Nielsen c07.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 9:03pm Page 162 Part I Laying the Foundation The script first loads all of the DLLs needed for SMO and the snap-ins (code and commands that extend PowerShell’s capabilities), and then it loads the snap-ins. Once this is done, all of the SQL Server provider functionality is available, and this script can be run against PowerShell 1.0 or PowerShell 2.0 when it is available. The SQL PSDrive – SQLSERVER: Native PowerShell provides the ability to navigate not only the disk file system, but also the system reg- istry as though it were a file system. (This is expected behavior for a shell environment, as Unix shell systems treat most everything as a file system as well.) The SQL Server provider adds a new PowerShell drive, also referred to as a PSDrive, called SQLSERVER:. The Set-Location cmdlet (usually aliased as cd) is used to change to the SQLSERVER: drive and then SQL Server can be navigated like the file system. There are four main directories under SQLSERVER: — SQL, SQLPolicy, SQLRegistration, and DataCol- lection: ■ The SQL folder provides access to the database engine, SQL Server Agent, Service Broker, and Database Mail, all using the various SMO DLLs. ■ The SQLPolicy folder provides access to policy-based management using the DMF and Facets DLLs. ■ The SQLRegistration folder enables access to the Registered Servers (and the new Central Management Server feature of SQL Server 2008). ■ The DataCollection folder enables access to the Data Collector objects provided with the Management Data Warehouse feature of SQL Server 2008. You can browse the SQLSERVER file system just like a disk file system. Issuing the command cd SQL (or Set-Location SQL) and running the Get-ChildItem cmdlet returns the local server and any other servers that may have been recently accessed from the PowerShell session. Changing to the local server and running Get-ChildItem returns the names of the SQL Server instances installed on that server. Changing to one of the instances and running Get-ChildItem returns the collections of objects available to that server, such as BackupDevices, Databases, Logins, and so on. Changing to the Databases collection and running Get-ChildItem returns the list of user databases, along with some of the database properties. The results will look something like Figure 7-6. SQL cmdlets The SQL Server PowerShell snap-in also provides new cmdlets specific for use with SQL Server. The majority of administrative functions are managed using SMO, and data access is managed using ADO.NET, as mentioned before, so no cmdlets were needed for these functions. Some functions are just easier using cmdlets, so they were provided. They include the following: ■ Invoke-Sqlcmd ■ Invoke-PolicyEvaluation ■ Encode-SqlName ■ Decode-SqlName ■ Convert-UrnToPath 162 Nielsen c07.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 9:03pm Page 163 Scripting with PowerShell 7 FIGURE 7-6 Navigating the SQL Server ‘‘filesystem’’ The first, Invoke-Sqlcmd, takes query text and sends it to SQL Server for processing. Rather than set up the structures in ADO.NET to execute queries, the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet returns results from a query passed in as a parameter or from a text file, which provides a very easy way to get data out of SQL Server. It can perform either a standard Transact-SQL query or an XQuery statement, which pro- vides additional flexibility. The Invoke-PolicyEvaluation cmdlet uses the Policy-based Management feature of SQL Server 2008. It evaluates a set of objects against a policy defined for one or more servers to determine whether or not the objects comply with the conditions defined in the policy. It can also be used to reset object settings to comply with the policy, if that is needed. Lara Rubbelke has a set of blog posts on using this cmdlet at rubbelke/archive/2008/06/19/ evaluating-policies-on-demand-through-powershell.aspx . The character set used by SQL Server has a number of conflicts with the character set allowed by PowerShell. For example, a standard SQL Server instance name is SQLTBWS\INST01. The backslash embedded in the name can cause PowerShell to infer a file system directory and subdirectory, because it uses that character to separate the elements of the file system. The Encode-SqlName cmdlet converts strings acceptable to SQL Server into strings acceptable by PowerShell. For example, the instance name SQLTBWS\INST01 would be converted by this cmdlet into SQLTBWS%5CINST01. 163 Nielsen c07.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 9:03pm Page 164 Part I Laying the Foundation The Decode-SqlName cmdlet does the exact opposite of Encode-SqlName:Itconvertsthe PowerShell-acceptable string of SQLTBWS%5CINST01 back to SQLTBWS\INST01. Because SMO uses Uniform Resource Names (URN) for its objects, a cmdlet is provided to convert those URN values to path names, which can be used in a Set-Location cmdlet — for example, to navigate through the SQL Server objects. The URN for the HumanResources.Employee table in AdventureWorks2008 on SQLTBWS\INST01 is as follows: Server[@Name=’SQLTBWS\INST01’]\Database[@Name=’AdventureWorks2008’]\ Table[@Name=’Employee’ and @Schema=’HumanResources’] Converting that to a path using Convert-UrnToPath would yield the following: SQLSERVER:\SQL\SQLTBWS\INST01\Databases\AdventureWorks2008\ Tables\HumanResources.Employee Summary After looking at the basics of PowerShell and exploring a few ways to get some interesting information about servers, this chapter reviewed a script to provide information about each server you manage. Then it examined some of the structures in SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) and some scripts to per- form basic administrative tasks. This chapter also looked at a couple of scripts to extract data from SQL Server, because that’s a common request from businesspeople. Finally, this chapter took a quick look at the features in SQL Server 2008 to make PowerShell an integral part of the SQL Server toolset. Much more can be explored with PowerShell, but this will provide a starting point. Automation enables administrators to do more in less time and provide more value to the companies that employ them. PowerShell is a powerful way to automate most everything an administrator needs to do with SQL Server. 164 Nielsen p02.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:38pm Page 165 Manipulating Data with Select IN THIS PART Chapter 8 Introducing Basic Query Flow Chapter 9 Data Types, Expressions, and Scalar Functions Chapter 10 Merging Data with Joins and Unions Chapter 11 Including Data with Subqueries and CTEs Chapter 12 Aggregating Data Chapter 13 Windowing and Ranking Chapter 14 Projecting Data Through Views Chapter 15 Modifying Data Chapter 16 Modification Obstacles S QL is like algebra in action. The etymology of the word ‘‘algebra’’ goes back to the Arabic word ‘‘al-jabr,’’ meaning ‘‘the reunion of broken parts,’’ or literally, ‘‘to set a broken bone.’’ Both algebra and SQL piece together fragments to solve a problem. I believe select is the most powerful word in all of computer science. Because select is so common, it’s easy to take it for granted, but no keyword in any programming language I can think of is as powerful and flexible. Select can retrieve, twist, shape, join, and group data in nearly any way imaginable, and it’s easily extended with the insert, update, delete (and now merge!) commands to modify data. Part II begins by exploring the basic logical query flow and quickly digs deeper into topics such as aggregate queries, relational division, correlated subqueries, and set-difference queries. I’ve devoted 15 chapters to the select command and its variations because understanding the multiple options and creative techniques available with queries is critical to becoming a successful SQL Server developer, DBA, or architect. Please don’t assume that Part II is only for beginners. These 15 chapters present the core power of SQL. Part IX explores optimization strategies, and it may be tempting to go straight there for optimization ideas, but the second strategy of Smart Database Design is using good set-based code. Here are nine chapters describing how to optimize your database by writing better queries. If SQL Server is the box, Part II is about being one with the box. Nielsen p02.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:38pm Page 166 Nielsen c08.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:37pm Page 167 Introducing Basic Query Flow IN THIS CHAPTER Logical flow of the query Restricting the result set Projecting data Specifying the sort order S QL is the romance language of data, but wooing the single correct answer from gigabytes of relational data can seem overwhelming until the logical flow of the query is mastered. One of the first points to understand is that SQL is a declarative language. This means that the SQL query logically describes the question to the SQL Query Optimizer, which then determines the best method to physically execute the query. As you’ll see in the next eight chapters, there are often many ways of stating the query, but each method could be optimized to the same query execution plan. This means you are free to express the SQL query in the way that makes the most sense and will be the easiest to maintain In some cases, one method is considered cleaner or faster than another: I’ll point those instances out as well. SQL queries aren’t limited to SELECT. The four Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE,andDELETE, are sometimes taught as four separate and distinct commands. However, I see queries as a single structural method of manipulating data; in other words, i t’s better to think of the four commands as four verbs that may each be used with the full power and flexibility of the SQL. Neither are SQL queries limited to graphical interfaces. Many SQL developers who came up through the ranks from Access a nd who have built queries using only the Access query interface are amazed when they understand the enormous power of the full SQL query. This chapter builds a basic single table query and establishes the logical query execution order critical for developing basic or advanced queries. With this foun- dation in place, the rest of Part II develops the basic SELECT into what I believe is the most elegant, flexible, and powerful command in all of c omputing. 167 Nielsen c08.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:37pm Page 168 Part II Manipulating Data with Select Understanding Query Flow One can think about query flow in four different ways. Personally, when I develop SQL code, I imagine the query using the logical flow method. Some developers think through a query visually using the lay- out of SQL Server Management Studio’s Q uery Designer. The syntax of the query is in a specific fixed order: SELECT – FROM – WHERE – GROUP BY – HAVING – ORDER BY. To illustrate the declarative nature of SQL, the fourth way of thinking about the query flow — the actual physical execution of the query — is optimized to execute in the most efficient order depending on the data mix and the available indexes. Syntactical flow of the query statement In its basic form, the SELECT statement tells SQL Server what data to retrieve, including which columns, rows, and tables to pull from, and how to sort the data. Here’s an abbreviated syntax for the SELECT command: SELECT [DISTINCT][TOP (n)] *, columns,orexpressions [FROM data source(s)] [JOIN data source ON condition](may include multiple joins) [WHERE conditions] [GROUP BY columns] [HAVING conditions] [ORDER BY Columns]; The SELECT statement begins with a list of columns or expressions. At least one expression is required — everything else is optional. The simplest possible valid SELECT statement is as follows: SELECT 1; The FROM portion of the SELECT statement assembles all the data sources into a result set, which is then acted upon by the rest of the SELECT statement. Within the FROM clause, multiple tables may be referenced by using one of several types of joins. When no FROM clause is supplied, SQL Server returns a single r ow with values. (Oracle requires a FROM DUAL to accomplish the same thing.) The WHERE clause acts upon the record set assembled by the FROM clause to filter certain rows based upon conditions. Aggregate functions perform summation-type operations across the data set. The GROUP BY clause can group the larger data set into smaller data sets based on the columns specified in the GROUP BY clause. The aggregate functions are then performed on the new smaller groups of data. The results of the aggre- gation can be restricted using the HAVING clause. Finally, the ORDER BY clause determines the sort order of the result set. 168 Nielsen c08.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:37pm Page 169 Introducing Basic Query Flow 8 A graphical view of the query statement SQL Server Management Studio includes two basic methods for constructing and submitting queries: Query Designer and Query Editor. Query Designer offers a graphical method of building a query, whereas Query Editor is an excellent tool for writing SQL code or ad hoc data retrieval b ecause there are no graphics to get in the way and the developer can work as close to the SQL code as possible. From SQL Server’s point of view, it doesn’t matter where the query originates; each statement is evalu- ated and processed as a SQL statement. When selecting data using Query Designer, the SQL statements can be entered as raw code in the third pane, as shown in Figure 8-1. The bottom pane displays the results in Grid mode or Text mode and displays any messages. The Object Browser presents a tree of all the objects in SQL Server, as well as templates for creating new objects with code. FIGURE 8-1 The Query Designer can be used to graphically create queries. If text is selected in the Query Editor, then only the highlighted text is submitted to SQL Server when the Execute command button or the F5 key is pressed. This is an excellent way to test single SQL statements or portions of SQL code. 169 Nielsen c08.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:37pm Page 170 Part II Manipulating Data with Select Though it may vary depending on the user account settings, the default database is probably the master database. Be sure to change to the appropriate user database using the database selector combo box in the toolbar, or the USE database command. The best solution is to change the user’s default database to a user database and avoid master altogether. Logical flow of the query statement The best way to think through a SQL DML statement is to walk through the query’s logical flow (see Figure 8-2. Because SQL is a declarative language, the logical flow may or may not be the actual phys- ical flow that SQL Server’s query processor uses to execute the query. Nor is the logical flow the same as the query syntax. Regardless, I recommend thinking through a query in the following order. FIGURE 8-2 A simplified view of the logical flow of the query showing how data moves through the major clauses of the SQL select command Data Source(s) From Where Col(s), Expr(s) Order By Predicate Here’s a more detailed explanation of the logical flow of the query. Note that every step except step 4 is optional: 1. [From]: The query begins by assembling the initial set of data, as specified in the FROM portion of the SELECT statement. (Chapter 10, ‘‘Merging Data with Joins and Unions,’’ and Chapter 11, ‘‘Including Data with Subqueries and CTEs,’’ discuss how to build even the most complex FROM clauses.) 2. [Where]: The filter process is actually the WHERE clause selecting only those rows that meet the criteria. 3. [Aggregations]: SQL can optionally perform aggregations on the data set, such as finding the average, grouping the data by values in a column, and filtering the groups (see Chapter 12, ‘‘Aggregating Data’’). 4. Column Expressions: The SELECT list is processed, and any expressions are calculated (covered in Chapter 9, ‘‘Data Types, Expressions, and Scalar Functions,’’ and Chapter 11, ‘‘Including Data with Subqueries and CTEs’’). 5. [Order By]: The resulting rows are sorted according to the ORDER BY clause. 6. [Over]: Windowing and ranking functions can provide a separately ordered view of the results with additional aggregate functions. 7. [Distinct]: Any duplicate rows are eliminated from the result set. 170 Nielsen c08.tex V4 - 07/21/2009 12:37pm Page 171 Introducing Basic Query Flow 8 8. [Top]: After the rows are selected, the calculations are performed, and the data is sorted into the desired order, SQL can restrict the output to the top few rows. 9. [Insert, Update, Delete]: The final logical step of the query is to apply the data modification action to the results of the query. These three verbs are explained in Chapter 15, ‘‘Modifying Data.’’ 10. [Output]: The inserted and deleted virtual tables (normally only used with a trigger) can be selected and returned to the client, inserted into a table, or serve as a data source to an outer query. 11. [Union]: The results of multiple queries can be stacked using a union command (see Chapter 10, ‘‘Merging Data with Joins and Unions’’). As more complexity has been added to the SQL SELECT command over the years, how to think through the logical flow has also become more complex. In various sources, you’ll find minor differences in how SQL MVPs view the logical flow. That’s OK — it’s just a way to think through a query, and this is the way I think through writing a query. As you begin to think in terms of the SQL SELECT statement, rather than in terms of the graphical user interface, understanding the flow of SELECT and how to read the query execution plan will help you think through and develop difficult queries. Physical flow of the query statement SQL Server will take the SELECT statement and develop an optimized query execution plan, which may not be in the execution order you would guess (see Figure 8-3). The indexes available to the SQL Server Query Optimizer also affect the query execution plan, as explained in Chapter 64, ‘‘Indexing Strategies.’’ The rest of this chapter walks through the logical order of the basic query. From Clause Data Sources The first logical component of a typical SQL SELECT statement is the FROM clause. In a simple SQL SELECT statement, the FROM clause contains a single table. However, the FROM clause can also combine data from multiple sources and multiple types of data sources. The maximum number of tables that may be accessed within a single SQL SELECT statement is 256. The FROM clause is the foundation of the rest o f the SQL statement. In order for a table column to be in the output, or accessed in the WHERE conditions, or in the ORDER BY, it must be in the FROM clause. Possible data sources SQL is extremely flexible and can accept data from seven distinctly different types of data sources within the FROM clause: ■ Local SQL Server tables ■ Subqueries serving as derived tables, also called subselects or in-line views, are explained in Chapter 11, ‘‘Including Data with Subqueries and CTEs.’’ Common table expressions (CTEs) are functionally similar to subqueries but may be referenced multiple times within the query. 171 . drive and then SQL Server can be navigated like the file system. There are four main directories under SQLSERVER: — SQL, SQLPolicy, SQLRegistration, and DataCol- lection: ■ The SQL folder provides. SQL Server 2008. You can browse the SQLSERVER file system just like a disk file system. Issuing the command cd SQL (or Set-Location SQL) and running the Get-ChildItem cmdlet returns the local server. from SQL Server, because that’s a common request from businesspeople. Finally, this chapter took a quick look at the features in SQL Server 2008 to make PowerShell an integral part of the SQL Server