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Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems- P39 ppsx

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  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Introduction

  • Contributors

  • Part I: Real-Time and Performance Analysis in Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 1. Performance Prediction of Distributed Platforms

    • Chapter 2. SystemC-Based Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 3. Formal Performance Analysis for Real-Time Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 4. Model-Based Framework for Schedulability Analysis Using UPPAAL 4.1

    • Chapter 5. Modeling and Analysis Framework for Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 6. TrueTime: Simulation Tool for Performance Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems

  • Part II: Design Tools and Methodology for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip

    • Chapter 7. MPSoC Platform Mapping Tools for Data-Dominated Applications

    • Chapter 8. Retargetable, Embedded Software Design Methodology for Multiprocessor-Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 9. Programmig Models for MPSoC

    • Chapter 10. Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: Meteropolis and Metro II

    • Chapter 11. Reconfigurable Multicore Architectures for Streaming Applications

    • Chapter 12. FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems

  • Part III: Design Tools and Methodology for Multidomain Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 13. Modeling, Verification, and Testing Using Timed and Hybrid Automata

    • Chapter 14. Semantics of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

    • Chapter 15. Multi-Viewpoint State Machines for Rich Component Models

    • Chapter 16. Generic Methodology for the Design of Continuous/Discrete Co-Simulation Tools

    • Chapter 17. Modeling and Simulation of Mixed Continuous and Discrete Systems

    • Chapter 18. Design Refinement of Embedded Mixed-Signal Systems

    • Chapter 19. Platform for Model-Based Design of Integrated Multi-Technology Systems

    • Chapter 20. CAD Tools for Multi-Domain Systems on Chips

    • Chapter 21. Smart Sensors Modeling Using VHDL-AMS for Microinstrument Implementation with a Distributed Architecture

  • Index

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Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C011 Finals Page 346 2009-10-2 346 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems the core to the iMesh on-chip network. The combination of a core and a switch form the basic building block of the Tilera Processor: the tile. Each core is a fully functional processor capable of running complete operating systems and off-the-shelf “C” code. Each core is optimized to provide a high performance/power ratio, running at speeds between 600 MHz and 1 GHz, with power consumption as low as 170 mW in a typical application. Each core supports standard processor features such as • Full access to memory and I/O • Virtual memory mapping and protection (MMU/TLB) • Hierarchical cache with separate L1-I and L1-D • Multilevel interrupt support • Three-way VLIW pipeline to issue three instructions per cycle The cache subsystem on each tile consists of a high-performance, two- level, non-blocking cache hierarchy. Each processor/tile has a split level 1 cache (L1 instruction and L1 data) and a level 2 cache, keeping the design, fast and power efficient. When there is a miss in the level 2 cache of a spe- cific processor, the level 2 caches of the other processors are searched for the data before external memory is consulted. This way, a large level 3 cache is emulated. This promotes on-chip access and avoids the bottleneck of off-chip global memory. Multicore coherent caching allows a page of shared memory, cached on a specific tile, to be accessed via load/store references to other tiles. Since one tile effectively prefetches for the others, this technique can yield significant performance improvements. To fully exploit the available compute power of large numbers of pro- cessors, a high-bandwidth, low-latency interconnect is essential. The net- work (iMesh) provides the high-speed data transfer needed to minimize system bottlenecks and to scale applications. iMesh consists of five distinct mesh networks: Two networks are completely managed by hardware and are used to move data to and from the tiles and memory in the event of cache misses or DMA transfers. The three remaining networks are available for application use, enabling communication between cores and between cores and I/O devices. A number of high-level abstractions are supplied for accessing the hardware (e.g., socket-like streaming channels and message- passing interfaces.) The iMesh network enables communication without interrupting applications running on the tiles. It facilitates data transfer between tiles, contains all of the control and datapath for each of the net- work connections, and implements buffering and flow control within all the networks. Design Methodology The TILE64 processor is programmable in ANSI standard C and C++. Tiles can be grouped into clusters to apply the appropriate amount of processing power to each application and parallelism can be explicitly specified. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C011 Finals Page 347 2009-10-2 Reconfigurable MultiCore Architectures 347 11.4 Conclusion In this chapter, we addressed reconfigurable multicore architectures for streaming DSP applications. Streaming DSP applications express computa- tion as a data flow graph with streams of data items (the edges) flowing between computation kernels (the nodes). Typical examples of streaming DSP applications are wireless baseband processing, multimedia processing, medical image processing, and sensor processing. These application domains require flexible and energy-efficient architectures. This can be realized with a multicore architecture. The most important criteria for designing such a mul- ticore architecture are predictability and composability, energy efficiency, programmability, and dependability. Two other important criteria are per- formance and flexibility. Different types of processing cores have been dis- cussed, from ASICs, reconfigurable hardware, to DSPs and GPPs. ASICs have high performance but suffer from poor flexibility while DSPs and GPPs offer flexibility but modest performance. Reconfigurable hardware combines the best of both worlds. These different processing cores are, together with memory- and I/O blocks assembled into MP-SoCs. MP-SoCs can be clas- sified into two groups: homogeneous and heterogeneous. In homogeneous MP-SoCs, multiple cores of a single type are combined whereas in a hetero- geneous MP-SoC, multiple cores of different types are combined. We also discussed four different architectures: the M ONTIUM/ANNABELLE SoC, the Aspex Linedancer, the PACT-XPP, and the Tilera processor. The M ONTIUM, a coarse-grain, run-time reconfigurable core has been used as one of the building blocks of the A NNABELLE SoC. The ANNABELLE SoC can be classified as a heterogeneous MP-SoC. The Aspex Linedancer is a homoge- neous MP-SoC where a single instruction is executed by multiple processors simultaneously (SIMD). The PACT-XPP is an array processor where multi- ple ALUs are combined in a 2D structure. The Tilera processor is an example of a homogeneous MIMD MP-SoC. References 1. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, ITRS Roadmap 2003. Website, 2003. http://public.itrs.net/Files/2003ITRS/ Home2003.htm. 2. A coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture template and its compi- lation techniques. PhD thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, January 2005. 3. Nvidia g80, architecture and gpu analysis, 2007. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C011 Finals Page 348 2009-10-2 348 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 4. 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Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C011 Finals Page 350 2009-10-2 Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 351 2009-10-1 12 FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems Stephen Neuendorffer CONTENTS 12.1 Introduction 351 12.2 Background 353 12.2.1 Processor Systems in FPGAs 353 12.2.2 FPGA Configuration and Reconfiguration 355 12.2.3 Partial Reconfiguration with Processors 358 12.2.4 Reusable FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems 360 12.3 EDK Designs with Linux 361 12.3.1 Design Constraints 361 12.3.2 Device Trees 362 12.4 Introduction to Modular Partial Reconfiguration 363 12.5 EDK Designs with Partial Reconfiguration 364 12.5.1 Abstracting the Reconfigurable Socket 365 12.5.2 Interface Architecture 365 12.5.3 Direct Memory Access Interfaces 366 12.5.4 External Interfaces 368 12.5.5 Implementation Flow 369 12.6 Managing Partial Reconfiguration in Linux 370 12.7 Putting It All Together 372 12.8 Conclusion 375 References 377 12.1 Introduction Increasingly, programmable logic (such as field programmable gate arrays [FPGAs]) is a critical part of low-power and high-performance signal pro- cessing systems. Typically, these systems also include a complex system architecture, along with control processors, digital signal processing (DSP) elements, and perhaps dedicated circuits. In some cases, it is economical to integrate these system components in ASIC technology. As a result, a wide variety of general purpose or application specific standard product (ASSP) system-on-chip (SOC) architectures are available in the market. From the perspective of a system designer, these architectures solve a large por- tion of the system design problem, typically providing application-specific 351 Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 352 2009-10-1 352 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems I/O interfaces, an operating system for the control processor, processor application programming interfaces (APIs) for accessing dedicated circuits, or communicating with programmable elements such as DSP cores. As FPGAs have become larger and more capable, it has become possi- ble to integrate a large portion of the system architecture completely within an FPGA, including control processors, communication buses, DSP process- ing, memory, I/O interfaces, and application-specific circuits. For a system designer, such a System-in-FPGA (SIF) architecture may result in better sys- tem characteristics if an appropriate ASSP does not exist. At the same time, designing using FPGAs eliminates the initial mask costs and process technol- ogy risks associated with custom ASIC design, while still allowing a system to be highly tuned to a particular application. Unfortunately, designing a good SIF architecture from scratch and imple- menting it successfully can still be a risky, time-consuming process. Given that FPGAs only exist in fixed sizes, leveraging all the resources available in a particular device can be challenging. This problem has become even more acute given the heterogeneous nature of current FPGA architectures, making it more important to trade off critical resources in favor of less criti- cal ones. Furthermore, most design is still performed at the register-transfer level (RTL) level, with few mechanisms to capture interface requirements or guarantee protocol compatibility. Constructing radically new architectures typically involves significant code rewriting and under practical design pres- sures is not an option, given the time required for system verification. Model-based design is one approach to reducing this risk. By focusing on capturing a designer’s intention and providing high-level design con- structs that are close to a particular application domain, model-based design can enable a designer to quickly implement algorithms, analyze trade-offs, and explore different alternatives. By raising the level of abstraction, model- based design techniques can enable a designer to focus on key system-level design decisions, rather than low-level implementation details. This process, often called “platform-based design” [10,16], enables higher level abstrac- tions to be expressed in terms of lower level abstractions, which can be more directly implemented. Unfortunately, in order to provide higher level design abstractions, exist- ing model-based design methodologies must still have access to robust basic abstractions and design libraries. Of particular concern in FPGA systems is the role of the control processor as more complex processor programs, such as an operating system, are used. The low-level interfaces between the pro- cessor and the rest of the system can be fragile, since the operating system and hardware must coordinate to provide basic abstractions, such as pro- cess scheduling, memory protection, and power management. Architecting, debugging, and verifying this interaction tends to require a wide span of skills and specialized knowledge and can become a critical design problem, even when using traditional design techniques. One solution to this problem is to separate the control processor subsystem from the bulk of the system and provide it as a fixed part of Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 353 2009-10-1 FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems 353 the FPGA platform. This subsystem can remain simple while being capable of configuring and reconfiguring the FPGA fabric, bootstrapping an operat- ing system, and providing a basis for executing application-specific control code. Historically, several architectures have provided such a platform with the processor system implemented in ASIC technology coupled with pro- grammable FPGA fabric, including the Triscend architecture [20], which was later acquired by Xilinx. Although current FPGAs sometimes integrate hard processor cores (such as in the Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro family), a complete proces- sor subsystem is typically not provided. This chapter describes the use of the partial reconfiguration (PR) capabil- ities of some FPGAs to provide a complete processor-based platform using existing general-purpose FPGAs. PR involves the reconfiguration of part of an FPGA (a reconfigurable region) while another part of the FPGA (a static region) remains active and operating. Using PR, the processor subsystem can be implemented as a largely application-independent static region of the FPGA, while the application-specific portion can be implemented in a recon- figurable region. The processor subsystem can be verified and optimized beforehand, combined with an operating system image and distributed as a binary image. From the perspective of a designer or a model-based design tool, the static region of the FPGA becomes part of the FPGA platform, while the reconfigurable region can then be treated as any other FPGA, albeit with some resources reserved. To understand the requirements for designing such a platform, we will first provide some background of how processors and PR are used to design SIF architectures. Then, we will describe the currently available tools, par- ticularly related to PR, for building a reusable platform. Lastly, we will provide an in-depth design example showing how such a platform can be constructed. 12.2 Background 12.2.1 Processor Systems in FPGAs Processor-based systems are commonly constructed in FPGAs. An obvious way to build such a system is to take the RTL used for an ASIC implementa- tion and target the RTL toward the FPGA using logic synthesis. In most cases, however, the resulting FPGA design is relatively inefficient (being both rela- tively large in silicon area and slow). Recent studies suggest that direct FPGA implementation may be around 40 times larger (in silicon area) and one-third of the clock speed of a standard-cell design on small benchmark circuits [9]. Experience with emulating larger processor designs, such as the Sparc V9 core from the OpenSparc T1 [19] and the PowerPC 405 core, in FPGAs sug- gest a slowdown of at least 20 times compared to ASIC implementations. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 354 2009-10-1 354 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems The differences arise largely because of the overhead of FPGA pro- grammability, which requires many more transistors than an equivalent ASIC implementation. However, whereas many ASIC processors have com- plex architectures in order to meet high computation requirements, systems designed for FPGAs tend to make use of FPGA parallelism to meet the bulk of the computation requirements. Hence, only relatively simple control pro- cessors are necessary in FPGA systems, when combined with application- specific FPGA design. When a processor architecture can be tuned to match the FPGA architecture, as is typically done with “soft-core” processors, such as the Xilinx Microblaze, reasonable clock rates ( 100 MHz) can be achieved even in small, relatively slow, cost-optimized Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGAs. Alter- natively, somewhat higher clock rates (up to 500 MHz) and performance can be achieved by incorporating the processor core as a “hard-core” in the FPGA, as is done with PowerPC cores in Xilinx Virtex 4 FX FPGAs. One advantage of a faster control processor is being able to effectively run larger, more complex control programs. Operating systems are often used to mitigate this complexity. An operating system not only provides access to various resources in the system, but also enables multiple pieces of indepen- dent code to effectively share those resources by providing locking, memory allocation, file abstractions, and process scheduling. In addition, operating systems are designed to be robust and stable where an application process cannot corrupt the operating system or other processes, making it signifi- cantly easier to design and debug large systems. Such an architecture, which combines a simple control processor hosting an operating system with a high-performance computational engine, is not unique to FPGA-based systems. With the move toward multicore architec- tures in embedded processing platforms, typically one processor core serves the role of the control processor. This processor typically boots first, and is responsible for configuring and managing the main computational engine(s), which are typically programmable processors tuned for a particular appli- cation domain, such as signal processing or networking. Even in platforms where the computational engines are specialized and not programmable pro- cessors at the instruction level, such as in low-power cell phone platforms, some initialization and coordination of data transfer must still be performed. The variety in the possible architectures can be seen in Figure 12.1, which summarizes the architecture of several embedded processing platforms. Platform Application Control Proc. Data Proc. IBM cell Media/computing 64-bit PPC 8 128-bit SIMD RISC Nexperia PNX8526 Digital television MIPS 1 VLIW and dedicated Intel IXP2800 Network processing XScale (ARMv5) 16 multithreaded RISC TI OMAP2430 Cell phone handset ARM 1136 dedicated FIGURE 12.1 Summary of some existing embedded processing platforms with control processors. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 355 2009-10-1 FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems 355 Regardless of the processor core architecture, the core must still be inte- grated into a system in order to access peripherals and external memory. Typically, most system peripherals and device interfaces are implemented in the FPGA fabric, in order to provide the maximum amount of system flexi- bility. For instance, the Xilinx embedded development kit (EDK) [24] enables FPGA users to assemble existing processor and peripheral IP cores to design a SIF architecture. Application-specific FPGA modules can be imported as additional cores into EDK, or alternatively, the RTL generated by EDK can be encapsulated as a blackbox inside a larger HDL design. 12.2.2 FPGA Configuration and Reconfiguration FPGAs are designed primarily to implement arbitrary bit-oriented logic cir- cuits. In order to do this, they consist primarily of “lookup tables” (LUTs) for implementing the combinational logic of the circuit, “flip-flops” (FFs) for implementing registers in the circuit, and programmable interconnect for passing signals between other elements. Typically, pairs of LUTs and FFs are grouped together with some additional combinational logic for efficiently forming wide logic functions and arithmetic operations. The Xilinx Virtex 4 slice, which combines two LUTs and two FFs, is shown in Figure 12.2. In the Virtex 4 architecture, four slices are grouped together with routing resources in a single custom design called a configurable logic block (CLB). The layout of FPGAs consists primarily of many tiles of the basic CLB, along with tiles for other other elements necessary for a working system, such as embedded memory (BRAM), external IO pins, clock generation and distribution logic, and even processor cores. In order to implement a given logic circuit, the logic elements must be configured. Typically, this involves setting the value in a large number of individual SRAM configuration memory cells controlling the logic elements. These configuration cells are often organized in a large shift chain, enabling the configuration bitstream to be shifted in from an external source, such as a nonvolatile PROM. This shift chain is illustrated in Figure 12.3, taken from an early FPGA-related patent [5]. Although this arrangement enables the FPGA configuration to be loaded relatively efficiently, changing any part of the configuration requires loading a completely new bitstream. In order to increase flexibility, additional logic is often added to the configuration logic of FPGAs that enables portions of the FPGA config- uration to be loaded independently. In Xilinx Virtex FPGAs, the config- uration shift chain is broken into individually addressed “configuration frames” [26]. The configuration logic contains a register, called the frame address register (FAR), which routes configuration data to the correct configuration frame. The configuration bitstream itself consists of “configu- ration commands,” which can update the FAR and other registers in the con- figuration logic, load configuration frames, or perform other configuration operations. This architecture enables “partial reconfiguration” of the FPGA, . 1997. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C011 Finals Page 350 2009-10-2 Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 351 2009-10-1 12 FPGA Platforms for Embedded. of some existing embedded processing platforms with control processors. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C012 Finals Page 355 2009-10-1 FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C011 Finals Page 346 2009-10-2 346 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems the core to the iMesh on-chip

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