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Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 77 pptx

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Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 722 Part V Data Connectivity Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a technology for connecting applications to databases that has been in use longer than OLEDB. Unlike OLEDB, ODBC is designed for connecting only to RDBMS sources. The ODBC driver is included in the SNAC, however. A small set of objects is used to work with ADO. Table 32-1 lists these objects and describes how to use them. Most of these object types have a counterpart in predecessor technologies that Microsoft has introduced, although the level of ADO-object functionality is much greater than that offered by previ- ous technologies and, as demonstrated next, the potential usability for more recent technologies such as ADO.NET and XML transcends even ADO. TABLE 32-1 ADO-Object Overview Object Description Connection A connection object defines the connection with the OLEDB provider. Use this object to perform tasks such as beginning, committing, and rolling back transactions. There are also methods for opening or closing the connection and for executing commands. Error ADO creates an error object as part of the connection object. The error object provides additional information about errors raised by the OLEDB provider. A single error object can contain information about more than one error. Each object is associated with a specific event, such as committing a transaction. Command A command object performs a task using a connection or recordset object. Even though commands can be executed as part of the connection or recordset object, the command object is much more flexible and enables the definition output parameters. Parameter The parameter object defines a single parameter for a command. A parameter modifies the result of a stored procedure or query. Parameter objects can provide input, output, or both. Recordset The recordset object contains the result of a query, and a cursor for choosing individual elements within the returned table. Record A record is a single row of data. It can stand alone or be derived from a record set. Field A field object contains a single column of data contained in a record or recordset object. In other words, a field can be thought of as a single column in a table; it contains one type of data for all the records associated with a record set. Stream When a data provider is not able to easily express the value and length of the data as a record set with discrete fields, as is the case for large text, BLOB, or document data, the data may be sent to the consumer via the stream object. Property Some OLEDB providers will need to extend the standard ADO object. Property objects represent one way to do this. A property object contains attribute, name, type, and value information. 722 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 723 Programming with ADO.NET 3.5 32 There are also four object collections in ADO: Errors, Parameters, Fields, and Properties. Note that these collections are containers for child objects in the ADO model. There are no collections at the root of the object model, and the model is never more than two levels deep. The structure is consistent and simple, always with the following progression: Parent Object  Collection of dependent objects  Child Object OLEDB data providers Even when ADO is used through the provided .NET primary interop assembly, all data access will occur through one of the available OLEDB COM data providers. A data provider manages the connection between the client and the DBMS using a number of objects. Of course, this means that a data provider requires a source of information and must define the specifics for creating that connection. Generally, a provider is database specific or provides a means for configuring a specific database. Figure 32-3 shows a typical list of database providers. Some of the providers on the list are quite specialized. FIGURE 32-3 A typical list of database providers The source of an OLEDB object is known as a provider. Consequently, ADO also relies on data providers as a source of data. Even in this day of the .NET Framework, the number of OLEDB providers — each specialized to a particular data source — is greater than at any time in the past. One nice thing about OLEDB is that the same provider works with any Visual Studio programming language. 723 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 724 Part V Data Connectivity Generally, especially for SQL Server developers, it’s better to use the SQL Server–specific provider. Even though other general-purpose providers will work, Microsoft has optimized the SQL Server provider for use with SQL Server. The performance advantages of using the SQL Server provider over using a general-purpose provider are well known. To find out which OLEDB providers are available on a particular machine, create a new text file and rename it to include an extension of ‘‘. udl’’ (e.g., temp.udl — the name is not important, only the extension). Open the file to see a dialog similar to the one shown in Figure 32-3 showing all the OLEDB p roviders installed locally on that computer. Mapping data types When working exclusively within SQL Server, the challenge with data types amounts to choosing the right type for a given data-storage need. However, when moving the data from the DBMS through a data provider to a client, several layers of transition occur. For some DBMSs this is an extreme problem because the general providers supplied with OLEDB don’t support many special data types. For all providers, the cost of data type conversions as data propagates through those layers is significant. These problems of data typing are additional reasons to use the SQL Server–specific OLEDB data providers when working with ADO. When using data found in a SQL Server table in a client application, the provider must map the data from a type that SQL Server understands to a type that the client application understands. Fortunately for SQL Server developers, the ADO mapping for the SQLOLEDB provider is relatively straightforward. Table 32-2 shows how the SQL Server provider maps ADO data types. One problem occurs when ADO uses the same data type to represent two or three SQL Server data types when the application requires subtle differences to appear in the user interface. The complete set of SQL Server 2008 data types is exposed in the SQL Native Client. ADO is only aware of the SQL Server 2000 data types and will not be able to handle the new types, such as XML or a varchar(max), discussed later in this chapter. Table 32-2 shows the SQL Server 2008 data types and the equivalent ADO data types, along with the data type conversion that the .NET Framework will conduct for each ADO data type. The comments in Table 32-2 touch on the most significant problems that can occur in the mapping of data between ADO and SQL Server. It is important to also consider data-conversion errors. According to Microsoft, all nondirect data translations are subject to data loss. For example, neither the provider nor SQL Server will complain if an eight-byte number is converted into a four-byte number, but obvi- ously there is a potential for data loss. In addition, some types cannot be converted to other types. For example, it’s impossible to convert an adBinary data type into an adSmallInt data type. In this sit- uation, the development environment would complain. The sort order of SQL character data types is, by default, different from the sort order of .NET data types. The .NET Framework adds another level of conversion and potential conversion errors to the ADO implementation. ADO data types are specified within ADO objects. The .NET Framework will convert those data types to valid .NET data types implicitly when they are used outside of the ADO objects in the code. This conversion should happen without the need for explicit data conversion type casting, although it is good programming practice to ensure that data is always of the type expected. The developer must remain vigilant for data type conversion problems when programming ADO, even in the .NET Framework. Using the .NET data types that support null values may provide relief for conversion problems with many applications. There seems to be no perfect solution to this problem short of environment coding standards that mandate consistent best practice programming techniques for all programmers in the environments, and rigorous testing. 724 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 725 Programming with ADO.NET 3.5 32 Best Practice T o avoid unexpected data type conversions at assignment, ADO data types can be assigned using explicit casting to the desired data type. TABLE 32-2 SQL Server to ADO/ADO.NET Data Mapping ADO Data Type SQL Server (.NET Framework Data Type Data Type) Notes Bigint adBigInt (int64) The bigint data-type value ranges from -2 ˆ 63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,807) through 2 ˆ 63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807). This value is only available for SQL Server 2000, but the OLEDB provider will still try to send it to SQL Server 7.0 and older systems, and data loss will result. Use the adBigInt type only when necessary and then with caution. Binary adBinary (byte[]) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for both binary and timestamp. Bit adBoolean (Int16) While this data transfer always works, conceptual differences exist between the two. For example, a bit can have values of 1, 0,orNULL, whereas an adBoolean always has either a true or false value. Char adChar (string) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for char, varchar,andtext data types. The .NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. Date 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31. Three bytes storage; is not time zone offset aware or daylight saving time aware. Datetime adDBTimeStamp (DateTime) The default precision for the Datetime data type in SQL Server is 3.33 milliseconds. Datetime2 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31. Six bytes storage for precision less than 3, 7 bytes for precisions 4 and 5, 8 bytes for all other precisions. Datetimeoffset 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31. Ten bytes storage. Decimal adNumeric (Decimal) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for both decimal and numeric data types. continued 725 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 726 Part V Data Connectivity TABLE 32-2 (continued ) ADO Data Type SQL Server (.NET Framework Data Type Data Type) Notes Float adDouble (Double) Hierarchyid Image adVarbinary (byte[]) This data type can be so large that it won’t fit in memory. The lack of memory can cause provider errors and possibly only a partial retrieval. When this happens, the developer must write a custom routine to retrieve the data in pieces. ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for image, tinyint,and varbinary. Int adInteger (Int32) −2,147,483648 to 2,147,483647. Storage of 4 bytes. Money adCurrency (Decimal) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for money and smallmoney. Nchar adWChar (string) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for nchar, ntext, nvarchar,andsysname.The.NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. Ntext adWChar (string) This data type can be so large that it won’t fit in memory. The lack of memory can cause provider errors and possibly a partial retrieval. When this happens, the developer must write a custom routine to retrieve the data in pieces. ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for nchar, ntext, nvarchar,and sysname. The .NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. Numeric adNumeric (decimal) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for both decimal and numeric data types. Nvarchar adWChar (string) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for nchar, ntext, nvarchar,andsysname.The.NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. NvarChar(MAX) None (string) SQL Server 2008 provides the same data-type equivalence for what was previously Nvarchar if less than or equal to 8 KB, and text if greater than 8 KB. The .NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. continued 726 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 727 Programming with ADO.NET 3.5 32 TABLE 32-2 (continued ) ADO Data Type SQL Server (.NET Framework Data Type Data Type) Notes Real adSingle (Single) Smalldatetime adTimeStamp (DateTime) Smallint adSmallInt (Int16) −32,768 to 32,767. Storage of 2 bytes. Smallmoney adCurrency (Decimal) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for money and smallmoney. sql_variant adVariant (object) This data type can contain any of a number of primitive data types, such as smallint, float,and char. It can’t contain larger data types such as text, ntext,andimage.TheadVariant type maps to the OLEDB DBTYPE_VARIANT data type and is only usable with SQL Server 2000. Be careful when using this data type because it can produce unpredictable results. Even though OLEDB provides complete support for it, ADO doesn’t. Sysname adWChar (string) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for nchar, ntext, nvarchar,andsysname.The.NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. Table Text adChar (string) This data type can be so large that it won’t fit in memory. The lack of memory can cause provider errors and possibly a partial retrieval. When this happens, the developer must write a custom routine to retrieve the data in pieces. ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for char, varchar,andtext data types. The .NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. Time An integer from 0 to 7. Specifies the fractional part of the seconds. 00:00:00.0000000 to 12:59:59.9999999. Five bytes storage. Timestamp adBinary (byte[]) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for both binary and timestamp. continued 727 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 728 Part V Data Connectivity TABLE 32-2 (continued ) ADO Data Type SQL Server (.NET Framework Data Type Data Type) Notes Tinyint adTinyInt (byte) 0 to 255. Storage of 1 byte. Uniqueidentifier adGUID (Guid) The data provider supports a string GUID, not a true GUID. This means that when an actual GUID is needed, the code must explicitly convert it into a GUID data structure. Varbinary adVarbinary (byte[]) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for image and varbinary. Varbinary(MAX) none (byte[]) SQL Server 2008 provides the same data-type equivalence for what was previously varbinary if less than or equal to 8 KB, and image if greater than 8 KB. Varchar adChar (string) ADO uses the same data-type equivalence for char, varchar,andtext. The .NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. Varchar(MAX) None (string) SQL Server 2008 provides the same data-type equivalence for what was previously varchar if less than or equal to 8 KB, and text if greater than 8 KB. The .NET Framework uses Unicode (UTF-16) to represent all character data. ADO and scripting ADO often appears in scripts of various types. Because ADO relies on COM technology, any scripting language capable of creating an object can probably use ADO to retrieve data from a database. Using scripts to perform small tasks makes sense because they can easily be modified if necessary and they are quick to write. Be aware that scripting facilities such as the Windows Script Component can be created and referenced from VB.NET or C#, and the Windows Scripting Host runs ADO as a COM component only. Interoperability with .NET does not apply. .NET code is compiled to IL. Because the compilation to IL must happen at some point before runtime, the concept of late binding is not available to .NET code. Conversely, script-based ADO, such as that used in the Windows Scripting Host 5.6, a SQL Server 2000 DTS ActiveX script step, or a pre .NET ASP page, requires late binding. Late binding simply means that the COM object referenced is created at runtime and is identifiable by the use of the CreateObject()function. Therefore, to use ADO in scripts, MDAC must be installed on any machine that will execute scripts. In contrast, ADO.NET will be fully supported by the SQL Native Client and will not require MDAC. This important new distinction with ADO.NET 2.0 (and subsequently ADO.NET 3.5) is covered in greater detail later in this chapter. 728 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 729 Programming with ADO.NET 3.5 32 Of course, scripting languages don’t provide the robust interactive environment found in programming languages such as C# or Visual Basic or even ASP.NET. It may be necessary to restrict the use of scripts to small tasks such as calling on a stored procedure to perform some task automatically or to retrieve the result of a data query for onscreen display. Microsoft makes a point of demonstrating the flexibility of ADO with several languages, including Java, JavaScript, VBScript, and the new XML-based Windows Script Component available in Visual Studio 2005 as well as 2008. ADO.NET It’s somewhat confusing that ADO.NET inherits the ADO part of its name from the original ADO. ADO is the acronym for ActiveX Data Objects. ActiveX is a clear signal that the topic is IUnknown and COM. IUnknown is the prototype for all COM classes. In its raw form it indicates that the calling module needs to know nothing about a called object and the caller will still be able to statefully interact with the called module. While deep down in the bowels of .NET there still exists COM programmability, the whole point of the .NET Framework and the common language runtime (CLR) is the shift away from the limitations of the COM code execution environment and toward consistency in the object-oriented class model. IUnknown means there is no need to know anything about a class to instantiate and use the class. The .NET Framework signifies that the system assemblies and the base classes will be reliably consistent types. In short, there is little that is COM-based ADO in ADO.NET from a technical perspective. Only from a functional perspective is ADO.NET a natural progression from ADO. A new technology was required to overcome the limitations of ADO performance and scalability — a technology that provided the developer with a variety of execution options. ADO.NET was designed to both overcome ADO limitations and leverage the developer’s ADO skills. The basic objects of ADO are found in ADO.NET. Commands executed on connections to data providers are used in ADO.NET with only slight differences from the commands executed on connections to data providers used with ADO. However, with ADO.NET, developers have greater control over how the data will be retrieved and manipulated. Execution can be asynchronous and batched. Results can be elegantly stored and manipulated at the application, disconnected from the database. Alternately, results can as easily be streamed as binary data or as XML. Many developers labor under the misconception that ADO.NET is simply the upgrade to ADO. ADO was developed to support client/server applications and presupposes that the user and the data will both remain connected to the application for the lifetime of an execution cycle. At the risk of oversimplifying the difference, ADO held state in the data source and ADO.NET is built to be able to maintain state dis- connected from the database. One advantage for .NET is that there is no requirement that the database remain connected to the application for the complete execution cycle. In part, this design goal is real- ized because XML technology is fundamental to ADO.NET. To a larger degree, state is managed in the ADO.NET application layer by the local application cache known as the DataSet class. In ADO.NET 2.0 and later, state management is further extended with asynchronous command execution and Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS). The following sections describe ADO.NET objects, keeping ADO objects in perspective, and point out the new features in the ADO.NET 3.5 release. In other words, the discussion builds on the ADO information presented earlier in this chapter as ADO.NET concepts are introduced. ADO.NET is a man- aged object model with functional capabilities much like the classic ADO, yet designed to enable more scalable applications, particularly in the disconnected environments found in many n-tier, SOA, Web Services, and ASP.NET applications. 729 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 730 Part V Data Connectivity The ADO.NET object model The ADO.NET object model is different from the object model used by ADO. It is more complex yet undeniably richer. The most striking difference is the in-memory data cache known as the DataSet. This ADO.NET object can be divided into two components: the DataSet and the data provider. A data provider is used for connecting the application to a database, executing commands and returning the results to the application. The results that are returned to the application are either processed directly or placed into a DataSet. ADO.NET provides many data providers in order to access the many types of data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Excel, and others. These and other data providers are very lightweight and create a very thin layer between application source code and the data source. This provides great performance without giving up functionality. The data provider contains the classes that create the connection, issue commands, handle the data reader, and provide data-adapter support. The connection provides the conduit for database communications. The command enables the client to request information from the database server through the data adapter. In addition to providing data, the data adapter also enables the client cache to synchronize or update back to the data source. The data reader is a one-way, read-only method of viewing data in ADO. The data adapter provides the real-time connection support normally associated with live data connections. The DataSet is a special object that contains one or more tables. The data in the DataSet is retrieved from the data source through the provider and stored in the application work space. The data can be manipulated and constrained at the application. The DataSet is a disconnected subset of the data from the data source defined by the provider properties. The data provider properties include the Connection, Command, DataReader,andDataAdapter objects. Each of these objects also has capabilities not found in an ADO provider. For example, a DataAdapter can actually handle more than one connection and one set of rules. As with many managed objects, enumerators are used to access the various objects within these main objects in application code. The DataSet is the representation of information within the database. It contains two collections: DataTableCollection and DataRelationCollection.The DataTableCollection contains the columns and rows of the table, along with any constraints imposed on that information. The DataRelationCollection contains the relational information used to create the DataSet. Table 32-3 provides an overview of the most frequently used ADO.NET data classes. Visual Studio 2008 provides a TableAdapter, which is a single-table data collection that can be used in application code much like an ADO.NET 3.5 DataSet. The TableAdapter is significantly easier for the developer to create and manipulate than the underlying ADO.NET 3.5 data components when only one table is needed at the application. The TableAdapter is not derived from the System.Data.DataSet class, as are all other DataSets. In fact, TableAdapters are not even part of the .NET Framework. They are a level of abstraction provided by Visual Studio 2008. All TableAdapters inherit from System.Component.ComponentModel. This means that they are fully integrated with the Visual Studio tools, such as the Data Grid. In addition, the base class for a TableAdapter can be any of the .NET providers that expose a DataTable class. The base class is specified when the TableAdapter is created. TableAdapters are type-safe and include all properties and methods necessary to connect to a data source, retrieve the table’s data, and update the data source. You can find more information about the TableAdapter on the MSDN website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7zt3ycf2.aspx. 730 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c32.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 2:20pm Page 731 Programming with ADO.NET 3.5 32 TABLE 32-3 ADO.NET 3.5 Class Overview Class Type Description Connection Creates the physical connection between the DBMS and a DataAdapter, DataReader,orfactory.TheConnection object also includes logic that optimizes the use of connections within the distributed application environment. ProviderFactory Implemented in ADO.NET 2.0. Each .NET provider implements a ProviderFactory class, each of which derives from the common base class DBProviderFactory. The factory class includes methods for creation of provider-specific ADO.NET components in a generic code style. The idea behind the ProviderFactory is to enable the developer to write generic code that can use a provider determined at runtime. The possible providers a factory can use are stored in the machine.config file. Command Defines an action to perform on the DBMS, such as adding, deleting, or updating a record. The DataAdapter includes the command objects required to query, delete, insert, and edit records. Parameter A parameter to a command Error The error or warning information returned from the database. For SQL Server this includes the error number, the severity, and the text for the error. Exception The application exception when ADO.NET encounters an error. The Error class is created by the Exception class. The Exception class is used in ADO.NET try-catch error handling. DataAdapter Translates the data from the data provider source into the in-memory DataSet or DataReader. The DataAdapter performs all queries, translates data from one format to another, and performs table mapping. One DataAdapter can manage one database relation. The result collection can have any level of complexity. The DataAdapter is also responsible for issuing requests for new connections and terminating connections after it obtains the data. DataReader Provides a live connection to the database. However, it only provides a means of reading the database. In addition, the DataReader cursor works only in the forward direction. This is the object to use to perform a fast retrieval of a local table when there is no need to update the database. The DataReader blocks subsequent DataAdapters and associated Connection objects, so it’s important to close the DataReader immediately after using it. continued 731 www.getcoolebook.com . Page 724 Part V Data Connectivity Generally, especially for SQL Server developers, it’s better to use the SQL Server specific provider. Even though other general-purpose providers will work, Microsoft. general-purpose providers will work, Microsoft has optimized the SQL Server provider for use with SQL Server. The performance advantages of using the SQL Server provider over using a general-purpose provider. the SQL Server specific OLEDB data providers when working with ADO. When using data found in a SQL Server table in a client application, the provider must map the data from a type that SQL Server

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