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Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1532 Part X Business Intelligence TABLE 73-1 Visual Studio 2008 Report Items Report Item Description Textbox Adds report content that is not located within a table or matrix. The textbox can contain static text or an expression or can be bound to a data field. Line, Rectangle Adds visual separation and formatting to a report. Rectangles can also be used to group other items, enabling them to be treated as a group for placement and/or visibility. They also enable multiple controls to be placed where, by default, you can only place a textbox. Image Places an image in the report. The image source can be Embedded, Project, Database, or the Web. Table Renders the dataset in a Tablix with a fixed set of columns. The item contains many options to control how the data is grouped, sorted, exported, and presented. A report can contain multiple tables, providing the capability to include data from multiple datasets and data sources in a single report. Begin with a Table instead of a Matrix if the data will be presented primarily as fixed columns. Matrix Renders a dataset as a crosstab. For example, the Matrix report item could show total sales by region as row headers, and periods as column headers, enabling the column headers to change over time based on the underlying dataset. Multiple column, row, and detail criteria can be added to the Matrix report item. Begin with a Matrix instead of a Table when the data will be presented primarily with variable column headers. List The list is bound to a dataset. The content of a list is repeated for each row in the dataset or for each grouped row if group criteria are specified. The body of the list represents the template for the report items to be displayed. The report author places items within the template, free-form, without the spatial constraints of a table. Chart This item includes a wide variety of charts and provides extensive control over the chart type and formatting. Gauge Similar to charts, gauges come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. But unlike charts, which show many data points, gauges display a single data point. For example, a gauge might be used to display actual sales vs. a planned sales goal. Subreport Use this item to render another report within the current report, usually displaying some details not available from the dataset driving the current report. 1532 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1533 Authoring Reports with Reporting Services 73 The Report Authoring Process The report authoring process includes creating a new Reporting Services project using SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, defining a data source for the report, adding a report to the project, creating a dataset to retrieve the report data, and formatting the report content. This section describes the primary tasks required to create a report and provides an example to illustrate the process. Creating a Reporting Services project Business Intelligence Development Studio, a version of Visual Studio 2008 shipped with SQL Server, contains the tools required to author and deploy Reporting Services reports. Alternately, developers with a license for Visual Studio can open a reporting project within that environment. Follow these steps to create a new Reporting Services project: 1. Run the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). 2. Select File ➪ New ➪ Project to open the New Project dialog. Alternately, you can click the Create Project link in the Recent Projects section of the Start Page tab to open the New Project dialog. By default, the Start Page tab is displayed when opening BIDS. 3. Select the Business Intelligence Projects project type in the Project Types pane on the left side. 4. Select the Report Server Project template in the Templates pane on the right side. 5. Name the project. 6. Specify the location of the project. To create a folder to contain the Solution file with a sub- folder containing the report project, c heck the option to Create Directory for Solution. The value provided for the Solution Name field specifies the name of the solution folder, while the value provided for the Name field specifies the name of the report project. To create the solution and project under a single folder, uncheck the option Create Directory for Solution. 7. Select OK to create the new Reporting Services project. An alternative to the Report Server Project is the Report Server Project Wizard, which invokes the Report Wizard to guide the creation of an initial report in addition to creating a project. Creating a report Two methods are available to create a report: using the r eport wizard and adding a blank report. The following steps describe the tasks required to create a report, regardless of the method: 1. Add a report to the report project by selecting Project ➪ Add New Item. Select the Report Wizard template to have the wizard help you create a report, or select the Report template to create a blank report. 2. Create a (or select an existing) data source. 3. Create one or more report datasets. 4. Design the report layout. 5. Add and configure Report Parameters. 6. Use the Preview tab on the Report Designer to preview the report. 1533 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1534 Part X Business Intelligence Using the Report Wizard to create reports The Report Wizard is a good way to build a simple report quickly. The Report Wizard will walk you through selecting (or creating) the data source, designing the report query, choosing the report type, adding data fields to the report, choosing the report style, and naming the report. This takes as little as 60 seconds, and when completed you have a report that’s ready to run. If you could satisfy all of your report requirements using the wizard, that would be wonderful. However, this is typically just a starting point. After creating a report using the wizard, the Report Designer can be used to customize the report. Authoring a report from scratch Starting with a blank report requires manual completion of all six steps outlined above, but it allows for more flexibility. The following example demonstrates how to build a simple product list report using the AdventureWorks2008 sample database. Creating a shared data source Figure 73-2 shows the Shared Data Source Properties dialog configured for the AdventureWorks2008 database. FIGURE 73-2 Creating a shared data source 1534 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1535 Authoring Reports with Reporting Services 73 Best Practice W hile it is possible to create report data sources without referring to a shared data source, it is generally best to avoid this practice. When reports are deployed to different environments, or systems undergo a configuration change, it is much easier to adjust a handful of shared data sources than every deployed report. A report-specific data source can be converted to a shared data source by right-clicking it in the Report Data pane and choosing ‘‘Convert to Shared Data Source.’’ Follow these steps to create a new shared data source: 1. With the Solution Explorer displaying the reporting project, right-click on the Shared Data Sources folder and choose Add New Data Source. The Shared Data Source Properties dialog will appear. 2. Name the Data Source ‘‘AdventureWorks’’. 3. Select Microsoft SQL Server from the Type drop-down list. 4. Enter the connection string to the AdventureWorks2008 database. You can click the Edit button to build the connection string. 5. Switch to the Credentials tab and choose an appropriate login method for the data source. 6. Click OK to add the new data source to the project. Adding a blank report Follow these steps to create a blank report: 1. With the Solution Explorer displaying a reporting project, right-click on the Reports folder and choose Add ➪ New Item. 2. From the Add New Item dialog, select the Report template. 3. Name the r eport ‘‘Project List’’. 4. Click Add. The new empty report is added to your project and opened in the Report Designer. The Report Designer window contains two tabs: Design a nd Preview. Supporting panes (usually located to the left of the design surface) are the Toolbox that contains items to be placed on the design surface and the Report Data pane, which shows the sources of data available to build up the report, as well as parameters and images. Creating a dataset Follow these steps to create a dataset to return product information: 1. Define a data source that refers to the shared data source created earlier. In the Report Data pane, choose New ➪ Data Source. In the Data Source Properties dialog, name the Data Source ‘‘AdventureWorks’’, select the ‘‘Use shared Data Source reference’’ option, and choose the AdventureWorks shared data source from the drop-down. 1535 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1536 Part X Business Intelligence 2. Right-click on the AdventureWorks data source in the Report Data pane and choose Add Dataset. The Dataset Properties dialog will appear (see Figure 73-3). FIGURE 73-3 Use the Data Properties dialog to define the query that will populate the dataset. 3. Name the dataset ‘‘Products’’. 4. Select the AdventureWorks data source. 5. Enter the following SQL (this SQL statement returns the product information, including the Category and Subcategory names and IDs from the AdventureWorks2008 database): SELECT P.ProductID, P.[Name], P.ProductNumber, P.MakeFlag, P.Color, P.[Size], P.ListPrice, P.StandardCost, P.ProductSubcategoryID, SubCat.[Name] AS Subcategory, SubCat.ProductCategoryID, Cat.[Name] AS Category FROM Production.Product P INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory SubCat ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = SubCat.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory Cat ON SubCat.ProductCategoryID = Cat.ProductCategoryID 6. Press the Refresh Fields button to verify the SQL, or press the Query Designer button to pre- view the data. Once the Dataset Properties dialog has been dismissed using the OK button, the new dataset and associated fields will appear under the data source in the Report Data pane. 1536 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1537 Authoring Reports with Reporting Services 73 Displaying data in the report The results can be displayed in the report using e ither the list, table, or matrix report items. Working with these items is covered in more depth later in this chapter. To display the results of the dataset, fol- low these steps to add a table to the body of the report, bind it to the dataset, and add data fields to the table: 1. Select the Design tab on the Report Designer. 2. Add a table to the body of the report by dragging a table report item from the Toolbox and dropping it on the report body. 3. Add fields from the dataset by dragging fields from the Report Data pane and dropping them in the details row of the table. Previewing the report Select the Preview tab to review the report. The report currently consists of a single table that displays data from the Products dataset, which in turn queries data from the AdventureWorks data source. Details on how to refine both the data and display of the report follow in the next sections. Working with Data Once the basics of building up a report are understood, the next step is to dive into the details of struc- turing data to meet reporting needs. The Query Designer provides assistance in constructing queries for different data sources, while parameters provide a way to limit and filter result sets returned by those queries. Expressions provide a way to combine results and parameters to synthesize data and behaviors. Best Practice O ffloading as much work to the source database as possible will increase the speed of report execution. Use query parameters to return only the data actually required for display. When a report represents a summary of source data, let the source database aggregate to the granularity of the report. Reporting Services can filter and summarize data as well, but it will never match a database engine’s speed. Working with SQL in the Query Designer The Query Designer can be invoked from the Dataset Properties dialog by clicking the Query Designer button, or by right-clicking on a dataset in the Report Data pane and choosing Query. The default view, Edit as Text, displays the query as text in the upper pane, and the query results in the lower pane. Click the exclamation point in the toolbar to execute the query. Many programmers find that developing queries in their favorite SQL tool and pasting the query text into the Query Designer or Dataset Properties dialogs provides the most efficient workflow, but the Query Designer also offers a graphical mode. Click the Edit as Text button to toggle to the graphical designer, which contains the Diagram, Grid, SQL, and Results panes. Figure 73-4 shows the graphical designer view containing the Products query used earlier in this chapter. 1537 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1538 Part X Business Intelligence FIGURE 73-4 The Advanced Query Designer simplifies writing SQL command text. Using query parameters to select and filter data Query parameters appear in a query much like a T-SQL variable would for SQL Server data sources. For example, the following query limits the rows returned to only those with a specific subcategory: SELECT * FROM Production.Product WHERE ProductSubcategoryID = @ProductSubcategoryID This example refers to a query parameter named @ProductSubcategoryID, which in turn is mapped to either a report parameter or an expression. The mapping is specified on the Parameters tab of the Dataset Properties dialog. However, if a query parameter is to be mapped to a report parameter of the same name, simply refer to the q uery parameter, as shown, and the corresponding report parameter will be created and mapped when the dataset is saved. Query parameters are specific to a particular dataset and are visible only in the Dataset P roperties dia- log. Report parameters are global to the report, can be set to prompt the user when the report runs, and appear in the Report Data pane under the Parameters folder. 1538 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1539 Authoring Reports with Reporting Services 73 Nested report parameters This section o ffers an interesting example of how to prompt the user for report parameters and how those parameters can interact. The goal is to generate a report that lists products within a given product category and subcategory. For usability, the report user will be prompted for both the category and the subcategory. Of course, the subcategories change with each selection of a category — these are referred to as nested parameters. To create this nested parameter example, you’ll add two datasets to the Product List report created ear- lier. Both new datasets use the AdventureWorks data source. The first dataset, named CategoryList, returns the list of categories using the following SQL: SELECT ProductCategoryID, Name FROM Production.ProductCategory ORDER BY Name The second dataset, named SubcategoryList, returns the list of subcategories and includes a param- eter to select only the subcategories for the selected category: SELECT ProductSubcategoryID, ProductCategoryID, Name FROM Production.ProductSubcategory WHERE (ProductCategoryID = @ProductCategoryID) ORDER BY Name Update the Products dataset with the following SQL to include the new parameters: SELECT P.ProductID, P.[Name], P.ProductNumber, P.MakeFlag, P.Color, P.[Size], P.ListPrice, P.StandardCost, P.ProductSubcategoryID, SubCat.[Name] AS Subcategory, SubCat.ProductCategoryID, Cat.[Name] AS Category FROM Production.Product P INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory SubCat ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = SubCat.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory Cat ON SubCat.ProductCategoryID = Cat.ProductCategoryID WHERE P.ProductSubcategoryID = @ProductSubcategoryID AND SubCat.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCategoryID When a dataset that refers to a new query parameter is saved, such as in these examples, a new report parameter with the same name is automatically created. A mapping between the corresponding query parameter and report parameter is also established on the Dataset Parameters tab. Configure a report parameter by right-clicking on the parameter in the Report Data pane and choosing Parameter Properties. Figure 73-5 shows the Report Parameter Properties dialog with the ProductSubcategoryID parameter selected. Follow these steps to configure the parameters: 1. Select the ProductCategoryID parameter. 2. Change the prompt to something user-friendly, such as ‘‘Category’’. 1539 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1540 Part X Business Intelligence 3. Change the data type to Integer. Select the Allow null value option. 4. Switch to the Available Values tab, and select ‘‘Get values from a query,’’ which will populate the available categories from the dataset you defined earlier. 5. Select the CategoryList dataset. 6. From the Value Field drop-down list, select ProductCategoryID. 7. From the Label Field drop-down list, select Name. 8. Repeat this process for the ProductSubcategoryID report parameter, using the Prompt ‘‘SubCategory’’, SubcategoryList as the dataset, ProductSubcategoryID as the value field, and Name as the label field. 9. Make sure that the ProductCategoryID parameter is listed before ProductSubcategoryID in the Report Data pane. Because the subcategory depends on the category, it must be defined first. If the order is not correct, then highlight one of the entries and use the up and down arrows in the Report Data pane’s toolbar to adjust the order. FIGURE 73-5 The Report Parameter Properties dialog c ontrols report parameters. Preview the report. Note that the SubCategory parameter is disabled until you select a value from the Category parameter. Once you select a category, the SubCategory parameter is enabled and contains the list of subcategories for the selected category. Click the View Report button to return only the prod- ucts within the selected subcategory. 1540 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c73.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 3:59pm Page 1541 Authoring Reports with Reporting Services 73 Multi-value report parameters The previous example demonstrated how to build a report with nested parameters. Let’s enhance the report now to enable the user to select multiple values from each parameter and include all products matching the criteria. Changing the parameters to multi-value parameters requires some minor modifications to the SQL for the SubcategoryList and Products datasets. Specifically, the WHERE clause must change to use the IN statement instead of "=". Update the SQL for the SubcategoryList dataset as follows: SELECT ProductSubcategoryID, ProductCategoryID, Name FROM Production.ProductSubcategory WHERE ProductCategoryID IN (@ProductCategoryID) ORDER BY Name Update the Products dataset: SELECT P.ProductID, P.[Name], P.ProductNumber, P.MakeFlag, P.Color, P.[Size], P.ListPrice, P.StandardCost, P.ProductSubcategoryID, SubCat.[Name] AS Subcategory, SubCat.ProductCategoryID, Cat.[Name] AS Category FROM Production.Product P INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory SubCat ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = SubCat.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory Cat ON SubCat.ProductCategoryID = Cat.ProductCategoryID WHERE P.ProductSubcategoryID IN (@ProductSubcategoryID) AND SubCat.ProductCategoryID IN (@ProductCategoryID) At execution time, Reporting Services will replace the multi-value parameter with a list of values selected by the user. For example, IN (@ProductSubcategoryID) might become IN (1,3,7) when the SQL is executed. Follow these steps to configure the parameters as multi-value parameters: 1. Right-click on the ProductCategoryID parameter in the Report Data pane, select the ‘‘Allow multiple values’’ check box, and click OK to save the changes. 2. Right-click on the ProductSubcategoryID parameter in the Report Data pane, select the ‘‘Allow multiple values’’ check box, and click OK to save the changes. Now run the report and select Accessories and Clothing from the Category parameter. The Subcategory parameter now contains all subcategories for Accessories and Clothing, as shown in Figure 73-6. Select several subcategories and run the report. It should now contain all products for the selected subcategories. The report is no longer limited to the selection of a single parameter value. Some caution should be used when designing r eports that use multi-value parameters, because every value selected is passed in as part of the SQL Query. In this example, selecting all values will only grow the size of the query by about 100 characters (a short list of integer IDs is passed in); but other reports could have many more values and/or longer text strings, which could lead to extremely large queries and poor performance. 1541 www.getcoolebook.com . the Data Source ‘‘AdventureWorks’’. 3. Select Microsoft SQL Server from the Type drop-down list. 4. Enter the connection string to the AdventureWorks2008 database. You can click the Edit button. Services project Business Intelligence Development Studio, a version of Visual Studio 2008 shipped with SQL Server, contains the tools required to author and deploy Reporting Services reports source. 5. Enter the following SQL (this SQL statement returns the product information, including the Category and Subcategory names and IDs from the AdventureWorks2008 database): SELECT P.ProductID,

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