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de anh 8ky II

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DE I Anh 8 cuoi nam 2010 I. G¹ch ch©n c¸c tõ viÕt sai trong c©u: 1. The boy fell off his bicycle and became unconsious ……………………… 2. An ambulence came to take him to the hospital. .……………………… 3. There, doctor and nerses took care of him. .……………………… 4. students are advised to collect plastic botles for recycling. ……………… II. Chia d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc: 1. The man (sit ) next to me is a doctor. 2. Would you mind if I (move) this box? 3. I am happy( hear) that good new . 4. Do you mind(give) me some water ? 5. This tree (plant ) by my grandfather.……………………… III. Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng nhÊt: 1. It’s dangerous (swim / to swim /swimming ) 2. (Do / Could / Would ) you mind if I smoke ? 3. Could I help you (with / of / on) your luggage ?. 4. The old lamp (make /made / to make ) in China is five dollars. 5. It’s very kind(of/ at / for) you to help me. 6. Vegetable matter is made into (toys / glassware/ compost ). IV. ViÕt l¹i c©u theo tõ gîi ý 1. This question is difficult to answer. -> It’s difficult 2. Could you take me a photo ? -> Would you mind if I 3. Can I sit down ? -> Do you mind 4. My sitster cleans these rooms everyday. -> These rooms 5.I have to get up early morning.I want to go to school on time.( Use in order to ) -> I have to………………………………………………………………… 6.We will grow alot of trees in the parks. -> Alot of trees…………………………………………………… V, FIND OUT THE MISTAKE AND CORRECT IT: 1 , I t ’ s b o r e d t h a t I d i d n ’ t h a v e a w o n d e r f u l t i m e i n D a l a t l a s t s u m m e r v a c a t i o n A B C D 2 , V i e t n a m i s f a m o u s f o r r i c e s – e x p o r t i n g c o u n t r y . A B C D 3 , W e h a v e t o s t u d y h a r d s o a s t o n o t f a i l t h e f i n a l e x a m . A B C D 4 , W o u l d y o u m i n d g a v e m e s o m e a d v i c e a b o u t b u y i n g a c o m p u t e r . A B C D 5 , L e t ’ s t a k e p a r t o n o u t d o o r a c t i v i t i e s a f t e r s c h o o l . A B C D 6 , M y m o t h e r b o u g h t t h a t m o d e r n c a r s i n c e 2 0 0 0 . A B C D 7 , I l o s t t h e g a m e b e c a u s e I p l a y e d v e r y b a d . A B C D 8 , D o y o u m i n d i f I t o o k a p h o t o h e r e ? A B C D 9 , O u r s c h o o l h e l d a n i n t e r e s t e d f l o w e r – a r r a n g i n g c o n t e s t l a s t w e e k . A B C D 1 0 , I d o n ’ t k n o w w h e r e b u y i n g a n y f o o d f o r d i n n e r t o n i g h t A B C D VI, Rewrite the sentences. 1, They repaired this road in 2004. àThis road 2, They built these two pagodas one hundred years ago. àThese two pagodas 3, People speak English all over the world.àEnglish 5, A famous writer wrote this book.àThis book 6, They use recycled plastic to make toys and other things. àRecycled plastic 7, They made the fire in the traditional way. àThe fire 8, Lan cleans the floor every day. àThe floor 9, Can you open the door please? àDo you mind ? 10, Can I open the door ?àDo you mind ? 11, Don’t smoke here please. àWould you mind ? 12, Do you mind if I use your computer? àWould you mind ? 13, Could you take me to go home? àWouldyou mind ? 14, Please make me some tea. àWould you mind ? 15, Could I send this letter for me?àWould you mind ? 16,My parents bought this house ten years ago. àMy parents have 17,Trang finished her homework last week.àTrang has 18, I last saw him two weeks ago.àI have 19, I started playing the piano when I was six. àI’ve àThis is the first time 21, We began writing to each other in 2006.àWe’ve 22, She moved to this house last week.àShe’s 23, She is a hard worker.àShe 24, They are good English students àThey 25, He is a fast runner.àHe 26, They play soccer very well.àThey are 27, Hoa swims skillfully.àHoa is a 28, My mother cooks well.àMy mother is 29, He is a careful taxis driver.àHe §Ò II ( líp 8 cuèi n¨m 2010) I, Use the correct form of the verbs.(105/ nc) 1, Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water. 2, The first festival(hold) nearly eight hundred years ago. 3, There’s someone behind us. I think we (follow) 4, An interesting book (read) by Lan at the moment. 5, This bike (use) for more than six years. 6, Nowadays, many historycal places (destroy) seriously. 7, A new textbook (publish) next month. 8, The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It (visit) by millions of people every year. 9, Since the 1980s more and more paper (recycle) 10, Tet holiday in Viet Nam(celebrate) around January and Febbruary. II, Write these sentences into the passive voice.(106/ nc) 1, They made the fire in the tradition way. -> The fire 2, You must collect four bottles of water. -> Four bottles of water 3, Irving Berlin wrote the famous song “White Chistmas”. -> The famous song “White Chistmas” 4, How do people cook this kind of food? -> this kind of food ? 5, The children are decorating the sitting- room. -> The sitting – room 6, Have you tidied the kitchen? -> the kitchen ? 7, People didn’t orgnized this festival some years ago. -> This festival 8, When I came, they were lulling down the old theater. -> The old theater 9, 8, When I came, they were lulling down the old theater. -> The old theater 9, You should open the wine about an hour before you use it. -> The wine 10, They have just given the children some gifts. -> The children III, Change the sentences into the reported speech.(108/nc) 1, “I want my classroom to look at nice at the festival,” Hoa said. -> 2, “ We are going to the rice- cooking contest,” said Mr Robinson. -> 3, “ You have to take at least two bottles of water,” Tam’s father said. -> 4, “ I will clean all the class windows,” said Trung. -> 5, “Help me to hang this picture, Ba,” said Mai. -> 6, “ We can come on Monday,” Mr and Mrs Brown said -> 7, “ My brother doesn’t like eating sticky rice,” said Linh -> 8, “ Don’t throw that bottle away. We can reuse it,” said Mr Cuong. -> 9, “ I’m decorating our house,” Loan said to Nhung. -> 10, These rooms are cleaned every day by my sister,” said the boy. -> IV, Read the passage and answer questions Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival whish happens in late January or early February. Before Tet, people usually clean and decorate their homes. They go to market to buy candy, jams or dried water melon seeds. They also get new clothes which are worn at Tet. They often buy beach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday. Tet is a time for family members gather and have some special meals with special food such as sticky rice cakes. People often visit relatives and close friends on the second day of the holiday. * Answer the questions: a) What is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people ? -> b) Does Tet happen in early January ? -> c) What do people do before Tet ? -> d) What do they buy at the market? -> e) What do people do on the second day of New Year? -> V, Rewrite the sentences, using the compound words. 1, This is a farm which grows vegetables > 2, Thong Nhat is a factory which produces bicycles. -> 3, It is a company which imports sugar > 4, My uncle has a farm in which he raises cattle. -> 5, Viet Nam is a counry which exports coffee > 6, It is a festival in which participants have to cut rice. -> 7, This is a machine which used to dry fruit > 8, Last Sunday our club held contest in which members painted pictures as beatifully as they could -> 9, It is a festival in which people splash water on each other.( te nuoc) -> 10, In Viet NAm there are some contests in which people sail traditional boats. -> §Ò I ( líp 8 cuèi n¨m) I, Use the correct form of the verbs.(7.nc) 1, The sun always (rise)_________ in the east. Look ! it (rise) _________. 2, I don’t think I (go) ________ out tonight. I’m too tired. 3, Where you (spend) ________ your summer holiday last year, Yam? 4, In my country, it ( not rain)_________ much in winter. 5, Let’s wait for Lien (arrive) _______ and we (have) ________ dinner. 6, The moon (move) _________ around the earth. 7, Mai (be) _______ very happy when she (receive) ________ a letter from her sister this morning. 8, Would you lie (join) ________ my clas next Sunday? We (visit) _______ the local museum. (14. nc) 9, My father (read) __________ now. He always (read) ______a book after dinner. 10, A friend of my brother’s (call) _________ him last night, but he (not be) ________ At home. So I (take) ________ a message for him. 11, Are you busy this evening? - Yes, I (meet) __________ Tuan at the library at seven. We (study)______together. 12, Mai (telephone) ________ you when she comes back. 13, When we (be) ________ small, our family (live) _______ in the countryside.(35.nc) 14, Miss Trang is in the hospital. - Yes, I know. I (visit) ____________ her tomorrow. 15, I (read) _________an interesting book at the moment. I (lend) __________ it to you when I finhish it. 16, Look at those black clouds. It (rain) __________. 17, I (not invite) _________ her to the party because I (forget) __________ her phone number. 18, Look! Our new teacher ( come) ________ She (have)_____ long, black hair. 19, How long you(know) _________ Mrs Chi? (51. nc) - I (know) ___________ her for five years. 20, Your dog ever (bite) ________ anyone? -Yes, he (bite) ________ a policeman last week. 21, We (not see) _________ her since we (be) _________ on holiday in Ha Long Bay. 22, Phuong (not finish) ___________ her homework yet. 23, Would you like some coffee? I just (make) ________ some. 24, She (feed) _________ the cat yet? - Yes, she (feed) _________ it half an hour ago. II, Combine the sectences, using enough“ ”:(9.nc) 1, He is not tall. He can’t be a good basketball player. -> 2, He is strong . He can carry that suitcase. -> 3, The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil a kettle. -> 4, The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it. -> 5, He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it. -> III, Rewrite the sentences:(5.t) 1, He is too yuong to go to school > He is not 2, Her hair is long, straight and black > She has 3, What does he do?-> What is ? 4, He’d rather play soccer than tennis > He prefers 5, We have quite different characters > Our characters 6, Lan is not as clever as Huong > Huong is 7, The water is so dirty that he can’t bathe his eyes. -> Te water is not 8, He isn’t allowed to ride a motorbike because he is too young. -> He is not IV, Make sentences from the words below:(8.t) 1, The sun/ rise / East. -> 2, He / be / old / enough / go /school > 3, It / be / cold / go out. 4, What / your teacher / like?-> ? 5, He / be/ not / sociable / as / his brother. -> 6, We / enjoy / tell / jokes > 7, He / be/ hard- working student / who always / good marks. -> V, Rewrite the sentences. 1, My class has 33 students. -> There (6.ot) 2, Bao is too young to cycle to school > Bao isn’t 3, I received some money from my aunt this morning. -> My aunt 4, How lovely the dress is! -> What 5, It takes Minh two hours to do his homework everyday. -> Minh spends 6, What is your father’ age? -> How ? 7, Let’s meet inside the center, at the cafe corner.(18.nc) -> How ? 8, Sao Mai Movie Theater is near my house. -> Sao Mai Movie Theater isn’t 9, I’ll telephone you tomorrow morning. -> I’ll give 10, The table is on the right of the bed. (26.n c) -> The bed 11, You must stay in bed because of your illness. -> You have 12, He stays up too late and he is always tired the next morning. -> He should 13, No one helped Thanh repair the bicycle. -> Thanh repaired 14, Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous. -> It is . DE I Anh 8 cuoi nam 2010 I. G¹ch ch©n c¸c tõ viÕt sai trong c©u: 1. The boy fell off his bicycle. 3. There, doctor and nerses took care of him. .……………………… 4. students are advised to collect plastic botles for recycling. ……………… II. Chia d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc: 1. The man (sit ) next. good new . 4. Do you mind(give) me some water ? 5. This tree (plant ) by my grandfather.……………………… III. Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng nhÊt: 1. It’s dangerous (swim / to swim /swimming ) 2. (Do / Could / Would

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 08:00

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