Average power is sometimes called real power, because it describes the power in a circuit that is transformed from electric to nonelectric energy.. The average power associated with s
Trang 19.67 The op amp in the circuit seen in Fig P9.67 is ideal
PSPICE Find the steady-state expression for v (>(t) when
- = 2 c o s l ( / Y V
Figure P9.67
too kn
40 kO
9.68 The op amp in the circuit in Fig P9.68 is ideal
MULTISIM a) ^n <^ ^e s t e ady-state expression for v 0 (t)
b) How large can the amplitude of v g be before the
amplifier saturates?
Figure P9.68
vg = 25 cos 50,000* V
9.69 The sinusoidal voltage source in the circuit shown in
PSPICE pig P9.69 is generating the voltage v„ = 4 cos 200r V
If the op amp is ideal, what is the steady-state
expres-sion for v 0 (t)1
Figure P9.69
10 kO
20 kQ 20 kH
-f V W
9.70 The 250 nF capacitor in the circuit seen in Fig P9.69
PSPICE is replaced with a variable capacitor The capacitor
MULTISIM -s acjjUSTec] Uxitil the output voltage leads the input
voltage by 135°
a) Find the value of C in microfarads
b) Write the steady-state expression for v () (t) when
C has the value found in (a)
9.71 The operational amplifier in the circuit shown in
PSPICE Fig P9.71 is ideal The voltage of the ideal
sinu-MULTISIM • , 1 i r » i r\f\* t /
soida 1 source is v g = 30 cos 10°t V
a) How small can C a be before the steady-state output voltage no longer has a pure sinusoidal waveform?
b) For the value of C 0 found in (a), write the
steady-state expression for v a
Figure P9.71
10 nF
loo a
loo a
9.72 a) Find the input impedance Za b for the circuit in
Fig P9.72 Express Za b as a function of Z and K where K = (R 2 /R\)
b) If Z is a pure capacitive element, what is the capacitance seen looking into the terminals a,b?
Figure P9.72
9.73 For the circuit in Fig P9.73 suppose
vt = 20 cos(2000f - 36.87°) V v2 = 10cos(5000/ + 16.26°) V
a) What circuit analysis technique must be used to
find the steady-state expression for v v (t)1 b) Find the steady-state expression for v C)(t)
Trang 2Problems 357
Figure P9.73
l m H / Y Y Y V
100 |xF
10 a
9.74 For the circuit in Fig P9.61, suppose
v.d = 5 cos 80,000/ V
vb = - 2 5 cos 320,000/ V
b) Find the coefficient of coupling
c) Find the energy stored in the magnetically
cou-pled coils at t = 1007T /xs and t = 200-7T ^ s
Figure P9.77
30 a
a) What circuit analysis technique must be used to
find the steady-state expression for j„(r)?
b) Find t h e steady-state expression for /0(/)?
9.78 For t h e circuit in Fig P9.78, find t h e Thevenin equivalent with respect t o t h e terminals c,d
Section 9.10
9.75 A series combination of a 300 O resistor a n d a
100 m H inductor is connected to a sinusoidal
volt-age source by a linear transformer T h e source is
operating at a frequency of 1 k r a d / s A t this
fre-quency, t h e internal i m p e d a n c e of t h e source is
100 + /13.74 CI T h e r m s voltage at t h e terminals of
the source is 50 V w h e n it is n o t loaded T h e p a r a m
-eters of t h e linear transformer a r e R\ = 41.68 O ,
L { = 180 m H , R 2 = 500 ft, L 2 = 500 m H , a n d
M = 270 m H
a) What is the value of the impedance reflected
into the primary?
b) W h a t is t h e value of t h e i m p e d a n c e seen from
the terminals of t h e practical source?
9.76 T h e sinusoidal voltage source in t h e circuit seen in
PSPICE Fig P9.76 is operating at a frequency of 200 krad/s
LTISIM ^ e c o ef f }cje t lt 0f coupling is adjusted until t h e
p e a k amplitude of i x is m a x i m u m
a) What is the value of kl
b) W h a t is the p e a k a m p l i t u d e of /j if
v g = 560 cos(2 X 1 0 ¾ V ?
Figure P9.76
150 n so a loo a 2oo a
12.5 nF
9.77 a) Find t h e steady-state expressions for t h e
cur-rents ig a n d i L in t h e circuit in Fig P9.77 w h e n
vg = 70 cos 5000/ V
Figure P9.78
45 a
-WV-V (rms)
9.79 T h e value of k in t h e circuit in Fig P9.79 is adjusted
so that Za b is purely resistive when a> = 4 k r a d / s Find Z ab
Figure P9.79
a»-20 a
^VW-12.5 m H !8mH
5 a
12.5 /JLF
Section 9.11
9.80 At first glance, it may appear from Eq 9.69 that an
inductive load could make the reactance seen
look-ing into the primary terminals (i.e., X ah ) look
capac-itive Intuitively, we know this is impossible Show that X)b can never be negative if X L is an inductive reactance
9.81 a) Show that t h e i m p e d a n c e seen looking into t h e
terminals a,b in the circuit in Fig P9.81 o n t h e next p a g e is given by the expression
Trang 3b) Show that if the polarity terminals of either o n e
of the coils is reversed,
Figure P9.81
a «
A'\ Z,
9.82 a) Show that the i m p e d a n c e seen looking into the
terminals a,b in the circuit in Fig P9.82 is given
by the expression
-Z L
1 +
b) Show that if the polarity terminal of either o n e
of the coils is reversed that
1 - ^
Figure P9.82
Z a b"
b *
infinity T h e amplitude and phase angle of the
source voltage are held constant as R x varies
Figure P9.84
>\ = V,n c o s U) '
9.83 Find the i m p e d a n c e Za b in the circuit in Fig P9.83 if
Z L = 8 0 / 6 0 ' H
9.85 The parameters in the circuit shown in Fig 9.53 are
/?, = 0.1 il,o)L x = 0.8 ft,fl 2 = 24 il,(oL 2 = 32 ft,
a n d V L = 240 + / 0 V
a) Calculate the phasor voltage V s b) Connect a capacitor in parallel with the inductor, hold V L constant, and adjust the capacitor until the magnitude of I is a minimum What is the capacitive reactance? What is the value of V v ? c) Find the value of the capacitive reactance that
k e e p s the m a g n i t u d e of I as small as possible
a n d that at the same time m a k e s
lYvl = |V/J = 240 V
9.86 a) For the circuit shown in Fig P9.86, c o m p u t e Vv
and V/
b) Construct a p h a s o r diagram showing the rela-tionship between V s , V/, and the load voltage of
2 4 0 / 0 ° V
c) R e p e a t p a r t s (a) a n d (b), given that the load voltage remains constant at 240 / 0 ° V , w h e n a
capacitive r e a c t a n c e of - 5 Cl is connected
across the load terminals
Figure P9.86
+ Vj_
+ 0.1 Q~ /0.8 Q +
v , 240/0° v i s a
Figure P9.83
1/6 n -pft;f;
b «
• 10:1
Section 9.12
9.84 Show by using a p h a s o r diagram what h a p p e n s t o
PSPICE the m a g n i t u d e and phase angle of the voltage v„ in
MULTISIM t h e c i r c u i t i n F i g p 9 8 4 a s R ^ j s y a r i c d f r o m z e r o t Q
Sections 9.1-9.12 9.87 You may have the opportunity as an engineering
graduate to serve as an expert witness in lawsuits involving either personal injury or property damage
A s an example of the type of problem on which you may be asked to give an opinion, consider the follow-ing event A t the end of a day of fieldwork, a farmer returns to his farmstead, checks his hog confinement building, and finds to his dismay that the hogs are
Trang 4Problems 359
dead The problem is traced to a blown fuse that
caused a 240 V fan motor to stop The loss of
ventila-tion led to the suffocaventila-tion of the livestock The
inter-rupted fuse is located in the main switch that
connects the farmstead to the electrical service
Before the insurance company settles the claim, it
wants to know if the electric circuit supplying the
farmstead functioned properly The lawyers for the
insurance company are puzzled because the farmer's
wife, who was in the house on the day of the accident
convalescing from minor surgery, was able to watch
TV during the afternoon Furthermore, when she
went to the kitchen to start preparing the evening
meal, the electric clock indicated the correct time The
lawyers have hired you to explain (1) why the electric
clock in the kitchen and the television set in the living
room continued to operate after the fuse in the main
switch blew and (2) why the second fuse in the main
switch didn't blow after the fan motor stalled After
ascertaining the loads on the three-wire
distribu-tion circuit prior to the interrupdistribu-tion of fuse A, you
are able to construct the circuit model shown in
Fig P9.87 The impedances of the line conductors
and the neutral conductor are assumed negligible
a) Calculate the branch currents It, I2, I3, I4, I5,
and I6 prior to the interruption of fuse A
b) Calculate the branch currents after the
interrup-tion of fuse A Assume the stalled fan motor
behaves as a short circuit
c) Explain why the clock and television set were
not affected by the momentary short circuit that
interrupted fuse A
d) Assume the fan motor is equipped with a
ther-mal cutout designed to interrupt the motor
cir-cuit if the motor current becomes excessive
Would you expect the thermal cutout to
oper-ate? Explain
e) Explain why fuse B is not interrupted when the
fan motor stalls
Figure P9.87
Fuse A (100 A)
Momentary '
circuit X
fuse A
-*\fi-9.88 a) Calculate the branch currents I]-I<s in the
cir-pRAcncAL cuit in Fie 9.58
b) Find the primary current Ip 9.89 Suppose the 40 ft resistance in the distribution cir-pRAcncAL cuit in Fie 9.58 is replaced bv a 20 ft resistance
a) Recalculate the branch current in the 2 (1 resistor, I2
b) Recalculate the primary current, Ip c) On the basis of your answers, is it desirable
to have the resistance of the two 120 V loads
be equal?
9.90 A residential wiring circuit is shown in Fig P9.90 In
PRACTICAL this model, the resistor Ri, is used to model a 250 V
appliance (such as an electric range), and the
resis-tors R] and R 2 are used to model 125 V appliances (such as a lamp, toaster, and iron) The branches carrying ^ and I2 are modeling what electricians refer to as the hot conductors in the circuit, and the
branch carrying \„ is modeling the neutral
conduc-tor Our purpose in analyzing the circuit is to show the importance of the neutral conductor in the sat-isfactory operation of the circuit You are to choose the method for analyzing the circuit
a) Show that l n is zero if R^ = R 2
b) Show that V! = V2 if Ri = R 2
c) Open the neutral branch and calculate Vi and V2
if R } = 40 ft, R2 = 400 ft, and R 3 = 8 ft
d) Close the neutral branch and repeat (c)
e) On the basis of your calculations, explain why the neutral conductor is never fused in such a manner that it could open while the hot conduc-tors are energized
Figure P9.90
+ •
-VAr-• + 0.02x2 /0.02 n 125/0° V V, £ /?,
• + 0.03X1 125/0° V
/0.03 (1
m m
«-— L + K,fV3
0.02 a /0.02 a
—-WV 1 - ^ 0 ^
•-9.91 a) Find the primary current Ip for (c) and (d) in P™ nw„r PRACTICAL Problem 9.90
Fuse B( 100 A)
b) Do your answers make sense in terms of known circuit behavior?
10.1 Instantaneous Power p 362
10.2 Average and Reactive Power p 363
10.3 The rms Value and Power
Calculations p 368
10.4 Complex Power p 370
10.5 Power Calculations p 371
10.6 Maximum Power Transfer p 375
^ C H A P T E R O B J E C T I V E S
1 Understand the following ac power concepts,
their relationships to one another, and how to
calculate them in a circuit:
Instantaneous power;
Average (real) power;
Reactive power;
Complex power; and
Power factor
Understand the condition for maximum real
power delivered to a load in an ac circuit and be
able to calculate the load impedance required to
deliver maximum real power to the load
Be able to calculate all forms of ac power in
ac circuits with linear transformers and in
ac circuits with ideal transformers
Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations
Power engineering has evolved into one of the important
sub-disciplines within electrical engineering The range of problems dealing with the delivery of energy to do work is considerable, from determining the power rating within which an appliance operates safely and efficiently, to designing the vast array of gen-erators, transformers, and wires that provide electric energy to household and industrial consumers
Nearly all electric energy is supplied in the form of sinusoidal voltages and currents Thus, after our Chapter 9 discussion of sinusoidal circuits, this is the logical place to consider sinusoidal steady-state power calculations We are primarily interested in the average power delivered to or supplied from a pair of termi-nals as a result of sinusoidal voltages and currents Other meas-ures, such as reactive power, complex power, and apparent power, will also be presented The concept of the rms value of a sinusoid, briefly introduced in Chapter 9, is particularly pertinent
to power calculations
We begin and end this chapter with two concepts that should
be very familiar to you from previous chapters: the basic equa-tion for power (Secequa-tion 10.1) and maximum power transfer (Section 10.6) In between, we discuss the general processes for analyzing power, which will be familiar from your studies in Chapters 1 and 4, although some additional mathematical tech-niques are required here to deal with sinusoidal, rather than dc, signals
Trang 6w -_.:
Practical Perspective
Heating Appliances
In Chapter 9 we calculated the steady-state voltages and
cur-rents in electric circuits driven by sinusoidal sources In this
chapter we consider power in such circuits The techniques we
develop are useful for analyzing many of the electrical devices
we encounter daily, because sinusoidal sources are the
pre-dominant means of providing electric power in our homes,
schools, and businesses
One common class of electrical devices is heaters, which
transform electric energy into thermal energy Examples include
electric stoves and ovens, toasters, irons, electric water
heaters, space heaters, electric clothes dryers, and hair dryers
One of the critical design concerns in a heater is power
con-sumption Power is important for two reasons: The more power
a heater uses, the more it costs to operate, and the more heat
i t can produce
Many electric heaters have different power settings corre-sponding to the amount of heat the device supplies You may wonder just how these settings result in different amounts of heat output The Practical Perspective example at the end of this chapter examines the design of a handheld hair dryer with three operating settings (see the accompanying figure) You will see how the design provides for three different power levels, which correspond to three different levels of heat output
Heater tube
Fan and motor
Hot air
Trang 710.1 Instantaneous Power
Figure 10.1 A The black box representation of a circuit
used for calculating power
We begin our investigation of sinusoidal power calculations with the
familiar circuit in Fig 10.1 Here, v and /' are steady-state sinusoidal signals
Using the passive sign convention, the power at any instant of time is
VI (10.1)
This is instantaneous power Remember that if the reference direction of the current is in the direction of the voltage rise, Eq 10.1 must be written with a minus sign Instantaneous power is measured in watts when the voltage is in volts and the current is in amperes First, we write expressions
for v and i;
v = V„, cos (cot + 0j,),
i — I„, cos {ait -I- 0,),
where 0,, is the voltage phase angle, and 0-, is the current phase angle
We are operating in the sinusoidal steady state, so we may choose any convenient reference for zero time Engineers designing systems that transfer large blocks of power have found it convenient to use a zero time corresponding to the instant the current is passing through a positive max-imum This reference system requires a shift of both the voltage and cur-rent by 0,- Thus Eqs 10.2 and 10.3 become
v = Vm cos (ait + 0,, - 0,),
i = 1,,, cos cot
(10.4) (10.5)
When we substitute Eqs 10.4 and 10.5 into Eq 10.1, the expression for the instantaneous power becomes
p = VmIm cos {cot + 0 V - 0j) cos cot (10.6)
We could use Eq 10.6 directly to find the average power; however, by sim-ply apsim-plying a couple of trigonometric identities, we can put Eq 10.6 into
a much more informative form
We begin with the trigonometric identity1
cos a cos /3 = — cos (a /3) + - c o s ( a + /3)
to expand Eq 10.6; letting a = cot + 0,, — 0, and fS = cot gives
p = — — cos (6 V - 0,) + —r— cos {loot + 0„ - 0,-) (10.7)
Now use the trigonometric identity
cos (a + /3) = cos a cos /3 — sin a sin (3
See entry 8 in Appendix F
Trang 8to expand the second term on the right-hand side of Eq 10.7, which gives
p = — — cos (6V - 6-) H — cos (0,, - 0,) cos 2(ot
Figure 10.2 depicts a representative relationship among v, i, and p,
based on the assumptions 0.,, - 60° and 6-, = 0° You can see that the
fre-quency of the instantaneous power is twice the frefre-quency of the voltage or
current This observation also follows directly from the second two terms
on the right-hand side of Eq 10.8 Therefore, the instantaneous power
goes through two complete cycles for every cycle of either the voltage or
the current Also note that the instantaneous power may be negative for a
portion of each cycle, even if the network between the terminals is passive
In a completely passive network, negative power implies that energy
stored in the inductors or capacitors is now being extracted The fact that
the instantaneous power varies with time in the sinusoidal steady-state
operation of a circuit explains why some motor-driven appliances (such as
refrigerators) experience vibration and require resilient motor mountings
to prevent excessive vibration
We are now ready to use Eq 10.8 to find the average power at the
ter-minals of the circuit represented by Fig 10.1 and, at the same time,
intro-duce the concept of reactive power
Figure 10.2 • Instantaneous power, voltage, and current versus vt for
steady-state sinusoidal operation
10.2 Average and Reactive Power
We begin by noting that Eq 10.8 has three terms, which we can rewrite as
p = P + Pcos2wt - Qs'm2a)t, (10.9)
Trang 9where
P is called the average power, and Q is called the reactive power Average
power is sometimes called real power, because it describes the power in a
circuit that is transformed from electric to nonelectric energy Although
the two terms are interchangeable, we primarily use the term average power in this text
It is easy to see why P is called the average power The average power
associated with sinusoidal signals is the average of the instantaneous power over one period, or, in equation form,
where T is the period of the sinusoidal function The limits on Eq 10.12 imply that we can initiate the integration process at any convenient time t {)
but that we must terminate the integration exactly one period later (We
could integrate over nT periods, where n is an integer, provided we multi-ply the integral by \fnT.)
We could find the average power by substituting Eq 10.9 directly into
Eq 10.12 and then performing the integration But note that the average value of/? is given by the first term on the right-hand side of Eq 10.9,
because the integral of both cos 2cot and sin 2eot over one period is zero
Thus the average power is given in Eq 10.10
We can develop a better understanding of all the terms in Eq 10.9 and the relationships among them by examining the power in circuits that are purely resistive, purely inductive, or purely capacitive
0.01 0.015 Time (s)
Figure 10.3 • Instantaneous real power and average
power for a purely resistive circuit
Power for Purely Resistive Circuits
If the circuit between the terminals is purely resistive, the voltage and
cur-rent are in phase, which means that $ v = 0, Equation 10.9 then reduces to
The instantaneous power expressed in Eq 10.13 is referred to as the
instantaneous real power Figure 10.3 shows a graph of Eq 10.13 for a
representative purely resistive circuit, assuming co = 377 rad/s By
defini-tion, the average power, P, is the average of/; over one period Thus it is
easy to see just by looking at the graph that P = 1 for this circuit Note
from Eq 10.13 that the instantaneous real power can never be negative, which is also shown in Fig 10.3 In other words, power cannot be extracted from a purely resistive network Rather, all the electric energy is dissi-pated in the form of thermal energy
Power for Purely Inductive Circuits
If the circuit between the terminals is purely inductive, the voltage and current are out of phase by precisely 90° In particular, the current lags the
voltage by 90° (that is, 6-, = $ v - 9 0 ' ) ; therefore 6,, - 6-, = +90° The
expression for the instantaneous power then reduces to
Trang 1010,2 Average and Reactive Power 365
In a purely inductive circuit, the average power is zero Therefore no
transformation of energy from electric to nonelectric form takes place
The instantaneous power at the terminals in a purely inductive circuit is
continually exchanged between the circuit and the source driving the
cir-cuit, at a frequency of 2co In other words, when p is positive, energy is
being stored in the magnetic fields associated with the inductive elements,
and when p is negative, energy is being extracted from the magnetic fields
A measure of the power associated with purely inductive circuits is
the reactive power Q.The name reactive power comes from the
character-ization of an inductor as a reactive element; its impedance is purely
reac-tive Note that average power P and reactive power Q carry the same
dimension.To distinguish between average and reactive power, we use the
units watt (W) for average power and var (volt-amp reactive, or VAR) for
reactive power Figure 10.4 plots the instantaneous power for a
represen-tative purely inductive circuit, assuming u> = 311 rad/s and Q = 1 VAR
Power for Purely Capacitive Circuits
If the circuit between the terminals is purely capacitive, the voltage and
current are precisely 90° out of phase In this case, the current leads the
voltage by 90° (that is, B t = 6V + 90°); thus, 0V - 0,- = - 9 0 ° The
expres-sion for the instantaneous power then becomes
Again, the average power is zero, so there is no transformation of energy
from electric to nonelectric form In a purely capacitive circuit, the power
is continually exchanged between the source driving the circuit and the
electric field associated with the capacitive elements Figure 10.5 plots the
instantaneous power for a representative purely capacitive circuit,
assum-ing (o = 377 rad/s and Q = - 1 VAR
Note that the decision to use the current as the reference leads to Q
being positive for inductors (that is, $ v — 0,: = 90° and negative for
capac-itors (that is, 6 V - 0, = - 9 0 ° Power engineers recognize this difference in
the algebraic sign of Q by saying that inductors demand (or absorb)
mag-netizing vars, and capacitors furnish (or deliver) magmag-netizing vars.We say
more about this convention later
Q, Q (VAR)
§ 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
| Time (s)
Figure 10.4 • Instantaneous real power, average
power, and reactive power for a purely inductive circuit
a 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s)
Figure 10.5 • Instantaneous real power and average
power for a purely capacitive circuit
The Power Factor
The angle 6 V - 0, plays a role in the computation of both average and
reactive power and is referred to as the power factor angle The cosine of
this angle is called the power factor, abbreviated pf, and the sine of this
angle is called the reactive factor, abbreviated rf Thus
rf = sin (0,, - 0/) (10.17) Knowing the value of the power factor does not tell you the value of the
power factor angle, because cos (0,, - 0() = cos (0, - 0„) To completely
describe this angle, we use the descriptive phrases lagging power factor and
leading power factor Lagging power factor implies that current lags
volt-age—hence an inductive load Leading power factor implies that current
leads voltage—hence a capacitive load Both the power factor and the
reac-tive factor are convenient quantities to use in describing electrical loads
Example 10.1 illustrates the interpretation of P and Q on the basis of
a numerical calculation