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ptg 352 Appendix A Get Started with Groovy Embedded Quotes Quotes can be embedded in strings with Groovy in a natural way. If you want to embed double quotes, you can use single quotes to define the string. Likewise, the same is true if single quotes are to be embedded. Groovy also supports the usual escaping of quotes (see Listing A.7). Listing A.7 Escaping Quotes println 'double "quotes" are easy' println "or \"escape\" them" println "single 'quotes' are easy too" Single and double quotes can be used within heredocs, as shown in Listing A.8. Listing A.8 Quotes in Heredocs println """ "double quotes" 'single quotes' """ Getters and Field Pointers When class variables are defined in Groovy, we can access those fields using the “.” (dot) opera- tor. We can modify that behavior or retrieve the variable by providing our own getter method (see Listing A.9). Listing A.9 Changing Default Variable Access class BarClass{ def var = "this is bar" def getVar(){ return "**$var**" } } def bar = new BarClass() println bar.var The output from this code would be ”**this is bar**”. Although this can be useful, there may be times when you would want to get access to the fields, bypassing the getter. To do this, you need to create a field pointer, as shown in Listing A.10. Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Parentheses and Method Pointers 353 Listing A.10 Field Pointer class BarClass{ def var = "this is bar" def getVar(){ return "**$var**" } } def bar = new BarClass() println bar.@var The output of this code is ”this is bar”, which is the exact text in the variable bypassing the getter method. We can also assign this field pointer to a variable and use the variable to access the field (see Listing A.11). Listing A.11 Assigning a Field Pointer to a Variable def varPtr = bar.@var println varPtr What might be a bit confusing is that this does not work for setters. We cannot use varPtr to set bar.var. Likewise, you cannot access a custom setVar method with the dot operator; you must explicitly call your custom setVar method. Parentheses and Method Pointers We noted earlier that parentheses are optional, but this isn’t true in all cases. No-arg methods require that parentheses be present, as shown in Listing A.12. Listing A.12 No-arg Method def foo = "Hello Groovy World!" println foo.toUpperCase() It is possible to overcome this by using a method pointer. To do this, you define a variable that is the pointer to the method using the ampersand (see Listing A.13). Listing A.13 Setting a Method in a Variable def foo = "Hello Groovy World!" def fooUpper = foo.&toUpperCase() println fooUpper Download from www.wowebook.com ptg 354 Appendix A Get Started with Groovy Return Statements Return statements are also optional for methods. The last line in a method is an implicit return statement. As shown in Listing A.14, you can use return or safely leave it off. Listing A.14 Implicit Return Statement class FooClass { Def doIt() { "last line" } } foo = new FooClass() println foo.doIt() This script, of course, prints “last line” to stdout. Any return type is allowed; it’s just a mat- ter of which is the last line in the method. If the last line cannot be evaluated, a null is returned. Listing A.15 will always return null. Listing A.15 Another Implicit Return Statement class FooClass { Def doIt() { if(true){"last line"} } } foo = new FooClass() println foo.doIt() If we want to return the string, we must explicitly use the return statement, changing the if statement to the following: if(true){ return "last line"} Exception Handling Exceptions are another optional part of Groovy. You can choose to catch exceptions or not depending on if the code is interested in the exceptions. Unlike Java, Groovy doesn’t require that Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Operator Overloading 355 checked exceptions get handled in the code. All exceptions are unchecked in Groovy. The deci- sion about the importance of an exception is left completely to the developer. Safe Dereferencing In Java, there is one unchecked exception that is often caught or defended against by developers: the dreaded NullPointerException (NPE). In Java, a developer would typically use an if state- ment guard to protect against NPEs, as shown in Listing A.16. Listing A.16 Protecting from NullPointerExceptions in Java if(null != foo) { foo.doSomething(); } Groovy provides a nifty bit of syntactic sugar to defend against NPEs—the safe dereferenc- ing or “?” operator: foo?.doSomething () The “?” operator dispatches calls only when the object is not null. So, the toUpperCase method will only get executed if foo is non-null. This makes defensive programming fast and easy. The usual if statement guard a developer might use in Java is traded for a single character. Operator Overloading Groovy brings operator overloading to Java. Table A.1 describes the overloaded operators and the methods that they map to. All the comparison operators handle nulls gracefully so that NullPointerExceptions don’t get thrown. Table A.1 Overloaded Operators (Source: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Operator+Overloading) Operator Method a + b a.plus(b). a – b a.minus(b) a * b a.multiply(b) a ** b a.power(b) Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Table A.1 Overloaded Operators (Source: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Operator+Overloading) Operator Method a / b a.div(b) a % b a.mod(b) a | b a.or(b) a & b a.and(b) a ^ b a.xor(b) a++ or ++a a.next() a or a a.previous() a[b] a.getAt(b) a[b] = c a.putAt(b, c) a << b a.leftShift(b) a >> b a.rightShift(b) ~a a.bitwiseNegate() –a a.negative() +a a.positive() a == b a.equals(b) or a.compareTo(b) == 0 ** a != b ! a.equals(b) a <=> b a.compareTo(b) a > b a.compareTo(b) > 0 a >= b a.compareTo(b) >= 0 a < b a.compareTo(b) < 0 a <= b a.compareTo(b) <= 0 Boolean Evaluation Groovy boolean evaluation is much different than Java. In Groovy, expressions get automatically evaluated to a boolean true or false. The best way to show how things evaluate is by way of demonstration. In Listing A.17, the following evaluate to true. 356 Appendix A Get Started with Groovy Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Listing A.17 Evaluate to true if(1) //true if(-1) //true, all non-zero values evaluate to true if(!null) //true, non-null values are true if("foo") //true foo = ["a","b","c"] if(foo) //true, non-empty lists, maps and arrays evaluate to true In Listing A.18, the following evaluate to false. Listing A.18 Evaluate to false if(0) //false if(null) //false if("") //false, empty strings and string buffers evaluate to false foo = [] if(foo) //false This should give you a feel for how Groovy evaluates truth. Closures Groovy’s definition of a closure is essentially a named block of code. Listing A.19 is a Groovy closure in its simplest form. Listing A.19 Very Simple Closure def foo = { println "I'm a foo" } foo() Unsurprisingly, this code produces "I'm a foo" printed to standard out. Groovy closures can also accept parameters; by default, there is a single parameter named "it" (see Listing A.20). Listing A.20 Default “it” Variable def foo = { println "I'm a $it" } foo "bar" Groovy closures can also accept named parameters, as shown in Listing A.21. Closures 357 Download from www.wowebook.com ptg 358 Appendix A Get Started with Groovy Listing A.21 Named Parameters def foo = { a, b -> println "$a + $b = ${a+b}" } foo 3, 4 Finally, closure parameters can be preloaded by using curry (see Listing A.22). Listing A.22 Using Curry def foo = { a, b -> println "$a + $b = ${a+b}" } def addTwo = foo.curry(2) addTwo 4 Curry will accept any number of parameters, preloading the closure parameter’s starting with the leftmost defined. Lists Groovy offers convenient syntax for list creation and manipulation (see Listing A.23). Listing A.23 List Creation def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people.class The output of this code snippet shows us that by default, a list of type java.util.ArrayList is created. We can manipulate the type by using the as operator (see Listing A.24). Listing A.24 Manipulating the Type of a List def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] as Set def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] as String[] Empty lists can be created by just using the square brackets: def emptyList = [] We can add to a list by using the overloaded left shift operator or the += operator (see Listing A.25). Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Lists 359 Listing A.25 Adding to a List def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] people << "davide" people += "earl" println people This code snippet will output the following: ["alice", "bob", "claire", "davide", "earl"] The += operator will also concatenate two lists, as shown in Listing A.26. Listing A.26 List Concatenation def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] def morepeople ["davide", "earl"] people += morepeople println people This code snippet will output the following: ["alice", "bob", "claire", "davide", "earl"] Retrieving elements from the list can be accessed in either an array style or a list style (see Listing A.27). Listing A.27 List Element Access def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people[1] println people.getAt(1) As expected, this code snippet will output "bob" twice. You can remove the last item in the list using the pop method, as shown in Listing A.28. Listing A.28 Using the pop Method def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people.pop() //prints "claire" println people //prints ["alice", "bob"] Likewise, lists can be sorted and reversed with methods of the same name (see Listing A.29). Download from www.wowebook.com ptg 360 Appendix A Get Started with Groovy Listing A.29 Sorting and Reversing a List def people = ["bob", "alice", "claire"] people.sort() println people //prints ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people.reverse() //prints ["claire", "bob", "alice"] Note that the sort method makes a change to the list, whereas the reverse method returns the reversed list. join is a convenient method that returns a string concatenation of all the elements in a list separated by any string you pass it (see Listing A.30). Listing A.30 Using the join Method def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people.join() //prints alicebobclaire println people.join(",") //prints alice,bob,claire Another convenient method is findAll. This method takes in a closure, which is used to match items in a list and returns a list with all the matching items (see Listing A.31). Listing A.31 Using the findAll Method def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people.findAll{ it.startsWith "c" } //prints ["claire"] Other methods that are available are max, min, and sum—they do what you might expect (see Listing A.32). Listing A.32 Using the min, max, and sum Methods def scores = [70, 60, 90] println scores.min() //prints 60 println scores.max() //prints 90 println scores.sum() //prints 220 collect is another convenient method that returns a new list modified by the closure it is passed (see Listing A.33). Listing A.33 Using the collect Method def scores = [70, 60, 90] println scores.collect{ it += 5 } //prints [75, 65, 95] Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Maps 361 The flatten method flattens multidimensional lists. It returns a new flattened list, leaving the original list alone, as seen in Listing A.34. Listing A.34 Using the flatten method def scores = [[70, 60, 90], 80, [70, 50]] println scores.flatten() //prints [70, 60, 90, 80, 70, 50] Groovy adds an additional operator called the spread operator, “*”, to our list of tools. The spread operator spreads the elements of a list over the parameters of a method call (see Listing A.35). Listing A.35 Using the Spread Operator def order(first, second, third) { println "1: $first" println "2: $second" println "3: $third" } def params = ["Rowan", "Claire", "Sophia"] order(*params) Finally the spread-dot operator provides a quick way to iterate over a list, applying the same method to each item in the list, and returns the results in a new list (see Listing A.36). Listing A.36 Using the Spread-Dot Operator def params = ["Rowan", "Claire", "Sophia"] params*.toLowerCase() //prints ["rowan", "claire", "sophia"] As you can see, Groovy provides quite a number of convenient methods for manipulat- ing lists. Maps As with lists, Groovy provides convenient syntax for dealing with maps (see Listing A.37). Listing A.37 Creating a Map in Groovy def gifts = [rowan: "legos", claire: "puppy", sophia: "doll"] println gifts.get("rowan") println gifts.sophia Download from www.wowebook.com . World!" def fooUpper = foo.&toUpperCase() println fooUpper Download from www.wowebook.com ptg 354 Appendix A Get Started with Groovy Return Statements Return statements are also optional for. List Element Access def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people[1] println people.getAt(1) As expected, this code snippet will output "bob" twice list using the pop method, as shown in Listing A.28. Listing A.28 Using the pop Method def people = ["alice", "bob", "claire"] println people.pop() //prints "claire"

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 19:20