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WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide part 84 pptx

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804 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Java development tools shortcuts Table B-5 Java development tools shortcuts Front slash (/) Comment Content assist (simplified Chinese) Back slash (\) Uncomment Question mark (?) Parameter hints (simplified Chinese) Left arrow Expand selection to previous element Right arrow Expand selection to next element Up arrow Expand selection to enclosing element Down arrow Expand selection to last element 1 Quick fix Key Ctrl+Key Alt+Key Alt+Shift+Key Key Key by itself Shift+Key Ctrl+Shift+Key F2 Show Javadoc Open external Javadoc F3 Open on selection F4 Open type hierarchy T Open type Y Refactor > Redo Z Refactor > Undo Appendix B. Keyboard shortcuts 805 Debug perspective shortcuts Table B-6 Debug perspective shortcuts Page and CSS Designer shortcuts Table B-7 Page and CSS Designer shortcuts Key Key by itself Ctrl+Key Ctrl+Shift+Key B Add/Remove breakpoint DDisplay Q Inspect R Run to Line URun snippet F5 Step into F6 Step over F7 Run to return F8 Resume F9 Relaunch last F11 Run > Debug Last Launched Run > Run Last Launched Key Ctrl+Key Ctrl+Shift+Key Alt+Shift+Ke y Ctrl+Alt+Key A Add Column to Left BBold C Select Column D Remove Tag Add Column to Right Design Page (toggle) E Align Horizontal Center G Insert Image 806 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide I Italic L Align Left OInsert Form P Preview Page (toggle) Q Link Add Row Above R Align Right Select Row S Source Page (toggle) T Insert Table U Underline Z Add Row Below Space Insert Non-breaking Space ( ) Enter Insert Line Break Attributes Left arrow Previous Word Join Cell with Cell on Left Right arrow Next Word Join Cell with Cell on Right Split Cell into Columns Up arrow Focus Hierarchy Up Join Cell with Cell Above Down arrow Focus Hierarchy Down Join Cell with Cell Below Split Cell into Rows 0 Insert Paragraph 1 Insert Heading 1 2 Insert Heading 2 3 Insert Heading 3 4 Insert Heading 4 Key Ctrl+Key Ctrl+Shift+Key Alt+Shift+Ke y Ctrl+Alt+Key Appendix B. Keyboard shortcuts 807 Page Designer source page shortcuts Table B-8 Page Designer source page shortcuts 5 Insert Heading 5 6 Insert Heading 6 Key Ctrl+Key Ctrl+Shift+Key Alt+Shift+Ke y Ctrl+Alt+Key Key Ctrl+Key Ctrl+Shift+Key C Cleanup Document F Format Document M Insert line separator W Source page line number field context menu appears Switch to editor Space Content assist 808 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved. 809 Appendix C. Additional material This redbook refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the Internet as described below. Locating the Web material The Web material associated with this redbook is available in softcopy on the Internet from the IBM Redbooks Web server. Point your Web browser to: ftp://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/SG246957 Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks Web site at: ibm.com/redbooks Select the Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with the redbook form number, SG24-6957. C 810 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Using the Web material The additional Web material that accompanies this redbook includes the following files: File name Description sg246957code.zip Sample code for following the EJB samples throughout the book corrections.txt Corrections to the book after publishing System requirements for downloading the Web material The following system configuration is recommended: Hard disk space 3 GB Operating System Windows 2000 or Windows NT Processor 700 MHz or better Memory 512 MB, recommended 784 MB How to use the Web material Unzip the contents of the Web material sg246957code.zip file onto your hard drive. This creates a folder structure c:\SG246957\sampcode\xxxx, where xxxxx refers to a chapter in the book: _setup Create the EJBBANK database dev-java Java development dev-db Database development dev-web Web application development dev-webdb Web application with database development dev-proc Applications with stored procedures dev-struts Web application using the Struts framework dev-xml XML development dev-ejb EJB development dev-webserv Web services development dev-visual GUI development test-junit JUnit and component test deploy-app Application deployment deploy-ant Building applications with Ant zSolution Exported EAR, WAR, JAR files for all projects Appendix C. Additional material 811 Installing the EJBBANK database The _setup directory contains the definitions and sample data for the database that is being used in all the examples. To set up the database you must have DB2 Version 7.2 or Version 8.1 installed. We only tested the samples with Version 7.2, but they should work with Version 8.1 as well. Use either the DB2V7.2 or the DB2V8.1 subdirectory (the name of the command line processor has changed and the .bat files are different). To set up the database, perform these steps:  Run the createbank.bat file. This defines the EJBBANK database and tables.  Run the loadbank.bat file to load sample data into the tables. You can rerun this file at any time to reset the sample data to its original state.  Optionally run the listbank.bat file to list the data. EJBBANK database The EJBBANK database is the same as is used in the IBM Redbook EJB 2.0 Development with WebSphere Studio Application Developer , SG24-6819. For details about the data model and content, refer to Chapter 10, “Introducing and preparing for the sample application” in that redbook. In this document we are only using a subset of the tables:  Customer—Bank customers with customer ID, title, first name, last name, user ID, and password. There is also an address column that we do not use.  Account—Bank account with account ID, balance, interest rate, and account type (CHECKING or SAVINGS). The additional columns are not used.  TransRecord—Transaction records for banking transactions performed on an account. The columns are transaction ID (a timestamp), account ID (foreign key to the account table), transaction type (C for credit and D for debit), and transaction amount.  CustAcct—Many-to-many relationship table between customer and account, with two foreign key columns, customer ID and account ID. 812 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Installing the ItsoProGuide.ear file The files in the zSolution directory can be used to load all the code into Application Developer instead of developing the sample step-by-step. To import the ItsoProGuide EAR file do the following:  Select File -> Import and select EAR file as import source. Then browse to the \sg246957\sampcode\zSolution\ItsoProGuide.ear and select it. As project name, enter ItsoProGuide (Figure C-1). If you already have worked on the ItsoProGuide projects, select Overwrite existing resources without warning . Click Next . Figure C-1 Importing the solution EAR file  On the next page (Figure C-2) select Create a new Java project defined as a utility JAR or web library . This creates the ItsoProGuideJava project that is used as a utility JAR file in other projects. Click Next and go through the remaining pages (Figure C-3), but do not modify anything, or click Finish now. Appendix C. Additional material 813 Figure C-2 Specifying import settings Figure C-3 Specify module and classpath information . ID. 812 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Installing the ItsoProGuide.ear file The files in the zSolution directory can be used to load all the code into Application. 804 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Java development tools shortcuts Table B -5 Java development tools shortcuts Front slash. field context menu appears Switch to editor Space Content assist 808 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide © Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved. 809 Appendix

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 20:20