Index 2025 Sulfurihulrogenibium azorense. 861 Sulfurihydrogenihium kristjamsonii, 1241 Sulfurihytlrogenibiumsubterraneum. 1196 Sulfurinumas autotrophica, 1193 Sulfurimonas panilvinella. 1663 Sulfurimonas paralvinella Medium, 1662 Sulfurivirga caUiicttralii. 1198 Sulfuraspirillum arsenophilum, 1665 SulfurospiriUum barnesii. 1665 SulfurospiriUum deleyiunum, 1663, 1664 SulfurospiriUum halorespirans, 491 SulfurospiriUum halorespirans DSM 13726, 492 SulfurospiriUum 11 Medium. 1664 SulfuraspiriUum Medium, 1663 SulfurospiriUum MV Medium. 1665 SulfurospiriUum species, 1043, 1666 Super HiVeg Broth. 1666 Super MMB Medium, 1666 Supcrbrotlu 1666 Supplement A, 5 Supplement B, 5 Supplement C, 5 Supplement VX, 5 Supplemented Aspergillus Minimal Agar, 1666 Supplemented Aspergillus Minimal Broth. 1667 Surface sterility, 1631. 1632 SW,2Agar, 1667 SWA, 1553. 1554 Swab specimens, 90,1807 Swampy Medium, 1667 Sweet I- Broth tor Anaerobes, 1667 Swimming pool water. 953. 1168. 1634 Swimming pools, 857 Swine. 1274 SWM Medium, 1668 SWMTY Marine Medium, 1668 SX1 Blood Agar. 1669 SY Broth, 1669 SYA Medium. 1669 SYC Medium, 1669 SYFAC Medium, 1669 SYI.C Medium, 1670 Syncasc Broth, 1671 Synechocaccus species, 213, 214, 233, 1200 Synechocystis species. 213. 214, 1200 Synthetic Broth. AOAC, 1671 Synthetic Broth. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1671 Synthetic Complete Medium, 1671 Synthetic Malate Medium with 0.25% Sodi- um Chloride, 1672 Synthetic Mucor Agar, 1672 Syntlietic Sea Salt, 1672 Synthetic Seawatcr Medium. 1672 Syntrophohucter huswellii, 1541 Synirophobacler pfennigii, 1673 Syntrophohucter pfennigii Medium, 1672 Synirophobacler species, 1230 Syntrophohucter wolinii, 1542, 1674 Syntrophobiicler wolinii Medium. 1673 Syntrophohotulus species, 689 Syntroplwcoccus sucromutans. 1674 Syntrophococcus sucromutans Medium, 1674 Syntrophomonus hryanlii Medium, 1674 Syntwphomonas Medium, 1675 Syntrophomonus Medium, Sulfate-Free. 1676 Syntrophomonus sapovorans. 1675 Syntrophomonus sj>eeies, 1676 Syntrophomonus species Medium. 1677 Syntroplwmonas wolfei, 1678 Syntrophospora bryantii. 399, 400 Svntrophothennus lipocalidus DSM 12680, 1679 Svntrophothennus lipocalidus DSM 12681, 1679 Svntrophothennus Medium, 1678. 1679 Syntrophus buswelii. 1677, 1680, 1681, 1682 Syntrophus buswellii II Medium. 1679 Syntrophus Medium, 1680 Syntrophus Medium Sulfate l : rcc, 1681 SYPC Medium,, 1682 T T, 7 Agar Base, 1682 T.S.CJS.F.P. Hi Veg Agar Base, 1371 T,N 0 Broth. 1798 T,N, Agar, 1798 T,N, Broth, 1798 T,N 2 Agar, 1798 T,Nj Broth, 1798 T,N 6 Broth, 1798 T,N S Broth. 1798 T,N, 0 Broth. 1799 T2 Medium for Thiohacillus, 1682 13 Agar. 1750 T3 Broth, 1751 Talaromyves ucrainicus. 1935 lap Water Agar, 1683 Taphrina californica, 348 Taphrina populina. 348. 1949 Tarshis Blood Agar, 1683 Tartoff-Hobbs IliVeg Broth with Glycerol, 1683 Tartrate fermentation, 1392 T-ASW Medium. 1682 TAT Broth Base, 1683 I AT HiVeg Broth Base with Polysorbate. 1684 Tatlockia micdadei. 471 Talumellu plyseos, 215 Taurocholate Tellurite Gelatin Agar, 1222 Taxeobacter S|>ecies, 1272 Taylorella equigenitalis, 663.664, 721, 774 TB Broth Base, 1684 TB Broth Base without Polysorbate. 80.1684 IB HiVeg Broth Base with Bovine Albumin and Glucose, 1684 TB I IiVeg Broth Base with Bovine Scrum and Glucose, 1685 IB Hi Veg Broth Base without Tween 80 with Bovine Albumin and Glucose, 1685 TB HiVeg Broth Base without Tween 80 with Bovine Serum and Glucose, 1685 TB Nitrate Reduction Broth. 1685 THAU, 298 Medium. 1686 TBX Agar. 1686 TOY A Agar, 1686 TC Amino Acids. HcLa. 100X. 1789 TC Amino Acids, Minimal l-agle, 50X, 1789 TC Dulbecco Solution. 1790 TCIiarle Solution. 1790 TC Hanks Solution. 1790 TC Medium. 199, 1790 TC Medium Eagle with Farle BSS, 1791 TC Medium Faglc with Hanks BSS. 1791 TC Medium I agle.Hel.a. 1792 TC Medium Ham 1-10.1792 TC Medium NCTC, 109, 1793 TC Medium RPM1 #1640.1793 TC Minimal Medium l-agle Spinner Modi- fied MKM-S. 1795 TC Minimal Medium liagle with l!arle BSS, 1794 TCTyrode Solution. 1795 TC Vitamins Minimal l-agle, 100X, 1795 TCBS Agar. 1687 TCBS HiVeg Agar, 1687 TCBS HiVeg Agar (Selective). 1687 TCG Medium,, 1687 TCH Medium. 1688 TCN Medium, 1863 TCY Agar. 1688 ICY Broth, 1688 TD3 Medium. 1688 TDC Medium, 1689 Tea fungus. 1690 Tea Fungus Medium. 1690 TFC Agar. 1690 Tech Agar. 1690 Teepol Broth, Fnriched, 1690 Tccpol Hi Veg Broth, 1690 Tellurite Blood Agar, 362 Tellurite Glycine Agar, 1690. 1691 Tellurite Polymyxin l-gg Yolk Agar, 1803 Tellurite Solution, 7 TEP Uric Acid Medium, 1691 Tepidanaerobacter Medium., 1691 Tepidanaerobacter synfroplncus* 1692 Tepidibacter Medium with Peptone. 1693 Tepidibacler Medium,, 1692 Tepidibacter thalassicus. 1693 Tepidimonas ignava, 1747 Terasakiella pusilla, 1009 Teredinobacler Medium, 1693 TergitoT™ 7 IliVeg Agar Base with ITC, 1695 TergitoT™ 7 IliVeg Agar H, 1695 Tcrgitol™ 7 Agar. 1694 Tergitol 1 " 7 Agar 11,1694 Tergitol IM 7Broth. 1695 Tergitol™ 7 IliVeg Broth, 1695 2026 Index Termttobacter Medium. 1695 Tcrrabacter tumescens. 454, 1470 Terrific Broth. 1696 Terrific Broth with 100 mg/ml Ampicillin, 1696 Terrific Broth with lOOmicrogram/ml Ampi- cillin. 1470 Terrific Broth with 200 microgram/ml Ampi- cillin. 1696 Terrific Broth with 50 nig/ml Ampicillin. 1696 Terrific Broth with 50 microgram/ml Ampi- cillin, 1470 Terrific HiVeg Broth. 1683 Test, 91 Test organism. 171. 172 Tetracycline I. Broth Medium, 1697 Tetracycline I.uria Agar No. I. 1697 Tetracycline I.uria Agar No. 2. 1697 Tetracycline I.uria Agar No. 3. 1698 Tetracycline TY Salt Medium, 1698 Tetracyslis disociuta. 70 Tetmgenococcus hahphih. 1236. 1944 Tetmgenococcus halophilus, 23, 769.1351 Tetragenococcus murialicus, 769 Tetrahymena australix, 808 Tetmhymena hegewischi, 1698 Tetrahymena hyperangularis. 1698 Tetrahymena limacis, 1704 Tetrahymena malaccenxis, 1698 Tetrahymena Medium. 1698 Tetrahymena mimbres. 1698 Tetrahymena nanney, 1698 'Tetmhymena nipissingi, 1698 Tetrahymena patula. 962. 1704 Tetrahymena pigmentosa. 1698 Tetrahymena pyriformis. 1698 Tetrahymena rostrata, 1704 Tetrahymena selosa, 1704 Tetmhymena siluina. 1698 Tetmhymena sonneborni. 1698 Tetmhymena species, 1217 Tetmhymena thermophda, 1698 Tetrahymena tropical is, 1698 Tetmhymena vora.x, 808 Tetramethyl Ammonium Chloride Agar, 1698 Tetmmitus rostralus, 1454, 1699 Tetramitus rostmtus Flagellate Medium, PY/ 2, 1698 Teimsphaera elongata, 1513 TeUathionale Brilliant Green HiVeg Broth, 1699 TeUathionale Broth, 1699, 1700 Tetrathionate Broth Base without Iodine & BG. 693 Tetrathionate Broth with Novobiocin, 1700 Tetrathionate Broth, Hajna, 1700 Tetrathionate Broth. USA. 1700 Tetrathionate Crystal Violet Enhancement Broth, 1701 Teualhionate HiVeg Broth Base without Io- dine & BG, 692 Tetrathionate I IiVeg Broth Base. I lajna with Iodine, 1701 Tetrathionate Reductase Medium, 1701, 1762 Tetrathionate reductase production, 1701 Tetrathionate Reductase 'Test Medium, 1702 Tetrathionate reduction, 1702 Tctratrichomonas gallinanim. 467, 1861 Tetra/olium Thallium Glucose Agar, 1702 'Tetra/olium tolerance, 1702 Tetra/olium Tolerance Agar. 1702 Textiles. 16 TF Medium. 1702 TI'(A) Medium, 1703 TGA Medium, 1704 TGB HiVeg Agar. 1704 TGE Broth, 1704 IX JMM-2 Medium, 1704 TGY Medium, 1704 TGYM Medium, 1704 Thalassomonas viridans, 1009 Thanatephorm cucumeris, 775 Thauera aromatica, 1705, 1706 Thauera aromatica AR-1 Medium. 1705 Thauera aromatica Medium. 1706 Thauera mechernichensis, 1707 Thauera mechernichi Medium, 1707 Thaumatomastix species, 1589 Thavem pivativorans DSM 14691. 1209 Thaxtera salina, 1899 ITiayer-Martin Agar. Modified, 1707 Thayer-Martin HiVeg Medium Base with I lemoglobin and Vitox Supplement, 1707 Thayer-Martin Medium, 1708 'Thayer-Martin Medium, Modified, 1708, 1709 Thayer-Martin Medium, Selective, 1709 Iliayer-Martin Selective Agar. 1710 Thelephora lerrestris, 775. 1270 Thermacetogenium phaeum, 1712 Thermanaeromonas toyohensis, 1718 Thermanaerovibrio veUxc, 1718 Thermicanus aegyptius, 1616 Thermincola carboxydiphila, 1711 Thermincola Medium,, 1710 Thermoacelogenium phaeum Medium. 1711 Thermoacidumns Agar, 1712 Thermoacidurans HiVeg Agar, 1712 Thermoactinomvces candidus, 469, 1363. 1630 Thermoactinomvces dichotomicus, 210, 767, 768. 1363,1637. 1712 Thermoactinomvces dichotomicus Medium. 1712 Thermoactinomvces glaucus. 210. 1330 Thermoactinomyces intermedins, 1363, 1429 ThernuKicfinomyces Mediun\ 1712, 1713 Thermoactinomyces pepionoplulus, 1713 Thermoactinomyces putidus, 469, 1320. 1321,1363 Thermoactinomvces sacchari, 469, 1517, 1713 Thermoactinomvces species, 469, 1618,, 1713 Thermoactinomvces thalpophilus, 469, 481, 1363 Thermoactinotnyces vulgaris. 469.481, 1321, 1323,' 1363, 1410,1411, 1517, 1630 Thermoactinopolyspora Medium, 1713 Thermoaclinopolyspom species, 1713 Thermoanaerobacter elhanolicus, 425 Thermoanaerobacter elhanolicus Medium, 1713 Thermoanaerobacter italicize, 907 Thermoanaerobacter species, 1714 Thermoanaerobacter subterraneus. 1714 Thermoanaerobacter subterraneus Medium, 1714,1716 Thermoanaerobacter sulfumphilus Medium. 1714,1917 Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis. 1716 Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Medi- um, 1715 Thermoanaerobacter thermohyxlrosulfuri- cus, 425 Thermoanaerobacterium Medium. 1716 I hermoanaerobacferium polysaccharolyti- cwn, 1716 Thermoanaerobacterium thennosulfuri- genes. 427 Thermoanaerobacterium zeae, 1716 Thermoanaerobium brockii. 198, 678, 1717 Thermoanaerobium brockii Medium. 1716 Thermoanaerobium crenophilum. 1338 Thermoanaerobium olidum, 1338 Thermoanaeromonas Medium. 1717 Thermoanaerovihrio Medium, 1718 Thermobaclerium Medium, 1719 Thermolxicieroides acetoethylicus, 1075 Thermobacteroides leptospartum, 457, 1719 Thermobacteroides leptospartum Medium. 1719 Thermolxicteroides proteolyticus Medium. 1719 Thermococcus acidaminovorans DSM 11096,83 Thermococcus acidophilum, 1733, 1734 Thermococcus aegaeus, 1020 Thermococcus aggregans, 1022 Thermococcus alcaliphilus DSM 10322. 82 Thermococcus celer, 1720 Thermococcus celer DSM 2476, 1021 Thermococcus celer Medium, 1720 Thermococcus chilinophagus. 1721 Thermococcits chilinophagus Medium. 1720 Thermococcus fumicolans, 1022 Thermococcus gorgonanus, 1020 Thermococcus guaymasensis, 1022 Index 2027 Thermococcus litondis. 1011.1013.1022, 1721, 1722 Thermococcus litondis Medium. 1721 Thermococcus marinus, 1951 Thermococcus Medium. 1722 Thermococcus pacificus, 1020 Thermococcus profundus, 1022, 1723 Thermococcus profundus Medium, 1722 Thermococcus sibiricus. 1022 Thermococcus species. 96, 1722 Thermococcus stetteri. 1723. 1854 Thermococcus stetleri DSM 5262, 1021 Thermococcus stetteri Medium, 1723 Thermococcus waiotapuensis. 780 Therm<x:rmis ruber, 1331 Thermocrispum agreste, 1630 Thermocrispum municipale, 1630 Thermodesulfobacterium commune. 1724. 1726 Thermodesuifobaeterium Medium. 1723 Thermodesulfobacterium mobile, 562 Thermodesulfobacterium species, 174, 1726 Thermoilestdfobium Medium,, 1724 Thermodesulfohium narugense, 1724 Thernnxlesulforhabdus Medium, 1724 Thermodesulforhabdus norvegicus. 1725 Thermotlesulfotobacterium Agar, 1725 Thermodesulfotobacterium Broth, 1726 Thermotlesulfovibrio yellowstonii. 1727. 1949 Thermodesulfovibrio yvllowstonii Medium, 1726,1738 Thermodiscus marifimus, 1581 Thermofdum librum. 1878 Thermofdum pendens, 1728 Thermofdum pendens Medium. 1727 Thermogymnomonas Medium. 1728 Thermogymnomonas species, 1728 Thermoleophilum album, 912, 1728 Thermoleophilum Medium. 1728 Thermoleophilum minuium. 912, 1728 Thermomicrobiumfosteri, 1728. 1729 Thermomicrohium fosteri Agar, 1728 Thermomicrobiumfosteri Broth, 1728 Thermomicrohium roseum, 1719, 1729 Thermomicrobium roseum Agar. 1729 Thermomicrohium roseum Medium, 1729 Thermomonospora alba, 1729 Thermomonospora aquaticus, 1857 Thermomonospora chromogena, 210,481, 1304.1315 Thermomonospora cun'ata, 832, 1322 Thermomonospora formosensis, 1637 Thermomonospora fusca, 469, 1859 Thermomonospora Medium. 1729 Thermomonospora mesophila, 1322, 1645, 1729 Thermomonospora mesouvi/brmis, 886 Thermonema lapsum. 328 Thermonema rosstanum, 1747 Ihermophilic actinomycctcs, 1063 Thermophilic Bacillus Medium, 1729 Thermophilic Bacillus species, 1040 Thermophilic Ilydrogen-Baeteria Medium, 1729 Thermophilic Maintenance Medium, 1730 Thermophilic Methanosarcina Medium, 1730 Thermophilic Methanothrix Medium. 1731 Thermophilic species, 326, 327 Thermophilic Spirochete Medium, 1732, 1733 Thermophilic Streptomyeete Medium, 1733 Thermophilic Streptomyeete Medium IA, 1733 Thermophilic streptomycetes, 1733 Tlietmophilus species, 1764 Thermoplasma acidophilum. 1734 Thermoplasma acidophilum Growth Medi- um. 7B. 1733 Thermoplasma acidophilum Medium. 1733 lliermoplasma acidophilum Medium 7A, 1734 lliermoplasma Agar, 1734 Thermoplasma Broth. 1734 lliermoplasma species, 1734 Thermoplasma volcanium. 1735 Thermoplasma volcanium Medium, 1734 lliermoproteus Medium, 1735 lliermoproteus neutrophils, 1735 Thermoproteus neutrophilus Medium, 1735 Thermoproteus species, 1735 lliermoproteus tenax, 1735 lliermoproteus uzoniensis, 572 lliermosinus velox. 1718 lliermosipho africanus, 1736 lltermosipho africanus Medium, 1735 lliermosipho species, 1703 lliermosphaera aggregans, 1736 lliermosphaera Medium. 1736 lliermosuljidibacler species, 1737 Thermosyntropha lipolytica. 1738 lliermosyntropha Medium, 1737 Thermoterrabaeteriumferriredueens. 1739 lliermoteirahacterium Medium, 1738 lliermotoga 2 Medium. 1741 lliermotoga elfti, 1739, 1740 lliermotoga elfii Medium, 1736. 1739 lliermotoga hypogea, 1741 lliermotoga hypogea Medium. 1740 lliermotoga maritima, 1741 lliermotoga Mali urn. 1741 lliermotoga naphthopliUa. 1742 lliermotoga neapolitana, 1199, 1741 lliermotoga petrophila. 1742 lliermotogapetrophila Medium, 1741 lliermotoga species, 1104 lliermotoga subterranea> 1743 lliermotoga subterranea Medium. 1742 lliermotoga thermarum, 1741 Thermovenabulumferriotganovorum, 1743 lliermovenabtdum Medium, 1743 lliermovibrio Medium. 1743 lliermovibrio ruber, 1744 Thermits 162 Medium 1746, 1747 Thennus Agar, 1744 Tliermus aquaticus. 327, 1047. 1744. 1746, 1748 Thennus Beef Extract Polypcptonc IM Medi- um, 1744 Thennus BP Medium. 1744 Thermus brockii, 1745 Thennus brockii Medium, 1744 Thermus Broth, 1745 Thennus Enhanced Agar. 1745 Thermus l-jihanced Agar with 1% Sodium Chloride, 1745 Thermus fdiformis, 1857 Thennus flavus, 1857 Thennus Medium, 1746 Thermus Medium Mnlianced, 1747 Thennus Medium hnhanced with 1% NaCl, 1748 Thennus Peptone Meat Mxtnict Yeast Ivxtracl Agar. 1748 Thennus Peptone Meat Extract Yeast loaracl Broth. 1748 Thennus PMY Agar, 1748 Thennus PMY Broth, 1748 Thennus ruber, 1417, 1748, 1857 Tliermus ruber Medium. 1748 Thennus sp. Medium, 1748 Thennus species. 328. 1046. 1744. 1745. 1746, 1747,1748,1857 Thennus thennophilus, 1749 Tliermus thermophilus Medium. 1748 Thialkalimicrobium aerophilum, 82 Thiulkalimicrobium sibiricum. 82 Thialkalivibrio paradoxus |)SM 13531, 79 Thialkalivibrio paradoxus DSM 13542.80 Thialkalivilwio sp. DSM 13533, 80 Thialkalivibrio thiocyanoxidans DSM 13532,79 Thialkalivibrio thiocyanoxidans DSM 13541,79 Thiamine assay, 1749 Thiamine Assay Medium, 1749 Thiamine Assay Medium LV. 1749 "Thiamine Salts Medium. 1749 Thia/ole Medium. 1749 Thielavia hwlocarpa. 1004 Thiela\ia terricola, 944 THIO + Bile Medium, 1772 THIO Medium. 1773 Thioalkaiimicrobium aerophilum, 82 Thioalkalimicrobium sihericum, 82 Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans. 81 Thioalkalivibrio halophilus, 1750 Thioalkalivibrio halophilus Medium, 1750 Thioalkalivibrio versutus DSM 13738, 81 Viioalkalivibrio versutus DSM 13741. 81 Thiobacilli, 1683 Thiobacillus A2 Agar. 1750 Thiolxicillus A2 Broth. 1751 lliiobacillus acidophilus, 743, 744, 1751 Thiobacillus acidophilus Agar, 1751 202S Index Thiobacillus acidophilus Broth, 1751 IhiobaciUus acidophilus Medium, 1751, 1752 Thiahacillus Agar, 1752 IhiobaciUus Agar I for Acidophilic Ihioba- ciUus, 1752 IhiobaciUus aiberiis, 1753 Thiobadlha alberlis Agar, 1752 Thiobacillus albcrtis Broth, 1753 'niiohaciilus aquaesulis, 1753, 1754 IhiobaciUus aquaesulis Agar, 1753 Thiobacillus aquaesulis Broth, 1753 IhiobaciUus aquaesulis Medium, 1754 IhiobaciUus Broth 1 lor Acidophilic 'Ihioba- ciUus, 1754 IhiobaciUus caldus, 1241. 1754, 1755, 1756 IhiobaciUus caldus Agar, 1754 IhiobaciUus caldus Broth. 1755 IhiobaciUus caldus Medium, 1755 IhiobaciUus concretivorus. 1752 'IhiobaciUus cupnnus, 1756 IhiobaciUus cuprinus Medium. 1756 'IhiobaciUus deiicalus, 1579 IhiobaciUus denitrificans, 1059.1526.1683, 1756 IhiobaciUus denitrificans Medium, 1756. 1875 IhiobaciUus/errooxidans, 880, 946, 1241, 1289,1757, 1758 'IhiobaciUus/errooxidans Medium, 1757, 1782 'IhiobaciUus ferrooxidans Medium with Fer- rous Sulfate. 1757 'IhiobaciUus ferrooxidans Medium with Tet- ralhionale, 1757 'IhiobaciUus ferrooxidans Medium with Thiosulfate, 1757 IhiobaciUus ferrooxidans Medium, APH. 1757 IhiobaciUus hahphilus. 1758. 1759. 1768 IhiobaciUus hahphilus Agar. 1758 'IhiobaciUus hahphilus Broth, 1758 'IhiobaciUus hahphilus Medium, 1758 IhiobaciUus Heterotrophic Medium. 1758. 1759 'IhiobaciUus hydrothermalis, 1682 IhiobaciUus intermedins, 1752, 1759.1760 IhiobaciUus intermedins Medium, 1759, 1760 IhiobaciUus Medium, 1760, 1761,1762 IhiobaciUus Medium B. 1762 IhiobaciUus neapolitanus, 1526, 1752, 1762 IhiobaciUus neapolitonus Medium. 1762 IhiobaciUus novellus, 1752, 1763 IhiobaciUus novellus Medium, 1762 IhiobaciUus organoparus, 46, 1759 I hiobacillus perometabolis. 1763 IhiobaciUusperometabolis Medium 1763 IhiobaciUus plumbophilus, 1764 IhiobaciUus plwnbophilus Medium, 1763 IhiobaciUus prosperus, 1764 IhiobaciUus prosperus Medium. 1764 IhiobaciUus species, 1050,1060,1751. 1759. 1760,1761, 1762, 1764,1765, 1785, 1862 Thiobacillus tepidarius, 1764 Thiobacilhts tepidarius Medium, 1764 Thiobacillus thermophilica, 209 Thiobacillus thiooxidans, 1241, 1752, 1754, 1758, 1760,1762, 1764. 1765,1899 Thiobacillus thiooxidans Medium, 1764, 1765.1782. 1875 Thiobacillus thiopanis, 1526, 1579, 1752, 1760.1765.1766.1767 Thiobacillus thioparus Agar, 1765 Thiobacillus thioparus Broth. 1765 Thiobacillus thiopanis II Medium, 1765 Thiobacillus thioparus Medium. 1765 Thiobacillus thioparusii Agar, 1766 Thiobacillus thio/wrusii Broth. 1766 Thiobacilhts th wis iris, 1767. 1768 Thiobacilhts thyasiris Agar. 1767 Thiobacillus thyasiris Broth, 1767 Thiobacillus thyasirisiThiobacillus hahphi- lus Medium, 1768 Thiobacillus versutus, 1751 ThiobacilluslThermophilus Medium, 1764 Thiobacter subteiraneus, 1195 Thiocapsa halophila, 1455, 1769 Thiocapsa halophila Medium, 1768 Thiocapsa Medium, 1769 Thiocapsa species, 1770 Thiocyanante utilization, 1770 Thiocyanate Agar, 1770 Thiocyanate utilization. 1770 Thiocyanate Utilization Medium, 1770 Thiocystis gelatinosa. 1377 Thiocystis violacea, 1377 Thiofaba Medium,, 1770 Thiofaba species, 1771 Thiogel® Medium. 1771 Thioglycolatc Bile Broth, 1771 Thioglycolatc Broth USP, Alternative. 1772 Thioglycolale Gelatin Medium, 1772 Thioglycolatc HiVcg Agar. 1772 Iliioglycolate HiVeg Medium without Indi- cator. 1772 Iliioglycolate Medium. 1772 Thioglycolatc Medium with 20% Bile. 1772 Iliioglycolate Medium with Vitamin Kl and Hernia, 1773 Iliioglycolate Medium without Glucose, 1774 Thioglycolatc Medium without Glucose and Indicator, 1774 'Iliioglycolate Medium without Indicator. 1774, 1775 Iliioglycolate Medium without Indicatoi with Hemin. 1775 Iliioglycolate Medium without Indicator- 135C,1775 Iliioglycolate Medium, Brewer, 1772,1773 Thioglycolatc Medium. Brewer Modified, 1773 lluoglycolate Medium, Fnrichcd. 1773 Iliioglycolate Medium, Fluid, 1774 lluoglycolate Medium, Supplemented, 1775 Iliioglycolate Medium, USP, 1775 'Iliioglycolate Peptone Glucose Yeast Kxtracl Medium, 1804 'lluoglycolate Potato Liver Medium, 1804 Thiohahmonas denitrificans. 1776, 1778 Thiohahmonas nitratireducens. 1779 Thiohahphilus Medium, 1776, 1777, 1778 Thiohahphilus thiocyanatoxydans, 1776 •lliiol Broth. 1776 Thiol HiVeg Broth, 1779 'lliiol HiVcg Medium. 1779 lliiol Medium, 1779 Thiomicrospira denitrificans. 1780, 1781 Thiomicrospira denitrificatw Agar, 1779 Thiomicrospira denitrificans Broth. 1780 Thiomicrospira denitrificans Medium, 1781 Thiomicrospira halophila. 1776.1777 Thiomicrospira Medium. 1781 Thiomicrospira pelophila. 1782 Thiomicrospira pelophila Medium. 1782 Thiomicrospira species, 1781 Thiomicrospira thermophila, 1193 Thiomicrospira thyasirae. 1768 Thiomonas delicata. 1782 Thiomonas delicata Medium,, 1782 Thiomonas perometabolis. 1783 Thiophaeococcus mangrovi, 1783 Thiophaeococcus mangrovi Medium, 1783 'Iliiophene, 2 Caiboxylic Acid I lydrazide Medium. 1688 Thiorhodococcus bheemlicus. 1496 Thiorhodococcus Medium. 1783 Thiorhodococcus minor, 1784 Thiosphaera Agar. 1784 Thiosphaera Broth. 1784 Thiosphaera pantotropha, 1784, 1785 Thiosphaera pantotropha Medium, 1785 lliiosulfate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar, 1687 Thiosulfate Salts Broth. 1785 Iluosulfate-Oxidizing Medium. 1785 Thiothrix Agar, 1786 Thiothrix Medium. 1786 Thiothrix nivea, 1786 Thiothrix species. 208.665.971.1227.1243. 1244. 1245, 1246, 1256 ITiiotone™ F peptone, 3 lliome Medium, Modified. 1787 Thraustochytrium sj>ecies, 287 Thraustochylnitm striatum. 1555, 1557 Throat, 1283.1836 lliroat swabs, 1397 lliymidine Auxotroph XPS Medium, 1920 Tibi Medium. 1787 Tick-derived Mycoplasma, 1595 Ticks. 1061 Tteghemiomyces Medium, 1787,1803 Tieghemiomyces pamsiticus, 1787 Tilletia caries, 1192 Index 2029 Tindallia magadiensis. 1787 Tindallia Medium, 1787 TindaUia species, 1788 Tinsdale Agar, 1788 Tinsdale HiVeg Agar Base with Tinsdale Supplement, 1788 Tissierella creatiiiini, 92 Tissierella creatinophila, 1789 Tissierella creatinophila Medium. 1789 Tissierella praeacuta, 1461 Tissue culture. 336.621. 1301. 1789. 1790. 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794. 1795, 1923 Tissue Culture Amino Acids, HeEa, 100X, 1789 Tissue Culture Amino Acids, Minimal I!agle, 50X, 1789 Tissue culture cells, 288. 1791 Tissue Culture Dulbccco Solution. 1790 Tissue Culture Bark Solution. 1790 Tissue Culture Hanks Solution. 1790 Tissue Culture Medium, 199, 1790 Tissue Culture Medium Eagle with Bade Balanced Salt Solution, 1791 Tissue Culture Medium Eagle with Hanks Balanced Salt Solution, 1791 Tissue Culture Medium Eagle, I lei .a, 1792 Tissue Culture Medium Ham I TO, 1792 Tissue Culture Medium NCTC, 109. 1793 Tissue Culture Medium RPMI No. 1640. 1793 Tissue Culture Minimal Medium luigle, 1794 'Tissue Culture Minimal Medium Eagle Spin- ner Modified, 179S Tissue Culture Minimal Medium Eagle with Marie Balanced Salts Solution, 1794 Tissue Culture Tyrode Solution. 1795 Tissue Culture Vitamins Minimal I-agle, 100X. 1795 IMA Mineral Medium, 1795 TMAO HiVeg Medium. 1796 TMAO Medium. 1818 TMBS4 Medium, 1796. 1797 T-mycoplasmas, 1287 TN Broth. 1823 TN HiVeg Agar, 1799 TNSAAgar. 1820 TNT Medium. 1799 TOC Agar, 1799 Todd-Hewitt Broth, 1799 Todd-Hewitt Broth, Modified, 1800 Todd-Hewitt HiVeg Broth, 1800 Todd-Hewitt Medium, 1800 Toiletries. 810 Tokophrya infusionum, 158 Tokophrya lemnarum. 1339 Toluene utilization, 1183 Toluidinc Blue DNA Agar. 1800 Tolypothrix tenuis, 214 Tomato Dextrin Yeast Medium. 1800 Tomato Juice Agar, 1800,1801 Tomato Juice Agar Special, 1801 Tomato Juice Broth, 1801 Tomato Juice HiVeg Agar, 1801 Tomato Juice HiVeg Agar, Special, 1801 Tomato Juice I liVcg Medium Base with Tomato Juice and Cycloheximide, 1802 Tomato Juice Medium. 1802 Tomato Juice Milk Agar, 1802 Tomato Juice Yeast Extract Medium. 1802 Tomato Juice Yeast Hxlracl Milk Medium, 1802 Tomato Paste Oatmeal Agar, 1803 Tonsillophilus suis. 1255, 1890 Top Agarose. 1803 Topical drugs, 1683,1684 Torpedospora radiaia. 287 Torula denmtia, 1004 Tortdaspora delbrueckii, 1000 Torulopsis Medium, 1803 Toxin-producing Escherichia colt. 1671 Toxins, 1471 Toxoplasma gondii. 1803 Toxoplasma Medium. 1803 TPBY. 1840 TPEY Agar, 1803 TPBY HiVeg Agar Base with Egg Yolk, Tellurite, and Polymyxin B, 1804 TPGY Broth. 1823 IPCY Medium, 1804 TPGYT Broth. 1824 TPE Medium, 1804 TPT, 18 Medium,, 1805 TPY Medium. 1805 TPYG Medium. 1805 Trace Element Mixture, 5 Trace Element Solution HOLE. 5, 1805 Trace Element Solution SE-8. 5 Trace Elements Solution SI 10, 5 Trace Elements Solution SE-6, 5 Trace Elements Solution SE-7,5 Trace metals, 1805 Trace Metals A-5 Mix, 5 Trademarks. 8 Transgrow Medium, 1805. 1806 Transgrow Medium with Trimethoprim. 1806 Transgrow Medium without Trimethoprim, 1807 Transport, 89, 90, 1485 Transport Medium. 297.309.319.958.1287. 1626, 1650, 1651. 1653, 1654. 1806, 1807.1888, 1901 Transport Medium Stuart, 1807 Treatment plants, 1427 Trebouxia Agar, 1807 Treboiixia magna, 1808 Trehalose fermentation, 1392 Tremella mesenterica, 392 Trepomonas agilis. 831. 1859 'Treponema brennahorense, 373 Treponema bryantii. 616. 1488. 1808 Treponema bryantit Medium, 1808 Treponema deniicola. 1302, 1329. 1809. 1812 Treponema denfieola Medium, 1808 Treponema hyodysenteriae, 1852 Treponema Isolation Medium. 1809 'Treponema macrodentitun, 1810 Treponema macrodentium Medium, 1810 Treponema Medium, 1810, 1811, 1812 Treponema Medium 1, 1812 Treponema Medium 2, 1813 Treponema Medium 3. 1813 Treponema Medium, Prereduced, 1813 Treponema oralis, 1329 7 ix'ponema pallidum, 1812 Treponema pectinovorum, 1063 'Treponema phagedenis, 253, 1454, 1609 Treponema sacciuirophilum, 1256, 1814 Treponema saccharophilum Medium, 1813 Treponema socranskii, 1302, 1332 Treponema species, 617. 659, 1302. 1812 Treponema succinifaciens, 616, 1814 Treponema succinifaciens Medium. 1814 Treponema vincenlii, 1302 Treponcmes, 1396, 1450.1460, 1812. 1813 Triangularia halislae, 944 Tribonema aequale. 70 Tributyrm Agar, 1814 Tnbulyrin I HVcg Agar Base with Tributyrin. 1815 Trichamoeba species, 1589 Trichlorophenol Medium, 1815 Trichococcus Jlocculifonnis, 1815 Trichococcus Medium, 1815 Trichoderma longibrachiatum, 11 Trichoderma pseudokoningii. 1004 Tricholoma hakamatsulake, 472 Tricholoma equestre, 1325 Tricholoma Jlamvirens, 1199 7 richoloma fulvocastaneum, 472 Tricholoma matsutake, All Tricholoma ponderosum. All Tricholoma species, 1199 Trichomitus batrachorum, 1861 Trichomonas gallinae, 467, 1861 Trichomonas HiVeg Agar Base with Scrum. 1815 Trichomonas HiVeg Agar Base with Senim and Selective Supplement. 1815 Trichomonas HiVeg Broth Base. Kupfcrbcrg. 910 Trichomonas Medium. 1816 Trichomonas Medium No. 2. 1816 Trichomonas Modified CPI.M HiVeg Medi- um Base. 1202 Trichomonas Selective Medium, 1816 Trichomonas species, 592, 909,910, 1818. 1861 Trichomonas tenax, 1861 Trichomonas vaginalis. 467,931.1202, 1203, 1815,1816,1861, 1862 Trichomycete species, 930 Trichophaea abundans, 988 Trichophaea contradicta, 988 Trichophyton Agar 1, 1816 2030 Index Trichophyton Agar 2. 1817 Trichophyton Agar 3, 1817 Trichophyton Agar 4, 1817 Trichophyton Agar 5, 1817 Trichophyton Agar 6, 1817 Trichophyton Agar 7, 1817 Trichophyton IliVeg Agar 1. 1818 Trichophyton IliVeg Agar 2. 1818 Trichophyton HiVcg Agar. 3. 1818 Trichophyton I liVcg Agar 4. 1818 trichophyton IliVeg Agar 5. 1818 Trichophyton mentagrophytes. 1529. 1532 Trichophyton ruhrum, 1532 Trichophyton schoenleinii, 265 Trichophyton species, 1575, 1817. 1818 Trichophyton verrucositm, 265, 1396 Trichophyton violaceum, 449 Trichosei™ Broth, Modified, 1818 Trichosphacrium species. 614. 822 Trichosporon nigrescens, 1001 Trichospartm species, 1941, 1942 Trichotomospora caesia, 1939 Trichurus spiralis, 1410 Trigonopsis variabilis, 1 (XX) Trimethylamme jV-Oxide Medium, 1818 Trimethylamine jV-Oxidc IliVeg Medium, 1796 Trimyema shoalsia, 1556 Triple Sugar Iron Agar, 1819 Triple Sugar Iron Agar, IliVeg, 1819 Tripospcrmtnn myrli. 944 Tris Yeast Fxtract Pqrtonc Agar. 1820 Iris Yeast Fxtract Peptone Broth, 1820 Tris YP Agar, 1820 Tris YP Broth, 1820 Tritrichomonas augusta. 1861 Tritrichomonas foetus, 467, 1861, 1862 Tnlnchomonas mohilensis, 467 Tritrichomonas suis, 1861, 1862 Trichophyton mentagrophytes, 265 Trychophylon nihruin, 265 Trypallavin Nalidixic Acid Scrum Agar. 1820 Trypanopiasmu borreli. 958 Tiypanosoma avium, 600 Trypanosoma hennetti, 600 Trypanosoma cen'i, 600 'Trypanosoma chat ton i. 600 Tiypanosoma conoirhini, 249, 600 Trypanosoma crttzi, 600, 958, 1300 Trypanosoma cyclops, 600 Trypanosoma failisi, 600 Tiypanosoma gamhiense, 1820 Trypanosoma lewisi, 600 Trypanosoma lucknowi. 600 Tiypanosoma mega, 600 Tiypanosoma musculi, 600 Tiypanosoma ncveulemairei. 600. 912 Tiypanosoma ranaiwn, 600 Tryifanosoma rangeli, 600 'Tiypanosoma rhodesiense, 1820 Trypanosoma rotaforium. 600 Trypanosoma species, 230, 912 Trypanosoma lamiasi, 600 Trypanosoma theileri, 1229 Trypanosome Medium, 1820 Tryplic Digest Broth, 1820 Tryplic Nitrale Medium. 1821 Tryplic Soy Agar. 1825 I ryptic Soy Agar with 0.6% Yeast lixtract, 1821 Tryplic Soy Agar with Magnesium Ions. 107, 1821 Tryptic Soy Agar with Magnesium Sulfate. 1821 Tryplic Soy Agar with Magnesium Sulfate and Sodium Chloride, 1821 Tryplic Soy Agar wilh Sodium Chloride, 1821, 1822 Tryplic Soy Blood Agar, 1827, 1835 Tryptic Soy Blood Agar with VAN. 4.1821 Tryplic Soy Broth. 1822 Tryptic Soy Broth with 0.001 A/ Calcium Chloride, 1822 Tryptic Soy Broth with 0.1 % Potassium Ni- trale, 1822 Tryptic Soy Broth with IA/KC1. 1822 "Tryptic Soy Broth with Petrous Sulfate. 1831 Tryplic Soy Broth with Magnesium Ions, 1682, 1822 Tryptic Soy Fast Green Agar. 1822 Tiypticase™, 1% Solution, 1847 Trypiicase™ Agar Base, 1822 Trypticase IM Agar Base with Carbohydrate. 1813 Trypticasc™ Azolcctin Tween Broth Base, 1683 Trypiicase™ Broth. Supplemented. 1823 Trypiicase™ Glucose Fxtract Agar, 1823 Trypticasc™ Novobiocin Broth. 1823 Trvpiicase™ Peptone Glucose Yeast Extract ' Broth. 1823 Trypticase™ Peptone Glucose Yeast Fxtract Brolh with Trypsin. 1824 Trypticase IM Peptone Glucose Yeast Fxtract Broth, Buffered, 1823 Trypticasc™ Phytone Medium, 1824 Trypticase™ Soy Agar. 1825 Trypticase ,M Soy Agar with 1% Glucose. 1825 Trypticasc 1M Soy Agar with Cefazidimc. 1825 Trypticasc 1M Soy Agar with Glycerol. 1825 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with I luman Blood, 1826 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate, 80, 1826 Trypticasc™ Soy Agar with Sheep Blood, 1827 Trypticasc™ Soy Agar with Sheep Blood and Gentamicin. 1827 Trypticasc™ Soy Agar with Sheep Blood, Formate and Fumarate, 1827 Trypiicase™ Soy Agar with Sheep Blood. Sucrose, and Tetracycline, 1828 Trypticasc ,M Soy Agar with Tobramycin, 1829 Trypticasc™ Soy Agar with Yeast Fxtract and Glucose, 1830 Trypticasc™ Soy Agar. Modified, 1826. 1827 Trypticasc 1 " Soy Agar, Modified with Horse Scrum. 1827 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth, 1830 Trypticase™ Soy Broth Agar Modified, 1830 'Trypticasc™ Soy Broth wilh 0.1% Agar, 1830 Trypiicase™ Soy Broth with 1.5% NaCl, 1834 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth with 10mA/Glucose, ' 1831 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Calcium Chlo- ride, 1830 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Cefazidime, 1830 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth with Fetal Calf Se- rum, 1831 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth with Glycerol. 1831 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with I IOINC Scrum, 1831 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with I luman Blood, 1832 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Neomycin, 1832 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth with Sodium Chlo- ride and Sodium Pyruvate, 1833 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth with Tobramycin. 1833 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth with Twcen 80.1834 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Yeast Extract, 1834 Trypticase™ Soy Broth without Glucose, 1834 Trypticasc™ Soy Broth, Modified, 1832 Trypticase™ Soy Glucose Medium, 1834 Trypticase ™ Soy Polymyxin Broth, 1834 Trypticase™ Soy Soil Kxtract. 1852 Trypticase™ Soy Tryptose Broth, 1835 Trypticase™ Soy Yeast Kxtract Agar, 1835 Tiypticase™ Soy Yeast Extract Medium, ' 1853 Trypticasc™ Soy Yeast I'xtract Starch Medi- um, 1854 Trypticasc 1 " Starch Agar, 1836 Trypticase™ Sulfite Neomycin Agar, 1853 Trypticasc 1 " Tellurite Agar Base, 1836 'Trypticase™ Yeast Fxlracl Glucose Medi- um, 1836.1857.1859 'Trypticase™ Glucose Agar, 1823 Trypticasc 1 " Nitrate Broth. 874 Tiypticase'" jieptone, 3 Trypticasc™ Phylonc™ Glucose Medium. 1824 'Trypticasc'" Phylonc 1 " Glucose Medium. with Twcen™ 80. 1824 Index 2031 Trypticase™ Phytone™ Medium, 1824 Trypticase™ Serum Seawater Agar. 1824. 1825 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with 3% Sodium Chloride. 1829 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Sheep Blood and Streptomycin. 1828 Trypticase™ Soy Agar witli Sheep Blood and Twees 80,1828 Trypticase ™ Soy Agar with Sheep Blood and Vancomycin, 1828 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Sodium Chlo- ride, 1829 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Sodium Chlo- ride, Horse Serum, and Penicillin, 1829 Trypticase 1 M Soy Agar with Starch. 1829 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Tobramycin, 1829 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Yeast Extract, 1829 Trypticase™ Soy Agar-Magnesium Sul rale- Sodium Chloride Agar, 1826 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 0.1% DL-7- I lydroxybutyric Acid, 1832 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 0.1% Yeast Ex- tract, 1834 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 1.5% Sodium Chloride, 1833 Trypticase™ Soy Brolh with 10/HA/Glucose. 1831 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with \M Potassium ' Chloride, 1832 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Cefa/idime, 1830 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Ccla/idine, 1835 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Ferrous Sulfate, 1831 Trypticase™ Soy Broth wilh Sea Sails, 1833 Trypticase™ Soy Broth with Sheep Blood. 1833 Trypticase™ Soy Brolh wilh Starch. 1833 Tiypticase™ Soy Broth with Yeast Fxtract, 1834 Trypticase™ Soy Broth. Modified, 1832 Trypticase™ Soy Sheep Blood Agar. 1835 Tryplicasc™ Soy Yeast Extract Agar. 1835 Trypticase™ Soy Yeast I Extract Medium, 803. 1836 Tryptone, 2, 3 'Tryptone Agar, 1836 Tryptone Agar Base. I li Veg. 1836 Tryptone Agar, Hi Veg, 1837 Tryptone Beef Yeast Extract Acetate Agar, 1686 Tryptone Bile Agar. 1837 Tryptone Bile Glucuronide Agar. Harlequin, 1837 Tryptone Bile X-glucuronidc Agar. 1686 Tryptone Bile X-glucuronide Agar. Chro- mocult, 1837 Tryptone Broth. 1798,1837, 1838. 1845 Tryptone Broth wilh CaC12, 1838 Tryptone Broth, 1%, 1838 Tryptone Broth, Hi Veg. 1838.1845 Tryptone Glucose Beef Fxtract Agar. 1838 Tryptone Glucose Beef Fxtract Agar with Su- crose, 1838 Tryptone Glucose Beef Fxtract Agar with Ycasi Extract. 1838 Tryptone Glucose Fxtract Agar, 1838 Tryptone Glucose Extract Hi Veg Agar. 1838 Tryptone Glucose I liVeg Agar, 1839 Tryptone Glucose Medium. 1839 Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar, 1402, 1631 Tryptone Glucose Yeasi Broth, 1631 Tryptone (ilucose Yeast Extract I liVeg Agar, 1838 Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract HiVeg Broth, 1839 Tryptone Glucose Yeast Plxtract Medium. 1704 Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Methionine Medium, 1704 Tryptone in Sea Water Agar. 1841 Tryptone Lactose Iron Hi Veg Agar, 1839 Tryptone NaCl Tbiamme Medium. 1799 Tryptone Nitrate HiVeg Medium, 874, 1840 Tryptone Peptone Glucose Yeast Extract I li Veg Broth Base without Trypsin, 1840 Tryptone Phosphate Brain Heart Infusion Yeast Extract Agar. 1840 Tryptone Phosphate Broth, 1840 Tryptone Phosphate HiVeg Broth. 1840 Tryptone Salt Agar, 1798 Tryptone Salt Broth, 1798.1799 Tryptone Soy Agar, 1841 Tryptone Soy Agar pH 5.5, 1841 Tryptone Soy Agar pi I 6.5, 1841 Tryptone Soy Agar with 1 % Sodium Chlo- ride, 1842 Tryptone Soy Agar with 4.5% Sodium Chlo- ride, 1842 Tryptone Soy Agar with I torse Blood. 1841 Tryptone Soy Agar with Sheep Blood. 1842 Tryptone Soy Agar, Hi Veg, 1841 Tryptone Soy Broth. 1842 Tryptone Soy Broth wilh 0.1% Tween™ 80. 1842 'Tryptone Soy Brolh with Yeast Extract, 1842 Tryptone Soy Broth. I li Veg. 1592,1842 Tryptone Soy HiVeg Agar with Added Sodi- um Chloride and Cocarboxylasc. 1843 'Tryptone Soy I IiVcg Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate. 80, 1843 'Tryptone Soy HiVeg Agar with Magnesium Sulfate, 1843 Tryptone Soy HiVeg Broth with 0.1% Agar. 1593,1843 Tryptone Soy I li Veg Broth with 10% Sodium Chloride and, 1% Sodium l*yruvate. 1843 Tryptone Soy HiVeg Broth without Glucose, 1593 Tryptone Soy Salt I li Veg Agar with Magne- sium Sulfate, 1844 Tryptone Soy Yeast Extract HiVeg Agar, 1844 Tryptone Soy Yeast Extract Hi Veg Broth. 1844 Tryptone Soya Agar. HiVeg. 322. 1592 Tryptone Soya I liVeg Agar with Lecithin and Tween 80, 1156 Tryptone SoylliVcg Broth without Glucose, 1843 Tryptone T, 3 Tryptone 'Thioglycolate Medium, 1844 Tryptone Water Broth. 1845 Tryptone Water Broth, 1 li Veg, 1845 Tryptone Water. Hi Veg. 1838, 1845 Tryptone with Sodium Chloride Broth. 1839, 1845 Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar, 1845 Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar, 1. 1845 Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth, 885 Tryptone Yeast Extract Glucose Medium, 1859 Tryptone Yeast Extract Glucose Salt Medi- um. 1860 Tryptone Yeast Fxtract HiVeg Agar with Carbohydrate. 1846 Tryptone Yeast Extract I liVeg Broth. 884 Tryptone Yeast Extract Medium. 1846 Tryptone Yeast Plxtract Mineral Medium. 1846 Tryptone Yeast Extract Salt Medium. 1846. 1858 Tryptophan, 1% Solution, 1847 Tryptophan assay, 1847 Tryptophan Assay Medium. 1846 Tryptophan Broth, 1847 Tryptophan Hi Veg Medium. 1847 Tryptophan test, 874 Tryptosc. 2, 3 Tryptose Agar, 1847 Tryptosc Agar with Citrate. 1847 Tryptose Agar with Sheep Blood, 1848 Tryptose Agar with Thiamine, 1848 Tryptose Agar with Thiamine IIC1,1 liVeg, 1848 Tryptose Agar, HiVeg, 1848 Tryptose Blood Agar. 1848 Tryptose Blood Agar Base, 1849 Tryptose Blood Agar Base wilh Yeast Ex- tract, 1849 Tryptose Blood Agar Base with Yeast Fx- tract. Hi Veg. 1849 Tryptose Blood Agar Base, HiVeg with Sheep Blood. ^849 Tryptose Brolh, 1849 Tryptosc Brolh wilh Citrate, 1849 Tryptose Broth, HiVeg, 1850 Tryptose Cycloserine Dextrose Agar, 1850 Tryptose Cycloserine Glucose HiVeg Agar Base with Cycloserine. 1850 Tryptose Phosphate Agar, 1850 2032 Index Tryptose Phosphate Broth, 1850 Tryptosc Phosphate Broth. HiVeg, 1850 Tryptose Phosphate Broth, Modified, 1851 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar, 1851 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar with Polymyxin and Kanamycin, 1851 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar without Egg Yolk, 1852 Tryptosc Sulfite Cycloserine Agar, Fluoro- cult. 1853 TSAgar, 1852 IS Medium TorSpirochaeta caldaria. 1852 TS Soil Extract, 1852 ISA,5400Selective Isolation Medium, 1852 ISA Blood Agar, 1827, 1835 ISA II 1M , 1827 TSA II™ with Sheep Blood and Genlamicin. 1827 TSA NaCl. 1829 ISAM HiVeg, 1843 TSAMS, 1826 TSAYE, 1829 TSBY Salt Medium. 181.1853 TSBYE, 1834 TSC Agar, 1851 TSC Agar without Egg Yolk, 1852 TSC Agar. Fluorocult. 1853 TSFA, 1822 TSIAgar. 1819 TSNAgar. 1853 T-strain mycoplasmas, 1865, 1866 Tsukamurella paurometaltolum. 454. 754. 967.968,1330.1470 TSY Medium, 1853 TSYES Medium. 1854 IT Broth. 1699 TT Broth, Hajna. 1700 IT Broth, USA, 1700 IT HiVeg Broth Base, 1701 TTC Agar. 1702 TTC HiVeg Broth Base, 887 TTD Medium, 1854 TTYSH Medium. 1854 Tube dilution method. 391 Tuber alhidum, 775 Tuber ntj'um, 775 Tuberculiua maxima. 318 Tuberculiua pcrsicina. 318 Tuberculosis, 1164, 1165 Turbid specimens. 645, 1772 Tween™ 80 Agar. 1407 Twccn™ 80 Hydrolysis Broth. 1856 Tween™ 80 Hydrolysis Medium, 1856 Tween™ 80 hydroly/ation, 1856 Tween™ 80 Oxgall CalTeic acid Agar. 1799 Twccn™ 80A Medium. 1855 Tween™ 80-Agar, 1855 Tween™ 80A Agar, 1855 Twccn™ 80A Broth. 1855 IT Medium. 1856 TY Medium, 1856 TY Medium, 2X. 1856 TY Salt Medium, 1857 TY Salts Medium, 1857 TYE Broth Medium, 1857 TYEHES Medium. 1857 IYE-CO, 420 TYEG Medium. 1857 TYES Medium, 1858 TYG Medium. 1858,1859 TYGM-9 Medium, 1859 TYGPN Medium. 1859 TYCiS Medium. 1860 TYI-S-33 Medium, 1860 TYM Basal Medium. Modified 1, 1861 TYM Basal Medium, Modified 2, 1861 TYM Basal Medium. Modified 3.1861.1862 TYM Basal Medium, Modified 4, 1862 TYM Medium. 1862 TYN Medium, 1862 Tyndalli/ation, 9 Tyrosine Agar. 1862 Tyrosine Casein Nitrate Medium, 1863 Tyrosine utilization. 1862 TYX Medium, 1863 TZC Selective Medium, 1863 I U Agar Plates, 1864 U Broth, 1864 U4 Medium, 1866 U9 Broth. 1865 U9 Broth with Amphotericin B, 1865 U9B Broth. 1865 U9C Broth, 1866 UB HiVeg Agar, 1867 UBA Medium. 1867 lllochulium a/rum, 1410 Ulocladium bony lis. 1410 Ulocladium charlarum, 1410 Ulocladium curcurbitae, 1410 Ulothrix gigas, 70 Unclassified bacterium DSM 12783. 103 Unclassified DSM bacterium, 19 Universal Beer Agar, 1867 Universal Beer HiVeg Agar with Beer. 1867 Universal Medium For Yeasts, 1868 Universal Precnrichment Broth. 1868 University of Verment 1 listeria Primaiy Se- lective Enrichment Broth. 953 University of Vermont II Listeria Primary Selective enrichment Broth, 954 University of Vermont Listeria luirichment Broth. 1876 University of Vermont Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth. 1876 Urea Agar. 1868. 1869 Urea Agar Base, 1869 Urea Agar Base. Christensen, 1869 Urea Broth. 1869,1872 Urea Broth 10B for Ureaplasma urealyticum, 1869 Urea Broth Base, 1870 Urea HiVeg Agar Base Autoclavablc with Urea, 1870 Urea Nutrient Agar. 1870 Urea R Broth, 1871 Urea Rapid Broth. 1871 Urea Semisolid Medium, 1871 Urea Test Broth. 1871 Urea utilization. 878 Ureaplasma Agar Plates, 1864 Ureaplasma Broth, 1864 Ureaplasma diversum, 1867 Ureaplasma Medium, 1872 Ureaplasma species, 12, 13. 14, 15, 66, 171, 267. 1592, 1864.1870. 1872 Ureaplasma urealyticum, 12, 13, 14, 15,66, 171. 597, 1630.1865. 1866. 1870. 1874 Urease, 1870 Urease. 1409.1410.1865.1866.1869. 1870. 1871 Urease Color Test Medium, 1865 Urease production. 375.1646. 1690, 1869. 1870, 1871,1872 Urease Test Agar. 1869 Urease Test Broth, 1872 Urethral specimens, 821 Uric acid, 1872, 1873. 1874 Uric Acid Agar. 1872,1873 Uric Acid Agar for Clostridia, 1873 Uric Acid Broth, 1873 Uric Acid Broth for Clostridia. 1873 Uric Acid Medium. 1873 Uric Acid Semisolid Agar for Clostridia. 1874 Uric Acid Utilization Agar, 1874 Urinary. 1450 Urinary pathogens, 392 Urinary tract. 260 Urinary tract infections, 386, 845 Urine, 12,13,14,15, 66,133,264,392,992. 1400. 1695,1700, 1701 Urogenital. 1287 Urogenital Mycoplasma Broth Base, 1874 Uses of Media, 9 Usneajlorida. 951 USP Alternative Thioglycolate Medium, 1638 Ustilago Complete Agar II, 1874 Ustilago Complete Broth II. 1875 Ustilago Medium, 1875, 1876 Ustilago Minimal Medium. 1876 Ustilago species, 1875, 1876 IJTI Agar, Modified HiCrome™, 845 UVM. 955 UVM listeria Enrichment Broth, 1876 UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth. 1876 V V Agar. 1877 V C A Inhibitor, 7 VCAT Inhibitor, 7 V C N Inhibitor, 7 Index 2033 V C N 1 Inhibitor, 7 V24N Medium, 1878 V-8™ Juice Sea Water Agar, 1878 V-8™ Rye Agar, 1878 V-8 1M Agar. 1877 V-8™ Agar, Half-strength, 1877 V-8™ Agar. pH 7.2. 1877 V-8™ Juice Agar, 1878 V-8-0 Agar. 1877 VA Vitamin Solution, 5 Vaccine production. 753. 1540 Vaccines, 345,445 Vagina, 1836 Vaginal, 1515,1516, 1517 Vaginal specimens, 821 Vaginitis, 719 Vagococcui fluvial*, 984, 1429, 1933. 1945 Vagococcus salmoninarwn, 1429, 1945 Vahlkampjia avora, 1217 Vahlkampfia lobospinosa, 1454 Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus, 1039 Van Niel's Yeast Agar. 1879 Van Niel's Yeast Agar with 25% Sodium Chloride, 1879 Van Niel's Agar, 1878 Van Niel's Medium. Modified, 1879 Van Niel's Yeast Agar with Glutamate. 1879 Van Niel's Yeast Agar with Sodium Chlo- ride, 1879 Van Niel's Yeast Agar with Succinate, 1879 Van Niel's Yeast Medium with Pyruvate. Modified, 1879 Vancomycin resistant cnterococci. 1895 Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus, 378 Vanillatc Medium, 1880 Vannella miroides, 707 Vannella species. 1011 VCR Medium, 1880 Veal Infusion Agar, 1880. 1881 Veal Infusion Broth, 1881 Veal Infusion Broth with Horse Serum, 1881 Veal Infusion Brom with Rabbit Serum, 1881 Veal Yeast I-xtract Medium, 1898 Veillonella Agar, 1882 Veillcmella HiVeg Agar Base with Lactate, 1882 Veillonella HiVeg Agar Base wiUi Lactate and Vancomycin, 1882 Veillonella Medium, 1882 Veillonella Medium. DSM 1882 Veillonella parvula. 1419.1882 Veillonella Selective Medium, 1882 Veillonella species, 1485, 1882, 1883 VENCHI2 Medium. 1883 Venenivibrio stagnispumanfis. 1884 Venenivibrio stagnispumantis Medium, 1883 Vero tissue culture, 336 Verotoxin-producing, 1823 Verticiliiumfungicola, 1348 Verticil! ium later it mm 761 Viability-Preserving Microbiostatic Medium. 1892 Vibrio adapsatus, 1554 Vibrio Agar, 1884 Vibrio alginolyitcus. 378 Vibrio alginolvticus, 363, 733, 799, 1310, 1829.1914 Vibrio angiallarmn. 280 Vibrio bivalvii, 1310 Vibrio camphellii, 1554 Vibrio cholera. 221,1923 Vibrio cholerae, 66, 75, 76,321, 363, 378, 445.458.811,812.814.851.1222.1308. 1654, 1687. 1798. 1799, 1838. 1884 Vibrio cholerae, 221 Vibrio costicola. 229, 1554.1884 Vibrio costicola Medium, 1884 Vibrio diazotrophicus. 1884 Vibrio fischeri. 1394, 1395. 1555 Vibrio fluvial is, 1617 Vibrio fiirnissii, 1617 Vibrio harveyi. 1009, 1395. 1554, 1558 Vibrio hemolysin, 1899 Vibrio HiVeg Agar, 1884 Vibrio hallisae, 1617 Vibrio iiquefaciens, 1667 Vibrio mediterranei, 1310, 1554 Vibrio Medium, 1884 Vibrio mimiciK, 363, 1923 Vibrio natriegens. 1310, 1554. 1885 Vibrio natriegenx Medium, 1884 Vibrio ordalii. 1015. 1617 Vibrio orien talis, 1310 Vibrio parahaemolytiais, 253.378,363,799, 1310, 1654, 1687. 1885 Vibrio parahaemolytiais Agar, 1885 Vibrio parahuemolyticus Sucrose Agar. 1885 Vibrio parahaemolytiais Sucrose HiVeg Agar, 1885 Vibrio pelagigins, 1310 Vibrio proteolyticus. 799 Vibrio salmonicida, 1554, 1930 Vibrio species, 66. 70, 75. 76,117, 146, 216. 320, 336, 337,458. 485,486, 733, 747, 807.853.971.1006.1310,1311.1335. 1336, 1395, 1436. 1537, 1538, 1554, 1558, 1585, 1654, 1798, 1799, 1821, 1826.1885 Vibrio vallismortis, 1885 Vibrio vallismortis Medium, 1885 Vibrio vulnificus, 1310, 1553, 1617, 1885. 1886 Vibrio vulnificus Agar. 1885 Violet Peptone Bile Lactose Broth. 1886 Violet Red Bile Agar, 1886 Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG. 1886 Violet Red Bile Agar, HiVeg, 1886 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar, 1887 Violet Red Bile lactose MUG Agar. 1894 Violet Red Glucose HiVeg Agar with Lac- tose. 1887 Violet Red Glucose 1 liVeg Agar without Lactose. 1887 Violet Red HiVeg Agar. 1887 Violet Red 1 liVeg Agar (1.2%), 1887 Violet Red HiVeg Broth, 1887 Viral Transport Medium, 1887 Viridans enterococci, 1191 Viridans streptococci. 1191 Viscous specimens, 645, 1772 Vitamin B )2 assay. 172 Vitamin B 12 assay, 172 Vitamin B| 2 Assay Medium. 1888 Vitamin B, 2 Assay Medium with Colistin, 1889 Vitamin B 12 assay testing. 1889 Vitamin B, 2 HiVeg Agar, 1889 Vitamin B 12 Medium, 1889 Vitamin B, 2 Nutrient Agar. 1890 Vitamin B 6 Blood Agar. 1888 Vitamin B 6 Blood Agar with Pyridoxal-HCI. 1888 Vitamin free casamino acids, 4 Vitamin K| Solution. 5 Vitamin Medium for Sficrohacterium, 1890 Vitamins, 920 Vitox Supplement, 5 Vitreochlamys incisa, 70 Vttreoscilla species, 208 Vitreoscilia stercoraria, 319 Vittreoscilla stercoraria. 761 VL Agar with Blood. 1890 VL Medium, 1890 VM Medium, 1891 VM1 Medium. 1891 VMGII Medium, 1892 Vogel and Johnson Agar. 1892 Vogel N Medium, 1272 Vogel S Medium for Slime-Like Neurospora. 1893 Vogcl-Bonncr Minimal Medium. 1892 Vogel-Johnson Agar Base, HiVeg. 1892 Voges- Proskauer lest, 888 Voges-Proskauer Medium, 1894 Voges-Proskauer reaction, 1236, 1237 Volcaniclla curihalina. 1154 Von Hofslen & Malmcpiist Medium B. 1893 VPAgar, 1885 VP Broth, Modified, Smith, Gordon, and Clark. 1893 VP I liVeg Medium, 1893 VP Medium. 1893 VPS A, 1885 VRBAgar. 1886 VRB MUG Agar. 1894 VRI-:, 378, 1895 VMS Agar, 1894, 1895 VRI- Broth. 1895 VIM, 1888 \ ulcanihacilltm Medium, 1895, 1896 Vulcanibacillus modesticaldus. 1896 Vulcanithermus mediatlanlicus, 1898 Vulcanithermus Medium. 1897 VVA, 1885 VY Agar, 1898 VY Medium, 1898 2034 Index VY/4-SWS Agar. 1898 VY2 Agar, 1898 VYSAgar, 1898 W W Medium, 1899 Wadowsky-Yee Medium, Modified, 1256 Wadowsky-Yee Medium. 204 Wagatsuma Agar. 1899 Wagalsuma HiVeg Agar Base with Red Blood Cells, 1899 Wakimoto Medium, Modified, 1899 Waksman's Glucose Agar, 1899 Waksman's Sulfur Medium, 1900 Wall Defective Bacterial Medium. 1900 Wallemia sebi, 988, 1332 Wallcnstcin Medium. 1900 Wallerstein Laboratory Differential Agar, 1910 Wallerstein Laboratory Differential Medium. 1910,1911 Wallerstein Laboratory Medium with Toma- to Juice, 1911 Wallcrstcin Laboratory Nutrient Agar. 1911 Wallerstein Laboratory Nuuient Broth, 1912 Walsby Medium. 1900 Wang's Semisolid HiVeg Medium with Blood, 1900 Wang's Transport Storage Medium, 1901 Wardomyx-es dimerus, 988 simplex. 1476 Wastewater, 11,156,201,207,261,263, 266,916.991, 1031,1032 Water, 20, 58, 162, 163,201, 203,204, 206, 207, 261. 262. 263.266. 281.290.291. 292,439.615, 623.641,642.648,649. 650, 655, 657, 658, 709, 732,857, 932, 933,991.992,993.1005.1026. 1031. 1032, 1053, 1066, 1067, 1069, 1156, 1157.1167.1168,1186.1196. 1227. 1228,1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1252,1253, 1256,1303, 1314, 1318, 1338.1403.1427.1440.1514. 1515. 1567,1631, 1636.1682,1690. 1823, 1825,1830, 1943 Water Agar. 1901 Water samples, 156,170, 1327 Water-Blue Mctachromc-Yellow Lactose Agar, 719 Waters. 158. 330.669.670, 758. 902. 1150. 1463,1472, 1473.1648.1938 Waxy Mai/e Starch Medium, 1901 Wayne Sulfatasc Agar. 150 WCX Agar, 1901 Web Resources, 10 Weeksella v/rava, 1304 Weeksella zoohelcum, 1304 Weisselia thailandensis, 1232 Wcit/man. Silva-Hutncr Agar, 1901 Wesley Broth, 1902 Wesley Broth Base with Antibiotics and Hematin, 1902 Wesley 1 liVeg Broth Base with Antibiotics and Hematin. 1902 Wheat Peptone Agar. 1903 Whey Agar, 1903 Whey Broth. 1903 Wicket ham BfOth, 1903, 1904 Wickcrham Broth with Raffinose. 1904 Wickerham Carlxm Base Broth, 1927 Wickerhamiella domercqiae. 1935 Wilbrinck Agar for Xanthonwiuts, 1904 Wilbrinck Agar for Xanthomonas albilin- eans, 1904 Wild yeasts. 977 W:lkiiiN Chalgren Agar. 1905 Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Agar. 1905 Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Agar with Cysteine. 1905 WilkniN Chalgren Anaerobe Agar with G N Supplement, 1905 Wilkins-Chalgrcn Anaerobe Agar with N-S Supplement, 1906 Wilkins-Chalgrcn Anaerobe Broth. 1906 Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Medium with Yeast Hxtracl. 1906 Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobic HiVeg Agar Base with Blood, 1906 Wilkins-Chalgrcn Anaerobic HiVeg Agar Base with Blood and Nonspore Anaero- bic Supplement, 1907 Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobic HiVeg BroUi Base with Blood. 1907 Willaerlia magna. 1217 Williopsis californica, 589 Wilson and Blair's Medium. 1907 Wilson Blair Base. 1907 Wilson Blair I liVeg Agar Base with Selec- tive Reagent and Brilliant Green. 1908 Wilson Blair HiVcg Agar with Brilliant Green and Selective Reagent. 1908 Wine. 917. 1802 Winemaking, 1573 WingeAgar, 1909 Winge Melibiose Agar. 1909 Winogradsky's Medium, Mtxlitied, 1909 Winogradsky's N-Frcc Medium. 1909 Winogradsky's Nitrite Medium. 1910 Without. 693 WL Differential Agar, 1910 WL DilTcrcntial HiVcg Agar. 1910 WL Differential HiVeg Broth, 1910 WL DilTcrcntial Medium. 1910. 1911 WL Medium with Tomato Juice, 1911 WL Nutrient Agar. 1911 WL Nutrient Broth, 1912 WL Nutrient HiVeg Broth, 1912 WL Nutrient HiVeg Medium. 1912 WMC Medium, 1912 Wolfe's Mineral Solution, 5 Wolfe's Vitamin Solution. 5 Wolin-Bevis Medium, 1913 Woiineila recta, 631 Woiineila species. 370, 701 Woiineila succinogenes. 1913 Woiineila succinogenes Medium, 1913 Woods and Welton Agar. 1914 Worfel-Ferguson Agar, 1914 Wort. 1867 Wort Agar, 1914 Wort Agar 6°Brix. 1914 Wort Broth. 1914 Wort HiVeg Agar, 1914 Wort HiVeg Broth. 1915 Wort Sucrose Agar. 1915 Wort Sucrose Broth. 1915 Wounds. 418 WSH Agar. 1901 X Xanthine Agar, 1915 Xanthine utilization, 1915 Xanlhohacteragilis, 830, 1916 Xanthobac/er agilis Agar. 1915 Xanlhobacler autotrophics, 643, 740. 741 Xanthobacter species. 740. 741, 749. 826. 827,828.829,1173 Xanthomonas Agar. 1916 Xanthomonas albilineans. 1653.1904. 1905. 1916, 1952 Xanthomonas albilineans Agar. 1916 Xanthomonas alblinieans, 1916 Xanthomonas axonopodis, 1904. 1916 Xanthomonas campestris, 489,748,827,828, 930,1367,1405,1412,1414,1916,1920, 1944. 1945 Xanthomonas campestris pvai. campestris. 826.829 Xanthomonas fragartae. 1273. 1916 Xanthomonas maltophilia, 1916 Xanthomonas maltophiiia Medium. 1916 Xanthomonas Medium, 1916 Xanthomonas oryzae, 1916, 1920, 1945 Xanthomonas species. 136.748.1000. 1309. 1905. 1916.1917, 1943 Xanthomonas Tryptone Yeast Mxtract Glu- cose Agar. 1916 Xanthomonas TYG Agar. 1916 Xanthoria parietina. 951 XB45/XB9OTB90-2 Medium, 1917 XI-D-AGAR. 1917 Xenococcus species. 152, 1200 Xenorhabdus Agar. 1918 Xenorhabdtts Broth. 1918 Xenorhabdus luminescens, 1484 Xenorhabdus nematophilus, 1369. 1918 Xerocvmus badius. 1002 Xeromyces bisporus, 988 Xerophilic molds, 593 XL Agar Base, 1918 XLDAgar. 1918, 1919 XLD Agar, HiVeg, 1919 XLT-4.1922 XLT4 HiVeg Agar Base. 1919 XPSAgar, 1920 XPS Broth, 1920 [...]... Medium, 1948 YP87 Medium, 1948 YPAD Medium for MAK Mutants of Saccharomycet, 1949 YPC Medium 1949 YPI) Medium, 1949 YPDA 1949 YPDP Medium with 5-TMP 1949 YPG Agar with 2% Sodium Chloride, 1950 YPG Medium, 1950 YPGA, 1950 YPM Agar, 1950 YPNC Medium, 1950 YPS Medium, 1951 YPSC Agar, 1951 YPSC Agar Cation Supplemented, 1951 Y1»SC Medium 1951 YPSC Soft Agar 1952 YpSs Agar, 1952 YPSS, Kmerson Agar 1952 YSP... 1002, 1222, 1530, 1951 1801, 1927,1932,1938 Yeast Hxtract Peptone Sulfate Cysteine MeYeast Agar Van Niel's, 1926 dium 1951 Yeast Agar, Van Niel's with 2.5% Sodium Yeast Hxtract Peptone Sulfate Cysteine Soft Chloride 1926 Agar, 1952 Yeast Agar, Van Niels with 25% Sodium Yeast Hxtract Phosphate Agar, 1930 Chloride 1926 Yeast I'xtract Powder 6 Yeast Agar, Van NiePs with Glutamatc, 1926 Yeast Hxtract l*roteosc . Thermodesulfovibrio yvllowstonii Medium, 1726,1738 Thermodiscus marifimus, 1581 Thermofdum librum. 1878 Thermofdum pendens, 1728 Thermofdum pendens Medium. 1727 Thermogymnomonas Medium. 1728 Thermogymnomonas. 'Iliiophene, 2 Caiboxylic Acid I lydrazide Medium. 1688 Thiorhodococcus bheemlicus. 1496 Thiorhodococcus Medium. 1783 Thiorhodococcus minor, 1784 Thiosphaera Agar. 1784 Thiosphaera Broth 1868 University of Verment 1 listeria Primaiy Se- lective Enrichment Broth. 953 University of Vermont II Listeria Primary Selective enrichment Broth, 954 University of Vermont Listeria