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Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 31 doc

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jQuery and WordPress Reference Guide [ 286 ] Now the fun part: Pick any template page in your theme and use the broughtby shortcode by simply adding in: [broughtby] Wherever you paste that [broughtby] shortcode in your theme's template les, the This page is brought to you by the letter Z text, with a link to the letter's page, will appear! Bonus: You are not restricted to using this shortcode in just your template les! Paste it directly into a post or page through the Administration panel, you'll get the same result. And, you guessed it, the output from shortcodes are easily leveraged and enhanced by jQuery! If you have an enhancement that might take a bit more HTML markup than the WYSIWYG editor in WordPress can handle, and the site's content editor is overwhelmed by switching over to the HTML view, creating a solution with a shortcode may be just what you need! For example, it would be much easier for your client to add a set of square brackets with some parameters than mark up a denition list, which the basic WYSIWYG editor doesn't allow for. This would turn: <dl> <dt><a href='#'>Event Name and Location</a></dt> <dl>Event description</dl> </dl> Into a simpler: [event title="Event Name and Location" description="Event description" url="#"] Appendix [ 287 ] In addition to helping out WordPress content editors with markup, shortcodes are a wonderful way to shortcut your time if you're a busy WordPress content author. Even if you're not creating your own theme from scratch, you can easily add your own shortcodes to any theme's functions.php le and ramp up your productivity. Those of you more comfortable with PHP can take a look at WordPress' Shortcode API and see how to extend and make your shortcodes even more powerful by adding parameters to them: http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API. Summary Hopefully after taking a run through this appendix, you've dog-eared it and trust that you'll be back anytime you have a quick question about usage or syntax with the top jQuery and WordPress issues most WordPress developers have regarding jQuery. We also took a quick turn through the "underbelly" of WordPress' core functions and shortcodes which hopefully open you up to the endless possibilities of creating useful enhancements for WordPress sites. I hope you've enjoyed this book and found it useful in aiding your WordPress sites with jQuery creations and enhancements. Index Symbols :eq() selector 192 .ajax() function, using .load function, using 230-232 about 227-229 loaded content, transforming 232 shortcuts 230 .animate() function 158 .css() function 158, 219 .delay() function 163 .each() function 174 .entry class 55 .getJSON function about 237 using, with Twitter 238 .greenStats class 174 .post class 56 .postIcons class 55 .replace() function 174 .sticky class 186 .submit() function 245 .text() function 174 A action hook location 109 using 108 add_shortcode() function 285 addClass function 66 addCSS function 113 after() function 68 AJAX about 11, 225, 226 assessing 227 combining, with jQuery 226, 227 AJAX functionality, jQuery .ajax() function, using 227, 228 starting with 227 alert() function 71 animation functions .animate() 273 .fadeIn() 273 .fadeOut() 273 .fadeTo() 273 .slideDown() 273 .slideToggle() 273 .slideUp() 273 .stop() 79, 273 example 79, 80 API's with JSON support bitly 244 delicious 244 goodreads 244 LibraryThing 244 Netix 244 YouTube 244 append() function 68 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. See AJAX attribute lters [attribute!=value] 63 [attribute$=value] 63 [attribute*=value] 63 [attribute=value] 63 [attribute] 63 [attribute^=value] 63 about 63, 64 [ 290 ] B basic lters :animated 56 :eq(number) 56 :even 56 :rst 56 :gt(number) 56 :header 56 :header lters 54 :last 56 :lt(number) 56 :not() lter 54 :not(selector) 56 :odd 56 before() function 68 bind() function 75 border property 158 built-in comment form ajaxizing 244-249 C cforms II about 127 settings up 128 child lters :rst-child 57 :last-child 57 :nth-child(number/even/odd) 57 :only-child 57 child lters, examples :rst-child 269 :last-child 269 :nth-child() 269 :only-child 269 class .greenStats 174 .post 56 .postIcons 55 class attribute 49 class attribute manipulation functions .addClass() 66 .css() 66 .hasClass 66, 67 .removeClass() 66 .toggleClass 66 Coda for Mac URL 14 Code/HTML editor about 14 les, loading with FTP 15 free open source editors 15 line numbers, viewing 14 non-printing characters, viewing 14 syntax colors, viewing 14 text wrapping 14 code arsenal about 251 accessing 252 editors 252 making it available 252 complete parameter 165 conditional tags in_category() 283 is_admin() 283 is_category() 283 is_home() 282, 283 is_page() 283 is_single() 283 is_sticky() 283 conditional tags, WordPress theme about 99 is_home() 99 content lters :contains(text) 59 :empty 59 :has(selector) 59 :parent 59 about 58-60 content lters, examples :contains(text) 268 :empty 268 :has(selector) 268 :parent 268 css() function 65 CSS, manipulating about 65, 66 attributes, attributes 67, 68 CSS pseudo classes :rst-child 54 :hover 54 [ 291 ] custom menu option, WordPress 3.0 register page, creating 130, 131 theme, customizing 134 working with 132, 133 custom plugin creating 120 D default theme main loop, changing 102-105 main loop, editing 101 sidebar, changing 105, 106 sidebar, editing 101 Document Object Model. See DOM DOM 16, 20 DOM, working with .each(functionName) 71 .nd(selector) 71 .get(number-optional) 71 .length or size() 71 DOM functions .after 271 .append 271 .appendTo 271 .before 271 .html 272 .insertAfter 271 .insertBefore 271 .prepend 271 .prependTo 271 .text 272 .wrap 272 .wrapAll 272 .wrapInner 272 Dreamweaver URL 14 E effect enhancement, jQuery UI used color animation 205 effects, easing 204 effects animate function, working with 79 fading in 78 fading out 78 hiding 77 showing 77 sliding in 78 sliding out 78 effects, jQuery UI plugin add class 196 color animation 196 hide 196 remove class 196 show 196 switch class 196 toggle class 196 error function 246 events .bind() 75 .click() 73 .dbclick() 73 .hover() 73 .keydown() 7 4 .keyup() 74 .mouseenter() 73 .mouseleave() 73 .toggle 73 .unbind() 75 bind 72 event.data 76 event.pageX, .pageY 76 event.result 76 event.target 76 event.timeStamp 76 event.type 76 unbind 72 working with 73 events, jQuery .click 272 .dbclick 272 .hover 272 F fadeIn() function 78 fadeOut() function 78 fadeTo() function 78 lter hook location 109 using 108 [ 292 ] Firebug about 17 features 18 Firefox extensions, Firebug 16, 17 extensions, Web Developer Toolbar 16 need for 16 Flickr using, with getJSON 242, 243 form lters :button 61 :checkbox 61 :le 61 :image 61 :input 61 :password 61 :radio 61 :reset 61 :submit 61 :text 61 about 60 form lters, examples :button 270 :checkbox 269 :le 270 :image 270 :input 269 :password 269 :radio 269 :reset 270 :submit 269 :text 269 form validation blank input validation 149-151 client-side validation 148 e-mail address, validating 151-153 server-side validation 148 wrapping up 154, 155 functions.php le 40 G GET call 145 getJSON using, with Flickr 242, 243 Google's CDN jQuery, including into theme 42 jQuery, registering into theme 42 jQuery UI plugin, including from 201 using 42 versioning system 42 Google Code's Code Distribution Network. See Google's CDN H href attribute 218 HTML-kit URL 14 HTML tag names 49 I id attribute 49 implicit iteration 22 instertAfter() function 68 instertBefore() function 68 interactions, jQuery UI plugin draggable 195 droppable 195 resizable 195 selectable 195 sortable 195 iPaste 252 isPreventDefault() function 76 isValidEmailAddress function 152 J JavaScript about 10 comparing, with jQuery 22 history 21 JavaScript Object Notation. See JSON jQuery about 8, 19, 23 activities 19 AJAX functionality, starting with 227-229 classes, working with 270, 271 combining, with WordPress 35, 36 comparing, with JavaScript 22 denitions, downloading 28 deriving, form JavaScript 20 DOM's object, passing to jQuery object 25 [ 293 ] downloading from 26, 27 events 272 getting started 25 including, into WordPress 39 including, into WordPress plugin 44 library, including 29, 30 secret weapon 47 statement chaining 80 Visual Studio, using 28 wrapper 23, 24 jQuery, including into WordPress bundled functions 40 Google's CDN, using 42 jQuery registering, problems 41 registering, in WP theme 40 steps 39, 40 WordPress'bundled jQuery, versus own jQuery 43 jQuery, loading in noConict mode $ variable, avoiding 44 own jQuery variable, setting 44 jQuery, plugging into WordPress site jQuery plugins 89, 90 ways 85, 86 WordPress plugins 88, 89 WordPress theme 86, 87 jQuery, secret weapon + selector 51 ~ selector 52 attribute lters 62 basic lters 54 child lters 57 content lters 58 css() function 49 CSS, manipulating 65 DOM, working with 71 effects 72 events 72 lters, using 47 form lters 60 selections, ltering 53 selectors, using 48-51 visibility 64, 65 jQuery animation .animate() function 158 .css() function, using 158 .delay() function, using 163 advanced easing 161 basics 157 border property 158 color, adding 159 completing 166 CSS properties 158 easing control, using 161 functions, chaining 162 linear easing 161 queue, jumping 164, 165 swing easing 161 timing, handling 162 jQuery plugin basics 115 child div plugin 116, 117 jQuery plugin, adding to WordPress plugin 118, 119 overview 115 setting, plugin construct 115 jQuery reference for WordPress 265 jQuery reference, for WordPress animation functions 273 DOM, traversing 271 events 272 noConict mode syntax 266 selector lters 266 jQuery script launching 45 jQuery syntax, checking colons 255 parenthesis, closing 255 semicolons 255 jQuery tips and tricks for WordPress 253 for optimal jQuery enhancements 261 jQuery tips and tricks, for optimal jQuery enhancements about 261 PHP syntax, checking 263 plain HTML WordPress site, starting with 262 use wp_enqueue_script, using 261 validating 262 wp_register_script, using 261 [ 294 ] jQuery tips and tricks, for WordPress Firebug's HTML view, using 257 Firebug, using 255 Firefox, using 255 Google CDN, using 254 great selectors, writing tips 258, 259 jQuery, interacting with DOM 256, 257 jQuery syntax, checking 255 latest version, using 253 multiple quotes, mismatching 255 No Conict mode, staying in 254 Script API usage, conrming 254 selection lters 259 single quotes, mismatching 255 specic elements, adding to jQ script 260 specic elements, adding to plugin 260 Web Developer's Toolkit, using 256 WordPress editors workow, controlling 259, 260 jQuery UI effects, enhancing 203 jQuery UI plugin about 194 bundled version, in WordPress 196, 197 CSS styles, including 202, 203 effects 196 features, including in WordPress site 200 including, from Google CDN 201 incluing, from WordPress'bundle 200 interactions 195 own custom theme download, loading up 202 requirements, choosing 197, 198 requirements, picking 197, 198 themes, selecting 199 widgets 194 JSON .getJSON, using with Twitter 238 about 237 structure 237 using, with jQuery 238 L LibraryThing API's with JSON support, services 244 Loop functions <?php endif; ?> 284 <?php endwhile; ?> 284 <?php if(have_posts()) : ?> 284 <?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> 284 loopStickies function 189 M Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. See MAMP MAMP hosting provider, choosing 34 using 33 manipulation functions .after(string) 69 .apendTo(selector) 68 .append(html & text) 68 .before(HTML & text) 69 .clone(selector) 70 .empty(selector) 70 .html(HTML & text) 69 .insertAfter(selector) 69 .insertBefore(selector) 69 .prepend(html & text) 68 .prependTo(selector) 69 .remove(selector) 70 .text 69 .wrap(html or functionName) 69 .wrapAll(HTML) 69 .wrapInner(selector) 69 N noConict mode syntax 266 O OAuth 239 P PHP syntax 12 PHP syntax, checking concatenations 263 PHP shorthand, using 263 [ 295 ] semicolons, checking 263 steps 263 posts ajaxifying 233-236 prepend() function 68 preventDefault()function 76, 219 Q que parameter 164 R removeAttr() function 218 Rich Interface Application. See RIA RIA 177, 226 rotating sticky posts creating 182-190 loop indicator, adding 190-192 S sandbox 9 seamless event registration about 124 cforms II hack 145, 146 client needs 124 ColorBox plugin, including 142 custom jQuery script, writing 143, 144 form, setting up 129, 130 goal 129 page creation, WordPress 3.0's custom menu option used 130, 131 requirements 125 setting up, cforms II used 127, 128 seamless event registration, requirements cforms II 126 ColorBox 125, 126 ThickBox plugin 126 WordPress plugins, installing 127 selector lters, examples :animated 267 :eq(number) 267 :even 267 :rst 267 :gt(number) 267 :header 267 :last 267 :lt(number) 267 :not(selector) 267 :odd 267 selector lters, WordPress child lters 268, 269 child lter, syntax 268 content lters 268 content lter, syntax 268 form lters 26 9, 270 form lter, syntax 269 selection lter, syntax 266 selector lter 267 selector structure, syntax comma 49 no space 49 space 49 setInterval function 189 shortcodes, WordPress basic shortcode, creating 285, 286 setting up 284 snazzy navigation creating 177-182 statement chaining 22, 80 success function 246 T template hierarchy, WordPress 404.php 274 archiv.php 274 author.php 275 category.php 274 date.php 275 home.php 274 page.php 274 search.php 274 single.php 274 tag.php 275 template tags, WordPress theme bloginfo() 98 the_author_meta() 98 the_category() 98 the_content() 98 the_title() 98 wp_title() 98 . classes :rst-child 54 :hover 54 [ 291 ] custom menu option, WordPress 3. 0 register page, creating 1 30 , 131 theme, customizing 134 working with 132 , 133 custom plugin creating 1 20 D default theme main. version, in WordPress 196, 197 CSS styles, including 202 , 2 03 effects 196 features, including in WordPress site 200 including, from Google CDN 201 incluing, from WordPress& apos;bundle 200 interactions. WordPress bundled functions 40 Google's CDN, using 42 jQuery registering, problems 41 registering, in WP theme 40 steps 39 , 40 WordPress& apos;bundled jQuery, versus own jQuery 43 jQuery, loading in

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 22:20


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