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Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P54 pdf

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concatenation character, 149-150 CONCATENATION operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 < previous page page_482 next page > < previous page page_483 next page > Page 483 conditional execution, 243-254 multilevel file structure for, 248-250 PL/SQL for, 252-254 scripting languages for, 254 simulating with REFCURSOR datatype, 245-248 simulating with WHERE clause, 244-245 SQL writing SQL, 250-252 CONNECT BY operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 CONN[ECT] command, 30-32, 442 connecting as administrator, 328-330 default database for, 418 connecting to database (see logging into database) CONSTRAINT_NAME column ALL_CONS_COLUMNS view, 187 ALL_CONSTRAINTS view, 186 constraints, table, 200 ALL_CONSTRAINTS view, 186, 200 listing, 203-207 type of, 200-203 CONSTRAINT_TYPE column (ALL_CONSTRAINTS), 186 continuation character, 400 CONTINUE parameter (WHENEVER), 469 control file, SQL*Loader, 168-171 comma-delimited data, 169 fixed-width data, 170 control files, listing, 343 CONTROL= option (SQLLDR80 command), 172 CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter, 343 COPY command, 435 checking datatypes, 417 commit frequency during, 408 COPYC[OMMIT] setting, 408 copyright information, displaying, 22, 25 COPYTYPECHECK setting, 417 COUNT operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 COU[NT] parameter (COMPUTE command), 98, 441 crash recovery, 336, 345 CRE[ATE] parameter SAVE command, 456 STORE command, 464 COPY command, 436 SAVE command, 55 CREATE TRIGGER statement, 214 CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, 156, 159-160 current data (see dates) current line (line editor), 41 Current log sequence value, 340, 350 cursor allocation, 260 customizing environment, 357-422 environment variables, 360-367 setting, 360-363 SQL*Plus-related (list), 363-367 startup scripts, 358-360 D data extracting, 155, 158-167 formatting the data, 159-163 formulating queries, 158 spooling extract to files, 163-165 SQL*Plus limitations, 157 user-friendly scripts for, 165-167 reloading extracted data, 155, 167-174 logging, 173-174 data dictionary views, 180-193, 225 data format specifications, 470-477 database administration (see administration) Database Buffers value, 338 Database log mode value, 340, 349 DATABASE parameter (RECOVER), 353, 451 database sample in this book, 9-17 data model (ERD), 10 data of, 11-13 loading, 13-17 tables, 11 databases archive/recovery information, 339, 416 backup and recovery, 340-356 committing changes automatically, 406 data dictionary views, 180-193 displaying names in command prompt, 392 initialization parameters, viewing, 338 logging into, 14, 20-23 as administrator, 326-330 CONN[ECT] command, 30-32, 442 default database for, 418 startup scripts, 357-360 troubleshooting (GUI version), 22 < previous page page_483 next page > < previous page page_484 next page > Page 484 databases (continued) operational settings, 403-410 passwords for, changing, 27, 448 querying (see queries, SQL) remote, connecting to, 20, 22, 24 SGA (System Global Area), 337, 460 starting and stopping, 330-337, 460, 462 tables of (see tables) viewing object information, 175-180, 444 DATA_DEFAULT column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DATAFILE parameter (RECOVER), 354, 451 DATA_LENGTH column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DATA_PRECISION column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DATA_SCALE column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DATA_TYPE column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DATA_TYPE_MOD column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 datatypes, 229 checking when COPYing, 417 function return values, viewing, 177 returning column information, 198 SQL*Loader, 170 DATE datatype (SQL*Loader), 170 DATE parameter (ACCEPT), 133, 266 dates current, in report headers, 106-108 formatting, 107, 474-477 prompting for with ACCEPT, 133, 266 validating, 266-267 DBA (see administration) DBA views, 181-182 DBA_COL_PRIVS_MADE view, 223 DBA_TAB_PRIVS_MADE view, 223 DB_LINK column (ALL_SYNONYMS), 192 DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package, 404-405 DBMS_JOBS SUBMIT procedure, 239 DBMS_SQL package executing DDL statements, 260 REFCURSOR variables with, 241 DBMS_STANDARD package, 273 DDL (Data Definition Language), 157 DDL files, 157, 163, 260-262 executing, 167 product user profile and, 314 DECIMAL EXTERNAL datatype, 170 declaring bind variables, 229, 467 DECODE function returning column information, 198 returning table owners/names, 198 translating case, 195, 249 DEF[AULT] clause (ACCEPT), 133, 427 default directory, changing, 63 DEFAULT_LENGTH column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DEFERRABLE column (ALL_CONSTRAINTS), 187 DEFERRED column (ALL_CONSTRAINTS), 187 DEF[INE] command, 144-146, 443 DEF[INE] setting, 150, 411 defining user variables, 144-146, 443 DEGREE clause (RECOVER), 452 DEGREE column ALL_INDEXES view, 189 ALL_TABLES view, 184 DEL command, 42, 48, 443 DELETE_RULE column (ALL_CONSTRAINTS), 186 deleting repeating values in report columns, 89 variable definitions, 131, 146 (see also suppressing) deleting lines from SQL buffer, 48 delimited files, 156, 159-160 SQL*Loader control file for, 169 DENSITY column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 DESC[RIBE] command, 30, 175-180, 444 DESCRIPTION column (ALL_TRIGGERS), 191, 214 directory, working, 62-64 disabling commands, 318-320 disabling roles, 320-321 DISC[ONNECT] command, 32, 444 display output echoing commands, 138 multiline comments, 152 examining/listing user variables, 145 feedback, 138 < previous page page_484 next page > < previous page page_485 next page > Page 485 prompt text, customizing, 135-137 suppressing all, 84, 108, 139, 393 prompting for values and, 127, 132 suppressing query output when tracing, 297 verification, 137, 394 DISTINCT_KEYS column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 DML (Data Manipulation Language), 157 DML files, 157, 162 executing, 167 DOCUMENT command (obsolete), 6, 387 DOC[UMENT] setting, 387 double at sign (@@) command, 426 double hyphen ( ) for comments, 153, 425 downloading scripts to make sample database, 14 DRIVING_SITE hint, 306 DUAL table, 107 dumb terminals, 40 DUP[LICATES] parameter (BREAK command), 89, 432 dynamic performance views, 293 dynamic SQL statements, 260-262 E EA[CH] parameter (SET RECSEP), 378 ECHO setting, 138, 387 echoing commands, 138, 387 multline comments, 152 ED[IT] command, 57-60, 445 work file name, 417 EDITF[ILE] setting, 417 elapsed time (see timers) embedded reports, 370-372 EMB[EDDED] setting, 370-372 EMPLOYEE entity (sample database), 10 EMPLOYEE table (sample database), 11 data of. 11 EMPTY_BLOCKS column (ALL_TABLES), 184 enabling commands, 320 enabling roles, 321 Enterprise Manager, 179 ENTRY parameter (SET FLAGGER), 409 environment variables, 357, 360-367 setting, 360-363 SQL*Plus-related (list). 363-367 ERD for sample database, 10 error handling, 270-276 errors, 52 ERR[ORS] parameter (SHOW), 419, 421, 455 escape character, 147-148 ESC[APE] setting, 147, 412 escaping substitution variable prefix, 412 EXCLUSIVE parameter (STARTUP), 463 EXEC[UTE] command, 39, 232, 445 EXECUTE function (DBMS_SQL), 261 executing DDL and DML commands, 167 PL/SQL blocks, 36-39 . 360-363 SQL* Plus- related (list), 363-367 startup scripts, 358-360 D data extracting, 155, 158-167 formatting the data, 159-163 formulating queries, 158 spooling extract to files, 163-165 SQL* Plus. structure for, 248-250 PL /SQL for, 252-254 scripting languages for, 254 simulating with REFCURSOR datatype, 245-248 simulating with WHERE clause, 244-245 SQL writing SQL, 250-252 CONNECT BY operation. parameter (WHENEVER), 469 control file, SQL* Loader, 168-171 comma-delimited data, 169 fixed-width data, 170 control files, listing, 343 CONTROL= option (SQLLDR80 command), 172 CONTROL_FILES initialization

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 04:20