Part III: CSS for Presentation 256 Finally, External Style Sheets type="text/css" This identifies the data (MIME) type of the style sheet as “text/css” (cur- rently the only option). You can include multiple link elements to different style sheets and they’ll all apply. If there are conflicts, whichever one is listed last will override previous settings due to the rule order and the cascade. Importing with @import The other method for attaching external style sheets to a document is to import it with an @import rule in the style element, as shown in this exam- ple: <head> <style type="text/css"> @import url("http://path/stylesheet.css"); p { font-face: Verdana;} </style> <title>Titles are required.</title> </head> In this example, an absolute URL is shown, but it could also be a relative URL (relative to the current (X)HTML document). The example above shows that an @import rule can appear in a style element with other rules, but it must come before any selectors. Again, you can import multiple style sheets and they all will apply, but style rules from the last file listed takes precedence over earlier ones. You can also use the @import function within a .css document to reference other .css documents. This lets you pull style information in from other style sheets. N ot e You can also supply the URL without the url( ) notation: @import "/path/style.css"; Again, absolute pathnames, beginning at the root, will ensure that the .css document will always be found. You can try both the link and @import methods in Exercise 13-3. Modular Style Sheets Because you can compile information from multiple external style sheets, modular style sheets have become popular for style management. With this method, one external style sheet attached to an (X)HTML document accesses style rules from multiple .css files. You can use this method strategically to reuse collections of styles that you like to use frequently in a mix-and-match style with other collections. exercise 13-3 | Making an external style sheet As noted in an earlier tip, it is common practice to create an embedded style sheet while designing a site, then to move the rules to an external style sheet once the design is finished. We’ll do just that for the cabbages style sheet. Open the latest version of cabbages.html . Select and cut all of the rules within the style element, but leave the <style> </style> tags, because we’ll be using them in a moment. Create a new text document and paste all of the style rules. Make sure that no element tags got in there by accident. Save this document as cabbage. css in the same directory as the cabbage.html document. Now, back in cabbage.html , we’ll add an @import rule to attach the external style sheet like this: <style type="text/css"> @import url(cabbage.css); </style> Save the file and reload it in the browser. It should look exactly the same as it did when the style sheet was embedded. If not, go back and make sure that everything matches the examples. Delete the whole style element and this time, we’ll add the style sheet with a link element in the head of the document. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cabbage.css" /> Again, test your work by saving the document and viewing it in the browser. If you want more practice, try doing the same for the style sheet for the Black Goose Bistro online menu from Chapter 12, Formatting Text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Style Sheets for Print (and Other Media) Chapter 13, Colors and Backgrounds 257 For example, frequently used styles related to navigation could be stored in a navigation style sheet. Basic typography settings could be stored in another, form styles in another, and so on. These style modules are added to the main style sheet with individual @import rules. Again, the @import rules need to go before rules that use selectors. Content of clientsite.css: /* basic typography */ @import url("type.css"); /* form inputs */ @import url("forms.css"); /* navigation */ @import url("list-nav.css"); /* site-specific styles */ body { background: orange; } more style rules Style Sheets for Print (and Other Media) Colors and fancy backgrounds are nice for web pages, but they are often a nuisance when the page is printed. There has been a common convention on the Web to provide a “printer friendly” version for pages that are informa- tion-rich and likely to be printed. The print version was usually a separate (X)HTML document that was text-only, or at the very least, stripped of all the bells and whistles, and reduced to a single column of content. Now that CSS is widely supported, you can make a version of the document that is customized for print without having to make a separate (X)HTML document. It’s all handled with a separate style sheet that gets used only when the document is sent to a printer. In fact, CSS2 introduced the ability to target “print” and eight other different media types (see the CSS for Other Media sidebar). This is done using the media attribute in the link element or a media keyword in an @import rule in the style sheet. In this very simplified example, I’ve created a separate style sheet for the cab- bage.html document that gets used when the document is printed. This is the contents of cabbage_print.css: body { margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; } div#titlepage { padding: 1em; border: thin double black; } CSS for Other Media CSS2 introduced the ability to target style sheets to nine different media. Currently, only screen , print , and all are widely supported; however, handheld is getting more attention. The complete list is as follows: all Used for all media. aural Used for screen readers and other audio versions of the document. braille Used with braille printing devices. embossed Used with braille printing devices. handheld Used for web-enabled cell phones or PDAs. print Used for printing or print previews. projection Used for slideshow-type presentations. screen Used for display on a computer monitor. speech Introduced in CSS2.1 to eventually replace aural . tty Used for teletype printers or similar devices. tv Used for presentation on a television. For more information about media- specific style sheets, see the W3C pages at media.html . Part III: CSS for Presentation 258 Style Sheets for Print (and Other Media) a { text-decoration: none;} div#titlepage p { text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; } p { text-align: justify; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; } This print style sheet differs from the previous version in these ways: All color and background properties have been removed. A border has been added to the “titlepage” div to make it stand out. Links are not underlined. Once the media-specific style sheets are created, I attach them to the source document and specify which style sheet is used for which media. Here are two ways to do it: Linking to media-dependent style sheets • • • Style Sheets for Print I highly recommend these articles on print style sheets by Eric Meyer, published by A List Apart . The articles document the details of building a print style sheet for A List Apart , and then building it again. “CSS Design: Going to Print” ( goingtoprint ) “ALA’s New Print Styles” ( www. alaprintstyles/ ) F U R t H e R R e A D I n G Style Sheets for Print I highly recommend these articles on print style sheets by Eric Meyer, published by A List Apart . The articles document the details of building a print style sheet for A List Apart , and then building it again. “CSS Design: Going to Print” ( goingtoprint ) “ALA’s New Print Styles” ( www. alaprintstyles/ ) F U R t H e R R e A D I n G Figure 13-22. What cabbage.html looks like when printed. The print-specific style sheet removes the colors and puts a rule around the “titlepage” div. Use the media attribute in the link element to specify the target medium. Here, I added a new link element to cabbage. html that targets print (the previous one is now targeting screen): <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cabbage.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cabbage_print.css" media="print" /> </head> Using an @import rule Another way to attach target external style sheets is with @ import rules in the style element (or in another external style sheet): <style type="text/css"> @import url(cabbage.css) screen; @import url(cabbage_print.css) print; </style> You should already be pretty familiar with how this document looks in the browser. Figure 13-22 shows how it looks when it is printed. This is a very simplified example of what can be done with print style sheets. For more information on this rich topic, see the Style Sheets for Print box. Test Yourself Chapter 13, Colors and Backgrounds 259 Test Yourself This time we’ll test your background prowess entirely with matching and multiple-choice questions. Which of these areas gets filled with a background color? the area behind the content any padding added around the content under the border the margin around the border all of the above a and b a, b, and c Which of these is not a way to specify the color white in CSS? a. #FFFFFF b. #FFF c. rgb(255, 255, 255) d. rgb(FF, FF, FF) e. white f. rgb(100%, 100%, 100%) Match the pseudoclass with the elements it targets. a. a:link 1. links that have already been clicked b. a:visited 2. elements that are highlighted and ready for input c. a:hover 3. the first child element of a parent element d. a:active 4. a link with the mouse pointer over it e. :focus 5. links that have not yet been visited f. :first-child 6. links that are in the process of being clicked Match the following rules with their respective samples shown in Figure 13-23 (right). All of the samples in the figure use the same source docu- ment consisting of one paragraph element to which some padding and a border have been applied. body {background-image: url(graphic.gif);} p {background-image: url(graphic.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 0%;} body {background-image: url(graphic.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x;} p {background: url(graphic.gif) no-repeat right center;} body {background-image: url(graphic.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y;} body { background: url(graphic.gif) no-repeat right center;} 1. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. e. f. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Part III: CSS for Presentation 260 Review: Color and Background Properties Which rule will not work in Internet Explorer 6 and earlier (Windows) due to lack of support? p.highlight:hover {background-color: yellow} li:first-child {background-color: #CCCCCC;} div#contents {background: url(daisy.gif) no-repeat fixed;} blockquote: before {content: "%8220;"; font-size: x-large; color: purple;} all of the above Review: Color and Background Properties Here is a summary of the properties covered in this chapter, in alphabetical order. Property Description background A shorthand property that combines background properties background-attachment Specifies whether the background image scrolls or is fixed background-color Specifies the background color for an element background-image Provides the location of an image to use as a background background-position Specifies the location of the origin background image background-repeat Whether and how a background image repeats (tiles) color Specifies the foreground (text and border) color 5. a. b. c. d. e. 261 IN THIS CHAPTER The components of an element box Setting box dimensions Adding padding around content Adding borders Adding margins Assigning display roles In Chapter 11, Cascading Style Sheets Orientation, I introduced the box model as one of the fundamental concepts of CSS. According to the box model, every element in a document generates a box to which properties such as width, height, padding, borders, and margins can be applied. You probably already have a feel for how element boxes work, from adding back- grounds to elements. This chapter covers all the box-related properties. Once we’ve covered the basics, we will be ready to move boxes around in Chapter 15, Floating and Positioning. We’ll begin with an overview of the components of an element box, then take on the box properties from the inside out: content dimensions, padding, borders, and margins. The Element Box As we’ve seen, every element in a document, both block-level and inline, generates a rectangular element box. The components of an element box are diagrammed in Figure 14-1. Pay attention to the new terminology—it will be helpful in keeping things straight later in the chapter. Content area Padding area Margin area Outer edge Inner edge width height Border Figure 14-1. The parts of an element box according to the CSS box model. THINKING INSIDE THE BOX (Padding, Borders, and Margins) CHAPTER 14 Part III: CSS for Presentation 262 Setting the Content Dimensions content area At the core of the element box is the content itself. In Figure 14-1, the con- tent area is indicated by text in a white box. inner edges The edges of the content area are referred to as the inner edges of the element box. This is the box that gets sized when you apply width and height properties. Although the inner edges are made distinct by a color change in Figure 14-1, in real pages, the edge of the content area would be invisible. padding The padding is the area held between the content area and an optional border. In the diagram, the padding area is indicated by a yellow-orange color. Padding is optional. border The border is a line (or stylized line) that surrounds the element and its padding. Borders are also optional. margin The margin is an optional amount of space added on the outside of the border. In the diagram, the margin is indicated with light-blue shading, but in reality, margins are always transparent, allowing the background of the parent element to show through. outer edge The outside edges of the margin area make up the outer edges of the ele- ment box. This is the total area the element takes up on the page, and it includes the width of the content area plus the total amount of padding, border, and margins applied to the element. The outer edge in the dia- gram is indicated with a dotted line, but in real web pages, the edge of the margin is invisible. All elements have these box components; however, as you will see, some prop- erties behave differently based on whether the element is block or inline. In fact, we’ll see some of those differences right off the bat with box dimensions. Setting the Content Dimensions Use the width and height properties to specify the width and height (natu- rally) of the content area of the element. You can specify the width and height only of block-level elements and non-text inline elements such as images. The width and height properties do not apply to inline text (a.k.a. non-replaced) elements and will be ignored by the browser. In other words, you cannot specify the width and height of an anchor (a) or strong element (see note). The total width of an element includes the width of the content plus the total amount of padding, borders, and margins applied to the element. The total width of an element includes the width of the content plus the total amount of padding, borders, and margins applied to the element. Setting the Content Dimensions Chapter 14, Thinking Inside the Box (Padding, Borders, and Margins) 263 width Values: length measurement | percentage | auto | inherit Default: auto Applies to: Block-level elements and replaced inline elements (such as images) Inherits: no height Values: length measurement | percentage | auto | inherit Default: auto Applies to: Block-level elements and replaced inline elements (such as images) Inherits: no By default, the width and height of a block element is calculated automati- cally by the browser (thus the default auto value). It will be as wide as the browser window or other containing block element, and as high as necessary to fit the content. However, you can use the width and height properties to make the content area of an element a specific width. Em, pixel, and percent- age values are the most common ways to size elements. The width and height properties are straightforward to use, as shown in these examples and Figure 14-2. I’ve added a background color to the elements as well, to make the boundaries of the content area more clear. p#A {width: 400px; height: 100px; background: #C2F670;} p#B {width: 150px; height: 300px; background: #C2F670;} width: 150px; height: 300px; width: 400px; height: 100px; Figure 14-2. Specifying the width and height of paragraph elements. The main thing to keep in mind when specifying the width and height is that it applies to the content area only. Any padding, border, and margins you apply to the element will be added to the width value. So, for example, if you set the width of an element to 200 pixels, and add 10 pixels of padding, a 1- pixel border, and 20 pixels of margin, the total width of the element box will be 262 pixels, calculated as follows: 20px + 1px + 10px + 200px width + 10px + 1px + 20px = 262 N ot e Actually, there is a way to apply width and height properties to anchors by forcing them to behave as block elements with the display property, covered at the end of this chapter. N ot e Actually, there is a way to apply width and height properties to anchors by forcing them to behave as block elements with the display property, covered at the end of this chapter. Maximum and Minimum Dimensions CSS2 introduced properties for setting minimum and maximum heights and widths for block elements. They may be useful if you want to put limits on the size of an element. max-height, max-width, min-height, min-width Values: percentage | length| none | inherit These properties work with block level and replaced elements (like images) only. The value applies to the content area, so if you apply padding, borders, or margins, it will make the overall element box larger, even if a max-width or max-height property have been specified. Unfortunately, these properties are not supported by Internet Explorer 6 and earlier. There there is a workaround for max-width that uses a non-standard IE extension, which you can read about in this article by Svend Tofte at www.svendtofte. com/code/max_width_in_ie/. The css-discuss archive offers links to several min-width workarounds here: ?page=MinWidth. Maximum and Minimum Dimensions CSS2 introduced properties for setting minimum and maximum heights and widths for block elements. They may be useful if you want to put limits on the size of an element. max-height, max-width, min-height, min-width Values: percentage | length| none | inherit These properties work with block level and replaced elements (like images) only. The value applies to the content area, so if you apply padding, borders, or margins, it will make the overall element box larger, even if a max-width or max-height property have been specified. Unfortunately, these properties are not supported by Internet Explorer 6 and earlier. There there is a workaround for max-width that uses a non-standard IE extension, which you can read about in this article by Svend Tofte at www.svendtofte. com/code/max_width_in_ie/. The css-discuss archive offers links to several min-width workarounds here: ?page=MinWidth. Part III: CSS for Presentation 264 Setting the Content Dimensions This is the way it is documented in the CSS2 Recommendation, and the way it works in all standards-compliant browsers (Firefox, Netscape 6+, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer 6 and 7 in Standards Mode). However, it is important to know that there is a well-known inconsistency in the way IE 5, 5.5 and 6 (in Quirks Mode) interprets width and height values. See the IE/ Windows Box Model sidebar for details and a workaround. N ot e Standards and Quirks Mode are covered in detail in Chapter 10, Understanding the Standards. N ot e Standards and Quirks Mode are covered in detail in Chapter 10, Understanding the Standards. One of the most notorious browser inconsistencies is that Internet Explorer for Windows (all versions except 6 and 7 running in Standards Mode) has its own implementation of the box model. In these versions, the width property is applied to the outer edges of the borders , not to the content area as established in the CSS Recommendations. This causes major discrepancies between how the element is sized in standards-compliant browsers and how it will appear in IE/Windows. Take the div from an earlier example that has its width set to 200 pixels, with a 20 pixel margin, a 1 pixel border, and 10 pixels of padding. On standards-compliant browsers, the visible element box would measure 222 pixels (200 + 2 + 20), and the entire element box including the margin would be 262 pixels. But IE 5 and 5.5 (Windows only) applies the 200px width value to the outer edges of the borders (see Figure 14-3). The padding and border are subtracted, leaving a content area that’s 178 pixels wide. The outer edges of the element box would measure 218 pixels, not 262. You can see how this would present a problem in page layouts with precisely sized columns or page widths. border Content Margin Padding W3C box model Border box model (IE, 5.5 and 6 in Quirks mode) width: 200px; Figure 14-3. Box model interpretation in WinIE 5 and 5.5. To deal with these discrepancies, the first thing to do is make sure you use a proper DOCTYPE declaration to ensure IE 6 and 7 (the vast majority of IE traffic as of this writing) will switch into Standards Mode and display the element widths as you’d expect. If for some reason you must support IE 5 and 5.5, you can use a conditional comment to direct an IE 5/5.5-specific style sheet containing adjusted width values to just those browsers. Other browsers will interpret the contents as a regular comment and ignore it, but IE versions are programmed to pay attention to what’s inside. In this example, the IE5/5.5 style sheet contains a rule that sets the width of the div to 222 pixels. When IE 5/5.5 subtracts the border and padding widths, the content area will end up 200 pixels wide, as desired. div { width: 222px; } Name the style sheet clearly, such as ie5.css, or similar. In the real world, chances are this style sheet will have more than one rule, but we’ll keep this example simple. Next, link that style sheet to the document, but contain the link element in a conditional comment that calls on the special style sheet only “if the IE version is less than 6.” <! [if lt IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/css/ie5.css" /> <![endif] > Obviously, there’s more to it than I’ve covered here, so I encourage you to read more at these resources: The Microsoft tutorial on conditional comments (msdn. ccomment_ovw.asp) Conditional Comments article at (www. The IE/Windows Box Model Setting the Content Dimensions Chapter 14, Thinking Inside the Box (Padding, Borders, and Margins) 265 Specifying height In general practice, it is less common to specify the height of elements. It is more in keeping with the nature of the medium to allow the height to be cal- culated automatically, based on the size of the text and other contents. This allows it to change based on the font size, user settings, or other factors. If you do specify a height for an element containing text, be sure to also consider what happens should the content not fit. Fortunately, CSS gives you some options, as we’ll see in the next section. Handling overflow When an element is set to a size that is too small for its contents, it is possible to specify what to do with the content that doesn’t fit, using the overflow property. overflow Values: visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit Default: visible Applies to: Block-level elements and replaced inline elements (such as images) Inherits: no Figure 14-4 demonstrates the predefined values for overflow. In the figure, the various values are applied to an element that is 150 pixels square. The background color makes the edges of the content area apparent. visible hidden scroll auto (short text) auto (long text) Figure 14-4. Options for handling content overflow. visible The default value is visible, which allows the content to hang out over the element box so that it all can be seen. hidden When overflow is set to hidden, the content that does not fit gets clipped off and does not appear beyond the edges of the element’s content area. The Future of the Box Model CSS3 includes a new box-sizing property that lets authors choose whether width and height dimensions are applied to the content area (as is the current model) or to the outer edges of the border (as implemented by IE 5/5.5). For a good overview of this new feature, read Peter-Paul Koch’s article “Box Model Tweaking” at www. The Future of the Box Model CSS3 includes a new box-sizing property that lets authors choose whether width and height dimensions are applied to the content area (as is the current model) or to the outer edges of the border (as implemented by IE 5/5.5). For a good overview of this new feature, read Peter-Paul Koch’s article “Box Model Tweaking” at www. . common practice to create an embedded style sheet while designing a site, then to move the rules to an external style sheet once the design is finished. We’ll do just that for the cabbages. Media) Colors and fancy backgrounds are nice for web pages, but they are often a nuisance when the page is printed. There has been a common convention on the Web to provide a “printer friendly” version. with braille printing devices. embossed Used with braille printing devices. handheld Used for web- enabled cell phones or PDAs. print Used for printing or print previews. projection Used