545 Know the RL and RC circuit configurations that act as low-pass filters and be able to design RL and RC circuit component values to meet a specified cutoff frequency.. Know the RL
Trang 1Figure P13.61
0 10 t
0 1
13.62 A rectangular voltage pulse i>,- = [«(/) - u(t - 1)] V
is applied to the circuit in Fig P13.62 Use the
con-volution integral to find v n
>•', in:
13.63 Interchange the inductor and resistor in
Problem 13.62 and again use the convolution
inte-gral to find v Q
13.65 a) Repeat Problem 13.64, given that the resistor in
the circuit in Fig PI3.50(a) is decreased to 10 kll b) Does decreasing the resistor increase or decrease the memory of the circuit?
c) Which circuit comes closer to transmitting a replica of the input voltage?
13.66 a) Assume the voltage impulse response of a
circuit is
lOtT4', t > 0
Use the convolution integral to find the output voltage if the input signal is 10*<(0 V
b) Repeat (a) if the voltage impulse response is
0, t < 0;
= \ 10(1 - 20, 0 < t < 0.5 s;
0, t > 0.5 s
c) Plot the output voltage versus time for (a) and
(b) for 0 < t < 1 s
13.67 The voltage impulse response of a circuit is shown in
Fig P13.67(a) The input signal to the circuit is the rectangular voltage pulse shown in Fig P13.67(b) a) Derive the equations for the output voltage Note the range of time for which each equation
is applicable
b) Sketch v 0 for - 1 < t < 34 s
13.64 a) Use the convolution integral to find the output
voltage of the circuit in Fig P13.50(a) if the
input voltage is the rectangular pulse shown in
Fig P13.64
b) Sketch v 0 (t) versus t for the time interval
0 < t < 10 ms
Figure P13.64
Trang 213.68 Assume the voltage impulse response of a circuit
can be modeled by the triangular waveform shown
in Fig P13.68.The voltage input signal to this circuit
is the step function 10«(^) V
a) Use the convolution integral to derive the
expressions for the output voltage
b) Sketch the output voltage over the interval
0 to 15 s
c) Repeat parts (a) and (b) if the area under the
voltage impulse response stays the same but the
width of the impulse response narrows to 4 s
d) Which output waveform is closer to replicating
the input waveform: (b) or (c)? Explain
Figure P13.68
A(0 (V)
13.69 a) Find the impulse response of the circuit shown
in Fig P13.69(a) if v g is the input signal and v 0 is
the output signal
b) Given that v q has the waveform shown in
Fig P13.69(b), use the convolution integral to
find v a
c) Does v a have the same waveform as v g l Why or
why not?
Figure P13.69
v g (V)
13.70 a) Find the impulse response of the circuit seen in
Fig PI3.70 if v g is the input signal and v n is the
output signal
b) Assume that the voltage source has the wave-form shown in Fig P13.69(b) Use the
convolu-tion integral to find v (r c) Sketch % for 0 < / < 2 s
d) Does v a have the same waveform as v„l Why or
why not?
Figure P13.70
13.71 The sinusoidal voltage pulse shown in Fig P13.71(a)
is applied to the circuit shown in Fig P13.71(b) Use
the convolution integral to find the value of v () at
t = 75 ms
Figure P13.71
v, 160
n-77/20 ir/io r(s)
13.72 U s e the convolution integral to find v ( , in the circuit
seen in Fig P13.72 if v t = 75u{t) V
Figure P13.72
40 0
J - T Y Y V
16 H
13.73 The current source in the circuit shown in Fig P13.73(a) is generating the waveform shown in Fig PI 3.73(b) Use the convolution integral to find
v„ at t = 5 ms
Trang 3Figure P13.73
i g (mA)
H — I — I —
1 2 3 4
- 2 0 4 (b)
0.4 /itF
Figure P13.75
i„ {fiA)
-50 (b)
100 200 /(ms)
13.74 The input voltage in the circuit seen in Fig PI 3.74 is
V; = 5[u(t) - u(t - 0.5)] V
a) Use the convolution integral to find v a
b) Sketch v a for 0 < t < 1 s
Figure P13.74
2 0
100 mF
13.76 a) Show that if y(t) = h(() * x(t), then Y{s)
b) Use the result given in (a) to find /(f) if
F(s) = s(s + a)"
Section 13.7 13.77 The transfer function for a linear time-invariant
circuit is
13.75 a) Use the convolution integral to find v 0 in the
cir-cuit in Fig P13.75(a) if i s is the pulse shown in
Fig PI3.75(b)
b) Use the convolution integral to find i 0
c) Show that your solutions for v v and i ( , are
consis-tent by calculating v a and i n at 100" ms,
100+ ms, 200" ms, and 200+ ms
H(s) V 0 4(s + 3)
If v K = 40 cos 3/ V, what is the steady-state
expres-sion for v a 'l
13.78 When an input voltage of 30u(t) V is applied to a
circuit, the response is known to be
-80(H)/ . .111)0,
v a = (50*-*™" - 20e-™*")u{t) V
What will the steady-state response be if
v = 120 cos 6000/ V?
Trang 413.79 The op amp in the circuit seen in Fig P13.79 is ideal
PSPKE a) Find the transfer function VJV„
b) Find v a if v g = 0.6//(0 V
c) Find the steady-state expression for v„ if
v g = 2 cos 10,000/: V
Figure P13.79
13.82 The inductor L x in the circuit shown in Fig P13.82
is carrying an initial current of p A at the instant the switch opens Find (a) v(t); (b) /-i(/); (c) i 2 (t)',
and (d) A(r), where A(f) is the total flux linkage in the circuit
Figure P13.82
13.80 The operational amplifier in the circuit seen in
PSPICE pig P13.80 is ideal and is operating within its
ear region
a) Calculate the transfer function V„/V R
b) If v g = 2cos400f V, what is the steady-state
expression for v (> '~!
13.83 a) Let R - » oo in the circuit shown in Fig P13.82,
and use the solutions derived in Problem 13.82
to find v(t), ii(t), and i 2 {t)
b) Let R = oo in the circuit shown in Fig P13.82
and use the Laplace transform method to find
-u(f), ii(t), and i 2 {t)
13.84 There is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig P13.84
at the time the impulsive voltage is applied
a) Find v (> (t) for t > 0
b) Does your solution make sense in terms of known circuit behavior? Explain
Figure P13.80
y r > 5 2 0 k n
Section 13.8
13.81 Show that after V^C C coulombs are transferred from
C] to C2 in the circuit shown in Fig 13.47, the
volt-age across each capacitor is C\V {) f(C\ + C2) (Hint:
Use the conservation-of-charge principle.)
Figure P13.84
200 H 4 mH
13.85 The parallel combination of R 2 and C 2 in the circuit shown in Fig P13.85 represents the input circuit to
a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) The parallel
combination of i?j and C\ is a circuit model of a
compensating lead that is used to connect the CRO
to the source There is no energy stored in C\ or C 2
at the time when the 10 V source is connected to the CRO via the compensating lead The circuit values are Q = 4 pF, C2 = 16 pF, R l = 1.25 Mft, and
R 2 = 5 MH
a) Find v a
b) Find i 0
c) Repeat (a) and (b) given Cj is changed to 64 p F
Trang 5Figure P13.85 13.89 Tliere is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig P13.89
at the time the impulsive current is applied
a) Find v () for t > ()+ b) D o e s your solution m a k e sense in terms of
k n o w n circuit behavior? Explain
Figure P13.89
250 nF
13.86 Show t h a t if R\C\ = RiC 2 in t h e circuit shown in
Fig P13.85, v (> will b e a scaled replica of t h e
s o u r c e voltage
13.87 T h e switch in the circuit in Fig PI3.87 has b e e n
closed for a long time T h e switch opens at t — 0
C o m p u t e (a) «,((T); (b) / , ( 0 + ) ; (c) / 2 (<T); (d) / 2 ((T);
(e) i!(r); (f) / 2( 0 ; and (g) v{t)
Figure P13.87
t = 0
1 = u v
+ :8 mH
::•! 0 jr1 v(t) k\\
4 k O | 1 6 k H
13.90 T h e voltage source in the circuit in E x a m p l e 13.1 is
changed to a unit impulse; that is, v g = 8(t)
a) H o w much energy does the impulsive voltage source store in the capacitor?
b) H o w m u c h energy does it store in the inductor?
c) U s e the transfer function t o find v a (t)
d) Show that t h e r e s p o n s e found in (c) is identical
to the response g e n e r a t e d by first charging the capacitor to 1000 V and then releasing the charge to the circuit, as shown in Fig P13.90
Figure P13.90
k - 1 - *
^ r> < i-
1000 V
13.88 The switch in the circuit in Fig P13.88 has been in
position a for a long time A t t = 0, the switch
moves to position b C o m p u t e (a) ^ ( O - ) ; (b) y?(0 _ );
(c) v 3 (0-); (d) i(t); (e) ^ ( 0+) ; (f) v 2 (0 + ){ and
( g ) ^ 3 ( 0 + )
Figure P13.88
1 0 0 v ( - )
0.5 ^ F ;
r = 0
+ +
13.91 T h e r e is n o energy stored in the circuit in Fig P13.91
at the time the impulse voltage is applied
a) Find i { for t > 0+
b) Find i 2 for t > 0+
c) Find v a for t > 0+
d) D o your solutions for i u / 2, and v (} m a k e sense in terms of k n o w n circuit behavior? Explain
Figure P13.91
0.5 H
Trang 6Sections 13.1-13.8
13.92 Assume the line-to-neutral voltage Y 0 in the 60 Hz
m o m c i r c u i t of Fig- 13.59 is 120 /CT V (rms) Load R CI is
absorbing 1200 W; load R b is absorbing 1800 W; and
load X a is absorbing 350 magnetizing VAR The
inductive reactance of the line (X{) is 1 fl Assume
V<, does not change after the switch opens
a) Calculate the initial value of i 2 (t) and i[ 0 (t)
b) Find V0, v () (t), and v () (Q + ) using the s-domain
circuit of Fig 13.60
c) Test the steady-state component of v a using
pha-sor domain analysis
d) Using a computer program of your choice, plot
v 0 vs t for 0 £ t < 20 ms
13.93 Assume the switch in the circuit in Fig 13.59
'ERSPECTIVE ° P e n s a l t n e instant the sinusoidal steady-state
voltage v a is zero and going positive, i.e.,
v 0 = 120V2~sinl207rtV
a) Find v 0 {t) for t > 0
b) Using a computer program of your choice, plot
v 0 (t) vs t for 0 < t < 20 ms
c) Compare the disturbance in the voltage in
part (a) with that obtained in part (c) of
Problem 13.92
13.94 The purpose of this problem is to show that the
•ERSPEcnvE l in e- t ° -n e u t r al voltage in the circuit in Fig 13.59
can go directly into steady state if the load R h is disconnected from the circuit at precisely the
right time Let v 0 = V m cos( 12077/ - 0°) V, where
V m = 120 V2 Assume v g does not change after R b
is disconnected
a) Find the value of 6 (in degrees) so that v 0 goes directly into steady-state operation when the
load R f) is disconnected
b) For the value of 6 found in part (a), find %(t) for
t > 0
c) Using a computer program of your choice, plot
on a single graph, for - 1 0 ms ^ t ^ 10 ms,
v a (t) before and after load R b is disconnected
Trang 7C H A P T E R C O N T E N T S
14.1 Some Preliminaries p 524
14.2 Low-Pass Filters p 526
14.3 High-Pass Filters p 532
14.4 Bandpass Filters p 536
14.5 Bandreject Filters p 545
Know the RL and RC circuit configurations that
act as low-pass filters and be able to design
RL and RC circuit component values to meet a
specified cutoff frequency
Know the RL and RC circuit configurations that
act as high-pass filters and be able to design
RL and RC circuit component values to meet a
specified cutoff frequency
Know the RLC circuit configurations that act as
bandpass filters, understand the definition of
and relationship among the center frequency,
cutoff frequencies, bandwidth, and quality
factor of a bandpass filter, and be able to
design RLC circuit component values to meet
design specifications
Know the RLC circuit configurations that act as
bandreject filters, understand the definition of
and relationship among the center frequency,
cutoff frequencies, bandwidth, and quality
factor of a bandreject filter, and be able to
design RLC circuit component values to meet
design specifications
Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits
Up to this point in our analysis of circuits with sinusoidal
sources, the source frequency was held constant In this chapter,
we analyze the effect of varying source frequency on circuit
volt-ages and currents The result of this analysis is the frequency response of a circuit
We've seen in previous chapters that a circuit's response depends on the types of elements in the circuit, the way the ele-ments are connected, and the impedance of the eleele-ments Although varying the frequency of a sinusoidal source does not change the element types or their connections, it does alter the impedance of capacitors and inductors, because the impedance
of these elements is a function of frequency As we will see, the careful choice of circuit elements, their values, and their con-nections to other elements enables us to construct circuits that pass to the output only those input signals that reside in a desired range of frequencies Such circuits are called
frequency-selective circuits Many devices that communicate
via electric signals, such as telephones, radios, televisions, and satellites, employ frequency-selective circuits
Frequency-selective circuits are also called filters because of
their ability to filter out certain input signals on the basis of fre-quency Figure 14.1 on page 524 represents this ability in a sim-plistic way To be more accurate, we should note that no practical frequency-selective circuit can perfectly or completely filter out
selected frequencies Rather, filters attenuate—that is, weaken or
lessen the effect of—any input signals with frequencies outside frequencies outside a particular frequency band Your home stereo system may have a graphic equalizer, which is an excellent example of a collection of filter circuits Each band in the graphic equalizer is a filter that amplifies sounds (audible frequencies) in the frequency range of the band and attenuates frequencies out-side of that band Thus the graphic equalizer enables you to change the sound volume in each frequency band
Trang 8Practical Perspective
Pushbutton Telephone Circuits
In this chapter, we examine circuits in which the source
fre-quency varies The behavior of these circuits varies as the
source frequency varies, because the impedance of the
reac-tive components is a function of the source frequency These
frequency-dependent circuits are called filters and are used
in many common electrical devices In radios, filters are used
to select one radio station's signal while rejecting the signals
from others transmitting at different frequencies In stereo
systems, filters are used to adjust the relative strengths of the
low- and high-frequency components of the audio signal
Filters are also used throughout telephone systems
A pushbutton telephone produces tones that you hear
when you press a button You may have wondered about these
tones How are they used to tell the telephone system which
button was pushed? Why are tones used at all? Why do the
tones sound musical? How does the phone system tell the
dif-ference between button tones and the normal sounds of
peo-ple talking or singing?
The telephone system was designed to handle audio signals—those with frequencies between 300 Hz and 3 kHz Thus, all signals from the system to the user have to be audible—including the dial tone and the busy signal Similarly, all signals from the user to the system have to be audible, including the signal that the user has pressed a button I t is important to distinguish button signals from the normal audio signal, so a dual-tone-multiple-frequency (DTMF) design is employed When a number button is pressed, a unique pair of sinusoidal tones with very precise frequencies is sent by the phone to the telephone system The DTMF frequency and timing specifications make it unlikely that a human voice could pro-duce the exact tone pairs, even if the person were trying In the central telephone facility, electric circuits monitor the audio signal, listening for the tone pairs that signal a number
In the Practical Perspective example at the end of the chapter,
we will examine the design of the DTMF filters used to deter-mine which button has been pushed
Trang 9Input
signal Filter
Output signal
Figure 14.1 • The action of a filter on an input signal
results in an output signal
We begin this chapter by analyzing circuits from each of the four major categories of filters: low pass, high pass, band pass, and band reject The transfer function of a circuit is the starting point for the frequency response analysis Pay close attention to the similarities among the trans-fer functions of circuits that perform the same filtering function We will employ these similarities when designing filter circuits in Chapter 15
14.1 Some Preliminaries
Figure 14.2 A A circuit with voltage input and output
Recall from Section 13.7 that the transfer function of a circuit provides an easy way to compute the steady-state response to a sinusoidal input There,
we considered only fixed-frequency sources To study the frequency response
of a circuit, we replace a fixed-frequency sinusoidal source with a varying-frequency sinusoidal source The transfer function is still an immensely useful tool because the magnitude and phase of the output signal depend only on
the magnitude and phase of the transfer function H{ja))
Note that the approach just outlined assumes that we can vary the fre-quency of a sinusoidal source without changing its magnitude or phase angle Therefore, the amplitude and phase of the output will vary only if those of the transfer function vary as the frequency of the sinusoidal source is changed
To further simplify this first look at frequency-selective circuits, we will also restrict our attention to cases where both the input and output signals are sinusoidal voltages, as illustrated in Fig 14.2 Thus, the transfer function
of interest to us will be the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output
volt-age to the Laplace transform of the input voltvolt-age, or H(s) — V 0 (s)/Vi(s)
We should keep in mind, however, that for a particular application, a current may be either the input signal or output signal of interest
The signals passed from the input to the output fall within a band of
frequencies called the passband Input voltages outside this band have
their magnitudes attenuated by the circuit and are thus effectively pre-vented from reaching the output terminals of the circuit Frequencies not
in a circuit's passband are in its stopband Frequency-selective circuits are
categorized by the location of the passband
One way of identifying the type of frequency-selective circuit is to examine a frequency response plot A frequency response plot shows how
a circuit's transfer function (both amplitude and phase) changes as the source frequency changes A frequency response plot has two parts One is
a graph of \H(jai)\ versus frequency w This part of the plot is called the
magnitude plot The other part is a graph of d(Jw) versus frequency w This
part is called the phase angle plot
The ideal frequency response plots for the four major categories of fil-ters are shown in Fig 14.3 Parts (a) and (b) illustrate the ideal plots for a low-pass and a high-pass filter, respectively Both filters have one
pass-band and one stoppass-band, which are defined by the cutoff frequency that
separates them The names low pass and high pass are derived from the
magnitude plots: a low-pass filter passes signals at frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency from the input to the output, and a high-pass filter
passes signals at frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency Thus the
terms low and high as used here do not refer to any absolute values of
fre-quency, but rather to relative values with respect to the cutoff frequency Note from the graphs for both these filters (as well as those for the bandpass and bandreject filters) that the phase angle plot for an ideal filter varies linearly in the passband It is of no interest outside the passband because there the magnitude is zero Linear phase variation is necessary to avoid phase distortion
Trang 10I
9{ju c )
1 Stopband
d(jw c )
-Stopband Passband
0(/w c2 )
Pass-band Stopband
0 ) c l (O c2 0)
- \
Passband Stop
band Passband
<u c ] a> C2 (o
Figure 14.3 • Ideal frequency response plots of the four types of filter circuits,
(a) An ideal low-pass filter, (b) An ideal high-pass filter, (c) An ideal bandpass filter, (d) An ideal bandreject filter
The two remaining categories of filters each have two cutoff frequen-cies Figure 14.3(c) illustrates the ideal frequency response plot of a
bandpass filter, which passes a source voltage to the output only when the
source frequency is within the band defined by the two cutoff frequencies
Figure 14.3(d) shows the ideal plot of a bandreject filter, which passes a
source voltage to the output only when the source frequency is outside the band defined by the two cutoff frequencies The bandreject filter thus rejects, or stops, the source voltage from reaching the output when its fre-quency is within the band defined by the cutoff frequencies
In specifying a realizable filter using any of the circuits from this chap-ter, it is important to note that the magnitude and phase angle characteris-tics are not independent In other words, the characterischaracteris-tics of a circuit that result in a particular magnitude plot will also dictate the form of the phase angle plot and vice versa For example, once we select a desired form for the magnitude response of a circuit, the phase angle response is also determined Alternatively, if we select a desired form for the phase angle response, the magnitude response is also determined Although there are some frequency-selective circuits for which the magnitude and phase angle behavior can be independently specified, these circuits are not presented here
The next sections present examples of circuits from each of the four filter categories They are a few of the many circuits that act as filters You should focus your attention on trying to identify what properties of a cir-cuit determine its behavior as a filter Look closely at the form of the transfer function for circuits that perform the same filtering functions Identifying the form of a filter's transfer function will ultimately help you
in designing filtering circuits for particular applications
All of the filters we will consider in this chapter are passive filters, so
called because their filtering capabilities depend only on the passive