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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit4: Period 21: LEARNING A FOREINGN LANLUAGE Getting started + lislen and read pps

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Unit4: LEARNING A FOREINGN LANLUAGE Period 21: Getting started + lislen and read A.Aim: Reading a dialogue for details about the questions in an exam B.Objective: Students will be able to produce the questions for an oral examination. C.Teaching aids: Text book D.Procedure: * Warm up ( lucky numbers) - Tell students that they have to make questions about personal information when teacher gives them a word as a cue. Eg.: Teacher : from Students: Where are you from? 1. Name/ 2;LN, 3:live, 4:live with, 5: LN, 6: old, 7: LN, 8: start/learn English, 9: LN, 10: hobbies .I.Pre-reading: Pre-teach vocabulary - aspect (n) : lĩnh vực, mặt, khía cạnh (translation) - examiner (n) : giám khảo (definition : a person who ask questions (spoken or written) to find out how much a Person knows) - coming (agj) : sắp đến - college (n) : trường cao đẳng hay Đại học (example) - candidate (n) : thí sinh (definition: one part in an eam) - written examination/oral examination:cuộc thi viết  cuộc thi vấn đáp *Check : R.O.R II.While reading: 1Pre - questions :Set the scene : Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign students, about the oral examination that she has just taken . - Give students 2 questions 1. Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy? 2. How many questions did the examiner ask Lan? - Have students work in pairs to answer them. - Give feedback I. Reading and checking - Ask students to read the dialogue between Lan and Paola on page 32-33 ad check if their answer are correct or not. * Answer: 1. They are difficult (according to Lan) 2. About over 7 questions. Besides, she was asked to read a passage II. True-False statements: - Get students to read the list of questions for the oral examination of Royal English College - Get them to read the dialogue again and decide what questions that the examiner asked Lan. - Let the students do the exercise individually then compare with their partners * Answer keys : Royal English College Examination in English as Foreign Language Stage one : Oral examination 1. What is your name? 2. Where do you come from? 3. Where do you live? 4. Do you live with yours parents? 5. When did you begin studying English? 6. Why are you learning English? 7. Do you speak any other languages? 8. How did you learn English in your country? 9. How will you use English in your country? 10. What aspect of learning English do you find most difficult? 11. What are you going to learn 12. What are your hobbies? 13. Look at this picture. Describe it. 14. Read this passage - Ask students to compare the direct questions and the reported speech III. Post -reading- Ask students to work in pairs to practice asking and answering One Students plays the role of examiner and another plays the role of Lan - Call on some pairs to demonstrate before the class - give feedback and correct - Have students play the roles of Paola and Lan. - Call on some pairs to play the roles of Paola and Lan before the class - Correct their pronunciation/intonation. - Ask students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue IV.Homework:- Ask students to work in pairs to practice asking and answering. One students plays the role of examiner and another plays the role of Lan - Call on some pairs to demonstrate before the class - give feedback and correct - Have students play the roles of Paola and Lan. - Call on some pairs to play the roles of Paola and Lan before the class - Correct their pronunciation/intonation. - Ask students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue The end . Unit4: LEARNING A FOREINGN LANLUAGE Period 21: Getting started + lislen and read A. Aim: Reading a dialogue for details about the questions in an exam B.Objective: Students will be able. class - give feedback and correct - Have students play the roles of Paola and Lan. - Call on some pairs to play the roles of Paola and Lan before the class - Correct their pronunciation/intonation asked to read a passage II. True-False statements: - Get students to read the list of questions for the oral examination of Royal English College - Get them to read the dialogue again and decide

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 21:20