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Vous pouvez obtenir de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement à hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez prétendre à aucune indemnisation pour les autres dommages, y compris les dommages spéciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de bénéfices. Cette limitation concerne: • tout ce qui est relié au le contenu sous licence , aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code) figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers ; et • les réclamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilité stricte, de négligence ou d’une autre faute dans la limite autorisée par la loi en vigueur. Elle s’applique également, même si Microsoft connaissait ou devrait connaître l’éventualité d’un tel dommage. Si votre pays n’autorise pas l’exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilité pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l’exclusion ci-dessus ne s’appliquera pas à votre égard. EFFET JURIDIQUE. Le présent contrat décrit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir d’autres droits prévus par les lois de votre pays. Le présent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous confèrent les lois de votre pays si celles-ci ne le permettent pas. Thank you for taking our training! We’ve worked together with our Microsoft Certified Partners for Learning Solutions and our Microsoft IT Academies to bring you a world-class learning experience—whether you’re a professional looking to advance your skills or a student preparing for a career in IT. n Microsoft Certified Trainers and Instructors—Your instructor is a technical and instructional expert who meets ongoing certification requirements. And, if instructors are delivering training at one of our Certified Partners for Learning Solutions, they are also evaluated throughout the year by students and by Microsoft. n Certification Exam Benefits—After training, consider taking a Microsoft Certification exam. Microsoft Certifications validate your skills on Microsoft technologies and can help differentiate you when finding a job or boosting your career. In fact, independent research by IDC concluded that 75% of managers believe certifications are important to team performance 1 . Ask your instructor about Microsoft Certification exam promotions and discounts that may be available to you. n Customer Satisfaction Guarantee—Our Certified Partners for Learning Solutions offer a satisfaction guarantee and we hold them accountable for it. At the end of class, please complete an evaluation of today’s experience. We value your feedback! We wish you a great learning experience and ongoing success in your career! Sincerely, Microsoft Learning www.microsoft.com/learning 1 IDC, Value of Certification: Team Certification and Organizational Performance, November 2006 Welcome! MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED iv Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Acknowledgement Microsoft Learning would like to acknowledge and thank the following for their contribution towards developing this title. Their effort at various stages in the development has ensured that you have a good classroom experience. John Devaney – Content Developer John is a Principle Technologist at CM Group and has worked in IT training and content development for over 15 years. He has worked with collaboration platforms and WCM since the mid-nineties and first worked on SharePoint with SharePoint Portal Server 2003. He was part of the team who developed the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 curriculum. In addition to content development, John works as a consultant on a SharePoint and educational development across a range of industries and technologies. James Hamilton-Adams – Content Developer James has been a trainer and consultant on Microsoft technologies for nearly 10 years, and is an associate technologist with CM Group. James specializes in Microsoft Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, and Project Server, for which he holds both MCTS and MCITP certifications. James has been working with SharePoint since the first release in 2001, and regularly works with organizations to assist with SharePoint integration into collaborative business processes. Rose Malcolm – Content Developer Rose is a Senior Technologist with CM Group and has been a trainer and writer on Microsoft technologies for nearly 12 years. She has written technical documentation, including security guides, whitepapers and e-Learning courseware, along with several ILT courses for Microsoft Learning. Rose recently co-authored the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 Hands-On Labs for the SharePoint Product Group. Steve Ryan – Content Developer Steve is a Senior Technologist with CM Group. He is an MCITP Server Administrator and a MCTS in Office SharePoint Server 2007, Active Directory, Network Infrastructure, and Applications Infrastructure configuration. He has authored several ILT courses for Microsoft Learning. He has also written technical documentation, including security guides, whitepapers and e-Learning courseware. He has authored the 'Administrator Accounts Security Planning', and 'Services and Service Accounts Security Planning' guides for Microsoft. He co-authored the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 Hands-On Labs for the SharePoint MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure v Product Group and also authored the 50213A - Implementing Data Protection Manager 2007 ILT and e-Learning courses. Scott Jamison - Subject Matter Expert Scott Jamison (Microsoft Certified Master) is managing partner at Jornata LLC, a Boston-based SharePoint consulting firm. He has over 20 years experience designing and developing solutions using Microsoft technologies. Scott has designed courseware for the SharePoint 2007 and 2010 Master Certifications and is the author of several books, including Essential SharePoint 2007 and Essential SharePoint 2010 Donal Conlon - Subject Matter Expert Donal Conlon is a principal consultant at Jornata LLC, a Boston-based SharePoint consulting firm. He has over 15 years experience designing and developing solutions using Microsoft technologies. Donal has been working with SharePoint for over 8 years and is a contributing author of Essential SharePoint 2010. Peter Serzo – Technical Reviewer Peter (MCP, MCPD, MCTS) has been consulting in technology for over 20 years. Peter started his career working for Ross Perot's EDS programming in COBOL for EDI and Electronic Commerce systems. He is currently a SharePoint Architect consultant for Trillium Teamologies Inc. in Royal Oak, MI. His strength is in understanding a myriad of business processes and melding them with a proper SharePoint solution. With a major in English and a strong background in mainframes to PCs, he brings a unique perspective to infrastructure and processes that cannot be taught. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED vi Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Contents Module 1: Designing a Logical Architecture Lesson 1: Identifying Business Requirements 1-4 Lesson 2: Overview of SharePoint 2010 Logical Architecture 1-22 Lesson 3: Documenting Your SharePoint 2010 Environment 1-31 Lesson 4: Documenting the Logical Architecture 1-37 Lab: Designing a Logical Architecture 1-46 Module 2: Planning a Service Application Architecture Lesson 1: Introduction to the Service Application Architecture in SharePoint 2010 2-4 Lesson 2: Service Application Architecture and Components 2-18 Lesson 3: Topologies for Service Applications 2-31 Lesson 4: Mapping Service Applications to Your Logical Architecture 2-43 Lab: Planning a Service Application Architecture 2-50 Module 3: Planning for Performance and Capacity Lesson 1: Principles of Performance Planning 3-3 Lesson 2: Designing for Performance 3-17 Lesson 3: Principles of Capacity Planning 3-41 Lesson 4: Designing for Capacity 3-52 Lab: Planning for Performance and Capacity 3-65 Module 4: Designing a Physical Architecture Lesson 1: Designing Physical Components for SharePoint Deployments 4-4 Lesson 2: Designing Supporting Components for SharePoint Deployments 4-20 Lesson 3: Topologies for Model Design 4-27 Lesson 4: Mapping a Logical Architecture Design to a Physical Architecture Design 4-37 Lab: Designing a Physical Architecture 4-47 MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure vii Module 5: Designing a Security Plan Lesson 1: Designing Security for SharePoint 2010 5-3 Lesson 2: Planning for Service Accounts 5-8 Lesson 3: Planning for User and Group Security 5-18 Lesson 4: Planning for SSL 5-32 Lab: Designing a Security Plan 5-36 Module 6: Planning Authentication Lesson 1: Overview of Authentication 6-3 Lesson 2: Introduction to Claims-Based Authentication 6-16 Lesson 3: Selecting Authentication Methods 6-25 Lab: Planning Authentication 6-36 Module 7: Planning Managed Metadata Lesson 1: Metadata in SharePoint 2010 7-4 Lesson 2: Overview of Content Types 7-16 Lesson 3: Mapping Managed Metadata to Business Requirements 7-26 Lab: Planning Managed Metadata 7-36 Module 8: Planning Social Computing Lesson 1: Overview of Social Computing 8-3 Lesson 2: Planning for Social Computing Functionality in SharePoint 2010 8-14 Lesson 3: Planning for the User Profile Service 8-37 Lab: Planning Social Computing 8-54 Module 9: Designing an Enterprise Search Strategy Lesson 1: Overview of SharePoint 2010 Search Architecture 9-4 Lesson 2: Search Topologies in SharePoint 2010 9-19 Lesson 3: Capacity and Performance Planning for Search 9-28 Lesson 4: Mapping Business Requirements to Search Design 9-40 Lab: Designing an Enterprise Search Strategy 9-51 MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED viii Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Module 10: Planning Enterprise Content Management Lesson 1: Overview of Enterprise Content Management 10-4 Lesson 2: Planning Processes for Content Management 10-14 Lesson 3: Planning Features and Policies for Content Management 10-26 Lesson 4: Planning Web Content Management 10-46 Lab: Planning Enterprise Content Management 10-59 Module 11: Planning a SharePoint 2010 Implementation of a Business Intelligence Strategy Lesson 1: Overview of Business Intelligence Principles 11-4 Lesson 2: Planning Data Access Using BCS 11-14 Lesson 3: Planning SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence Solutions 11-26 Lesson 4: Planning for Reporting and Presentation 11-44 Lab: Planning a SharePoint 2010 Implementation of a Business Intelligence Strategy 11-51 Module 12: Developing a Plan for Governance Lesson 1: Overview of Governance 12-4 Lesson 2: Key Elements of a Governance Plan 12-13 Lesson 3: Planning for Governance in SharePoint Server 2010 12-27 Lesson 4: Governance Implementation Features and Policies in SharePoint Server 2010 12-38 Lab: Developing a Plan for Governance 12-51 Module 13: Designing a Maintenance and Monitoring Plan Lesson 1: Principles of Maintenance and Monitoring 13-3 Lesson 2: Creating a Maintenance Plan for SharePoint 2010 13-11 Lesson 3: Creating a Monitoring Plan for SharePoint 2010 13-23 Lesson 4: Considerations for the Maintenance and Monitoring of Associated Technologies 13-35 Lab: Designing a Maintenance and Monitoring Plan 13-46 MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure ix Module 14: Planning Business Continuity Lesson 1: Overview of Business Continuity Management 14-4 Lesson 2: Developing a Business Continuity Plan for SharePoint Server 2010 14-15 Lesson 3: Creating a Backup and Restore Plan for SharePoint Server 2010 14-34 Lab: Planning Business Continuity 14-47 Module 15: Planning for Upgrading to SharePoint 2010 Lesson 1: Identifying Upgrade Scenarios 15-4 Lesson 2: Planning Your Upgrade 15-23 Lesson 3: Upgrade Considerations 15-42 Lab: Planning for Upgrading to SharePoint 2010 15-57 Appendix: Lab Answer Keys Module 1 Lab: Designing a Logical Architecture L1-1 Module 2 Lab: Planning a Service Application Architecture L2-1 Module 3 Lab: Planning for Performance and Capacity L3-1 Module 4 Lab: Designing a Physical Architecture L4-1 Module 5 Lab: Designing a Security Plan L5-1 Module 6 Lab: Planning Authentication L6-1 Module 7 Lab: Planning Managed Metadata L7-1 Module 8 Lab: Planning Social Computing L8-1 Module 9 Lab: Designing an Enterprise Search Strategy L9-1 Module 10 Lab: Planning Enterprise Content Management L10-1 Module 11 Lab: Planning a SharePoint 2010 Implementation of a Business Intelligence Strategy L11-1 Module 12 Lab: Developing a Plan for Governance L12-1 Module 13 Lab: Designing a Maintenance and Monitoring Plan L13-1 Module 14 Lab: Planning Business Continuity L14-1 Module 15 Lab: Planning for Upgrading to SharePoint 2010 L15-1 MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED . Server 2 010 12 -27 Lesson 4: Governance Implementation Features and Policies in SharePoint Server 2 010 12 -38 Lab: Developing a Plan for Governance 12 - 51 Module 13 : Designing a Maintenance and. Plan Lesson 1: Principles of Maintenance and Monitoring 13 -3 Lesson 2: Creating a Maintenance Plan for SharePoint 2 010 13 -11 Lesson 3: Creating a Monitoring Plan for SharePoint 2 010 13 -23 . Implementation of a Business Intelligence Strategy L 11- 1 Module 12 Lab: Developing a Plan for Governance L 12 -1 Module 13 Lab: Designing a Maintenance and Monitoring Plan L13 -1 Module 14 Lab: Planning