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SECONDARY SCHOOL TEST ONE PERIOD GRADE:9……… TIME:60’ NAME:………………………………………………………. I.PHONETICS .(1m) * Choose the word that has a different pronunciation or stress from the others of each group: * Pronunciation : 1. A. grandma B. disaster C. match D. damage 2. A. weather B. meat C. between D. beat 3. A. volume B. thunder C. result D. number * stress : 4. A. disaster B. nature C. thunderstorm D. tropical 5. A. sunny B. highland C. typhoon D. flashlight II. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR (3ms) * Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences : 1.A(n)______ is a very heavy fall of snow, usually with a strong wind. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 2. A(n) ______ is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 3. A(n) ______ is a mountain with a large opening at the top of through which gases and lava are forced out into the air, or have been in the past. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 4. A(n) ______ is a violent tropical storm with very strong wind. A. snowstorm B. typhoon C. volcano D. earthquake 5. Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15 th of the eighth month. A.lunar B. sun C. solar D. moon 6. Passover is ________ in Israel and by all Jewish people. A. celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrating D. celebration 7. It is a time _________ families to clean and decorate their homes. A. for B. to C. by D. in 8.A ______ is a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. A. tidal wave B. tornado C. famine D. flood 9. A ______ is a very large ocean wave that is caused by a storm or an earthquake, and that destroys things when it reaches the land. A. tidal wave B. tornado C. famine D. flood 10. The report ______ that prices will rise by 3% next month. A. tells B. speaks C. talks D. forecasts 11. The old man ______you wanted to see was away on holiday yesterday. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 12. Miss Lien, ______ sings very well, is my English teacher. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 13. Everything ______ he said was true. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that Marks 14/ Where is the cheese ______ was in the fridge? A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 15/ We’d like to travel to a city ______ there is a lot of sightseeing. ( 1) A. whose B. when C. where D. why A. who B. whom C. whose D. which III. READING (2ms) - Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage: Christmas is a family (1)_________ and many of the customs center on children. When they go to bed on Christmas (2)_, children hang up a pillow case or a sack for their presents. (3)__________ , it should be a stocking, but a stocking wouldn’t hold enough to (4) _________ today’s kids. While the children are (5) ______, so the custom goes, Father Christmas or Santa Claus, comes (but (6) _____________ to children who have been good). He travels (7) ___ the North Pole in a sleigh which is (8) _______ by reindeer. After landing on the roof, Santa Claus climbs down the (9) _______________________and puts (10) ____________ in the sacks that the children have left out. 1/ A. tradition B. nation C. internation D. celebration (2) 2/ A. Eve B. evening C. morning D. afternoon (1) 3A. Actually B. Traditionally C. Fortunately D. Usually (3) 4/ A. become B. celebrate C. satisfy D. enjoy (3) 5/ A. sleep B. asleep C. sleeping D. slept (1) 6/ A only B. so C. both D. also (2) 7/ A. to B. for C.from D. in (1) 8/ A. pull B. to pull C. pulling D. pulled (1) 9/ A. tree B. chimney C. roof D. reindeer (1) 10/ A. presents B. food C. drinks D. decoration (1) EXERCISE .IV : Write where, when, or why to complete these sentences.(1m) 1/ We visited the school ___________ my father taught. 2/ I met her last month, ___________ she came to our house. 3/ We all looked at the place ___________ the fire had started. 4/ Did they tell you the reason ___________ they were late? 5/ The cat sat on the wall ___________ it had a good view of the birds. IV.Join each pair of sentences using relative pronouns (2ms) 1.She is a woman. She telephoned the police. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Pompeii was completely destroyed in A.D .79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii is an ancient city of Italy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… V. WRITING (1m) . Choose the A, B,C or D to complete the sentences : 1. What was the name of the horse _________________________ ? A. it won the race. B. which won the race. C. who won the race. D. whom won the race. 2. Is that the reason why I should come ______________________? A. on times. B. at time. C. in times. D. on time. 3. The man _________________________ , is the secretary. A. which you have just spoken B. whose you have just spoken C. to whom you have just spoken D. to who you have just spoken 4. It is the village where you ______________________, isn’t it ? A. used to living B. used to live C. use to live D. use living 5. The police have caught the man ________________________ A. who stole my motorbike. B. whose stole my motorbike. C. whom stole my motorbike. D. which stole my motorbike. Date:April 7th,2010 Period :61 TEST CORRECTION I. Aim Help ss identify the mistakes ,review the knowledge so that ss can master and use them correctly. II. Answer key Key I.1b,2d,3c,4d,5a II.1a,2b,3c,4b,5d,6b,7a,8a,9d,10b,11a,12d,13d,14c,15c III.1b,2d,3a,4a,5b,6d,7d,8c,9b,10b IV.1She is a woman who telephened the police. 2.That’s awoman whom I was telling about. 3 Pompeii which is an ancient city of Italy was completely destroyed in A.D .79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. V.1b,2a,3d,4c,5a. III. Remarks about ss' answers 1. Statistics: 9A1: 9A2: 9A3: 2. Advantages - Ss understand the requests - The content of the test is suitable for ss' level - The time is logical 3. Disadvantages - Some ss don't learn the vocabulary and the structures so they can't do the test well. IV. Consolidation T's and Ss' activities Content V. Homework Learn the structures again Prepare • Comments Key I.1b,2d,3c,4d,5a II.1a,2b,3c,4b,5d,6b,7a,8a,9d,10b,11a,12d,13d,14c,15c III.1b,2d,3a,4a,5b,6d,7d,8c,9b,10b IV.1She is a woman who telephened the police. 2.That’s awoman whom I was telling about. 3 Pompeii which is an ancient city of Italy was completely destroyed in A.D .79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. V.1b,2a,3d,4c,5a.

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 17:00

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