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Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 752 10-10-2008 #17 752 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation Minimize ε subject to 0 ≤ p(T ij ) ≤ slack (T ij ) M − ε 2 ≤ ρ(T ij ) ≤ M + ε 2 i, j = 1, , nr w − 1 The above formulation is also called a range d LP formulation wh ere the manufacturability is guaranteed by the constraints. In addition to the LP approaches, Ref. [14] introduces the Monte-Carlo method for min-variation objective. In the Monte-Carlo approach, a tile is chosen randomly and its content is increment with a predetermined fill amount. Tiles are chosen based on their priority, which is the probability of choosing a particular tile T ij . The priority of a tile T ij is zero if and only if either T ij belongs to a window that has already achieved the density upper bound U, or the slack of T ij is equal to the already-in serted fillarea. As described in Ref. [14], the priority of a tile T ij is chosento be proportional to U –MinWin(T ij ), where MinWin(T ij ) is the minimum density over windows containing the tile T ij . The only drawback of the Monte-Carlo method is that it may insert an excessive amount of total fill. A variant of the Monte-Carlo approach is the greedy algorithm. At each step, the min-variation greedy algorithm adds the maximum possible amount of fill into a tile with the highest priority, which causes the priority of that particular tile to becom e zero. In the presence of two objectives, namely min-variation and min-fill, the intuitiveapproachwould be to first find a solution that optimizes one of the objectives then modifying the solution with respect to the o ther objective. Min-fill ob jective tries to delete as much previously inserted fill as possible, while maintaining the density criteria. To optimize the min-fill objective problem with the Monte-Carlo approach, a filling geometry from a tile randomly chosen according to a particular priority is iteratively deleted. Priorities are chosen symmetrical to the priority in the min-variation Monte-Carlo algorithm, that is, proportional to MinWin(T ij ) − L. Again, symmetrically no filling geometry can be deleted from the tile T ij (i.e., T ij is locked) if and only if it either has zero priority or else all fill previously inserted into T ij have been deleted . Thus, the min-fill Monte-Carlo a lgorithm deletes fill g eometries from unlocked tiles, which are randomly chosen according to the above priority scheme. Similarly, the min-fill greedy algorithm iteratively deletes a filling geometry from an unlocked tile with the current highest priority. A variant of the Monte-Carlo approach is the deterministic greedy algorithm where at each step the greedy min-variation algorithm adds the maximum possible amount of fill into a tile with the highest priority.The runtime for this approach is slightly higher than Monte-Carlo because of finding highest-priority tile rather than random ones [12]. Iterated Monte-Carlo and Hierarchical Methods Monte-Carloand greedy approachesareboth suboptimal forthe min-variationobjectiveresulting in a minimum window density thatmaybe significantlylower than the optimum.Reference [12]proposes a new iterative technique alternating between the min-variation and min-fill objectives, to narrow the gap between the upper window density bound U and the minimum window density bound L. As described in Ref. [12] the iterated Mon te-Carlo a nd greedy filling algorithms are mod ified as follows: 1. Interrupt the filling process as soon as the lower bound L on window density is reached, that is, when M = L, instead of improving the minimum window density (while possible) for the min-variation objective. 2. Continue iterating, but without changing the lower density bound M = L.Animproved solution can typ ically be obtained by keeping track of the best solution oserved over all iterations. Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 753 10-10-2008 #18 CMP Fill Synthesis: A Survey of Recent Studies 753 All the filling methods mentioned above were proposed for flat designs; h owever, the filling problem for hierarchical layouts (standard-cell) is similar to the one for flat layouts. The constraints for the hierarchical filling problem as described by the auth ors in Ref. [13] are as follows: • Filling geometries are added to master cells • Each cell in a filled layout is a filled version of the original master cell • Layout data volume should not exceed a given threshold The proposed method by the authors in Ref. [13] first computes the slack value for all the master cells. Then a keep-off zone around master cells will be created to avoid overfilling the regions near master cell boundaries. Then master cells are filled using a Monte-Carlo method where master cells that are more underfilled will be assigned a higher priority. This process is continued until either all the master cells are filled above their minimum density lower bound or the slack in the underfilled master cells becomes zero. However, due to overlaps b etween different instances of master cells and features or the inter- actions among the bloat region s in the vicinity of the master cells, pure hierarchical filling may result in some sparse or unfilled regions. This could result in high layout density variation. An intu- itive solution would be to apply a postprocessing phase, that is, apply a standard flat fill approach. However, this will greatly increase the resultant data volume and runtime and diminish the benefit of the hierarchical approach. Reference [13] proposes a three-phase hybrid hierarchical flat-filling approach as follows: 1. Purely hierarchical phase 2. Split-hierarchical phase, where certain master cells that were considered underfilled in phase 1 would be replicated so that distinct copies of a master cell may be filled differently than other copies of the same master cell 3. Flat-fill cleanup phase (i.e., LP, Monte-Carlo, etc.), which will fill any remaining sparse or underfilled regions that were not satisfactorily processed during the first two phases Timing-Driven Fill Synthesis One o f the largest concerns in fill synthesis, apart from meeting the CMP design rules, is the impact of fill insertion on the interconnect capacitance. An excessive increase in wire capacitance can cause a net to violate its setup timing constraint. A large value for keep-off distance (i.e., minimum distance from fill to wire) reduces the impact but it erodes into available areas to insert fills and sometimes makes it impossible to meet the minimum density constraint. Reference [11] proposes the first fo rmulation of the performance impact limited fill (PIL-Fill) problem with the objective of either minimizing total delay impact or maximizing the minimum slack of all nets, subject to a given predetermined amount of fill. They also developed simple capacitance models to be used in their delay calculations. The PIL-Fill synthesis formulation has two objectives: • Minimizing layout density variation • Minimizing the CMP fill features’ impact on circuit performance (e.g., signal delay and timing slack) Because it is difficult to satisfy both the objectives simultaneously, practical approaches tend to optimize one objective while transforming the other into constraints. Using the termin ology in Ref. [11], the two problem formulations proposed are as follows (note that these formulations are for fixed-dissection regimes): Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 754 10-10-2008 #19 754 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation 1. Given tile T, a prescribed amount of fill is to be added into T , a size for each fill feature, a set of slack sites (i.e., sites available for fill insertion) in T per the design rules for floating square fill, and the direction of current flow and the per-unit length resistance for each interconnect segment in T, insert fill features into T such that total impact on delay is minimized. 2. Given a fixed-dissection routed layout and the design rule for floating square fill features, insert a predetermined amount of fill in each tile such that the minimum slack over all nets in the layout is maximized. The first formulation corresponds to minimum delay with fill constrained formulation while the second one is the maximum min-slack with fill constrained formulation. A weakness with the first formu lation is that it minimizes the total delay impact indepen dently for each tile. Hence, the impact due to fill features on signal delay of the complete timing path is not considered. The second formulation,therefore has been proposedto alleviate this problem by maximizingthe m inimum slack of all nets, subject to a constraint of inserting a predeterminedamountof fill in every tile of the layout. Reference [11] proposes two integer linear programming (ILP) methods and a greedy approach for the minimum delay and maximum min-slack formulations, respectively. However, the capacitance models used in delay calculations of Ref. [10] are not accurate as they do not consider the presence of fill features on the neighboring layers. This incurs inaccuracy in the estimated capacitance values and eventually causes uncertainty in the timing analysis. Also, they do not account for signal flow direction, which causes layout nonuniformity (i.e., as fills are pushed to the receiver edge, the driver edge becomes less dense). In addition to the timing-driven fill synthesis, recently an auxiliary objective-driven fill synthesis has been introduced by the authors in Ref. [41]. In this work, in addition to meeting the layout pattern density criteria, the IR-drop of the power distribution network is also reduced. IR-drop is an increasing challenge in 90 nm (and beyond) designs. The tolerance for IR-drop is becoming smaller as the voltage source scales. It also adds excess burden o n routing resources. The work by Leung et al. [41] addresses these issues and according to their experimental results achieves an average IR-drop reduction of 62.2 percent. 36.5.2 MODEL-BASED FILL SYNTHESIS Methods for fill insertion can be categorized into two groups: rule-based and model-based. Rule- based fill insertion is usually performed by Boolean operations considering design rule constraints such as minimum fill-to-fill spacing, and minimum fill-to-wire spacing (keep-off distance). On the other hand, the model-based fill insertion approach is based o n analytical expressions that define the relationship between local pattern density and ILD thickness. Figure 36.15 shows possible rule- and model-based fill insertio n approaches. The model-based fill insertion approach, given a CMP process model, is to find the amount and the location of the fill features to be inserted in the layout so that certain electrical and physical design rules are preserved and certain post-CMP topography variation is met. Reference [65] proposes a two-stepsolution with consideration of both single- and multiple-layer layouts in the fixed-dissection regime. The first step uses linear programming to compute the necessary amount of fill to be inserted in each of the dissection’s tiles. In the second step, the amount of fill calculated by the first step will be placed into each tile such that certain local properties ( i.e., electrical, physical, etc.) are preserved. Experimental results with the single-layer formulation (i.e., the cumulative variation of underlying layers is ignored) show reduction of post-CMP topography variation from 767 to 152 Å. 36.5.3 IMPACT OF CMP FILL ON INTERCONNECT PERFORMANCE In this subsection, the impacts of CMP fill on both interconnect resistance and capacitance have been reviewed. CMP fill insertion can change both coupling and total capacitance of interconnect. In Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 755 10-10-2008 #20 CMP Fill Synthesis: A Survey of Recent Studies 755 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 36.15 (a) Example layout with features lightly shaded and exclusion zone in dashed lines. (b) Twenty-five percent density fill insertion before Boolean operations. (c) Rule-based fill insertion after the application of the Boolean operations. (d) Possible model-based fill insertion. (Tian, R., Wong, D.F. , and Boone, R., Proceedings of ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 2000.) addition, metal dishing and dielectric erosion change interconnect cross section and therefore affect interconnect resistance. He et al. [23] report an increase of more than 30 percent in interconnect resistance due to dishing and erosion, while the impact on interconnect capacitance is insignificant. Reference [24] proposes a wire sizing approach to lessen the amount of interconnect resistance variationduetotheCMP process. Increased wire size compensates forthe increasedresistance caused by dishing and erosion and also reduces the effect of the large R eff (i.e., driver output resistance) variation on delay. Fill Patterns CMP fill insertion, even as it contributes to layout pattern density uniformity, increases the coupling and total interconnect capacitance. Therefore, it is importan t to assess the impact of CMP fill on inter- connect capacitance to reduce the uncertainty in circuit timing calculations. Reference [22] explores a space of different fill patterns that are equivalent from the foundry perspective (i.e., respecting all the minimum design rules, etc.) and their respective impact on interconnect capacitance. All the fill features are assumed to be rectangular, and are aligned horizontally and vertically as shown in Figure 36.16. Using the notation from Ref. [22], conductors A and B are active interconnectsand the metal shapes between them are CMP fills. Each distinct fill pa ttern is specified by (1) the number of fill rows (M)andcolumns(N); (2) the series of widths {W i } i=1 N and lengths {L j } j=1 M of fills; and (3) the series of horizontal and vertical spacings, {S x,i } i=1 N−1 and {S y,j } j=1 M−1 between fills. Enumeration of all the possible combinations of the above parameters is not feasible. Therefore, to restrict the space of exploration, Ref. [22] proposes a positive distribution characteristic function (DCF), denoted f (k),wherek is an integer variable that takes the index of the element in the series. Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 756 10-10-2008 #21 756 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AA (a) (b) (c) B Y X AB W 3 W 2 W 1 S x, 2 S x , 1 L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 ABB (d) S y, 4 S y, 3 S y, 2 S y, 1 FIGURE 36.16 Examples of fill pattern. (a) Traditional fill pattern, (b) fill with different length andspacing, (c) fill with different width and spacing, and (d) fill with different length, width and spacing (L. He, Kahng, A. B., Tam, T. H., and Xiong, J., Pr oceedings of International VLSI/ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference, 2004.) For example, the value of the ith element of the width is calculated as W i = f (i) +  W l ,where  W l is the minimum width design rule. Figure 36.17 shows an example of three different DCFs for width. Reference [22] uses combinations of different DCFs for the parameters mentioned. On the basis of the results of the experiments, Ref. [22] proposes two guidelines as to what a “good” fill pattern might be among all the possible valid fill pattern combinations. The criteria for this assessment are based on the impact of the pattern on interconnect capacitance. According to these guidelines • In a fixed length budget, the number of fill columns should be maximized • In a fixed width budget, the number of fill rows should be minimized In addition to the p arameters covered in the previous experiments, Ref. [20] adds four more parameters in its space of exploration. These parameters are, metal width, metal height, dielectric constant, and keep-off distance. The trend of changes in interconnect capacitance were observed for the corresponding parameters. A recent work by Kahng et al. [30] systematically studies the impact of various floating fill configuration parameters, such as fill size, fill location, interconnect size, separation from interconnect edges, multiple fill columns and rows, etc., on coupling capacitance. On the b asis of their studies, Ref. [30] proposes certain guidelines for fill insertion to reduce their impact on coupling capacitance while achieving the prescribed metal density. The following are the proposed guidelines in order of decreasing importance: 1. High-impact region. Fill inser tion impacts thecoupling capacitance most inthe area between the two overlapping interconnects and in a close proximity to it. 2. Edge effects. Fill insertion should be preferred at the edges of the above region. 3. Wire spacing. Impact on coupling capacitance is smaller if spacing between the two interconnects is large. Hence, fill must be inserted where spacing is large. (a) (b) (c) ZZZ f(z ) f(z ) f(z ) FIGURE 36.17 Examples of DCFs and their corresponding geometrical interpretation. (a) f (z) is a constant, (b) f (z) is nearly increasing, and (c) f (z) is a triangular function. (L. He, Kahng, A. B., Tam, T. H., and Xiong, J., Proceedings of International VLSI/ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference, 2004.) Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 757 10-10-2008 #22 CMP Fill Synthesis: A Survey of Recent Studies 757 A DBC (a) DB A C (b) FIGURE 36.18 (a) Regular fill pattern and (b) fill insertion with guidelines. 4. Wire width. Large-width wires are more susceptible to increase in capacitance due to fill insertion. Thinner wire must be preferred as neighbors of fill. 5. Maximize columns. The number of columns should be maximized. That is, fill must be split up subject to the minimum size design rules in a column and spread evenly between the two interconnects. 6. Minimize rows. Fill rows may be merged to reduce the coupling capacitance. 7. Increase length not width. Increasing fill length must be preferred to increasing width to attain the same fill area. 8. Centralize fill. Fill or fill configurations when centered between the two interconnects have a smaller impact on the increase in coupling capacitance. Figure 36.18 shows an application of the proposed guidelines for a represented fill/wire config- uration. In this configuration Guidelines 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 have been utilized. Increase in coupling capacitance is 27 percent a nd 11 percent when fill is inserted in a r egular pattern and with the proposed guidelines respectively. Reference [30] reports that on average 53 percent reduction in coupling capacitance increase is achieved through applying the guidelines for fill insertion. CMP Fill and Interconnect Capacitance CMP fill features despite their role in uniforming layout pattern density have a significant impact on coupling and total interconnect capacitance. There is a body work that addresses different issues regarding the estimation or o ptimization of the capacitance impact o f the CMP fill. Reference [50] briefly described a m odel-libr ary-based approach to extract floating-fill. Results demonstrating the accuracy of the approach and characterization time were, however, not presented. Reference [40] presented a methodology for full-chip extraction of total capacitance in presence Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 758 10-10-2008 #23 758 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation of floa ting-fill and Ref. [39] extended their analysis. Their appro ach adjusts the permittivity and sidewall thickness of dielectric to account for the capacitance increase due to fill. According to Ref. [34] capacitance of a configuration is directly proportional to the charge accumulated on one of the electrodes (Q = CV ). The charge density on an electrode depends on the electric field close to the electrode (E = σ/A). Therefore, the electric field close to an electrode determines the capacitance of a configuration. When a floating plate of thickness t(t < d) and the same size as the conductor plates is inserted in the space between the conductors, the capacitance increases to εA/(d − t). Also, Ref. [ 1] has proposed an extraction methodology, where fills are eliminated one by one usingagraph-based randomwalkalgorithmwhileupdatingthe couplingcapacitances.In thismethod, a network of capacitors is collapsed into the equivalent capacitance b etween two nets. In addition, Yu et al. [75] propose enhancements to the current field solvers by taking into account floating fills and their conditions in the direct boundary element equations. The basic idea in their approach is to add additional equations about the floating CMP fill features to generate a solvable system of linear equations. In the conventional approach, the field solver is called as m any times as the number of conductors and floating fill features, whereas in the proposed method the field solver is only called as many times as the number of conductors. Hence, the proposed method has reduced the computation runtime of the field solving process compared to traditional methods. Reference [8] presents a charge-based capacitance measurement methodology to analyze the impact of fills. And finally Ref. [33] proposes three techniques of fill insertion to reduce the interconnect capacitance and the number of fills inserted. It also provides an estimation of the required number of fill geometries for each of the proposed techniques. However, it fails to report the accuracy and reliability of the methods and estimations for densities greater than 30 percent. 36.5.4 STI FILL INSERTION Shallow trench isolation is the isolation technique of choice for IC manufacturing designs. STI is used to created trenches in silicon substrate between regions that must be isolated. Today’s STI processes involve many steps of which nitride deposition, oxide deposition, and CMP are of interest. Nitride is deposited on silicon to protect the underlying regions and to act as a polish stop (i.e., in overburdenoxide removal stage). In the next stage, oxide is deposited to fill in the trenches and cover the nitride regions by means of chemical vapor deposition (CVD). CMP is required to remove the overburden oxide over the nitride and in the trenches to ensure the planarity. In STI, the oxide is polished until all the deposited oxide over the nitride regions have been removed. However, due to the pattern-dependent nature of CMP, the planarization is imperfect as shown in Figure 36.19. Depending on the underlying pattern density, different regions have different polish rates causing oxide thickness variation which results in functional and parametric yield loss. Oxide Nitride Si FIGURE 36.19 Cross section of silicon substrate w ith nitride and oxide being deposited. (From Kahng, A. B., Sharma, P., and Zelikovsky, A., Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2006.) Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 759 10-10-2008 #24 CMP Fill Synthesis: A Survey of Recent Studies 759 Nitride Si Oxide FIGURE 36.20 Desired planarization profile after CMP. (From Kahng, A. B., Sharma, P., and Zeliko vsky, A., Pr oceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2006.) Figure 36.20 shows an ideal planarization case after CMP process where there is no nitride erosion or oxide dishing. In STI CMP, the planarization quality depends on pattern densities of both nitride and oxide. Because the oxide is deposited over the nitride, the oxide density is dependent on nitride pattern density. Owing to the variation in underlying nitride pattern density, three key failures may occur after STI CMP process. First, the CMP process may fail to completely remove the excess oxide. Second, even if it does remove the excess oxide completely, it may cause erosion of the underlying nitride. Third and finally, it may remove an excessive amount of oxide within the trenches causing oxide dishing [4]. If the overburden oxide is not completely removed, it will prevent the stripping of the underlying nitride resulting in a circuit failure. Nitride erosion exposes the underlying active devices and causes device failure. On the other hand, oxide dishing results in poor isolation. These failures due to the CMP process have been shown in Figure 36.21. Traditionally,CMP imperfections have been addressed by reverse etchbackand fill insertion. However,the etchback process incurs extra processing cost (i.e., mask cost and others) and hence is not economically desirable. Fill insertion for STI is the other technique that involves the addition of dummy nitride features to increase the nitride (and hence oxide) d ensity. The postplanarization topography in STI CMP is dependent on the overburden oxide den- sity, which is affected by the underlying nitride density. Due to the high density plasma (HDP) process, which is used widely as the oxide deposition technology, the deposited oxide exhibits an interesting property (i.e., slanted sidewalls). Hence, features on the oxide layer are a shrunk version of the nitride features [2,49,73]. For example, a square feature on the nitride layer with sides of five times will have sides of three when deposited on the oxide layer. Therefore, features with sides less than two times will not appear on the oxide layer. As mentioned earlier, the density of the oxide is dependent on the underlying nitride density. Therefore, fill is inserted in the nitride layer to control the densities of both nitride and oxide layers. Failure to clear oxide Nitride erosion Oxide dishing FIGURE 36.21 Three main defects caused by CMP process. (From Kahng, A. B., Sharma, P., and Zelikovsky , A., Pr oceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2006.) Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 760 10-10-2008 #25 760 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation Failure to remove the overburden oxide completely is the main cause of failure in the o xide CMP process. This phenomenon happens over the regions where oxide density is higher than average. In higher density regions, the CMP p ad pressure is reduced and hence the RR is less than that o f the regions with lower density [47]. Oxide dishing and nitride erosion can be significantly reduced by increasing the nitride density. In fact, because nitride is used as a polish stop, higher nitride density makes the detection of the nitride more accurate. In a recent work, Kahng et al. [31] propose a new fill insertion methodology for STI CMP processes. In the problem formulation they propose the following fill insertion objectives in the order of their priority: • Minimize oxide density variation • Maximize nitride density Correspondingly, a bicriteria problem formulation was introduced by Ref. [31] as follows. Given: • Set of rectilinear nitride regions contributed by the devices in the design • Parameter α by which nitride features shrink on each side to give oxide features • Design rules: minimum nitride width, maximum nitride width, minimum nitride space and notch, minimum nitride area, and minimu m enclosed area by nitride Find: • Locations for fill insertion Such that: 1. Oxide density variation is minimized 2. Nitride density is maximized For thefirst objective, Ref. [31]uses thesame LP formulation proposed in Ref.[29], asmentioned in Section 36.4. The fill slack in the STI method is the maximum oxide d ensity due to fill insertion and the maximum contribution is m ade by maximum fill insertion on the nitride layer. Using the terminology of Ref. [31], the maximum fill region, the union of all regions where fill can be inserted subject to design rule constraints, is denoted by Nitride max and its density is denoted as |Nitride max |. The proposed procedure for finding the region Nitride max is shown in Figure 36.22. Maximum oxide density could be achieved by shrinking Nitride max by x on all sides for any polygon.Toaddress the second objectiveof the bicriteria formulation,Ref. [31] introduces|Oxide max | to denote the oxide density due to Nitride max , which is highest oxide density achievable by fill insertion. Experimental results show that using the proposed method, averaged over two testcases, the oxide density variation is reduced by 63 percent and minimum nitride density is increased by 79 percent compared with tiling-based fill insertion. Also, the quality of post-CMP topography is improved as the maximum final step height is reduced by 9 percent with only 1 7 percent increase in the planar ization window [31]. 36.6 DESIGN FLOWS FOR FILL SYNTHESIS The impact of CMP-induced variations on yield and performance can be controlled by inserting CMP fill features. When it comes to CMP fill insertion, there are two different hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that the fill synthesis and timing should be closed inside the detailed router. This might sound like an intuitive solution due to the following: Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 761 10-10-2008 #26 CMP Fill Synthesis: A Survey of Recent Studies 761 Nitride STI (a) Min. spacing rule-correct fill regions (b) Region for fill (Nitride max ) Width too small (c) FIGURE 36.22 Computation of maximum fill region (Nitride max ). (a) Unfilled layout. (b) Possible regions for fill insertion. (c) Spaces of small width and area (shown in the lightest shade of gray) are not available for fill. (From Kahng, A. B., Sharma, P., and Zelikovsky, A., Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2006.) • Routers lay down geometries and close timing, and so they are the natural candidate to perform fill synthesis. • Timing closure will be more certain for the design team before hand off to manufacturing. • Multi-grounded fill, which reduces timing uncertainty and improves IR d rop, is a natural extension of power/ground routing capability. The other hypothesis suggests thatthe router should not perform thefill insertion due tothe following: • Complicated density analyses that support high-quality CMP modeling are not easily performed by the router (wrap-around, full-chip, width-distribution dependent, etc.). • Routers cannot deliver high-quality fill without a runtime hit. • With the possible exception of hold time slack and coupling-induced delay uncertainty issues, grounded fill is a bad idea from a performancestandpoint(there are some verification and planning closure issues as well). Floating fill synthesis is preferable, but is unnatural for a router. • Foundries want to own more and more of the RET (reticle enhancement technique), includ- ing CMP fill, because RET exposes the process. Extraction, coverage, and fill pattern rules provide a huge amount of leverage, to avoid any need for solving fill in the router. • Better passing of design intent from design to m anufacturing can reduce the need to solve the problem in the router as mentioned in Ref. [11]. 36.6.1 RC EXTRACTION AND TIMING CLOSURE CMP fill insertion must not compromise the sign-off timing and signal integrity.However, it has been shown that CMP fill insertion will adversely impact the interconnect capacitance and therefore the signal delay [22]. Guptaet al. [10,11] propose CMP fill insertion approachesaimed at minimizingthe impact of the fill features on the circuit performance. Their method has two objectives, minimizing the layout density variation, and minimizing the CMP fill features’ impact on circuit performance (i.e., signal delay and timing slack). Practical approaches tend to find an optimized solution for one objective an d then the solution will be adjusted to satisfy the other objective while preserving th e first constraint. The PIL-Fill approach discussed in Section can reduce the negative timing slack impact of floating fill by more than 80 percent [11]. . index of the element in the series. Alpert /Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 756 10-10-2008 #21 756 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AA (a). Alpert /Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 752 10-10-2008 #17 752 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation Minimize ε subject. methodology for full-chip extraction of total capacitance in presence Alpert /Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C036 Finals Page 758 10-10-2008 #23 758 Handbook of Algorithms for

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