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unit 12 anh van 8

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  • Period 1: Getting Started, Listen & Read







    • Period 2: Speak


      • II. CONTENTS




      • HOMEWORK:

  • Period 5: Write

  • Period 6: Language focus


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Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG Weeks: 7 to 8 UNIT 12: Periods: 18 to 23 Period 1: Getting Started, Listen & Read I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will: • Use a variety of invitations in spoken English such as offering, accepting and declining invitations. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS • Would you like + to-inf …? • That very kind of you, but … or Yes, I/ We’d love to. III. TECHNIQUES • Guiding questions. IV. TEACHING AIDS • Pictures (copied & enlarged from textbook), cassette tape & recorder. V. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Presentatio n Control practice Production • Shows some pictures – asks some questions: o Do you like to go abroad? o Which picture is for (the United of America)? o Why do you know it is for (the U.S.A)? … • Gets Ss to describe the pictures before class. • Explains the instruction of exercise 2 and has Ss read examples and make a small talk before class. • Shows pictures of (Mrs. Quyen & Mrs. Smith) and says Mrs. Quyen is going to America for a vacation. She’s giving Mrs. Smith a call about her tour. - Listen and read: Encourages the group of 4 to make some guesses about Mrs. Quyen’s talk on the phone. T. should give them some eliciting questions before playing cassette player again: o Who are coming to San Francisco on Monday? o What did Mrs. Quyen say when she declined Mrs. Smith’s invitation? • Explains new words: • Shows the table of information (p.113), plays cassette player again, has Ss listen and complete the table of information. - Answer the questions: T. asks Ss reread the dialogue to find the answers to the questions in exercise 2. - Functional language of invitation:  Invitation: Would you like …?  Declining invitation: That’s very kind of you, but … • Some pairs practice, using some invitations to ask their friends to go somewhere or do something. - To go to the zoo this weekend (accepting) - To watch a football match on T.V tonight (declining) • Answer. • Describe. • Listen. • Read. • Listen. • Answer. • Repeat. HOMEWORK • Do homework 5 in the work book (p.73) • Prepare lesson 2: Speak. 70 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 2: Speak I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make plans. II. CONTENTS • Grammar: time, telephone number, price. • Language functions: expressions used in talking about the weather. III. TECHNIQUES • Question – answer; information completion. IV. TEACHING AIDS • Pictures (brochures & flight information). V. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Presentation Practice Production • T. shows pictures of some countries and asks some questions: o Would you like to go abroad? o How will you go? o Where are you going to stay? o Which places would you like to visit? • Ss listen and answer the questions. • T. explains the brochures and flight information. • T. asks Ss make a plan and complete the itinerary. • T. teaches some new words. • T. gives an example: o Depart Los Angeles Flight 8:35 at 10:00 on Monday. o Arrive Boston at 4:00 o Accommodation: Atlantic Hotel o Sightseeing: Boston University, Museum & Art galleries. • T. asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. • T. asks some pairs of Ss to practice in front of class about their plans. • T. corrects the mistakes. • T. asks Ss to write down their plans. • Answer. • Listen. • Take note. • Work in pairs. • Repeat& take note. • Listen. • Perform. • Work in pairs. • Correct. HOMEWORK: • Do homework 3 in the work book (p.71). • Prepare lesson 3: Listen (p.115). 71 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 3 : Listen I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will: • Ask and answer about the weather. • Be able to asks and answer about the weather. • Developing listening skill. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS • Grammar: Expressions for talking about the weather. • Vocabulary: centigrade, degree, minus. III. TECHNIQUES • Question – Answer. • Listen and fill in the blanks. IV. TEACHING AIDS • Pictures, cassette tape and recorder. V. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Pre-listening While-listening Post-listening • T. uses a cassette recorder to talk about the weather in Vietnam. Then T. gives some questions. - What are you listening to? - What is the weather like today? - What do we know the weather for? • T. introduces the contents of the lesson by using pictures. (Well, today we will listen to the weather of other countries: Sydney, Tokyo, New York, so on …) • T. asks Ss to look at the box. • T. asks Ss to read the words loudly then has them give meaning. (degree, centigrade, minus) • T. asks Ss to guess the weather and temperature of cities in the form by giving questions. - What is the weather in Tokyo like? - What is the temperature in Tokyo? • T. asks Ss to get ready to listen to the tape and check their guessing. • Listen & answer. • Listen. • Read the text. • Work in pairs. • Answer. • Correct. HOMEWORK: o Prepare lesson 4: Read 72 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 4 : Read I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will: • Know how to write a postcard • Develop reading skill. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS • Grammar: Past progressive with “ when” and “while” • Vocabulary: (n): lava, valley, prison (v): pour, carve (adj) overhead III. TECHNIQUES • Question – Answer / Scanning. IV. TEACHING AIDS • Worksheets V. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities PRE-reading While- reading Post-reading Consolidation • T. asks questions about Ss’ vacations: - Where did you go last summer? - What did you do on vacation? - What did you see on vacation? • T. pre-teaches some key words: Ss find out the meaning. • T. introduces the new reading test and gives TASK 1. We will read about postcard from Mrs Quyen to her children. TASK 1: How many places does Mrs Quyen talk about in the text? • Silent reading. • Ss read the text and do TASK 1 (5 places) TASK 1: Read the text and complete the information Fill the chart. • Asks Ss to pick out new words. • T. explains new words. TASK 3: Ss read the text aloud then ask and answer questions in Exercise 2 before class. • Ss read then ask and answer. • Each Ss give a postcard and describe it. • T. asks Ss to describe their vacation • Ss talk the past progressive with “ when” and “while” • Representatives of groups describe before class. • Answer. • Repeat. • Listen. • Listen and guess. • Read complete the chart. • Pair work. • Read & answer. • Group work. • Take note. HOMEWORK Write some postcards. 73 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 5: Write I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, Ss will: • Be able to write a postcard. • Developing writing skills. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS • Vocabulary: hospital (n) • Grammar and structures: Use simple sentences to write a postcard. III. TECHNIQUES • Group work – Pair work – Communicative approach. • Information completion - Transferring information. IV. TEACHING AIDS • Some postcards – word cards – overhead projector – transparency sheets. V. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Pre-writing While-writing Post-writing • T. shows Ss 10 word cards and asks them to stick these 10 word cards on the board (into the right columns) • T. asks Ss to exchange the answer sheets. • Has a representative go to the board to do the task. • T. corrects • has Ss read and tell the translation of these words Lead-in: • T. shows a postcard and asks Ss: - What’s this? - Have you ever bought a postcard? - What did you do with it? Did you send it to your friend? - Did you write anything on it? • T. explains how to do exercise 1 1. Complete the postcard Mrs Quyen sent from the USA • Introduces the situation: Mrs Quyen wrote a postcard & sent it to her friend, Sally to retell about her trip in the USA. • Has Ss read the postcard carefully &find suitable words to fill in the blanks. • has Ss exchange the answer sheets. • T. asks a student to write his/ her group’s answers on the board. • T. gives the correct answers. • exercise 2 • T. asks Ss to read all the information of exercise 2. • T. explains the new word: hospitable (adj). • T. models first: invites a student to answer the questions: • T. has some pairs practice speaking before class. • T. asks Ss to use the information that they’ve just said about to write a postcard. • T. has two Ss go to the board and write their postcards. • T. gets Ss to find and correct the mistakes. • Listen to the guidance. • Work in groups and write down the answers into their answer sheets. • sticks these word cards on the board into two columns. • read and tell the words in Vietnamese. • Ss answer the questions. • Do the exercise. • Work in groups. • compare the answers • copy the correct answers • Ss read silently. • read and copy the new word in their notebooks. • Ss work in pairs HOMEWORK • Write a postcard to a friend about your trip. 74 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 6: Language focus I. OBJECTIVES To systematize and review the previous lesson, Ss will: • Use the past progressive tense to communicate real situations. • Use progressive tenses and pay attention to irregular verbs. • Give examples from real life (your own life, Ss lives etc.) II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS • Past progressive tense with “when” and “while” • Prepositions of time: in, on, at III. TECHNIQUES • Communicative approach: - Questions & answers. - Observe & find out formation - Substitution drill IV. TEACHING AIDS • Posters, pictures, textbook, exercise book, cassette recorder. V. PROCEDURES Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm – up Presentation Practice Production • t. uses a cassette recorder play some songs: unit 3: get set go; unit 4: let’s sing. • ss listen and sing together-> review present progressive to come on new grammar notes. • t. shows the situation pictures and raises some questions: - what was ba doing at 8 o’clock last night? - what was the le family doing when the mailman came? - what is bao always doing? • t. has ss look at pictures p.119-120 to find out the answers. • t. asks ss to make the sentences, use past progressive tense & progressive tenses with always – pair work. • note: past progressive: was / were + v-ing present progressive: am / is / are + v-ing • t. explains some new words relation to vacation abroad. • t. asks ss to do part 2 & 3 (p.119, 120) and correcting the exercises. • listen. • ss listen and guess the situation. • pair work & group work talking about your or your friends past activities. HOMEWORK • Learn by heart the structure. • Write part 1, 2, 3 -> notebooks. • Prepare Unit 13 – Getting started & Listen and read. 75 A VACATION ABROAD . Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG Weeks: 7 to 8 UNIT 12: Periods: 18 to 23 Period 1: Getting Started, Listen & Read I. OBJECTIVES By. work book (p.73) • Prepare lesson 2: Speak. 70 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 2: Speak I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able. (p.71). • Prepare lesson 3: Listen (p.115). 71 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson plan 8 Teacher’s name: TRAN THI NHU PHUONG UNIT 12: Period 3 : Listen I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will: • Ask

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 06:00

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