu s , 190 , 190 Ac hilid ae , 21 9 Acoust i c p aras i t i sm, 383 A cri d a ,e gg pod, 5 9 1 Acrididae, 186, 193 h ear i n g , 380, 38 1 Acridoidea , 18 5, 186 , 191 , 193–194 Acridomorpha, 18 7 Acroceridae , 2 55 Acron ,6 0 A cron y cta rumicis , diapause induction, 673, 67 3 Acrosternite, 59 Acroter g ite, 5 9, 74, 83 Activating factor, 3 6 0, 3 62 Activation center, 598 , 5 99 Aculeata , 331 , 333 , 334 , 33 5, 341–34 9 A cyrt h osip h on pisum b iocontrol, 77 3 a s disease vector , 74 1 host- p lant resistance, 7 67 mycetocytes, 505 p ol y phenism, 668 A d e lgid ae, 21 9 A d ep h aga, 307, 308, 309–31 0 Aderidae, 322 Adiheterothri p idae, 23 6 Adipohemoc y tes, 5 2 5 – 5 26 Adipokinetic hormone, 418, 419, 4 64 Admirals, 29 1 Ae d ea g us, 87, 87 A e d e s ,93 A . ae gy pt i a nal p a p illae in larva, 551 , 555 diurnal rh y thms of e gg la y in g ,66 5 en d ocr i ne contro l o f egg d eve l opment , 577 ,57 8 7 83 7 84 In d ex A e d e s ( C ontinued ) e xcretory products, 543 h ear i n gi nma l es, 38 0 hemol y mph osmotic pressure, 5 48 hormonal control of larval salt and water balance, 555 vitello g enesis, 578 A . atro p a lp u s vitello g enesis, 5 78 A . c ana d ien s i s , 25 0 A . d etritu s hemol y mph osmotic pressure, 5 48 o smoregulation, 552 A . t aenior h ync h u s o smore g ulation, 55 2, 553 absor p tion of amino acids, 5 0 3 as disease vector, 738 e g g diapause, 6 1 8 g l y co g en, 5 03 midgut regional differentiation, 495–496 A egia l e h esperiaris , a s h uman f oo d ,73 3 A eolothri p idae, 23 5 –23 6 A eropyles, 57 2 A es h na A . cy anea hemolymph composition, 522–523 larval excretory products, 5 42 d iffusion of ox yg en to fli g ht muscles, 47 5 d istance perception, 3 95 A es h n id ae, 14 3 A es h no id ea , 14 3 Ag aonidae, 34 0 Ag asicles h yg rophila , as c ontrol agent, 32 4 A gat h ip h ag a , 280 Ag at hi p h a gid ae, 28 0 A gathiphagoidea, 280 A gg l ut i n i ns : s e e Lecti n s Agg re g ation pheromones, 424, 42 5 –42 6 Agg ression son g s, 5 82 A glossata, 279, 28 0 A griotes mancus , 3 1 6 A grius , 29 4 A gromyza f rontella , biocontrol, 75 9 A gromyzidae, 25 8 Ag rom y zoidea, 2 58 Ag rotis , 29 4 A . in f usa , 732 a s h uman f oo d, 73 1 A . i p silon ,as r pest t y pe, 744 A . o rtho g oni a , 2 9 5 A grypon flaveo l atu m ,as contro l a g ent, 729 , 7 59 Ag ulla , 30 0 A .a d nixa , 300 Ah ua h ut l e , 733 A ir sacs, 470, 472, 47 8 A larm pheromones, 426–42 7 Alary muscles, 5 17, 5 2 0 embryonic origin, 612 A ld er fli es , 297 , 298 , 299 Aldrin, 508, 74 7 A le n a , 30 0 A l eurocant h us wog l um i , 74 6 b iocontrol, 75 8 Aleurodidae , 213 , 21 5 Aleurodoidea, 213, 21 5 Aleurothrixus fl occosus , biocontrol, 75 9 Ale y rodidae, 21 5 A lf a lf a weev il: see Hypera postic a Alienicolae , 66 7 A li mentar y cana l p hysiology, 496–503 s tructure , 489–49 6, 490 A li notum , 73 , 7 4, 453 Alkaloids, 295 a s feedin g deterrents, 488, 69 5 Allantoic acid, 541, 54 3 Allantoin , 541 , 543 , 54 5 Allatostatic hormone , 418 ,5 78 , 64 0 Allatotropic hormone, 418, 430, 578, 640, 64 3 Allelochemicals , 421 A ll omones, 421, 427, 429–430 Also p hila p ometari a , 289, 72 9 A l t i c i nae , 324 A l uc i t id ae, 287 Alucitoidea, 287 A lydid ae, 230 Amblycera, 203, 204, 205, 206–20 7 Ambrosia beetles : s ee Scol y tinae Amer i can coc k roac h : s ee Perip l aneta american a Ametabola, 13, 98, 113 Am i no ac ids a bsorption, 502 a s excretory products, 541 in hemol y mph, 5 23 metabolism, 50 6 a s pha g ostimulants, 488 Amitermes ,1 7 1 A . h a s tatu s , 172 Amitu s spp., as control a g ents, 7 5 8, 79 5 Ammonia, 539, 541, 543, 545, 55 0 Amnion, 605, 60 6 Amniotic cavit y ,60 5 –606 Amniotic fluid, 61 9 Amniotic folds , 60 5, 60 6 Amor p hoscelidae, 1 5 9, 16 2 Amphibicorisae, 213 Amp h icerus h amatus , 319 Amp hi entom id ae, 201, 20 2 Amphiesmenoptera, 43, 239, 279 Am phip neust i c con di t i on, 47 0 Amphipsocidae, 20 2 Amphipter yg idae, 13 8 Ana b rus simp l ex : se e M ormon cr i c k et 7 85 In d e x Anacridium ae gy ptiu m ,re p roductive dia p ause, 5 74–57 5 Anagasta k uhniella ¨ m ale reproductive or g ans , 5 66 as parasitoid host, 71 0 pupal heartbeat rate, 52 1 s pac i n g p h eromone, 428, 429 A na gy rus nr . ki v uensi s ,a s control agent, 758 A na j apyg id ae, 121 Anajapy x , 12 1 A . v esiculosu s , 120 A nal angle, 8 2 A nal g ills, ion uptake, 55 1 A nal margin, 8 2 A nal papillae, 89 , 552 h ormonal control of sodium u p take, 555 i on u p take, 55 1 A nal veins, 81 A nalo gy ,9 6 A namor p hosis, 113, 119 Ana p hes flavi p es , as c ontrol agent, 759 A napter yg ota, 98 A na s a tri s ti s , 230 , 23 1 Anastrep h a l u d en s , genetic control, 7 66 A natre p sis, 6 02, 604 ,6 0 6, 6 18 A n ax ,93 A . im p erator d ia p ause induction, 6 73 A . j un i u s c ompoun d eye reso l ut i on, 39 4 An d ren a , 348 diurnal se g re g ation, 70 8 A n d ren i nae, 348 A n d rocon i a , 27 7 A ndrogenic hormone, 42 0 A n g el insects, 19 5 A n g umois g rain moth, 284 A nisembiidae, 15 6 A n i so l a bidid ae, 178 Anisomorp h a b uprestoi d es , 18 1 Aniso p lia austriac a , microbial control, 716 A n i sopo did ae, 249 Aniso p s , 22 6 A nisoptera, 36, 37, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 , 143 – 144 l arval swimmin g ,4 52 A nisotomidae, 313 A n i sozygoptera, 14 0 A nnuli ,6 4 , 3 6 2 , 47 2 A nnuli p al p ia, 270, 271–27 2 A nobiidae, 318 ce ll u l ase , 499 Ano b ium punctatu m , 318 A no-jugal area, 82 Anop h e l es A . q ua d rimacu l atus , 2 5 0 as disease vector, 73 8 larva and pupa, 2 5 0 p athogenic bacteria, 715 A nop l oterme s , 171 Anoplura, 97, 98, 203, 204, 205, 206 , 208 – 209 A normenis septentriona l is , 220 Ant crickets, 190 Antarcto p er l ar i a, 14 9 Antecl y peus, 6 3 Antecostae, 59, 73, 83 Antecostal sulcus ,5 9 Antennae, 60, 63, 64, 6 4 , 65 Antennal lobes, 41 0 Antennal sclerite ,64 Antennal se g ment, 60 Antennal sulcus, 6 2 Anterior cervical sclerites, 6 3 Anter i or me di ave i n , 8 1 Anterior notal p rocess, 73, 4 5 3, 4 5 8 Anterior tentorial arms, 6 3 Anterior tentorial pits, 62 A nt h eraea , 29 3 A . p ern yi h ormonal control of eclosion, 6 43– 6 4 4 p u p al dia p ause, 66 9 Anthocoridae, 22 8 Anthomyiidae, 26 0 A nt h onomus , 324 A . g randis , 32 4 a dult diapause, 66 9 g enetic control, 7 66 ma l e sex attractant , 42 4 Anthophorinae, 349 A nt h renus , 318 A . scrop h u l aria e , 318 Anthribiidae, 324–325 Antibacterial peptides, 527, 531, 532, 533, 565, 6 3 7 Antibiosis, 767 A nticarsia g emmatalis, viral control, 76 1 Antidiuretic hormones, 55 4, 555 Antifreeze p roteins, 6 5 9, 660, 661 Antigonadotropic hormone, 421, 569, 575, 579 Antixenosis, 7 6 7 Ant lik e stone b eet l es , 313 Antlions , 301 , 304 , 30 5 Antliophora, 43, 239 A ntonina gramini s , biocontrol , 7 5 9 Ants , 330 , 342–34 5 c astes, 342 – 344, 3 4 4 , 3 45 fungus gardens, 50 2 mutua li sm w i t hh omo p terans, 344, 711 , 711 spectral sensitivit y , 396 See also F o rmi c i dae A oni d ie ll a aurantii ,p arasitoids, 70 5 Aorta ,5 1 5, 5 1 9 e mbryonic origin, 611 78 6 In d ex Ap anteles A . c aja e , 338 a s control a g ent, 33 9 A . me l anosce l us host acce p tance, 71 0 A pate l o did ae, 29 3 Ap hani p tera, 26 4 A p h e li n id ae, 341 as control a g ents, 758, 75 9 A p h e l inus ma l i , 341 Ap helocheirus ,p lastron, 482 , 48 3 Aphidid ae, 217–21 8 Ap hidius smithi, as control a g ent, 773 A phidoidea, 211, 213, 21 6 –219 Ap hids, 211, 21 7 a v oidance of toxins in food p lants, 6 9 6 paedogenesis, 61 7 as p l ant- di sease vectors, 212, 741, 742 pseudoplacental viviparit y , 615 sa li va , 49 1 symbiotic bacteria, 211, 50 5 w in g pol y morphism, 64 5 –64 7 Ap his A . craccivor a a s disease vector, 74 1 host-plant resistance, 7 67 A . f abae a s di sease vector , 74 1 polymorphism, 646 as r p est t y pe, 7 44 Ap hro p hora , ocellus , 3 9 9 Aph ro ph or id ae, 220 A ph y ti s s pp. as control a g ents, 7 5 8, 7 59 interspecific competitive exclusion, 705–706, 7 06 , 70 7 spatial se g re g ation, 70 6 A p i ca l ang l e, 82 Ap ical cell, 56 7 A p i ca l marg i n, 82 Ap icotermes , l71 A p i coterm i t i nae, 17 1 Ap idae, 347–34 9 A p i nae, 349 Ap ini, 349 Ap ionidae, 32 5 Ap is , 349 A . me ll ifer a : s ee H oney b ee A plom y iopsis epilachna e , 262 Ap neust i c con di t i on, 470 A pocrita, 44, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 337–349 A podemes, 5 9 A poidea, 332, 334, 342, 347–349 A pol y sial membrane, 3 6 3 A polysis, 362, 36 5 o f embr y onic cuticle at hatchin g , 6 19 i n pupa, 63 2 Apomorphy, 96 Apophyses, 59 A p o p tosis, 6 41 Aposematic coloration, 295, 697, 709 Appen d ages a bdomen , 84–8 9 embryonic development, 635–637 h ead ,6 4–7 2 p ostembr y onic development, 635–637 t horax, 75–83 App l ema gg ot fly : s ee R h ago l etis pomone ll a Apple sucker, 21 5 App l etw i g b orer, 3 19 Appos i t i on i ma g e, 39 3 A p tera, 97 Ap tero p anor p a tasmanica , 24 3 Apteropanorp id ae, 240, 24 3 Apter yg o g enea, 98, 9 9 Apterygota, 13 , 98 , 113 A q uat i c i nsects factors affectin g distribution, 677– 6 7 8 osmore g ulation, 55 0– 55 4, 5 32, 677 Arachnida , 6 , 7–8 , 16 , 18 , 9 7 Arachnomorpha, 19 Ara did ae , 22 9 Ara d o id ea , 22 9 Ara d u s acutu s , 22 9 Araecerus fascicu l atu s , 325 Arasc h nia l evana , seasona ldi mor phi sm, 66 7 Arc h aeo l epis mane ,2 7 9 Archeo g natha, 2 5 , 122 Archesc y tinidae, 38 , 21 3 Arc hid ermaptera, 17 7 Arc hip er l ar i a, 14 9 Archips ar gy rospilu s , control, 77 2 Arc hi psoc id ae, 20 2 Archiz yg optera, 3 6 , 140 Archodonata , 35 Archostemata, 308–309 Arctic insects, activit y ,6 5 7 Arctiidae , 29 5 Arctoperlaria, 148, 149–15 3 Arctotypu s , 35 Ar g ent i ne ant: s ee Iri d omyrmex h umi l i s Argidae, 335 A r ixe n ia , 1 77, 177 Arixeniina , 17 6, 17 7 Armored scales , 21 6 Army ants, 344 Armyworms, 294 Arolium , 7 6, 77 Arrestant pheromones, 583 Artematopidae, 31 6 Artemato p oidea, 31 6 Arthropleona, 114, 115, 11 6 7 87 In d e x A rthro p od s ev o l ut i onary re l at i ons hi ps, 14–21 f eatures ,3 t ypes, 3 A rrhenotok y , 613 A rsenicals, 74 6 , 747 A scala p hidae, 30 5 A schiza, 247, 255, 256–257 As cia monu s te,mi g ration, 682–684 Asco d ipteron , 2 63 A silidae , 2 5 4 s a li var y tox i ns, 491 A siloidea, 254–255 A silomorpha, 246, 2 5 4–2 55 A s obara tabi d a , anti-immune res p onse, 532 A ssass i n b u g s: s ee Re d uv iid a e A ssembly zone, 358 A steiidae , 2 5 8 A steioidea , 25 8 Ata l op hl e b ia , ma l e h ea d, 128 A telocerata, 9, 20 A throc y tes, 5 18 A trium, 69, 473 A tro p ine, 6 9 6 Atta , trail-marking pheromone, 42 8 A ttacins ,5 23 ,5 3 1 A ttacu s , 29 3 A tt agenus , 318 A . pi ceus e xcretor y products, 5 4 2 c ystine excretion, 541 A uc h enorr hy nc h a, 41, 210, 213, 219–222 A ulacidae, 33 9 A ustralembiidae , 1 56 A ustralian bush fly: s ee Musca v etustissim a A ustralian cockroach , 1 60 A ustralian field cricket, 19 0 A ustra li an p l a g ue g rass h opper : see Austroicetes c r uciata A ustra li an p l a g ue l ocust, 194 A u s troicete s cruciata e ffect of tem p erature on develo p ment, 6 56 population density, 702–70 3 Austromerope pou l toni , 243 A ustro p erlidae, 149 A ustro ph asmat id ae, 18 4 A utapomorphy, 9 6 A utointoxication ,5 08– 5 0 9 A utotanning, 365 A utovent il at i on , 470 , 478–47 9 A uxiliary hearts, 51 8 A vermect i ns , 748–749 , 774 A xiidae, 290 A xillar y muscle, 4 53 A xillary plates, 32 A xillar y sclerites, 32, 73, 74, 80, 4 5 3, 4 5 9 A xioidea, 29 0 Axymyiidae, 24 8 Ax y m y iomorpha, 24 8 A ys h eaia pe d uncu l at a , 1 6, 16 Aza di rac h t i ns , 748 , 74 9 B acillu s B . c ereu s ,as insect patho g en, 71 4 B . l arva e ,as i nsect pat h o g en, 714 B . l entimor b us a s control agent, 715, 760, 76 1 a s insect pathogen, 71 4 B . p o p illia e a s control a g ent, 71 5 , 760, 76 1 a s i nsect pat h o g en, 71 4 B . sp h aericus a s control agent, 715, 76 1 a s insect patho g en, 71 4 B . thurin g iensis a s control a g ent, 714–71 5 , 760, 761, 762 genetic engineering, 7 6 1, 7 6 8, 774 , a s insect pathogen, 712, 71 4 r esistance, 761 Back swimmers , 225–226 , 2 2 6 Bacter ia a s cellulose-di g estin g a g ents, 5 01 a s control agents, 7 5 7, 76 1 crysta llif erous, 714 in gut, 495, 50 1 a s insect pathogens, 712, 713–71 5 Bacterioc y tes, 5 0 4 Bacteriomes ,5 0 5 Baculoviruses , 71 5, 716 a s microbial control a g ents, 7 63 Baetidae, 132 B aeti s , 129 a daptations to rheophilic life, 67 7 B . v a g ans , 132 B aet i sc a , 13 1 B . b aj k ov i , 131 Baet i sc id ae , 13 1 Baetoidea, 132 Bagworm moth and larva, 282, 2 8 3 Balloon flies , 2 55 Bark beetles : s e e S col y tina e Bar kli ce , 19 9 Barnac l es , 9 Basa lb u lb ,87 Basal lamina, 355, 356, 390, 435, 472, 51 8 Basalar, 74, 45 3 Basalar muscle , 4 5 3 , 4 5 9 , 460 Basicosta , 7 6 Basicostal sulcus , 7 6 Bas i sternum, 7 4 Basket, 79 Bat flies , 263 , 2 6 3 Bean weevils , 323 , 323 , 32 4 Bean b eet l e tac hi n id, 262 7 88 In d ex B eau v eria bassian a a s control agent, 717, 76 4 a s insect patho g en, 71 6 B e db u g s, 228, 228 B ee flies, 255, 2 55 B ees : s e e Ap o id e a B eet arm y worm : see Spo d optera exi g ua B eet leafhopper, 222 , 222 B eet l es : s e e Co l eoptera B ehnin g iidae, 13 3 B ehningoidea, 133 B e ll icositermes nata l ensis , nest , 1 6 7 , 16 7 B elostomatidae , 22 5 B eltian bodies, 697, 698 , 699 B eneficial insects, 725, 726–73 6 a s control a g ents, 72 5 , 728–731, 7 55 –7 57 a s human food, 725–726, 731–733 species with commercially valuable products, 725, 727–72 8 value as pollinators, 725, 728 B erot hid ae, 301, 30 3 B er y t id ae, 230 B eth y lidae, 34 2 B ethyloidea, 341 γ - BH C : s e e L i n d an e B ibio albi p ennis , 2 5 3 B ibionidae, 252 B ibionomorpha, 246, 252–25 3 B i g -headed flies, 2 5 6 B inocular vision, 395, 488 B inomial system, 92 B iolo g ical clocks, 66 2 B iolo g ical control, 7 5 3–766, 77 2 a dvantages, 755–756 a ugmentative, 7 5 3, 7 5 4–7 55 c lassical , 7 5 3 , 7 55, 7 5 7 c onservation, 753–75 4 d isadvantages, 75 6 e xamples, 729–731, 7 5 4, 7 55 ,7 5 6, 7 5 7, 7 5 8–7 59 importance of sibling species, 93 i nsect agents, 728–731 naturall y occurrin g ,7 5 3, 7 54 neoclassical , 753 , 755 “new association” approach, 753, 75 5 strate g ies, 7 5 3–7 55 success , 7 5 4 , 7 5 6–7 5 7 o f weeds, 324, 757 Bi o l og i ca l spec i es, 9 3 Bi r dli ce , 203 Bi r oella , 1 9 2 B iscuit weevil, 318 B iston b etu l aria, transient pol y morphism, 64 5 B itin g mid g es, 2 51 B ittacidae, 239, 240, 242 B ittacus pi l icorni s , 242 B laberidae , 158 , 159 , 160 , 161 Blaberoidea, 15 9 B l ac k an dy e ll ow mu dd au b er , 34 7 Black death, 72 6 , 737 Black flies , 2 5 1 , 252 as disease vectors , 2 51 m icrobial control, 761 Black swallowtail , 292 B l ac kfly ,21 7 Bladder grasshopper, 19 2 B l asto d erm differentiation, 598–599 , 60 0 formation, 598 , 599 sy ncitial sta g e, 5 9 8 u niform stage, 598 Blastokinesis , 602 , 608 B l astot h rix B . s ericea , 7 31 l arva lg as exc h an g e, 484 B l atta orienta l is,1 6 0 , 1 61 excretor y products, 542 B l attae f orm i a , 99 Blattariae, 99 B lattella B. germanic a , 1 6 0 , 161 i nsecticide resistance, 750 l arval heartbeat rate ,5 2 1 oenocytes, 36 3 ooc y te h y drocarbons, 5 7 0 u ric acid as excretor y product, 5 41 ootheca , 5 91 Blattellidae , 1 5 8 , 1 5 9 , 160–16 1 B l att id a, 100 Blattidae, 159, 160 Blattiformia , 1 56 Blattodea, 156 classification, 160–16 1 life histor y and habits, 1 5 7–1 5 8 p hylogeny, 159, 1 5 9 s tructure , 1 5 7 Blattoid orders , 40 , 1 5 6–173 Blattoidea, 159, 160–161 Blatto p teriformia, 1 56 B l ep h ar i cer id ae, 248 Ble p hariceromor p ha, 248 B l issus l eucopterus , 230 , 231 m icrobial control, 71 6 r e g ional differentiation in mid g ut, 494, 494 B li ster b eet l es, 32 2 Blood-brain barrier, 407 Bloodsuckin g conenose , 229 Blow flies, 2 6 1 collagenase in larva, 498 Bluebottles , 2 6 1 Blues, 291 Bo g on g moth : see Agrotis in f usa Bo h art illid ae , 330 Bo j ophlebia prokop i ,35 7 89 In d e x B oll w ee v il: s ee Anthonomus g randis B om bi n i, 349 Bombus vosnesenskii , 3 4 8 B om by c id ae, 29 3 B om b yco id ea, 291–294 B ombykol, 4 2 3 B omb y liidae, 2 55 B ombylioidea, 254, 255 Bomb y x B . m or i , 293 d iapause induction, 673 egg dia p ause, 6 18, 66 9 pupae as h uman f oo d , 733 s ex a tt rac t an t, 42 3 di a p ause h ormone, 419 l arval hemolymph protein, 507, 62 6 ovi p osition reflex, 41 4 silk p ro d uct i on, 727 s torage hexamers, 507 B oo kli ce , 199 B oop id ae, 20 7 B oreidae, 240, 242–24 3 Boreus b ruma l is , 242 B ostr i c hid ae, 319 B ostrichiformia , 311 , 317–319 B ostr i c h o id ea , 307 , 318–31 9 B ot flies, 261 , 262 ,7 40 B otanicals , 746 , 747 B oun d vortex , 4 5 5 , 4 5 6 , 4 5 8 , 4 5 8 B oundary layer, 480 Bo v ico l a , 20 8 B. ovis , 7 14 B rachycentridae, 27 4 B rach y cera, 246, 2 5 3–26 3 Brach y panorp a , 243 B rach y psectridae, 316 Bracon cep hi , 339 l arval supercooling, 660 B racon id ae , 338–339 as control agents, 339, 758, 75 9 B r a in as coor di nat i n g center, 414 e mbryonic differentiation, 611 role in walkin g ,41 5 , 447 s tructure , 409, 412 B ranchial chamber, 480 Branc h inect a , 9 B rentidae, 32 5 Brevicor y ne brassicae as di sease vector , 741 h ost-plant resistance, 768 pha g ostimulants, 48 8 B rev i tentor i a , 27 4 B rine flies, 25 9 B ristletails , 2 5, 113 , 12 2 B rown c hi c k en l ouse, 20 8 B rown cockroach, 16 0 Brown lacewings, 303 Brown-banded cockroach , 160 Brown-ta il mot h: see Euproctis c h rysorr h oea Bruc hid ae , 323–32 4 B ruc h i d ius , germ b an d, 6 03 B ruc h us pisorum, 324 B runneria boreali s , 158 B t : see Bacillus thurin g iensi s B uba s bi s on ,as c ontrol a g ent, 73 5 Bubonic pla g ue, 26 5 ,73 7 Bucca l cav i t y , 489 Budworm moths, 28 5 Buffalo treehopper, 222, 22 2 Buffalo fly: s ee Haematobia irritan s Buffalo g nats, 2 51 Bum bl e b ees , 349 Buprestidae, 315–31 6 i n f rare d sens i t i v i ty, 389 Buprestoidea, 315–31 6 Burnets , 28 6 Burrow i n g , 448–449 Burrow i ng may fli es, 480 Bursa copulatrix, 564 Bursicon, 366, 418, 419 r ole in eclosion, 64 3 Bush crickets , 189 Bush fl y : see Musca v etust i ss i m a Bus hk at ydid, 189 Butterflies, 27 6 , 279, 282, 29 0 mimetic color polymorphism, 645 spectral sensitivity, 396 S ee also Lepidoptera B y rrhidae, 31 5 B y rrhoidea, 31 5 B yrsotria f umigat a , courtshi p , 5 8 3 C abba g e aphid : s ee Brevicor y ne brassica e C a bb a g e l ooper : see Tric h op l usia ni C abba g e root fl y ,2 6 0 C a bb a g e worms, b racon id paras i te, 33 9 C acto bl astis ,93 C . cacto r um ,28 8 a s control a g ent, 729 , 730 , 756 , 75 8 C addisflies , 26 8 ion uptake b y larval g ills, 551 See a l so Tr i c h o p tera C a d e ll e , 319 C a d r a , 288 C aeciliidae, 20 2 C aeciliu s , 202 C aelifera , 39 , 18 5, 186 , 187 , 191–194 C aenidae , 134–13 5 C aenis simu l ans , 135 C aenoidea, 133, 134–135 C alamoceratidae, 276 C alandr a , 324 C ales noack i ,as control a g ent, 7 59 7 90 In d ex C allidulidae , 290 C a llid u l o id ea , 290 C alling in moths, 422, 665 C a lliph ar i xen id ae, 330 C a ll ip h ora , 2 61 a ction of diuretic hormone, 55 5 C . eryt h rocep h a l a , sa li var ygl an d s, 490 C . s tygia , calliphorin level during growth, 6 2 6 – 6 2 7 C . v om i tar ia , taste sensitivit y , 386 d ietar y requirements, 6 9 4 o smoregulation in rectum, 54 9 p u p al fat content, 6 2 7 spectral sensitivity, 39 6 C alliphoridae, 261 C alli p horin, 6 2 6 – 6 2 7 C allirhipidae, 31 6 C allitro g a , 261 C a ll osamia promet h ea , 293 C aloneurodea, 39, 41 C a l opteron reticu l atu m , 31 7 C a l opteryg id ae, 14 2 C alopterygoidea, 140, 142 C a l optery x ,bl asto ki nes i s , 604 C a l osoma sycop h anta , 310, 31 1 a s control a g ent, 310 C a l otermes ,93 C al p odes ethlius , 36 2 c ontrol of wax s y nthesis, 366 trac h ea l tu f ts , 471–472 , 4 7 3 C alypter, 25 6 C al y ptratae, 247, 2 5 6, 260–263 C alyx, 533, 564 C amel crickets, 188 , 189 C amnu l ape ll uci da , mortalit y due to patho g ens, 6 7 6 C ampaniform sensilla, 375, 376, 3 76 , 46 2 C am p odea , 120, 1 21 C . augens , c i rcu l ator y s y stem, 5 16 C ampodeidae, 120, 12 1 C am p o d eo id ea, 9 9 C amponotu s C . carolinen s i s , 1 89 C . c l arit h ora x , locomotor activit y , 66 3 , 664 C ant h ar id ae, 317 C antharidin , 32 2 C ant h aro id ea , 317 C a p nia nana , 1 5 2 C a p niidae, 1 5 0, 1 5 2 C apro i cac id , 423 C apsidae, 22 7 C ara bid ae , 31 0 C ara bi nae, 31 0 C araboidea , 309–310 C ara p acea, 131 C arausius all ometr i c g rowt h, 626 C . m oro s u s , 180, 181 d iurnal activity, 663 excretion of uric acid, 543–544 , 5 4 4 excretory products, 54 2 h emol y mph osmotic pressure, 5 4 2 color, 36 9 Carbamates, 509, 748 Carbox y lic acids, in hemol y mph, 5 2 3 Carcinophoridae, 17 8 Carcinoscorpius ,6 Cardenolides , 29 5, 430 , 686 , 69 5, 69 6 Cardiac glycosides, 695 as antimicrobial agents, 6 97 Cardioblasts ,6 1 2 Cardo, 65, 66 Carides, 16 Carnoidea , 2 5 9 Caro li na g rass h opper , 193 Carolina mantid , 162 Carotenoids, 3 69 Car p enter b ees, 349 Car p enter moths and worms, 284–285 Carpet beetles, 318, 318 Car p et mot h ,28 3 Car p osinidae, 287 Carrot rust fly, 25 8 Case-ma ki ng c l ot h es mot h an dl arva , 283 Caste-reco g n i t i on p h eromones, 370 Caste-regulating pheromones, 42 5 C aste s o f ants , 342–344 , 344, 345 of honey bee, 3 49 of termites, 16 5 –166 , 1 7 0 , 1 7 2 endocrine control of differentiation ,6 47– 6 48 , 6 4 8 o f ye ll ow j ac k et , 346 Castniidae , 28 5 Castnioidea, 285 Cat flea, 26 6 Catag l yp h is b ico l o r , oce lli, 398–400 Cata l e p s i s, 181 Catantopinae, 19 4 Catt l ewar bl e fl y , 2 6 2 Cau d a lfil ament , 89 Caudal lamellae, 88, 137, 480 Cau d a l s y mpat h et i cs y stem, 411 Cave crickets , 188 Cecidomyiidae, 25 3 Cecro p ins, 5 23, 5 31, 5 33 C eleri o , energy requirements at metamorphosis, 6 27 Ce ll u l as e i n gut, 499 i n saliva, 49 0 Cement la y er, 3 5 9, 363, 36 8 C enocorixa blaisdelli , endocrine control o f osmoregulation, 55 5 Cent i pe d es, 11, 11 C entra l Amer i can l ocust: s ee Sc h istocerca paranensis 7 91 In d e x Central bod y , 409 i nre g ulation of walkin g ,41 5 Central inhibition, 413 Centra l pattern g enerator, 414, 479 Centropti l um , adaptations to rheophilic life, 6 7 7 Ce p halobaena tetra p od a , 4 Ce phid ae, 337 Cep h o id ea, 337 Ce p hus cinctu s , 337 , 33 7 b racon id p aras i te o fl arva, 33 9 c ontrol of pupation, 643 Ceramb y cidae, 323 c e ll u l ase i nwoo d - b or i ng spec i es, 49 9 Ceraphronidae, 33 8 Cera ph rono id ea, 33 8 C eratin a C . aca n t h a , 3 4 8 C . d up l a , nest , 348 C eratitis ca p itat a , 257, 25 8 , g enetic control, 7 66 Ceratophyllidae, 2 67 Ceratophylloidea, 267 Ceratop h y ll us sty x , 26 7 Ceratop h yse ll a ,11 7 Ceratopo g onidae, 2 51 Cerc i, 84 , 88 Cercopidae, 22 0 Cerco p o id ea, 212, 220–221 Cerv i ca l sc l er i tes, 7 3 C er v ix: s ee N eck Cer yl on id ae, 32 2 Ceutho p hilus , 188 C . m aculatu s , 189 C h aetocruiomyia ,93 Chagas’ disease, 212, 229, 73 8 Chalasto g astra, 334 C h a l c idid ae, 34 0 Chalcidoidea, 331, 332, 333, 340–341 C h a l coi d es aurat a , j ump i n g ,44 8 C h ao b or id ae, 24 9 Chaoborus asticto p u s , 2 5 1 C h aracter , 9 2 Character polarity, 95 Character state , 9 2 C h au l iognat h us pennsy l vanicus , 317 Checkered beetles, 319, 3 2 0 C h e l euto p tera, 17 9 Chelicerata, 6–8, 19 Chelisochidae , 17 8 C h e l opistes me l eagri d is , 20 7 , 208 Chemical control, 746–75 3 Chemorece p tion, 384–387 C h emosens ill a l ocation, 384 ro l e i n f ee di n g , 488 s t i mu l at i on, 38 7 s tructure, 384–386 , 3 8 5 thick-walled (uniporous), 384–386, 3 85 t hi n-wa ll e d (mu l t ip orous) , 385 , 38 6 C hemotaxis, 528 C hermidae , 21 9 C hewin g lice, 203, 204, 20 5 , 206 C hicken body louse, 204, 206 C hicken e y eworm, 16 1 Chi c k en h ea dl ouse , 208 C higoe flea, 26 7 C hi g oes, 2 66 C hill intolerance, 659 C hill tolerance, 659 Ch i l o suppressa l i s , 288 C hilopoda, 9, 11, 20 C himarr a , larva , 2 7 2 Chi na wax , 72 8 C hinch bug : s ee Blissus leuco p terus Chi nese oa k s ilk mot h, see Ant h eraea pernyi C hironomidae, 25 1 C hironomu s C .p l umosu s , pupal swimmin g ,4 5 1 C . tentan s , l arva an d pupa, 25 1 larval g as exchan g e, 479 Chi t in p roduction from glycogen in egg, 50 6 p roduction from trehalose, 5 0 5 structure, 358–359, 358 C hitin synthetase, 36 2 C hitinase , 36 5, 49 9 C hlordane, 508, 747 C hloride transport-stimulatin g peptide, 555 C hlorinated h y drocarbons, 5 08, 747, 7 51 C hlorocyphidae, 142 C hloro p erlidae, 1 5 0, 1 5 1 C hloropidae, 259 C hloropoidea, 259 C holine ,5 06 C holinesterase, binding of insecticides, 50 9 C hordotonal or g ans, 37 5 , 376–377 , 3 77 C hordotonal sensilla , 37 6 –377 , 3 77 , 380, 381 C horeutidae, 285 C horion ,5 71– 5 72 , 5 7 1 d isappearance in pol y embr y on y , 6 1 4 r upture at hatching, 619 Ch or i st id ae , 24 3 C horistoneura , 285 C . f umi f erana ph a g ost i mu l ants, 488 influence of weather, 679 C horistotan y derus , 43 , 24 6 Ch ortoicetes terminifer a , 194 C hristmas beetles, 31 4 Ch r y s idid ae, 34 2 Ch rys id o id ea, 334, 341, 342 C hr y sobothris C . f emorata , 316 larva , 31 6 7 92 In d ex C hrysocaris puncti f acies ,as c ontrol a g ent, 75 9 Ch ryso l ina qua d rigemina , as contro l agent , 7 58 C hrysomelidae, 324 Ch r y some li nae, 324 C hr y someloidea, 49, 306, 319, 323–324 Ch rysomp h a l us spp., biocontrol, 75 9 Ch rysop a , 304 , 774 C . ca rn ea ,as c ontrol a g ent, 304, 773 Ch rysop id ae, 302, 303–30 4 Ch rysop s , 2 5 3 a s disease vector , 73 9 C ibarium, 66 Ci ca d as , 22 1 C icadellidae , 222 C icadelloidea, 212, 22 2 Ci ca did ae , 221 C icadoidea, 212, 219, 22 1 Ci ca d omorp h a, 213, 220–22 2 C icin d e l a sexguttat a , 311 C icindelinae, 31 0 C im b ex american a , 33 5, 336 C imbicidae , 33 5 C imex C . h emipterus , 228 C . l ectu l ariu s , 228 , 228 initiation of molt c y cle, 64 2 o rientation to heat, 389, 46 5 Ci m i c id ae , 228 C imicoidea, 228 hemocoelic insemination, 212, 228, 586 Ci m i comor ph a, 214, 227–229 C ircadian rh y thms, 416, 663–666 , 664 c locks, 666, 672 s p erm release, 5 68 C irculator y s y stem, 515–536 d ifferentiation at metamorphosis, 6 3 8 e mbr y onic ori g in, 6 11 ph y siolo gy , 5 19– 5 2 1 structure, 515–519 , 5 1 6 C ircu l ifer tene ll us , 222, 222 C itral , 427 C itronellal, 42 7 Ci trus rust m i te : see P h y ll ocoptruta o l eivor a Ci x iid ae , 219 C ixius an g ustatu s , 22 0 C ladograms, 9 5 C lap and flin g mechanism, 4 5 8, 4 5 8 C laspers, 84, 8 8 C lass resistance , 7 5 0 C lassification , 94–101 a rtificial, 94–9 5 d e fi n i t i on, 9 1 histor y ,9 6 –101 natural, 95–96 Cl ausenia purpure a ,as control a g ent, 7 5 8 C l ava lf urrow , 81 Clavus , 8 2 Clavicornia, 320 C l ear l a k e g nat , 2 5 1 Clearwings, 285 Cleavage, 597–598 , 5 9 9 Cleava g e center, 5 97 , 598 Cleavage energids, 598, 599 Clegs, 25 3 C l e p to p aras i t i sm, 342, 34 7 Cleridae, 319 C l ero id ea , 319–32 0 Click beetles , 316 Clistogastra, 33 4 C l oeon , compoun d eye, 390 Cl ot h es mot h: see Tinea pe ll ione ll a Clothodidae, 15 5 C l ott i n g: s e e Hemo ly mp h coa g u l at i on Clusiidae , 2 5 8 Clypeolabral segment, 60 Clypeolabrum, 6 0 Cl y peus, 60, 63, 6 5 Coa g uloc y tes, 5 26, 5 28, 5 2 9 Coagulogens, 507, 528, 529 Coccidae , 21 6 C occine lla C . se p tem p unctata as control agent, 75 6 p re yl ocat i on, 429 color , 36 9 Cocc i ne llid ae, 307, 321 Coccoidea , 211 , 21 5 –21 6 m etamorphosis, 213 Coccop h agus , 7 31 Coc hl iomyia , 2 6 1 , 74 0 C . homini v ora x , 2 62 genetic control, 7 66 Coc k c h a f ers , 314 Cockroaches , 1 5 6 , 1 5 7 , 1 5 8 , 1 59 escape response, 41 6 s a li var ygl an d s, 49 0 ventral diaphra g m, 51 8 S ee a l s o Bl atto d ea, B l atte ll a germanica , Perip l aneta americana Cocoon , 631 , 632 , 633 , 63 9 Cocoon cutters, 63 9 Co dli n g mot h : s ee Cy d ia pomone ll a Coelom , 611 formation, 604–605 Coe l omomyces spp . as control a g ents, 717 as insect pathogens, 717 Coelopulses, 519 Coenagrio n , 14 1 C . an g ulatu m t emperature-sync h ron i ze dd eve l opment, 658 [...]... 648–649 salivary glands, 490 solitary, 648–649 See also Locusta, Schistocerca Lonchaeidae, 257 Lonchothripidae, 236 Lonchothrips linearis, 236 Long-horned beetles, 323 Long-horned grasshoppers, 187, 189, 189 Long-legged flies, 255 Long-nosed cattle louse, 207, 208 Long-tailed mealybug, 217 Longitarsus jacobaeae, as control agent, 324 Lophocorona, 281 Lophocoronidae, 281 Lophocoronina, 281 Lophocoronoidea,... moths, 295 Footspinners, see Embioptera Forceps, 88, 121, 176 Forcipomyia, wing-beat frequency, 460 r Foregut, 489, 491–492 embryonic origin, 491 histology, 491, 492, 493 role in resistance to disease, 530 Forest tent caterpillar: see Malacosoma disstria Foresters, 286 799 Index 800 Index Forficula auricularia, 177, 178 as plant-disease vector, 742 Forficulida, 175 Forficulidae, 178 Forficulina, 176, 177,... organ, 380 social dominance, 704 spectral sensitivity, 396 sperm use, 587–588 spermatophore formation, 585 sting, 86 taste sensitivity, 386 waggle dance, 380, 397 wing-beat frequency, 460 Honeydew, 246, 541 Hook-tip moths, 289 803 Index 804 Index Hoplopleuridae, 208 Horizon response, 462 Horn fly, 70 Hornets, 346–347, 346 Horntails, 336 Hornworms, 294 Horse bot fly, 262 Horse flies, 253, 254 mouthparts, 70,... origin, 611 Inka cells, 421, 644 Inner esophageal nerve, 411 Inocelliidae, 300 Insect growth regulators, 752–753 Insect pathogens, 712–718 Insect-animal interactions, 702–711 Insect-fungi mutualisms, 168, 324, 344, 501–502 Insect-insect mutualisms, 711 Insect-plant interactions, 694–702 detritivores, 701–702 herbivores, 694–697 mutualisms, 695, 697–701 Insecticides annual amount used, 725 arsenicals,... 81 Costal area, 32 Costal margin, 82 Costelytra zealandica, microbial control, 761 Cotesia, as control agent, 339 Cotton stainers, 230, 231 Cottony-cushion scale: see Icerya purchasi Cottony maple scale, 216 Courtship, 582–583 793 Index 794 Index Courtship-inhibiting pheromones, 583 Coxa, 59, 76, 77, 85, 443 Coxotergal muscle, 453 CPV: see Cypoviruses Crab louse, 207, 209 Crabs, 9 Crambinae, 288 Crane... management, 753 Maturation-accelerating pheromones, 424–425, 573, 581 Maturation-inhibiting pheromones, 424–425, 573 Maxillae, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 66 Maxillary bristles, 71 Maxillary palps, 66 Maxillary segment, 60 May beetles (bugs), 314, 314 Mayetiola destructor, 253, 253 antibiosis in wheat, 767 biocontrol, 339 host-plant resistance, 767 Mayflies: see Ephemeroptera Mayriella overbecki, trail-marking pheromone,... glycogen, 570 See also House fly Muscidae, 260 Muscle, 437–443 antagonistic pairs, 442 asynchronous (myogenic) contraction, 51 459, 463 attachment to cuticle, 438–439, 438 bi-functional, 453, 455, 634 811 Index 812 Index Muscle (Continued) close-packed, 440, 440, 441 differentiation at metamorphosis, 634, 638 embryonic origin, 611 fibers, 439, 439 fibrillar, 440, 440, 441, 459, 479 flight, 453, 454 innervation,... Mushroom bodies, 409, 411, 415, 416 metamorphosis, 638 Mustard oils, as phagostimulants, 488, 696 Mustard beetle: see Phaedon cochleariae Mutillidae, 342 Mutualisms ant-aphid, 647, 711 insect-insect, 711 insect-microorganism, 501–502 insect-plant, 695, 697–701 Mycetocytes, 504–505 Mycetomes, 205, 211, 505, 541 Mycetophilidae, 252–253 Mymaridae, 341 as control agents, 758, 759 Myoblasts, 611 Myoglossata,... Hydroscaphidae, 310 20–Hydroxyecdysone, 420, 640, 642, 643 5–Hydroxytryptamine, 413, 521 9–Hydroxy-2–decenoic acid, 423, 424 Hygrokinetic response, 464–465 Hygroreceptors, 388, 388 Hylemya as plant-disease vector, 742 H brassicae, 261 H coarctata, 260, 261 H strigosa, ovoviviparity, 614–615 Hylesia lineata, larval trail-marking pheromone, 428 Hylurgopinus rufipes, as disease vector, 324, 742 Hymenolepis H ... mechanics, 363 Ecdysis-triggering hormone, 421, 643–644 Ecdysone, 356, 640 in eclosion, 643 effect on hemocyte numbers, 524 effect on spermatogenesis, 579–580 in embryonic development, 618 in male accessory gland activity, 580 production in ovaries, 421, 578 production in testes, 421, 580 receptor, 642 in vitellogensis, 507, 575, 578 See also Molting hormone α α-Ecdysone, 420 β-Ecdysone, 365–366, 419, . 529 Coccidae , 21 6 C occine lla C . se p tem p unctata as control agent, 75 6 p re yl ocat i on, 429 color , 36 9 Cocc i ne llid ae, 307, 321 Coccoidea , 211 , 21 5 –21 6 m etamorphosis, 213 Coccop h agus , 7 31 Coc hl iomyia , 2 6 1 , 74 0 C 2 51 Cerc i, 84 , 88 Cercopidae, 22 0 Cerco p o id ea, 212, 220–221 Cerv i ca l sc l er i tes, 7 3 C er v ix: s ee N eck Cer yl on id ae, 32 2 Ceutho p hilus , 188 C . m aculatu s , 189 C h aetocruiomyia ,93 Chagas’. 266 C uc k oo b um bl e b ees , 34 9 C uckoo-spit insects, 22 0 C uc k oo was p s, 342 C ucluto g aster hetero g raphu s ,20 8 C ucu jid ae, 32 2 C ucujiformia, 307, 311, 319–325 C ucu j o id ea, 319, 320–322 C ucumber beetles,

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 21:21