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Unit 15 lop 11day du

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Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 Period: Lesson 1: Reading I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - understand the space and astronauts, and know the way to talk about them II. PREPARATION : Pictures, poster, handout, books… III.PROCEDUCE: Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities 5’ 15’ 8' I/ Warm up: 1. Look at the picture and tell me what you see in picture 1 & 2. 2. What do you call a person who flies a plane/ spaceship? 3. Between them which job do you prefer? Why do you like it? Answer keys: 1. Picture 1: It's a plane Picture 2: It's a spaceship 2. A person who flies a plane is called a pilot and a person who flies a spaceship is called an astronaut. 3. I like pilot because I want to travel everywhere. I like to be an astronaut because I want to the moon/ fly in the space T introduces the new lesson II/ Before reading - Look at the picture and match them with the descriptions - T asks S to work in groups to look at the pictures and write down what are in the pictures are doing. - Sts look at the picture and write down what are in the pictures are doing. . - T Gives some questions - Sts give the answer - T lead in the lesson - T asks Ss to match the UNIT 15 SPACE CONQUEST Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 15’ 2' a. The first Vietnamese astronaut. b. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. c. The orbit and a sattellite. Keys: Picture 1: b Picture 2: c Picture 3: a Ask Ss to answer the questions 1- Who is the first human to fly into space? 2- Can you name the first human to set foot on the moon? 3- Who is the first Vietnamese fly into space? Keys:1. The first human to fly into space is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. 2. The first human to set foot on the moon are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. 3. The first Vietnamese fly into space is Pham Tuan Vocabulary: T asks Sts the meaning and explains some new words - lift off (v) - cosmonaut (n) - launch (v) - precisely (adv) - psychological (adj) - deal with - tension (n) - venture (v) - feat (n) Have Ss read the new words in chorus While-reading Task 1: Match the heading to the paragraphs: - T has Ss work in pairs to match the heading to the paragraphs Paragraph 1 A. The tragic accident Paragraph 2 B. The lift - off Paragraph 3 C. Congratulation Paragraph 4 D. A view on Earth Paragraph 5 E. Uncertainties The answer: Paragraph 1 B. The lift - off Paragraph 2 E. Uncertainties Paragraph 3 D. A view on Earth Paragraph 4 C. Congratulation pictures with the descriptions. - Ss work in pair - Ss give the answers - t corrects - T asks some questions and Ss answer. - T corrects - T pre- teach some new words Give the meaning - leave the ground and rise into the air - an astronaut from the former Soviet Union - phong - exactly - thuoc tam ly - solve a problem (doi pho, giai quyet) - cang thang - lieu, mao hiem, ca gan - ky cong -Read in chorus - T asks Ss to work in pairs to match the heading to the paragraphs - Ss read the passage individually and do task in pairs. - Ss give the answers - T corrects mistakes Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 Paragraph 5 A. The tragic accident Task 2: Answer the question: -Ask Ss to read the passage individually and do task 2 in pairs - Call on some Ss to write their on the board and the rest play parts to ask and answer the questions 1. How old was Gagarin when he became the first human being in space? 2. How long was he in space? 3. What questions were raised before Gagarin's space flight? 4. What was the speed of his spacecraft in orbit around the Earth? 5. Why couldn't Gagarin make a new spaceship? 6. What was done after Gagarin's death to honour this national hero? Keys: 1. He was 27 then 2. He was in space for 108 minutes. 3. They were: "What would happen to a human being in space or how the body would react to the extreme changes in temperature and how the mind would deal with the psychological tension?" 4. It was more than 17,000 miles per hour. 5. Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968. 6. After his death, his hometown of Gzahatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City, Russia, was given the name of this natioanal hero. - Corrects and give comments IV/ After you read Complete the summary of the reading passage by putting the words/ phrases in the box into blanks - Asks Ss to work in groups to fill in the blank. The answer: 1. cosmonaut 2. in space 3. lasted 4. success 5. gravity 6. view 7. impossible 8. named after - Correct mistakes Homework: Ask Ss to learn new words and read the reading and translate into Vietnamese - Ss work in pair - T asks Ss to read all the questions and underline the key words - T calls some pairs to practice before the class - Then Ss write their answers on the board - T checks and gives feedback - Ss closing books - T hangs poster on the board and has Ss guess the missing words - Ss work in pairs - T calls Ss and gives good mark to encourage them. - T corrects. Work in groups to fill in the blank Preparation: List sth you like to do Explain some new words and translate the dialogue into Vietnamese Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 Preparation: Speaking Period: Lesson 2: Speaking I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -Know some astronauts and talk about them -Talk about name, age and some important events of astronauts II. PREPARATION : Pictures, poster, handout, books III.PROCEDUCE: Time Contents Ts & Ss activities 5 12 I. Warm-up Matching The answer: Picture 1: He's Pham Tuan Vietnamese astronaut Picture 2. He's Yuri Gagarin Russian cosmonaut Picture 3: He's Amstrong American astronaut Picture 4: He's Buzz Aldrin - American astronaut Picture 5: He's Valentina Tereshkova - Russian cosmonaut Picture 6: He's Liwei - Chinese astronaut - Lead into the new lesson What do you know about Apollo crew? First I am going to help you know some new words. II/ Pre - speaking: Vocabulary: - launch (v):phóng, ném - spacecraft (n): tàu vũ trụ - mark (v): đánh dấu - milestone (n): mốc, bứơc ngoặc - carry out (v): thực hiện, tiến hành - artificial satellite : vệ tinh nhân tạo - T asks Ss to close the book and look at the pictures and do the task. - Ss do the task with their partner - T corrects mistakes - T introduce the lesson - T pre-teaches some new words - T asks Ss to read the UNIT 15 SPACE CONQUEST Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 17’ 10’ - set foot on the moon: ®Æt ch©n lªn mÆt tr¨ng Task 1: Read the following piece of news, then make questions and answers + When……………………….? + What……………………… ? + How old……………………? + How important…………….? + How many………………… ? A. When did China launch its first manned spacecraft into space? B. On October 15, 2003. A. What is the name of China’s first manned spacecraft? B. Its name is Shenzhou 5. A. What is the name of the astronaut? B. His name is Yang Liwei. A. How old was he when he flew into space? B. He was 38 years old. A. How important was the successful flight to China? B. The successful flight marked a milestone in China’s space project. A. How many countries in the world have been able to carry out independently manned space activities? What are they? B. There have been three. They are : Russia, The United State and China. III. While- speaking Take turns to talk about the important events in space exploration. * Setting model. + Picture 1 A. When did Russia launch its first artificial satellite? B. On October 4, 1957. A. What is the name of Russia’s first artificial satellite? B. Sputnik. A. How important was the first artificial satellite To Russia? B. The first artificial satellite marked the beginning of Space Age. + Picture 4. A. Who is the first woman to fly into space? B. That is Valentina Tereshkova, a Russian cosmonaut. A. When did she fly into space? B. On June 16, 1963. + Picture 5. A. Who are the first humans to set foot on the moon? B. They are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin American astronaut. A. When did they set foot on the moon? B. On July 20,1969. passage in silence then find out new words. - T helps Ss deal with the new words then explains how to do the task. - T can give Ss some guiding words on the board. - Ss copy down their note- book. - T asks Ss to work in groups then read aloud the answers. - Ss work in groups. - T asks others to give remarks. - T corrects their mistakes if necessary. - T asks Ss to read task 2 carefully then find out new words. - Ss read in silence. - T helps Ss deal with the new words and explains how to do the task. - T can make models with some students. - T asks Ss to work in groups. - Ss listen to the teacher then work in groups. - T goes around and offers help if necessary. - After that the teacher can ask Ss to work in pairs then read aloud the dialogues. - Ss work in pairs then read aloud the dialogues. Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 1’ IV. Post- Speaking Task 3: Talking about the important events in space exploration. Work in groups to talk about the important events in space exploration, using the given suggestions. Modal: On October, 1957 the first artificial satellite “ Sputnik”, which was made by the USSR, was luanched into space. It marked the beginning of Space Age. Answers: 2. On 3 rd November, 1957, a dog named Laika was the first living thing being in space. It was abroad Sputnik 2. 3. On 12 th April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a 27 year-old Russian cosmonaut, became the first human in space. His flight lasted 108 minutes. 4. On 16 th June, 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, a Russian cosmonaut, became the first woman in space. 5. On 20 th July, 1969, two American astronauts, Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were the first people to set foot on the moon. 6. On 23 rd July 1980, Pham Tuan became the first Vietnamese in space. Along with V. V Gorbotko, a Russian cosmonaut, he stayed 8 days in orbit. 7. On 29 th October, 1998, John Glenn, an American astronaut was the oldest human ever to fly into space at the age of 77. 8. On 15 th October 2003, Yang Liwei, 38 years old, becme the first Chinese to spend 21 hours in space. V. Homework: Write a short paragraph about the one important event in space conquest Preparation: listening Ask Ss: - Explain some new words in before listening - Find meaning of the Task 1 and 2 - T divides the class into small groups and each group talk about two events. - T has Ss study the information carefully and reminds them to use the correct verb tense as well as use passive voice when necessary. - T goes around the class to check and offer help. - T calls on some Ss to talk in front of the class. - T elicits feedback and give final comments. Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 Period: Lesson 3: Listening I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Listen to the first event that men set foot on the moon II. PREPARATION : Pictures, poster, handout, books… III.PROCEDUCE: Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities 5’ 10’ 10' I. Warm-up Matching cards with the pictures (page 172) Pictures Cards -Picture 1 Orbiting - Picture 2 The Apollo crew - Picture 3 Walking on the moon - Picture 4 The Moon landing - Picture 5 The first foot print on the Moon Introduce the new lesson Question:” From the pictures can you guess what topic we are listening today?” New lesson: LISTENING II. Pre- listening Vocabulary: - surface (drawing) T draws the surface of the road, and elicits the word “surface” - experiment (n) (question) What do scientists often do in laboratories? Expected answer: experiment - astronaut (n) ~ spaceman - challenge (n) (translation) Listen and repeat: Say STOP if you hear one of these words from the listening passage Congress challenge NASA Kennedy Mission experiment Michael Collins Apollo Reminder achievement Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin III. While-speaking Task 1: As I have said, this time you are gong to listen about the Apollo - T divides the class into 4 groups - Ss representative of each group write the answer on the board - Group which gives the correct answers quickly will be the winner - T leads to new lesson: - T pre-teaches somw new words - T has Ss open the book and look at the words carefully - T plays the recorder and Ss say STOP - T stops the recorder to check - T gives Ss handouts of T- UNIT 15 SPACE CONQUEST Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 10' 10’ crew, who first reached the moon. Listen and work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false. Remember that the tape will be played twice. 1. In a speech to the press, US President Kennedy asked the nation to put a man on the moon. 2. There were 11 astronauts on board the spacecraft to the moon. 3. The astronauts landed on the moon's surface at the same time. 4. To walk on the moon, the astronauts had to carry a suitcase with oxygen in it. 5. An American flag was placed on the moon's surface after the moon landing. Keys: 1. F (in a speech to the congress) 2. F (Three) 3. F (They landed at different time) 4. F (They had carry a suitcase with a portable life support system) 5. T Task 2: Answer the questions by circling the letter A, B, C or D 1. Which program was developed to meet president Kennedy ‘s challenge? A. NASA’s Apollo program B. ASIAN C. NATO D. VOA 2. When was the Apollo 11 launched? A. July 16, 1969 B. July 16, 1996 C. June 16, 1996 C. June 16, 1969 3. What was the portable life support system for? A. Controlling the Oxygen B. Temperature C. Temperature and pressure D. Controlling the oxygen, temperature and pressure 4. How long did the astronauts stay on the surface of the moon? A. two and a half hours B. Half an hour C. an hour D. three and a half hours. 5. What did they do while they were staying on the surface of the moon? A. Collect soils and rock samples B. Collect soil and perform experiments C. Perform the variety of experiments and collect soil D. Perform the variety of experiments, collect soil and rock samples to return the Earth 6. When did the astronauts return to the Earth? A. July 24, 1968 B. July 24, 1969 C. June 24, 1996 D. June 24, 1969 Keys: 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B IV. Post- listening Discuss the reason for the human interest in Mars and other F test - T plays the tape twice. - Ss work alone and then share their answers with their partner - T calls on some Ss to give their answers - T corrects with the whole class - T gives handouts to Ss then explains some difficult if necessary - Ss listen and choose the answer. Then share their answers with their partner - T calls Ss to answer and plays recorder again to feedback Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 planets in the solar system. Fill in the blanks with the missing words There are many reasons for human interest in Mars and other planets in the solar system. Firstly, Man likes (1)………….and wants to find out (2)………outside the World. One day, we may (3) ………people to Mars and other planets in case the Earth is overpopulated. We may also conduct (4) …………on Mars and other planets for the (5)……… of people on Earth. We may find (6)…………minerals there and have trips to other planets for tourist purposes Keys: (1) adventure (2) Possibilities of life (3) send (4) researches (5) benefits (6) precious V. Homework . Write a paragraph In your opinion, What is the reason for human interest in mars and other planets in the solar system? Keys: I think – they want to find out possibilities of life outside the earth They may find some precious things there. They have trips to another plants for tourist purposes Prepare the writing - Using handouts - Ss work in groups of four. - T explains some difficult words if necessary - T reads the passage - Ss listen and do the task - T calls some group and checks. If any group gives many correct words, T can gives good marks Tapescript In a speech to the Congress in 1961, the US President Kennedy challenged the nation to put a man in the moon before the end of the decade. After the president’s speech, NASA’s Apollo program was developed to meet the challenge. On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 was launched. The astronauts on board of the spacecraft were Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. He was followed by Aldrin 40 minutes later. TO walk on the moon surface, the astronauts need to wear a spacesuit with a portable life support system. This controlled the oxygen, temperature and pressure inside the spacesuit. Armstrong and Aldrin spent a total of two and a half hours on the moon’s surface. They performed a variety of experiments and collected soil and rock samples to return to the Earth. An American flag was left on the moon’s surface as a reminder of the achievement. The crew of Apollo 11 returned to the Earth on July 24, 1969. They successfully completed their historic mission. It is regarded as the greatest human efforts in the history of man kind. Checking: T asks Ss to complete the following sentences with the words just learnt. a. They couldn’t walk on the moon’s……….unless they wore spacesuit. b. Putting a man on the moon was a great……….at that time. c. Mr. Minh is doing his……….in the chemistry laboratory. d. He was the first……….to reach the moon Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 . in the lesson - T asks Ss to match the UNIT 15 SPACE CONQUEST Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen Vinh Trach High School - Lesson plan - grade 11 15 2' a. The first Vietnamese astronaut. b task with their partner - T corrects mistakes - T introduce the lesson - T pre-teaches some new words - T asks Ss to read the UNIT 15 SPACE CONQUEST Teacher Teacher: Dinh Tran Hoang Tuyen. about them II. PREPARATION : Pictures, poster, handout, books… III.PROCEDUCE: Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities 5’ 15 8' I/ Warm up: 1. Look at the picture and tell me what you see

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