212 Chapter 4 • Managing the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role When the managed custom folder has been created, it would also make sense to apply managed content settings to the folder. This procedure is identical to applying managed content settings to a managed default folder: You select the respective managed custom folder, then click the New Managed Content Settings link in the Action pane. Managed Folder Mailbox Policies When we have created a set of Managed Default Folders and Managed Custom Folders, they would need to be linked with one or more Managed Folder Mailbox Policies, so that they the managed folders can be applied to the recipients within the organization. In the following we will go through how you create a Managed Folder Mailbox Policy. Figure 4.44 The Properties Page of a Managed Custom Folder Managing the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role • Chapter 4 213 1. Click the Managed Folder Mailbox Policies tab. 2. Click New Managed Folder Mailbox Policy in the Action pane. 3. In the New Managed Folder Mailbox Policy Wizard (see Figure 4.45), type a name for the new managed folder mailbox policy. 4. Click Add to specify the managed folders that you want to link to this policy. Figure 4.45 The New Managed Folder Mailbox Policy Wizard 214 Chapter 4 • Managing the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role 6. Click New, then click Finish (see Figure 4.47). Figure 4.46 Selecting the Managed Folder That Should Be Linked With the Policy 5. Now select the managed folders you want to link to the new managed folder mailbox policy, then click OK (Figure 4.46). Managing the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role • Chapter 4 215 When you have created a managed folder mailbox policy, you can always add and remove managed folders from it by select the respective policy under the Managed Folder Mailbox Policy tab, then clicking Properties in the Action pane. This will bring you to the screen shown in Figure 4.48. Figure 4.47 The New Managed Folder Mailbox Policy Wizard Completion Page NOTE If you want to create a new managed folder mailbox policy using the EMC, you can do so with the New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy CMDlet. For details about the necessary parameters, type Get-Help New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy. 216 Chapter 4 • Managing the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role Now we have created a couple of managed folders and linked them to a policy, but we’re not quite fi nished yet. For a managed folder to show up in a recipient mailbox, we need to do two more things. First, we need to apply the policy to a recipient mailbox. To do so, perform the following steps: 1. In the Exchange Management Console, click the Mailbox subnode under the Recipient Confi guration work center node. 2. Take Properties for the mailbox for which you want to apply the policy. Figure 4.48 The Properties Page for the Mailbox Policy . Action pane. Managed Folder Mailbox Policies When we have created a set of Managed Default Folders and Managed Custom Folders, they would need to be linked with one or more Managed Folder Mailbox. Role • Chapter 4 215 When you have created a managed folder mailbox policy, you can always add and remove managed folders from it by select the respective policy under the Managed Folder Mailbox. Managing the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role Now we have created a couple of managed folders and linked them to a policy, but we’re not quite fi nished yet. For a managed folder to show up