CHAPTER 7 ONLINE THERMOMETER 119 If all went well, you’ll see a web page containing readings taken from each of the connected temperature sensors. Sometimes DS18B20 temperature sensors return bogus values the first time they are accessed after powering up, so if the numbers look wildly wrong just hit refresh and you should see proper values come back. Variations The project as described runs a web server on the Arduino so you can poll it to access the current temperature readings. Alternatively, you could run a web client on the Arduino in a loop so that every few minutes it reads from the temperature sensors, connects to a web server, and submits the values through as arguments in the URL to be stored or processed by a script on the server. Just remember that because of the lack of routing information available in the etherShield library, the server would need to be on your local network. Alternatively, you could run a local reverse proxy as a gateway so the Arduino thinks it’s connecting to a local host but the request is actually being forwarded on to an external machine. That way you could use a third-party service such as Pachube ( or Watch My Thing ( to store and graph the data. C H A P T E R 8 Touch Control Panel Small four-wire resistive touch screens are now amazingly inexpensive: they are produced in such enormous quantities for mobile phones, PDAs, and particularly handheld games such as the Nintendo DS that they can be bought brand new for under US $10. Larger touch screens are also rapidly falling in price. The popularity of netbooks with screens between 7 and 10 inches in size has resulted in a healthy market for touch screens that can be retrofitted to them and plugged into an internal USB port. Despite the fact that they come with control electronics and a USB interface, those screens are also predominantly four-wire resistive devices, so if you dump the control module that comes with them and interface to the screen directly you can have a 10-inch touch screen on your Arduino! And if you want to go even bigger, there are often 15-inch, 17-inch, and 19-inch touch screen kits available on eBay for under $150. Note, however, that what is advertised as a “touch screen” is not actually a complete screen including an LCD. It’s just the transparent glass and plastic panel that fits onto the front of an appropriately sized LCD so the CPU can detect the coordinates at which the screen is being touched. If you want your Arduino to display information on a screen and let you select or control it by touch, you’ll have to do a bit more work to set up the LCD that goes behind the touch screen overlay. Even on its own, though, a touch screen is a very handy device. They’re very thin and can be mounted over the top of any flat surface, not just an LCD, so they’re great for creating little custom control panels with the “buttons” printed on a sheet that goes behind the touch screen. All you have to do is map the buttons to X/Y coordinates and your Arduino can figure out which button is being pressed by matching the coordinates. Of course, your control panel could represent anything, not just buttons. You could have a slider on it to select volume or temperature level by touching somewhere along a scale, or it could be a plan of a house so you can control lights in different rooms by touching the correct part of the floor plan. In this project, we mount a Nintendo DS touch screen on a blank electrical wall plate to create a touch-sensitive control panel that can link to a home automation system. The techniques we describe here should work with pretty much any four-wire resistive touch screen available, but note that some touch screens are also made using other technologies, such as capacitive and infrared, so make sure the screen you buy is definitely a resistive model. The required parts are shown in Figure 8-1, and the schematic is in Figure 8-2. 121 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Figure 8-1. Parts required for connecting a resistive touch screen Parts Required 1 Arduino Duemilanove, Mini, Pro Mini, or equivalent 1 Nintendo DS touch screen 1 Nintendo DS touch screen breakout board 1 Blank electrical wall plate 1 4-pin male breakaway header Source code available from 122 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Figure 8-2. Schematic for connection of resistive touch screen Instructions Reading a resistive touch screen accurately is not quite as straightforward as it first sounds because, despite what you may have read online in various Arduino forums and blogs, they don’t have specific output connections for X and Y values. You can’t read both the X and Y axis simultaneously: you have to set up the pins in one configuration to read the X value, and change them to another configuration to read the Y value. In practice, this can be done so fast that there is no way the user can tell you’re not reading both the X and the Y value at the same time. Once you understand the physical structure of a touch screen you’ll realize why they don’t have simple connections for power, ground, X, and Y, as many people claim. How Resistive Touch Screens Work A resistive touch screen consists of several plastic layers built on a glass substrate that provides rigidity to the whole structure. In front of this substrate is a thin plastic layer coated with a resistive material. In some touch screens the resistive material is applied directly to the glass substrate to achieve the same end result. In front of this is a layer of microdots, which are tiny spacers laid over the surface to support a second thin plastic layer, also coated with resistive material (see Figure 8-3). 123 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Figure 8-3. Layers in a resistive touch screen When the screen is not being touched, the microdots hold the two resistive layers apart to cause it to be an open circuit. When the front layer is touched, it distorts and makes contact with the back layer, allowing electricity to conduct from one layer to the other. Each of the four sides of the touch screen contains a conductive electrode that runs the whole length of the edge and connects to the resistive surface on either the top or bottom layer matched up by axis. For example, the left and right edges may connect to the front layer, while the top and bottom edges connect to the back layer (see Figure 8-4). Figure 8-4. X and Y axis electrodes inside a resistive touch screen 124 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Those four edges are then brought out onto the touch screen connector as X1, X2, Y1, and Y2, although the order on the connector may vary depending on the particular brand and model of touch screen. If you have a touch screen with no datasheet available for it, you can figure out the pairs of connections by measuring the resistance between them with a multimeter while the screen is not being touched. Each matching pair will have a resistance between them of somewhere around 1K or lower, while nonmatching electrodes will be open-circuit. To read one axis of contact with the screen, one of the layers is connected to GND on one edge and +5V on the other edge to provide a continuously varying voltage across the surface of that layer. One of the edges on the other layer is then read using an analog input to determine the relative position of the contact between the two edges: if it’s closer to the GND edge, the reading will be a lower voltage; and if it’s closer to the +5V edge, the reading will be a higher voltage. When doing this the pins connected to one layer need to be configured as digital outputs and driven to GND and +5V to power up that layer, while one of the pins connected to the other layer needs to be configured as an analog input to read the touch value. Reading the other axis then requires switching around the connections so that the layer previously being used for analog input now has GND and +5V applied across it, and one edge of the layer previously providing power is switched to being an analog input so the value can be read from it. This is all pretty easy on an Arduino because the analog input pins are actually also general-purpose digital I/O pins, and their mode can be switched in software as required. We don’t need to waste time and I/O lines externally switching the touch screen connections between an analog input and GND or +5V. By connecting the X1, X2, Y1, and Y2 lines of a touch screen directly to four analog input pins, we can then use software to switch pin modes between readings and use them as digital outputs to provide GND and +5V to whichever layer needs it at the time. On a Nintendo DS touch screen, the connector brings out the edges in order as Y1, X2, Y2, and X1. To keep the physical connections as simple as possible, we’ll maintain that physical order and connect those to analog inputs A0 through A3, respectively, as follows: Y1 to A0 X2 to A1 Y2 to A2 X1 to A3 A minimal Arduino program that just reads and returns the values is fairly simple and helps explain how the touch screen works. Before getting into the details of the project, we’ll look at a sketch that reads values from the touch screen five times per second and reports the values to a computer via the USB connection. We start by defining variables to hold the values as read from the screen, as follows: int xVal = 0; int yVal = 0; Next, we set up the serial connection to the host computer so we can report the X and Y values, as follows: void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); Serial.println("Starting up touch screen reader"); } The main program loop reads the X and then the Y value each time through. Reading the X value involves setting up the Y-axis analog input pins as digital outputs and then doing an analog read. One 125 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL optional step we’re doing here is waiting for 2ms after setting up the outputs so the voltages have time to settle. The Arduino’s analog inputs are very sensitive to eddy currents and induced voltages nearby, and switching outputs immediately adjacent to an analog input can cause it to give spurious readings. Adding a delay of a couple of milliseconds allows the input to settle down and returns a more consistent reading. void loop() { pinMode( 15, INPUT ); // Analog pin 1 pinMode( 17, INPUT ); // Analog pin 3 pinMode( 14, OUTPUT ); // Analog pin 0 digitalWrite( 14, LOW ); // Use analog pin 0 as a GND connection pinMode( 16, OUTPUT ); // Analog pin 2 digitalWrite( 16, HIGH ); // Use analog pin 2 as a +5V connection delay(2); // Wait for voltage to settle xVal = analogRead( 1 ); // Read the X value At this point we have the X-axis value, but not yet the Y-axis value. Next we need to switch around the pin modes to do the same thing for the Y axis. pinMode( 14, INPUT ); // Analog pin 0 pinMode( 16, INPUT ); // Analog pin 2 pinMode( 15, OUTPUT ); // Analog pin 1 digitalWrite( 15, LOW ); // Use analog pin 1 as a GND connection pinMode( 17, OUTPUT ); // Analog pin 3 digitalWrite( 17, HIGH ); // Use analog pin 3 as a +5V connection delay(2); // Wait for voltage to settle yVal = analogRead( 0 ); // Read the Y value We now have both the X- and Y-axis values, so finally we report them back to the host computer via the USB connection and then wait a little while before doing it all over again, as follows: Serial.print(xVal); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(yVal); delay (200); } That’s it! Not so hard really when you understand what’s going on. The complete source code for this sketch is available from the project page on the Practical Arduino web site, and is called TouchscreenCoordinates. Basic Touch Screen Connection Test Touch screen connections are generally a very thin plastic ribbon with flexible metal strips attached to it. By far the easiest way to connect to them is to use a breakout board with a connector mounted on it to clip the ribbon into place. The example in Figure 8-5 is from SparkFun, and has a retention clip to lock the ribbon into the connector. Before the ribbon can be inserted, the locking clip needs to be released by 126 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL sliding it toward the direction of the ribbon, which you can then insert before sliding the clip back again. It’s a very delicate operation, though, and the locking clip is small and easily broken, so be careful when sliding the clip in and out. Another thing to watch is the thickness of the ribbon on the touch screen. The connector is designed to firmly grasp a ribbon of 0.3mm thickness, but a bare touch screen ribbon is only about 0.1mm thick and will pull straight out of the connecter unless it has a shim of some kind to make it thicker. For some reason, touch screens seem to be supplied either with or without a shim attached and you never know what you’re going to get. One of the touch screens we used for our prototypes had a tiny mylar shim attached to the back of the ribbon, while the other one didn’t and needed a little piece of electrical tape applied to the back to make the ribbon thick enough to lock into the clip. You can solder hookup wire or ribbon cable to the breakout board if you like, or you can solder a 4- pin male header to it so you can plug it straight into a breadboard or an Arduino. The SparkFun breakout board brings the touch screen pins out in the same order as the touch screen ribbon, which is Y1, X2, Y2, and X1. The example code previously shown also uses this order, so for a basic connection test you can plug it straight into analog inputs 0 through 3. Figure 8-5 shows a Nintendo DS touch screen connected to an Arduino Pro using a SparkFun breakout board. Note that in this picture the touch screen is upside down, To access the touch surface, it would be folded back over the top of the Arduino. Figure 8-5. Nintendo DS touch screen connected to Arduino Pro via a SparkFun breakout board with male headers soldered on 127 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Plugging directly into the Arduino probably isn’t very convenient, so a short extension cable consisting of a four-core strip of ribbon cable with a male header on one end and a female header on the other can be a handy thing to have on hand. To test out the touch screen, connect it to your Arduino, then load the previous example sketch in the Arduino IDE, compile it, and upload it to the Arduino. Then activate the serial monitor in the IDE and make sure it’s set to 38400bps so you can see the values being reported by the Arduino as you touch different parts of the touch screen. Try moving your finger or a stylus around on the screen to see how one value changes if you move along one axis, and the other value changes with the other axis. If it seems like the touch screen isn’t working, make sure you’re using the correct side—it can be hard to tell sometimes! The back has a feel like hard glass, while the front (sensitive) side is coated with a plastic film that will feel softer. Arduino TouchScreen Library The previous sketch is a great way to understand how touch screens work and how to interface with them, but the sections of code that twiddle the analog pins are a bit painful and repetitive. To make it even easier to write programs that use touch screens, we’ve created an Arduino library that abstracts all the details away for you. The library is called TouchScreen, and you can find a link to it on the project page on the Practical Arduino web site. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the TouchScreen library, you can access the screen with an even simpler sketch that is included in the library as an example. In the Arduino IDE, go to File -> Sketchbook -> Examples -> Library-TouchScreen -> ReadTouchscreen to load it up. That example provides the exact same functionality as the program we just looked at, but is far more concise. #include <TouchScreen.h> TouchScreen ts(3, 1, 0, 2); void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); } void loop() { int coords[2]; ts.Read(coords); Serial.print(coords[0]); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(coords[1]); delay (200); } Much neater! A full explanation of how the TouchScreen library was written is included in the section “Writing an Arduino Library” in Chapter 16. Controlling a “Processing” Program Seeing raw numbers come back to you on the screen is only interesting for about 20 seconds, so to do something more visual, we’ve written a simple demonstration program in Processing to use those 128 . male breakaway header Source code available from /projects/ touch-control-panel. 122 CHAPTER 8 TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Figure 8-2. Schematic for connection of resistive. quite as straightforward as it first sounds because, despite what you may have read online in various Arduino forums and blogs, they don’t have specific output connections for X and Y values really when you understand what’s going on. The complete source code for this sketch is available from the project page on the Practical Arduino web site, and is called TouchscreenCoordinates.