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WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide part 7 doc

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34 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Figure 2-9 Classpath variables preferences Figure 2-10 shows the New Variable Entry dialog with a DB2Java variable that points to the DB2 JDBC driver class. The name of the file containing the class, db2java.zip, is specified along with the file system path to it. Figure 2-10 New Variable Entry dialog Chapter 2. Setting up your Workbench and workspace preferences 35 Appearance of Java elements The page Java -> Appearance provides a dialog with some settings regarding the appearance of Java elements in viewers. Here you can change the following options:  Show method return types , methods in views display their return types.  Show override indicators in outline and hierarchy displays an indicator for overridden and implemented methods in the Outline and the Type Hierarchy views.  Show members in Package Explorer , if enabled, displays Java elements below the level of Java files and Class files as well  Compress package name segments , if enabled, compresses package names according to the compression pattern  Stack views vertically in the Java Browsing perspective stacks the views in the Java Browsing perspective vertically rather than horizontally Code formatter The Java editor in the Workbench can be configured to format code in conformance with personal preferences or team standards. When setting up the Workbench you can decide what formatting should be applied. To modify the default code formatting select Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Formatter as shown in Figure 2-11. Use the tabs at the top of the page to modify various aspects of the code formatting. The sample code in the bottom right pane shows you a preview of the effects of changes that you make. The code formatting options are almost self explaining. However, a detailed description of each option is provided in Application Developer’s help manual. Note: To apply the formatting rules defined here, select Format from the Java editor context menu. Some formatting, for example indenting of braces, will be done on the fly while you are editing the source code. 36 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Figure 2-11 Code Formatter preferences Compiler options Problems detected by the compiler are classified as either warnings or errors. The existence of a warning does not affect the execution of the program. The code executes as if it had been written correctly. Compile-time errors (as specified by the Java Language Specification) are always reported as errors by the Java compiler. For some other types of problems you can, however, specify if you want the Java compiler to report them as warnings, errors or to ignore them. To change the default settings, use the Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler preferences page (Figure 2-12). Chapter 2. Setting up your Workbench and workspace preferences 37 Figure 2-12 Java compiler preferences dialog Java Editor settings By default the Java editor will use the standard Workbench font. If you want to change the font, click Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor and click Change in the Editor dialog. Note: The Java compiler can create .class files even in presence of compilation errors. In the case of serious errors (for example, references to inconsistent binaries, most likely related to an invalid build path), the Java builder does not produce any .class file. 38 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Besides the font, the following Java editor preferences can be set on this page:  Appearance  Syntax  Code Assist  Problem Indication Figure 2-13 shows the Java editor preferences dialog. Figure 2-13 Java editor preferences There are a number of options for the code assist feature, which specify the behavior and appearance of code assist. A description of how to use the code assist feature is provided in “Code assist” on page 118. Also Application Developer’s help manual contains a detailed description of each option of the code assist feature. Chapter 2. Setting up your Workbench and workspace preferences 39 Installed JREs Application Developer allows you to specify which Java Runtime Environment (JRE) should be used by the Java builder. By default the standard Java VM that comes with Application Developer is used, but if you have special requirements you may want to add another JRE to be used as default or for special projects. Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs to display the dialog as shown in Figure 2-14. Figure 2-14 Installed JREs By default, the JRE used to run the Workbench will be used to build and run Java programs. It appears with a check mark in the list of installed JREs. You can add another JRE and indicate whether it should be the default JRE or not. When setting up the project you can also choose which of the JREs you would like to use. If you do not explicitly specify the JRE for the project, the default JRE is used. 40 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide You can either add, edit or remove a JRE by using this dialog. To add a new JRE click Add . This brings up a new dialog (Figure 2-15). Figure 2-15 Add JRE dialog In the JRE type field, select the type of JRE you want to add from the drop-down list and enter a unique name in the JRE name field. In the JRE home directory field, type or click Browse to select the path to the root directory of the JRE installation (usually the directory containing the bin and lib directories for the JRE). This location is checked automatically to make sure it is a valid path. In the Javadoc URL field, type or click Browse to select the URL location. The location is used by the Javadoc export wizard as a default value. If you want to use the default libraries and source files for this JRE, select the Use default system libraries check box. Otherwise, clear it and customize as desired. Source can be attached for the referenced JARs as well. Javadoc documentation Application Developer supports the creation of Javadoc documentations. Javadoc is the tool from Sun Microsystems for generating API documentation in HTML format from doc comments in source code. Chapter 2. Setting up your Workbench and workspace preferences 41 For more information regarding Javadoc, see this Web site: http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/ The JDT uses the Javadoc command (typically available in JDK distributions) to generate Javadoc documentation from source files. Before you create Javadoc documentation, you have to set the location of the Javadoc command. Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Javadoc to open the Javadoc preferences page (Figure 2-16). Figure 2-16 Javadoc preferences In the Javadoc command field you have to enter the absolute path to the Javadoc command. A javadoc.exe file is located any JDK installed on your system, for example, the JDK within the built-in WebSphere Application Server: <wsadhome>\runtimes\base_v5\java\bin\javadoc.exe 42 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Once you have set the Javadoc command, you can start creating Javadoc documentation. Therefore, select the set (containing one or more elements) of packages, source folders or projects for which you want to generate Javadoc documentation. Then open the Export wizard by selecting File -> Export from the menu bar and Javadoc and click Next . Now you have to go through three pages of a wizard to customize the Javadoc export:  In the first page of the wizard, select the types for which Javadoc will be generated and the members with visibility. Also specify the destination folder where the documentation should be created.  In the second page of the wizard, you can specify a style sheet, the document title, document tags and basic options as well as the referenced classes to which Javadoc should create links.  In the third page of the wizard you can specify some extra Javadoc options and save the settings of the export as an Ant script. For an example of Javadoc generation see “Javadoc” on page 133. Organize imports You can specify how you want the Java editor to handle imports when using the automatic import generation feature. For more information on this feature see “Import generation” on page 120. In the Organize Imports preferences (Figure 2-17) you can specify the order of the import statements. You can also control at what stage <package name>.* import statements should be generated rather than fully qualified import statements. The default number of fully-qualified import statements that are allowed from the same package before <package>.* is 99. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order to imports. You can also add, edit and remove imports. To add a new import entry, click New . In the new dialog, simply type the package name or the package name prefix you would like a add to the import statements list and confirm the dialog with OK . Tip: You can also save and load your import statements settings by using the Load and Save buttons . This might be a good idea when working in a team where you have to apply coding standards. Chapter 2. Setting up your Workbench and workspace preferences 43 Figure 2-17 Organize Imports preferences Refactoring Refactoring refers to the process of moving or renaming Java elements. A more detailed description about Application Developer’s refactoring capabilities and the refactoring preferences is provided in “Refactoring” on page 122. Templates Application Developer also provides templates. Templates are often reoccurring source code patterns. The JDT of Application Developer offers support for creating, managing, and using templates. You can use a template in the Java editor by pressing Ctrl-Space (see “Code assist” on page 118 for more information) and the templates appear in the presented list. Note that the list is filtered as you type, so typing a few first characters of a template name will reveal it. . built-in WebSphere Application Server: <wsadhome> untimesase_v5javainjavadoc.exe 42 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Once you have set the Javadoc command,. well. Javadoc documentation Application Developer supports the creation of Javadoc documentations. Javadoc is the tool from Sun Microsystems for generating API documentation in HTML format from doc. build path), the Java builder does not produce any .class file. 38 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Besides the font, the following Java editor preferences can

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