< previous page page_480 next page > Page 480 ALL views (continued) ALL_SYNONYMS view, 192, 218 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view, 184-186, 193 ALL_TABLES view, 177, 182-184, 193 ALL_TAB_PRIVS view, 192, 222 ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view, 191, 214 ALL_TRIGGERS view, 190, 214 ALL_USERS view, 176 allocating cursors, 260 ALL_ROWS hint, 302 ALTER DATABASE command archive log mode, 346-348, 351 ALTER SESSION command, formatting dates, 107 ALTER USER command, changing password with, 27 ampersand (&) && with substitution variables, 128-132 changing for variable substitution, 151 escaping, 147-148 marking variables, 124 prompting for variable values, 124 ANALYZE_TABLE.SQL (example), 257, 259-262 AND_EQUAL hint, 303-304 AND-EQUAL operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 289 ANSI/ISO SQL92 syntax conformance checks, 409 A[PPEND] command, 42, 45, 428 APPEND hint, 307 APP[END] parameter COPY command, 436 SAVE command, 55-56, 457 STORE command, 464 APPI[NFO] setting, 404-405 application queries, testing, 242 application security (see security) ARCH process, 340 starting, 348 archive destination value, 340, 349 archive information, viewing, 339, 416 ARCHIVE LOG command, 339, 348, 428 archive log mode turning off, 351 turning on, 346-348 ARCHIVELOG parameter (ALTER DATABASE), 347 archiving databases, 345-351 ARRAY[SIZE] setting, 405 AS keyword (CONNECT command), 31, 328, 442 asterisk (*) identifying errors in SQL statements, 52 line editing keyword, 43, 48, 443, 448 at sign (@) @ command, 62, 425 @@ command, 426 ATTRIBUTE command, 112-115, 429 AUFI (Advanced User Friendly Interface), 7 authentication, 19 connecting using, 25 AUTO[COMMIT] setting, 406 AUTOEXEC.BAT file. loading with GET, 57 Automatic archival value, 340, 349 AUTOP[RINT] setting, 386 autorecovery, 354, 416 AUTORECOVERY setting, 354, 416 AUTOT[RACE] setting, 292-297, 415 AVG parameter (COMPUTE command), 98, 440 AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 AVG_ROW_LEN column (ALL_TABLES), 184 AVG_SPACE column (ALL_TABLES), 184 AVG_SPACE_FREELIST_BLOCKS column (ALL_TABLES), 184 B. BACKED_UP column (ALL_TABLES), 183 backing up databases, 340-345 cold backups, 341-343 hot backups, 343-345 RMAN (Recovery Manager), 355 backslash (\) as escape character, 147-148 BAD column (ALL_CONSTRAINTS), 187 BIN directory, 63 bind variables, 228-243 declaring, 229, 467 displaying contents of, 233-238 how to use, 238-243 printing contents automatically, 386 substitution variables with, 230-233 BITMAP operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 289 < previous page page_480 next page > < previous page page_481 next page > Page 481 blank lines in reports, 73, 379 blank lines in SQL statements, 398 BLD_DB.SQL script file, 15 BLEVEL column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 BLOCKS column (ALL_TABLES), 183 blocks, PL/SQL, 36 executing, 36-39 execution error handling, 271-274, 468 output from execution, 37, 390 syntax for, 38 terminators for, 396 timing execution (see timers) BLO[CKTERMINATOR] setting, 396 BOLD parameter BTITLE command, 78, 433 REPHEADER, REPFOOTER commands, 109, 453, 455 BTITLE command, 75, 466 BOTH parameter (SET SHOWMODE), 392 branching, 243-254 multilevel file structure for, 248-250 PL/SQL for, 252-254 scripting languages for, 254 simulating with REFCURSOR datatype, 245-248 simulating with WHERE clause, 244-245 SQL writing SQL, 250-252 BRE[AK] command, 86, 88-89, 431 grand totals in reports, 102 BRE[AKS] parameter (CLEAR), 435 BTI[TLE] command, 76-79, 432 adding date to footers, 108 BTI[TLE] parameter (SHOW), 419, 459 buffer, output, 37 BUFF[ER] parameter (CLEAR), 42, 435 BUF[FER] setting, 396 buffer, SQL, 35, 40, 397 adding statements to, 43 editing with text editor, 57-60, 445 executing statements in, 51-54 line editing, 40-51 adding text to lines, 45 deleting lines, 48 inserting lines, 49-51 search-and-replace, 46-47 viewing buffer contents, 43-45 saving and retrieving, 54-57 BUFFER_POOL column ALL_INDEXES view, 190 ALL_TABLES view, 184 buffers allowing operating system output buffers, 409 switching, 396 C C (CHANGE) command, 42, 46-47, 434 CACHE column (ALL_TABLES), 184 CACHE hint, 307 case (capitalization) conversions, 195, 249 converting for server transmission, 399 displaying in output, 380 CE[NTER] parameter BTITLE command, 77, 433 REPHEADER. REPFOOTER commands, 109, 453, 455 TITTLE command, 75, 466 CHAIN_CNT column (ALL_TABLES), 184 C[HANGE] command, 42, 46-47, 434 CHAR datatype, 170, 229, 467 CHAR parameter (ACCEPT command), 133 character sets shift-insensitive, 380 specifying, 365 character strings (see strings) CHARACTER_SET_NAME column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 186 CHECK constrains, 201 checking syntax conformance, 409 CHOOSE hint, 302 CL[EAR] command, 42, 99, 283, 435 CLE[AR] parameter ATTRIBUTE command, 114, 430 COLUMN command, 69, 438 CLOB datatype, 230, 468 printing, 235-236 CLOSE_CURSOR procedure (DMBS_SQL), 261 CLOSECUR[SOR] setting, 407 CLUSTER hint, 303 CLUSTERING_FACTOR column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 CLUSTER_NAME column (ALL_TABLES), 183 < previous page page_481 next page > < previous page page_482 next page > Page 482 CMDS[EP] setting, 397 COL clause BTITLE command, 77, 433 REPHEADER, REPFOOTER commands, 109, 453, 455 TTITLE command, 74, 465 cold database backups, 341-343 COLSEP setting, 161, 369 COL[UMN] command, 68-73, 437 fixed-width data, creating, 160 format specifications with, 470, 473 formatting PRINT command output, 234 user variables, 93 COLUMN_ID column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 COLUMN_LENGTH column (ALL_IND_COLUMNS), 190 COLUMN_LIST column (ALL_TRIGGER_COLS), 192 COLUMN_NAME column ALL_COL_PRIVS view, 193 ALL_CONS_COLUMNS view, 187 ALL_IND_COLUMNS view, 190 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view, 185 ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view, 192 COLUMN_POSITION column (ALL_IND_COLUMNS), 190 column separator (fixed-width files), 161, 369 COLUMN_USAGE column (ALL_TRIGGER_COLS). 192 columns in fixed-width datafiles, 156, 160-162 SQL*Loader control for, 170 columns in reports formatting, 68-73 headings for, 71, 372 line break characters, 372 underline characters, 383 object types for, 111-115 suppressing duplicate values, 89 columns, index ALL_IND_COLUMNS view, 190, 207 improving performance, 299 COL[UMNS] parameter (CLEAR), 435 columns, table ALL_CONS_COLUMNS view, 187, 200 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS, 193 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view, 184-186 listing definitions, 30, 195-200 referenced in triggers, 191, 214 update privileges to, 193, 222 width for number display, 376 comma-delimited files, 156, 159-160 SQL*Loader control file for, 169 command filename extension, default, 403 command prompt, customizing, 392-393 line numbers in, 400 multiline statements, 400 command-line options, 24-26 command-line version of SQL*Plus, 18 starting, 23-24 commands, SQL (see SQL) commands, SQL*Plus basic (list), 26-33 disabling, 318-320 echoing to display, 138 suppressing, 138, 387 errors in, inability to detect, 271 executing single PL/SQL commands, 39, 445 generating files of, 257-259 help on, 28 input settings, 395-403 line editing, 42-51 multiple on one line, 397 operational settings, 403-410 reference pages, 423-469 SQL buffer, 35, 40, 397 SQL to generate, 163, 250-252, 257-259 commands, Unix, 143 comment delimiters (/**/), 152, 424 commenting scrips, 151-154 commit frequency during COPY, 408 COMMIT parameter EXIT command, 446 QUIT command, 450 WHENEVER command, 469 COMMIT statement, disabling feedback from, 138 COM[PATIBILITY] setting, 407 COMP[UTE] command, 97-102, 440 CLEAR COMPUTES command with, 99 COMP[UTES] parameter (CLEAR), 99, 435 CON[CAT] setting, 149, 410 . statements, 400 command-line options, 24-26 command-line version of SQL* Plus, 18 starting, 23-24 commands, SQL (see SQL) commands, SQL* Plus basic (list), 26-33 disabling, 318-320 echoing to display,. structure for, 248-250 PL /SQL for, 252-254 scripting languages for, 254 simulating with REFCURSOR datatype, 245-248 simulating with WHERE clause, 244-245 SQL writing SQL, 250-252 BRE[AK] command,. in reports, 73, 379 blank lines in SQL statements, 398 BLD_DB .SQL script file, 15 BLEVEL column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 BLOCKS column (ALL_TABLES), 183 blocks, PL /SQL, 36 executing, 36-39 execution