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Hacker Professional Ebook part 158 pptx

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A message of arbitrary size can always be partitioned into some number of whole blocks, with possibly some space remaining in the final block. Since partial blocks cannot be ciphered, some random padding can be introduced to fill out the last block, and this naturally expands the ciphertext. In this case it may also be necessary to introduce some sort of structure which will indicate the number of valid bytes in the last block. Block Partitioning without Expansion Proposals for using a block cipher supposedly without data expansion may involve creating a tiny stream cipher for the last block. One scheme is to re- encipher the ciphertext of the preceding block, and use the result as the confusion sequence. Of course, the cipher designer still needs to address the situation of files which are so short that they have no preceding block. Because the one-block version is in fact a stream cipher, we must be very careful to never re-use a confusion sequence. But when we only have one block, there is no prior block to change as a result of the data. In this case, ciphering several very short files could expose those files quickly. Furthermore, it is dangerous to encipher a CRC value in such a block, because exclusive-OR enciphering is transparent to the field of mod 2 polynomials in which the CRC operates. Doing this could allow an Opponent to adjust the message CRC in a known way, thus avoiding authentication exposure. Another proposal for eliminating data expansion consists of ciphering blocks until the last short block, then re-positioning the ciphering window to end at the last of the data, thus re-ciphering part of the prior block. This is a form of chaining and establishes a sequentiality requirement which requires that the last block be deciphered before the next-to-the-last block. Or we can make enciphering inconvenient and deciphering easy, but one way will be a problem. And this approach cannot handle very short messages: its minimum size is one block. Yet any general-purpose ciphering routine will encounter short messages. Even worse, if we have a short message, we still need to somehow indicate the correct length of the message, and this must expand the message, as we saw before. Thus, overall, this seems a somewhat dubious technique. On the other hand, it does show a way to chain blocks for authentication in a large-block cipher: We start out by enciphering the data in the first block. Then we position the next ciphering to start inside the ciphertext of the previous block. Of course this would mean that we would have to decipher the message in reverse order, but it would also propagate any ciphertext changes through the end of the message. So if we add an authentication field at the end of the message (a keyed value known on both ends), and that value is recovered upon deciphering (this will be the first block deciphered) we can authenticate the whole message. But we still need to handle the last block padding problem and possibly also the short message problem. Block Size and Plaintext Randomization Ciphering raw plaintext data can be dangerous when the cipher has a small block size. Language plaintext has a strong, biased distribution of symbols and ciphering raw plaintext would effectively reduce the number of possible plaintexts blocks. Worse, some plaintexts would be vastly more probable than others, and if some known plaintext were available, the most-frequent blocks might already be known. In this way, small blocks can be vulnerable to classic codebook attacks which build up the ciphertext equivalents for many of the plaintext phrases. This sort of attack confronts a particular block size, and for these attacks Triple-DES is no stronger than simple DES, because they both have the same block size. The usual way of avoiding these problems is to randomize the plaintext block with an operating mode such as CBC. This can ensure that the plaintext data which is actually ciphered is evenly distributed across all possible block values. However, this also requires an IV which thus expands the ciphertext. Another approach is to apply data compression to the plaintext before enciphering. If this is to be used instead of plaintext randomization, the designer must be very careful that the data compression does not contain regular features which could be exploited by The Opponents. An alternate approach is to use blocks of sufficient size for them to be expected to have a substantial amount of uniqueness or "entropy." If we expect plaintext to have about one bit of entropy per byte of text, we might want a block size of at least 64 bytes before we stop worrying about an uneven distribution of plaintext blocks. This is now a practical block size. Boolean TRUE or FALSE; one bit of information. Boolean Function A function which produces a Boolean result. The individual output bits of an S-box can each be considered to be separate Boolean functions. Boolean Function Nonlinearity The number of bits which must change in the truth table of a Boolean function to reach the closest affine Boolean function. This is the Hamming distance from the closest "linear" function. Typically computed by using a fast Walsh-Hadamard transform on the Boolean-valued truth table of the function. This produces the unexpected distance to every possible affine Boolean function (of the given length). Scanning those results for the maximum value implies the minimum distance to some particular affine sequence. Especially useful in S-box analysis, where the nonlinearity for the table is often taken to be the minimum of the nonlinearity values computed for each output bit. Also see the Active Boolean Function Nonlinearity Measurement in JavaScript page of the Ciphers By Ritter / JavaScript computation pages. Boolean Logic The logic which applies to variables which have only two possible values. Also the digital hardware devices which realize such logic, and are used to implement a electronic digital computers. Boolean Mapping A mapping of some number n Boolean variables into some number m Boolean results. For example, an S-box. Break The result of a successful cryptanalytic attack. To destroy the advantage of a cipher in hiding information. A cipher is "broken" when the information in a message can be extracted without the key, or when the key itself can be recovered. The strength of a cipher can be considered to be the minimum effort required for a break, by any possible attack. A break is particularly significant when the work involved need not be repeated on every message. The use of the term "break" can be misleading when an impractical amount of work is required to achieve the break. This case might be better described a "theoretical" or "certificational" weakness. Block Size The amount of data in a block. For example, the size of the DES block is 64 bits or 8 bytes or 8 octets. Brute Force Attack A form of attack in which each possibility is tried until success is obtained. Typically, a ciphertext is deciphered under different keys until plaintext is recognized. On average, this may take about half as many decipherings as there are keys. Recognizing plaintext may or may not be easy. Even when the key length of a cipher is sufficient to prevent brute force attack, that key will be far too small to produce every possible plaintext from a given ciphertext (see perfect secrecy). Combined with the fact that language is redundant, this means that very few of the decipherings will be words in proper form. Of course, if the plaintext is not language, but is instead computer code, compressed text, or even ciphertext from another cipher, recognizing a correct deciphering can be difficult. Brute force is the obvious way to attack a cipher, and the way any cipher can be attacked, so ciphers are designed to have a large enough keyspace to make this much too expensive to use in practice. Normally, the design strength of a cipher is based on the cost of a brute-force attack. Bug Technical slang for "error in design or implementation." An unexpected system flaw. Debugging is a normal part of system development and interactive system design. Byte A collection of eight bits. Also called an "octet." A byte can represent 256 different values or symbols. The common 7-bit ASCII codes used to represent characters in computer use are generally stored in a byte; that is, one byte per character. Capacitor A basic electronic component which acts as a reservoir for electrical power in the form of voltage. A capacitor thus acts to "even out" the voltage across its terminals, and to "conduct" voltage changes from one terminal to the other. A capacitor "blocks" DC and conducts AC in proportion to frequency. Capacitance is measured in Farads: A current of 1 Amp into a capacitance of 1 Farad produces a voltage change of 1 Volt per Second across the capacitor. Typically, two conductive "plates" or metal foils separated by a thin insulator, such as air, paper, or ceramic. An electron charge on one plate attracts the opposite charge on the other plate, thus "storing" charge. A capacitor can be used to collect a small current over long time, and then release a high current for a short time, as used in a camera strobe or "flash." Also see inductor and resistor. CBC CBC or Cipher Block Chaining is an operating mode for block ciphers. CBC mode is essentially a crude meta-stream cipher which streams block transformations. In CBC mode the ciphertext value of the preceding block is exclusive-OR combined with the plaintext value for the current block. This has the effect of distributing the combined block values evenly among all possible block values, and so prevents codebook attacks. On the other hand, ciphering the first block generally requires an IV or initial value to start the process. The IV necessarily expands the ciphertext, which may or may not be a problem. And the IV must be dynamically random-like so that statistics cannot be developed on the first block of each message sent under the same key. In CBC mode, each random-like confusing value is the ciphertext from each previous block. Clearly this ciphertext is exposed to The Opponent, so there would seem to be little benefit associated with hiding the IV, which is just the first of these values. But if The Opponent knows the first sent plaintext, and can intercept and change the message IV, The Opponent can manipulate the first block of received plaintext. Because the IV does not represent a message enciphering, manipulating this value does not also change any previous block. Accordingly, the IV may be sent enciphered or may be specifically authenticated in some way. Alternately, the complete body of the plaintext message may be authenticated, often by a CRC. The CRC remainder should be block ciphered, perhaps as part of the plaintext. . A message of arbitrary size can always be partitioned into some number of whole blocks, with possibly some space remaining in the final block. Since partial blocks cannot be ciphered, some random. can be vulnerable to classic codebook attacks which build up the ciphertext equivalents for many of the plaintext phrases. This sort of attack confronts a particular block size, and for these. block, then re-positioning the ciphering window to end at the last of the data, thus re-ciphering part of the prior block. This is a form of chaining and establishes a sequentiality requirement

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 11:20