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161 Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework Solutions in this chapter: ■ The Principles of Automating Searches ■ Applications of Data Mining ■ Collecting Search Terms Chapter 5 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 161 Introduction There are various reasons for hacking. When most of us hear hacker we think about com- puter and network security, but lawyers, salesmen, and policemen are also hackers at heart. It’s really a state of mind and a way of thinking rather than a physical attribute. Why do people hack? There are a couple of motivators, but one specific reason is to be able to know things that the ordinary man on the street doesn’t. From this flow many of the other motiva- tors. Knowledge is power—there’s a rush to seeing what others are doing without them knowing it. Understanding that the thirst for knowledge is central to hacking, consider Google, a massively distributed super computer, with access to all known information and with a deceivingly simple user interface, just waiting to answer any query within seconds. It is almost as if Google was made for hackers. The first edition of this book brought to light many techniques that a hacker (or pene- tration tester) might use to obtain information that would help him or her in conventional security assessments (e.g., finding networks, domains, e-mail addresses, and so on). During such a conventional security test (or pen test) the aim is almost always to breach security measures and get access to information that is restricted. However, this information can be reached simply by assembling related pieces of information together to form a bigger pic- ture.This, of course, is not true for all information.The chances that I will find your super secret double encrypted document on Google is extremely slim, but you can bet that the way to get to it will eventually involve a lot of information gathering from public sources like Google. If you are reading this book you are probably already interested in information mining, getting the most from search engines by using them in interesting ways. In this chapter I hope to show interesting and clever ways to do just that. The Principles of Automating Searches Computers help automate tedious tasks. Clever automation can accomplish what a thousand disparate people working simultaneously cannot. But it’s impossible to automate something that cannot be done manually. If you want to write a program to perform something, you need to have done the entire process by hand, and have that process work every time. It makes little sense to automate a flawed process. Once the manual process is ironed out, an algorithm is used to translate that process into a computer program. Let’s look at an example. A user is interested in finding out which Web sites contain the e-mail address andrew@syngress.com. As a start, the user opens Google and types the e-mail address in the input box.The results are shown in Figure 5.1. 162 Chapter 5 • Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 162 Figure 5.1 A Simple Search for an E-mail Address The user sees that there are three different sites with that e-mail address listed: g.bookpool.com, www.networksecurityarchive.org, and book.google.com. In the back of his or her mind is the feeling that these are not the only sites where the e-mail address appears, and remembers that he or she has seen places where e-mail addresses are listed as andrew at syn- gress dot com. When the user puts this search into Google, he or she gets different results, as shown in Figure 5.2. Clearly the lack of quotes around the query gave incorrect results.The user adds the quotes and gets the results shown in Figure 5.3. Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework • Chapter 5 163 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 163 Figure 5.2 Expanding the search Figure 5.3 Expansion with Quotes 164 Chapter 5 • Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 164 By formulating the query differently, the user now has a new result: taosecurity.blogspot.com.The manipulation of the search query worked, and the user has found another site reference. If we break this process down into logical parts, we see that there are actually many dif- ferent steps that were followed.Almost all searches follow these steps: ■ Define an original search term ■ Expand the search term ■ Get data from the data source ■ Parse the data ■ Post-process the data into information Let’s look at these in more detail. The Original Search Term The goal of the previous example was to find Web pages that reference a specific e-mail address.This seems rather straightforward, but clearly defining a goal is probably the most difficult part of any search. Brilliant searching won’t help attain an unclear goal. When automating a search, the same principles apply as when doing a manual search: garbage in, garbage out. Tools & Traps… Garbage in, garbage out Computers are bad at “thinking” and good at “number crunching.” Don’t try to make a computer think for you, because you will be bitterly disappointed with the results. The principle of garbage in, garbage out simply states that if you enter bad informa- tion into a computer from the start, you will only get garbage (or bad information) out. Inexperienced search engine users often wrestle with this basic principle. In some cases, goals may need to be broken down.This is especially true of broad goals, like trying to find e-mail addresses of people that work in cheese factories in the Netherlands. In this case, at least one sub-goal exists—you’ll need to define the cheese fac- tories first. Be sure your goals are clearly defined, then work your way to a set of core search terms. In some cases, you’ll need to play around with the results of a single query in order to work your way towards a decent starting search term. I have often seen results Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework • Chapter 5 165 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 165 of a query and thought,“Wow, I never thought that my query would return these results. If I shape the query a little differently each time with automation, I can get loads of inter- esting information.” In the end the only real limit to what you can get from search engines is your own imagination, and experimentation is the best way to discover what types of queries work well. Expanding Search Terms In our example, the user quickly figured out that they could get more results by changing the original query into a set of slightly different queries. Expanding search terms is fairly natural for humans, and the real power of search automation lies in thinking about that human process and translating it into some form of algorithm. By programmatically changing the standard form of a search into many different searches, we save ourselves from manual repetition, and more importantly, from having to remember all of the expansion tricks. Let’s take a look at a few of these expansion techniques. E-mail Addresses Many sites try obscure e-mail addresses in order to fool data mining programs.This is done for a good reason: the majority of the data mining programs troll sites to collect e-mail addresses for spammers. If you want a sure fire way to receive a lot of spam, post to a mailing list that does not obscure your e-mail address. While it’s a good thing that sites automatically obscure the e-mail address, it also makes our lives as Web searchers difficult. Luckily, there are ways to beat this; however, these techniques are also not unknown to spammers. When searching for an e-mail address we can use the following expansions.The e-mail address andrew@syngress.com could be expanded as follows: ■ andrew at syngress.com ■ andrew at syngress dot com ■ andrew@syngress dot com ■ andrew_at_syngress.com ■ andrew_at_syngress dot com ■ andrew_at_syngress_dot_com ■ andrew@syngress.remove.com ■ andrew@_removethis_syngress.com Note that the “@” sign can be written in many forms (e.g., – (at), _at_ or -at-).The same goes for the dot (“.”).You can also see that many people add “remove” or “removethis” 166 Chapter 5 • Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 166 in an e-mail address.At the end it becomes an 80/20 thing—you will find 80 percent of addresses when implementing the top 20 percent of these expansions. At this stage you might feel that you’ll never find every instance of the address (and you may be right). But there is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Google ignores certain char- acters in a search. A search for andrew@syngress.com and “andrew syngress com” returns the same results.The @ sign and the dot are simply ignored. So when expanding search terms, don’t include both, because you are simply wasting a search. Tools & Traps… Verifying an e-mail address Here’s a quick hack to verify if an e-mail address exists. While this might not work on all mail servers, it works on the majority of them – including Gmail. Have a look: ■ Step 1 – Find the mail server: $ host -t mx gmail.com gmail.com mail is handled by 5 gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com. gmail.com mail is handled by 10 alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com. gmail.com mail is handled by 10 alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com. gmail.com mail is handled by 50 gsmtp163.google.com. gmail.com mail is handled by 50 gsmtp183.google.com. ■ Step 2 – Pick one and Telnet to port 25 $ telnet gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25 Trying Connected to gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com. Escape character is '^]'. 220 mx.google.com ESMTP d26si15626330nfh ■ Step 3: Mimic the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): HELO test 250 mx.google.com at your service MAIL FROM: <test@test.com> 250 2.1.0 OK ■ Step 4a: Positive test: RCPT TO: <roelof.temmingh@gmail.com> 250 2.1.5 OK Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework • Chapter 5 167 Continued 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 167 ■ Step 4b: Negative test: RCPT TO: <kosie.kramer@gmail.com> 550 5.1.1 No such user d26si15626330nfh ■ Step 5: Say goodbye: quit 221 2.0.0 mx.google.com closing connection d26si15626330nfh By inspecting the responses from the mail server we have now verified that roelof.temmingh@gmail.com exists, while kosie.kramer@gmail.com does not. In the same way, we can verify the existence of other e-mail addresses. NOTE On Windows platforms you will need to use the nslookup command to find the e-mail servers for a domain. You can do this as follows: nslookup -qtype=mx gmail.com Telephone Numbers While e-mail addresses have a set format, telephone numbers are a different kettle of fish. It appears that there is no standard way of writing down a phone number. Let’s assume you have a number that is in South Africa and the number itself is 012 555 1234.The number can appear on the Internet in many different forms: ■ 012 555 1234 (local) ■ 012 5551234 (local) ■ 012555124 (local) ■ +27 12 555 1234 (with the country code) ■ +27 12 5551234 (with the country code) ■ +27 (0)12 555 1234 (with the country code) ■ 0027 (0)12 555 1234 (with the country code) One way of catching all of the results would be to look for the most significant part of the number,“555 1234” and “5551234.” However, this has a drawback as you might find that the same number exists in a totally different country, giving you a false positive. An interesting way to look for results that contain telephone numbers within a certain range is by using Google’s numrange operator.A shortcut for this is to specify the start 168 Chapter 5 • Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 168 number, then “ ” followed by the end number. Let’s see how this works in real life. Imagine I want to see what results I can find on the area code +1 252 793.You can use the numrange operator to specify the query as shown in Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4 Searching for Telephone Number Ranges We can clearly see that the results all contain numbers located in the specified range in North Carolina. We will see how this ability to restrict results to a certain area is very useful later in this chapter. People One of the best ways to find information about someone is to Google them. If you haven’t Googled for yourself, you are the odd one out.There are many ways to search for a person and most of them are straightforward. If you don’t get results straight away don’t worry, there are numerous options. Assuming you are looking for Andrew Williams you might search for: ■ “Andrew Williams” ■ “Williams Andrew” ■ “A Williams” ■ “Andrew W” ■ Andrew Williams ■ Williams Andrew Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework • Chapter 5 169 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 169 Note that the last two searches do not have quotes around them.This is to find phrases like “Andrew is part of the Williams family”. With a name like Andrew Williams you can be sure to get a lot of false positives as there are probably many people named Andrew Williams on the Internet. As such, you need to add as many additional search terms to your search as possible. For example, you may try something like “Andrew Williams” Syngress publishing security. Another tip to reduce false posi- tives is to restrict the site to a particular country. If Andrew stayed in England, adding the site:uk operator would help limit the results. But keep in mind that your searches are then limited to sites in the UK. If Andrew is indeed from the UK but posts on sites that end in any other top level domains (TLD), this search won’t return hits from those sites. Getting Lots of Results In some cases you’d be interested in getting a lot of results, not just specific results. For instance, you want to find all Web sites or e-mail addresses within a certain TLD. Here you want to combine your searches with keywords that do two things: get past the 1,000 result restriction and increase your yield per search. As an example, consider finding Web sites in the ****.gov domain, as shown in Figure 5.5. Figure 5.5 Searching for a Domain You will get a maximum of 1,000 sites from the query, because it is most likely that you will get more than one result from a single site. In other words, if 500 pages are located on one server and 500 pages are located on another server you will only get two site results. 170 Chapter 5 • Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework 452_Google_2e_05.qxd 10/5/07 12:46 PM Page 170 . host -t mx gmail.com gmail.com mail is handled by 5 gmail-smtp-in.l .google. com. gmail.com mail is handled by 10 alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l .google. com. gmail.com mail is handled by 10 alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l .google. com. gmail.com. written in many forms (e.g., – (at), _at_ or -at-).The same goes for the dot (“.”).You can also see that many people add “remove” or “removethis” 166 Chapter 5 • Google s Part in an Information Collection. information that is restricted. However, this information can be reached simply by assembling related pieces of information together to form a bigger pic- ture.This, of course, is not true for

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