ptg 428 Chapter 12 • Working with Images (and Links) 12.3.1 Replacing Images Dynamically with the src Property By changing the value assigned to the src property of an image, it is possible to dynam- ically replace one image with another. You can create an array of images with the Array() constructor, and assign any one of these images to the src property of the JavaScript images[] array. EXAMPLE 12.4 <html> <head><title>HTML Images</title> <script type="text/javascript"> 1 var myImages=new Array("baby1.jpg", "baby2.jpg", "baby3.jpg", "baby4.jpg"); 2 index_val=0; 3 function next_image(){ 4 index_val++; 5 if (index_val < myImages.length){ 6 document.images["babypic"].src = myImages[index_val]; // could say document.babypic.src or // document.images[0].src } 7 else{ index_val=0; document.images["babypic"].src = myImages[index_val]; } } 8 function previous_image(){ index_val ; 9 if (index_val >= 0){ document.images["babypic"].src = myImages[index_val]; } 10 else{ index_val=myImages.length - 1; document.images["babypic"].src = myImages[index_val]; } } </script> </head> <body> <div align="center"> <h2>Baby Gallery</h2> 11 <img name="babypic" id="babypic" src="baby1.jpg" width="329" height="440" > <br /> From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 12.3 Working with Imagemaps 429 12 <a href="JavaScript:next_image()"> View next baby<br /> </a> 13 <a href="JavaScript:previous_image()"> View previous baby<br /> </a> </div> </body> </html> EXPLANATION 1 The array myImages consisting of four images is created by the Array() constructor. 2 The index value for the array is assigned to a variable called index_val. 3 A function called next_image() is defined. When called, the function will cause the next image in the array to be displayed. 4 By increasing the value of the index, the next image in the array will be accessed. 5 As long as the end of the array hasn’t been reached, the block will be entered and the new image displayed. 6 The name of the image, babypic, is used as an index into the images[] array to refer- ence the default image by name. By assigning a new image (from the myImages ar- ray) to the image’s src property, the current image will be replaced by the new image. 7 If the end of the array has been reached, the statements within the else block will be executed, resetting the array index back to the beginning, index 0. 8 A function called previous_image() is defined. When called, it will go backward in the array and cause the previous image to be displayed. 9 If the index value is still ≥0, we are still within the boundaries of the array. 10 If by subtracting one from the index value, we have ended up with a value of –1, we are out of the bounds of the array, and will set the index value back to the size of the array, its length –1. 11 This is the initial image displayed on the screen before the user initiates an action. 12 When this link is clicked, the JavaScript function called next_image() is invoked. 13 When this link is clicked, the JavaScript function called previous_image() is invoked. See Figure 12.11. EXAMPLE 12.4 (CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 430 Chapter 12 • Working with Images (and Links) Figure 12.11 Image replacement. Each time a link is pressed, one image is replaced with another. EXAMPLE 12.5 <html> <head><title>HTML Replacing Images</title></head> <body bgcolor="cornflowerblue"> From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 12.3 Working with Imagemaps 431 <h2> This Is Baby William</h2> 1 <img name="display" src="baby1.jpg" width="220" height="250" > <script type="text/javascript"> 2 var myImages=new Array("baby1.jpg", "baby2.jpg", "baby3.jpg"); 3 var n = prompt("Pick a number between 1 and 3",""); 4 n ; 5 document.images["display"].src = myImages[n]; // document.images[0].src = myImages[n] </script> </body> </html> EXPLANATION 1 An HTML inline image called display is created. Its source is a file called baby1.jpg with the width and height defined in pixels. 2 An array object called myImages is created with the Array() constructor. The ele- ments of the array are three .jpg files. 3 The user is prompted to pick a number between 1 and 3, which will determine which image will be displayed. The user input is assigned to variable n. 4 Array indexes start at 0. The user entered a number between 1 and 3, and because n will be used as an index into the array, it must be decremented to produce an index number ranging from 0 to 2. 5 The images array can be indexed by number or name. In this example, display is the name given to the default image shown on the screen, baby.jpg. By changing the src property, the default image will be replaced by any one of the images listed in the myImages array. See Figure 12.12. Figure 12.12 Another example of image replacement: Output from Example 12.5 (left) after the user picks a number (right). EXAMPLE 12.5 (CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 432 Chapter 12 • Working with Images (and Links) 12.3.2 Preloading Images and the Image() Constructor If you assign a new image to the src property of an image object, there might be some lag in the time it takes to download the image from the server. And if you have a slow con- nection, this can be a real turnoff, to the point that you don’t even bother to wait for the image to load. To solve this problem, the Image() constructor allows you to preload an offline image; this puts the image in the browser’s cache before it is used. This technique of caching the image makes the response time much faster, especially when you have large images, animation, rollovers, and the like. The Image() constructor can also define the size (height and width, in pixels) of the cached image. Be sure to put the Image() constructor in the <head> portion of the document so that the images are put in the cache before the script starts to run. For seamless transition when replacing one image with another, both images should be of the same size, accomplished by cropping or scal- ing the image. To use the Image() constructor, see next. It is possible, but unlikely, the viewer is using a browser that doesn’t support the image object. We can add a little snippet of code to detect if the image object exists and then continue with preloading the images: if(document.images){ pic1=new Image(100,25); pic1.src=""; } A Simple Rollover with a Mouse Event. We talked about event handlers with the form object and now we will demonstrate the use of an event handler with the image object. For a complete discussion, see Chapter 13. The objective of the next example is to change the image when the mouse rolls over a link, and to change it back when the mouse moves away from the link. There are two images involved: the image that initially appears on the page and the image that replaces it when the mouse rolls over the link associated with it. Both of the images are preloaded with the Image() constructor. The JavaScript onMouseOver event is triggered when the user’s mouse moves onto the link, and the onMouseOut event is triggered when the mouse moves away from the link. FORMAT var newImage = new Image(); var newImage = new Image(height, width) newImage.src = "image.gif"; EXAMPLE var myImage = new Image(200,300); myImage.src = "baby.gif"; From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 12.3 Working with Imagemaps 433 EXAMPLE 12.6 <html> <head><title>Preloading Images</title> <script type="text/javascript"> 1 function preLoadImages(){ 2 baby = new Array(); // global variable 3 baby[0]=new Image(); 4 baby[0].src="baby1.jpg"; baby[1]=new Image(); // Preload an image 5 baby[1].src="baby2.jpg"; } </script> </head> 6 <body bgcolor="cornflowerblue" onLoad="preLoadImages();"> <h2>This Is Baby William</h2> 7 <a href="#" onMouseOver="document.willy.src=baby[1].src;" 8 onMouseOut="document.willy.src=baby[0].src;"> 9 <img name="willy" src="baby1.jpg" width=190 height=200 /> </a> </body> </html> EXPLANATION 1 A function called preLoadImages() is defined in the head of the document. It will define a list of images that will be loaded before anything else. With this technique (unless the images are large or great in number), the viewer will have the neces- sary images in his browser’s cache before the script starts to run, reducing waiting time. For a small example, such as this, there will be no noticeable difference. 2 The new array, called baby, is declared. 3 The Image() constructor creates and preloads a new image object and assigns it to the first element of the baby array. 4 The src property is assigned the name of the external image file called baby1.jpg. 5 The src property is assigned the name of the external image file called baby2.jpg. 6 When the page has loaded, the onLoad event is triggered causing the preLoadIm- ages() function to be called. 7 The # (hash mark) disables the link so that the browser does not try to go to a URL when clicked. The link is an image. The onMouseOver event is triggered when the us- er’s mouse moves onto the link, and the onMouseOut event is triggered when the user’s mouse moves away from the link (image). When the mouse moves over the image, the baby image changes from the first image to the second one. When the mouse is moved away from the image, the original image is displayed. Going down the Java- Script hierarchy, we start with the document, then to document.willy or ages[0] or document.images[“willy”]), then to the src property that is assigned the im- age object. One image is replaced with another. Note: document.images[“willy”] is an associative array. Any object, not just the Array object, can use the square bracket no- tation to reference its properties. See Chapter 9, “JavaScript Core Objects.” Continues From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 434 Chapter 12 • Working with Images (and Links) 12.3.3 Randomly Displaying Images and the onClick Event By using the Math object’s random() method, it is sometimes fun to randomly generate pictures from a list of images. Example 12.7 demonstrates how to change the src attri- bute of an image object by using a random number as the index of an element in an image array. All of the images are preloaded by using the Image() constructor, greatly improving the time it takes to load the images. 8 When the mouse is moved away from the link, the initial image baby1.jpg will re- appear on the screen. 9 The initial external image called baby1.jpg is named willy and is aligned on the left side of the screen. The output is shown in Figure 12.13. Figure 12.13 Before the mouse rolls over the image (left), as the mouse hovers over the image (middle), and when the mouse moves away from the image (right). EXAMPLE 12.7 <html> <head><title>Preloading Images</title></head> <script type="text/javascript"> 1 ImageHome=new Array(3); 2 for(var i=0; i<3; i++){ ImageHome[i]=new Image(); } 3 ImageHome[0].src="baby1.jpg"; ImageHome[1].src="baby2.jpg"; ImageHome[2].src="baby3.jpg"; 4 function myRandom(){ 5 var n=ImageHome.length - 1; 6 var randnum=Math.floor(Math.random() * (n + 1)); 7 document.images["display"].src = ImageHome[randnum].src; } </script> EXPLANATION ( CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com . to the src property of the JavaScript images[] array. EXAMPLE 12.4 <html> <head><title>HTML Images</title> <script type="text /javascript& quot;> 1 var. WoweBook.Com ptg 12.3 Working with Imagemaps 429 12 <a href=" ;JavaScript: next_image()"> View next baby<br /> </a> 13 <a href=" ;JavaScript: previous_image()"> View previous. initiates an action. 12 When this link is clicked, the JavaScript function called next_image() is invoked. 13 When this link is clicked, the JavaScript function called previous_image() is invoked. See